View Full Version : New CM9 need night sight suggestions

05-30-2012, 07:17 PM
I am new to Kahr Arms and KahrTalk. I bought my first Kahr, a CM9 last week. Even after every gun dealer in my area tried to talk me out of one I bought it. All the reviews I had read online seemed to say it is a good gun. I broke it in last weekend and had no problems. I worked the slide 500 or 600 times before I shot it, cleaned and oiled it all up following the helpful online guides, and then went out and shot 200 rounds. It performed very well. Only 1 FTF. So far I am very happy with the gun.

Now I would like to put some night sights on it. I am not very familiar with all the brands. I have seen people mention Dawson, Trijicon, and Kahr Arms sells Williams Fiber Optic too. Can anyone recommend a good set of night sights? I have considered the fiber optic to try because my eye sight is not great close up and I sometimes have trouble seeing the small sights. What would you all suggest? I thank you for your time and assistance.


Infidel proud
05-30-2012, 07:21 PM
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the CM9!

I have the trijicon three dot set on my CM9. Bought them direct form kahr and they work really well. I have noticed that the meprolite sights seem to have slightly bigger dots than the trijicon sights, just something to consider...I also have one of the dawson fiber optic front sights on my CW45 and it is bright but doesn't help much in low light...

05-30-2012, 07:39 PM
Thank you for your reply. I will look at the trijicon again but they looked a little small when I saw a set on another gun. Are you, or anyone else here familar with the XS Sights that I see ads for on KahrTalk? They are more expensive but they have a large dot option. Thank you again for your advice.

05-30-2012, 07:42 PM
I am new to Kahr Arms and KahrTalk. I bought my first Kahr, a CM9 last week. Even after every gun dealer in my area tried to talk me out of one I bought it. All the reviews I had read online seemed to say it is a good gun. I broke it in last weekend and had no problems. I worked the slide 500 or 600 times before I shot it, cleaned and oiled it all up following the helpful online guides, and then went out and shot 200 rounds. It performed very well. Only 1 FTF. So far I am very happy with the gun.

Now I would like to put some night sights on it. I am not very familiar with all the brands. I have seen people mention Dawson, Trijicon, and Kahr Arms sells Williams Fiber Optic too. Can anyone recommend a good set of night sights? I have considered the fiber optic to try because my eye sight is not great close up and I sometimes have trouble seeing the small sights. What would you all suggest? I thank you for your time and assistance.


see a fiber optic better tan any other sight IMO. Dawson makes some of the finest. Kahr offers some to . Nothing againt night sights, I ahve them on my PM9 xs big dots but the night part is now gone so all I have is the big dot front sight but tht is OK. Might just be me but maybe we put to uch emphasis on night sights. I know I have fiber optic sights on my G19 and I shoot it super . I think I like many here think we just gotta hvave night sights or we are not cool. I aM getting very found of fiber optic sights. Might not do as good as night sights in the night but again , how many actually train that way. I know I don't maybe I should bnut I just don't. In as much ass 995 of my shooting is in some kind of daylight, then why not have a good fiber optic sight that pickes up what light there is. Maybe just me. I love my xs big dot but I aqm alittle dissapointed in that the night part is now gone, sights are going on 5 years. I won't replace them with new ones, just to much hassle for me.

Infidel proud
05-30-2012, 07:46 PM
no problem...

I have the XS big dot sights on my springfield XD and they are easy to see. I personaly prefer three dot sights but they aren't bad.

You may want to check if they make them for the CW/CM series with the staked front sight, not sure if they do or not...unfortunately there aren't a ton of sight options for the CM9...yet. That may or may not change, only time will tell...

05-30-2012, 07:53 PM
they don't yet, but they say they are working on it.

05-30-2012, 07:54 PM
XS keeps claiming they're coming out shortly with a staked on setup for the CM series. I'd wait a bit to see if that becomes true. I have a Trijicon front sight on my CM9 and it's ok, not great. As soon as XS arrives with theirs, I am changing it.

05-30-2012, 08:03 PM
xs told me that they are working on their front sight and won't release it till it meets their high standards... I got the impression it was going to be a screw on sight like trijicon... OP i'd go with dawson or trijicon, but i'll take trijicons over dawson due to the relamping they offer. I cannot speak for dawson's as I don't know very much about their products but have read they are nice.

