View Full Version : Should I buy - USED PM45
05-31-2012, 02:27 PM
Found a nice looking used PM45 for sale a couple hours from my house. It was a nice tip from a guy who purchased a M&P from me a month ago. :) I will be passing through the town in a couple weeks and can easily pick it up then. The guy selling it is the second owner and claims that there have been <200 rounds through it. I have not gotten the first 3 characters of the serial number yet, but I will. It is not likely that I will be able to shoot it before the cash transaction. He wants $450 for it, which is a GREAT price.
Is it worth $200 more for a NIB model or can you guys save my a$$ if it gives me problems?
05-31-2012, 02:36 PM
Buy it:hungry:
05-31-2012, 02:39 PM
I betif u waved $400 in front of him, he will take it. I would not be afraid of buying it. serial number means really nadda in the PM45. It si a pretty new gun period. It shouldhave a spare magazine also with it as tha tis the way they come. would b enice if u2 could go out where he lives and shoot 50 rounds or less before buying. If u have any little piddly issues , these guys here can certainly help u with those, but the price IMO is not a bad price, but normally an asking price is just a start..
Maybe u could state: I wllg ive u $450 if we can go out and shoot it, or I willgive u $400 and take my own chances. U gotta realize this guy as the second owner also probalby bought it right to, so factor that in. Maybe some of the kahr 45 guys here can giv eu some insights into what to possabley look for to.
05-31-2012, 02:42 PM
I am afflicted! I understood everything you just typed Jocko. I have this vision of a man with GIANT thumbs trying to type on a touchscreen mobile device.
Thanks for the input! I already did the negotiation thing, so I will have to rethink my strategy.
05-31-2012, 02:49 PM
it's is very easy, to understand my typing. I worked in the akrmy intellingence during the war deciphering coded messages and i guess some of that stuff just stuck withy me: Just sayin.
I still havemy Armry retirement secret decoder ring
I willhave to admit though that the first time I decoded a message from the Japs, I musthave hit the wrong key and we bombed alaska. No damage other than about 50 eglio's were destroyed. After that, the army put an assistand with me . Just sayin
05-31-2012, 02:49 PM
I'd buy it at 450 without hesitation unless it looks like it was drug to Ohio and back behind your bike, unless of course you live in Ohio, then that wouldn't be a fair test I guess.
05-31-2012, 02:52 PM
it's is very easy, to understand my typing. I worked in the akrmy intellingence during the war deciphering coded messages and i guess some of that stuff just stuck withy me: Just sayin.
I still havemy Armry retirement secret decoder ring
I willhave to admit though that the first time I decoded a message from the Japs, I musthave hit the wrong key and we bombed alaska. No damage other than about 50 eglio's were destroyed. After that, the army put an assistand with me . Just sayin
Windtalker huh? I can see the black helicopters not taking off to retrieve the missing decoder ring.
Igloo's (or eglio's) have feelings to you know?
05-31-2012, 07:37 PM
Leggo my Eggo
05-31-2012, 07:44 PM
buy it
I bought a used PM45 from a fellow who posted a for sale advert on the forum here...
Ok, as always, have a look at the item in question.
Field strip the pistol.
Barrel - check rifling for anything bad. Check crown. Check chamber for smoothness etc. Then have a look at the forward section of the barrel hood. Is the hood's forward edge deformed and mashed? It should not be, but, its not uncommon to have just a little feathering of the metal there. Look for signs that that particular area has been modified to remove signs of undue wear. Have a look at the chamber hood area. All Kahr's that I've seen, have a little localized initial wear, and slight metal deformation on the edges of the hood. I think the factory fits them TIGHT, and they literally wear in. Thats true of the right side of the hood (extractor side) especially.
Have a look at the slide. Look at the inside of the slide at the forward section of the ejection port/locking area. It should not be deformed in any way, but again, slight feathering of the edge is ok.
Without the recoil spring in place, fit the barrel to the slide, and lock the barrel into the slide. There should be zero forward and backward play. But, its not uncommon to have the very barest little bit. If you put a little strip of plain printer paper between the end of the barrel hood and the breechface of the slide, the barrel should then fit VERY tightly. That indicates that there is less than .0025-.003 slop, and thats how it ought to be. Every Kahr I've examined is zero, or nearly zero in this respect. They are fit TIGHT,. so keep that in mind.
Make sure the frame rails are ok. Make sure the slide fits ok on the rails, and isn't stupidly loose. Do that with no barrel in place, just slide on frame.
Check the recoil spring assembly for wear - an indicator of how the gun has been treated, and how much its been shot.
Look for wear on the striker cocking edge. Check the magazine release. Check the slide stop. Check the extractor and ejector.
Re-assemble, cock the pistol. Does the slide move freely? Pull the trigger. Did it release ok and smoothly? Hold the trigger back while racking the slide fully. Then release the trigger. Did it reset ok?
While doing this, dont be shy about using a magnifying glass or eye-loupe!
If it checks out, grab it!
05-31-2012, 08:36 PM
Good grief! Just buy it and shoot it, then we can help if there's any problem!
06-05-2012, 07:54 PM
Went with a NIB and have it home now. Won't shoot until next week, but feels amazing in hand and in holster. I will be reporting soon.
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