View Full Version : Dealing with elder shooters

05-28-2012, 07:32 PM
I have loved shooting with my father in law, visits and stories at the range, subsequent cleaning down in his little man cave in the basement. Old desk, lamp from the 40s, smells of Hoppes No 9.

I can be a ruthless "range master" when I'm out, especially when my kid is present. My father in law is slipping with the safety rules, even though been shooting all his life.

He just purchased a short 1911, nice and fun to shoot. He will rack with finger on the trigger, or walk up to the line in the same manner. Points the barrel all over the place. I jump on these instantly and remind him of the rules. He recently left a loaded gun in my car, in the foot well. I didn't find until the next day. Hmmmm.

I don't want to discourage shooting, or outings, but there is no crossing the line with safety.
Anyone with experience with your older relatives please add. I would like to encourage their shooting and carrying as they are at a vulnerable age and condition, but starting to scare the heck out of me since I have kids.

Advice from those that have been there, please.

05-28-2012, 07:46 PM
My dad went thru the same thing. Forgot how to unload gun, couldn't remember where guns were etc. I guess its time to put ALL guns away and keep them locked up, including his! At range you would have to treat as a kid and keep a watchful eye on him. Its either that or be prepared for a accident! Try not to be dis-respectable but explain why and hopefully he will understand. In my case father got mad when I was forced to remove firearms and saw nothing wrong with shooting holes in ceilings. Good luck!

05-28-2012, 07:51 PM
Just pulled the keys from my mom, mid eightys.
That was hard, but not really considering the possibility of hurting of innocents.
It will be a tougher problem with my father in law. I'm a son-in law, He's rarely been told no or what to do, .. but love the heck out of him.
Currently standing way to his weak side and well behind, watching like a hawk.
I know he carries, but much toned down in his age to a Phoenix 25, or Ruger Mark II

05-28-2012, 08:17 PM
It is very hard to correct the man who taught me how to shoot more than 40 years ago, but I do. He doesn't like it but I bring up what he taught me. Not a fun time but it has to be done.

I encourage him to keep shooting, as he has stated in the past "this is my last year hunting". He just turned 80 and I truly believe this last year was his last. We still go out and shoot clays now and then. He's fine with that.

But he really caught my attention when we went to shoot sidearms. I was shooting the K40 and he was shooting his Cimmaron .22 revolver. He was shooting offhand and couldn't hit the target to save his life. I recommended using BOTH hands to help him out.

As I was reloading my magazines, he starts shooting. I glance up to see how he is doing. I was shocked and/or amazed that he was using as somewhat grossly modified combat grip on a revolver! His left hand completely engulfed the cylinder on the left side and his left thumb was over the back of the cylinder blocking any sight path.

I asked, or rather yelled, what the heck he was doing!!! He simply said, "Well, you said to use two hands!"

I could only shake my head as this was the man who taught me to shoot. Granted, he's never been a "pistol" guy, but I've seen him draw on the quick and drop a rabbit dead at twenty yards on the run when I was about 6 years old.

Talk about having your beliefs crushed in a heart beat. We still shoot but I keep an extra careful eye now. Just so damn hard to say anything when it is your mentor breaking the safety rules and now you have to enforce them.

I liked it the other way.