Infidel proud
05-30-2012, 08:07 PM
The dawson is pretty nice n it comes with two fiber optic rods, 3 inches apiece. One is red n another green. So should be able to change it out around 5 times per color if need be...Mine has been solid so no sure that would be an issue but it is nice to be able to choose the sight color...

06-01-2012, 01:08 PM
Thank you all for your help. For those who like the Dawson Fiber Optic, do you find that they are too big if you are using this gun as a CCW pocket carry? The sights look big in the pictures. Also, any thoughts on the William's Fire sights? they look pretty bright and are less expensive than the Dawson. Thank you all again for your help.

06-01-2012, 01:58 PM
williams probably will do just as good to. If ur gonna pocket carry aslong as it fits in thepocketholster, ur good to go. My xs big dot front sight stands out also but in a Unclue Mikes #3 it fits perfect so I don't notice it at all.

Infidel proud
06-01-2012, 02:14 PM
the Dawson sight isn't much bigger than the standard sight at all, don't have any measurements for u but the only dimention that would be any bigger is the sight length, which isn't a big deal anyway...

06-04-2012, 12:38 PM
I too am torn between waiting on the big dots for the cm or trying the dawson FO's. My question is with this being a sd gun, and not a range gun wouldn't the big dots make more sense? I'm not looking for long shots, but I want my close (sd type close) shots to be dead on. So should I wait for xs to come out with the cm big dots (don't wanna pay to dovetail the front) or just go with the dawsons?

06-04-2012, 12:44 PM
might be a year j+ bnefore we see xs big dots for the cm and cw kahrs. FO sights are availalbe NOW . I like my bog dots on my P380 and PM9 but my night sight stuff in my pM9 now is all gone and I am not gonna buy another big dot just to renew the night part. Might be the cheap ass in me but I stillhave the big dot for day time shooting which I like. It is perfect for a rang egun, IMO, as it is ur defense gun, so my range gun is my defense gun actually.

yes decisions decisions decisions. ain't life a b!tch??? Just sayin

06-04-2012, 07:46 PM
I spoke to XS today and they told me that they could put the Big Dot sights on my CM9 but it would require them to cut a dovetail in the slide for the front sights. Total for the sights and the gunsmithing and shippint would be about $200. I asked if they had an ETA for the fixed front sights but they have not replied yet.

Has anyone here had the dovetail cut into their CM9? Did it effect the gun any? I am leaning toward the FO for the moment but still not sure.

06-04-2012, 07:53 PM
xs gave me the same reply about a month or 2 ago. They wont give you a time estimate on when they will have the pin front for the cm/cw. They just say they are working on it.

06-22-2012, 06:07 PM
Can y'all provide parts numbers for the Kahr CM9 Trijicon sights? I looked on the Trijicon website and could not find any for the Kahr. I too am looking for night sights for my Kahr. I liked the Truglo TFOs since I have those on my Glocks and XDs...but can't find them for Kahr's.

Of course, my main choice is the XS sights - but I am not going to pay $200+ to have my gun milled and sights installed.

les strat
06-22-2012, 06:30 PM

You can just order the front sight as well. Like $30.

Infidel proud
06-22-2012, 06:31 PM
As far as I know they still don't make the TFO's for kahr pistols. And an extra 200 bones for milled sights...ouch. I know the kahr web site has pretty much all the options that are available. Check them out n they prob have the part number on www.kahrshop.com (http://www.kahrshop.com)

06-22-2012, 06:36 PM

You can just order the front sight as well. Like $30.

Yeah, saw them. $80 for the set or $49.95 for the front. Hell, if you got $50...you got $80. I have no gunsmithing skills...has anyone bought sights from Kahr and sent gun to install or is it simply easier to take to my local gunsmith? Thanks!

Infidel proud
06-22-2012, 06:42 PM
I have the trijicon sights for my CM9. The front sight is a snap, just break off the old sight, slip in the new front sight, put a drop of loctite in the hole, insert and tighten screw and presto...still haven't put the rear sight on however, never really installed a rear sight before so I'm a lil apprehensive about it. I'll prob take it to a gunsmith one of these days...

les strat
06-22-2012, 07:05 PM
Oh, they've went up since I bought mine. Might as well do the back too then. I actually like the bar-dot sights over 3 dot.

Infidel proud
06-22-2012, 07:07 PM
Im kinda diggin the front night sight only anyway, have plans to install the rear but I may just leave it as is. I got my set a while back before the prices went up, think I paid 50 for the set. Was just going to buy the front sight but they were out of stock...