View Full Version : CW9 Pocket Carry?

02-22-2010, 06:14 PM
I have a new CW9 and an Uncle Mike's pocket holster. The pistol seems larger than a pocket pistol. I have carried it in Docker style pants and while it works the end of the grip pushes an area in the pocket that would produce a wear spot on the outside of the front pocket. Has anyone found a holster or technique to carry the CW9 in jeans or pants? I have chosen to carry in a pancake holster during the cooler months with a sweater, jacket or sports coat. As warmer weather becomes a reality I will need an IWB tuck holster or a pocket holster. I am researching holsters that carry just in front of the hip and tuck. So anyone have a great front pocket idea?

-- Richard

mr surveyor
02-22-2010, 06:43 PM
being only 5'8" with pants size 33x33, I just can't figure the CW9 to be a pocket pistol....maybe the PM9, but not the CW series. I carried a KT P3AT for several years, but still didn't pocket carry... always IWB for me. Just can't get into the pocket carry for many reasons.


02-22-2010, 06:49 PM
I pocket carried the CW9 in jeans yesterday. I also have a PM9 and sure it carries easier. I'm 5'8" 190 with 29-30" inseams (yeah, not good dimensions, I know) and had no problem carrying the CW9 with a cheapo Unc Mikes holster.

Zippo Guy
02-22-2010, 07:23 PM
I have the FIST pocket holster for CW9 and I can carry it in my backpocket with jeans. With my shirt tails out, it works for me.

02-22-2010, 07:25 PM
I have a new CW9 and an Uncle Mike's pocket holster. The pistol seems larger than a pocket pistol. I have carried it in Docker style pants and while it works the end of the grip pushes an area in the pocket that would produce a wear spot on the outside of the front pocket. Has anyone found a holster or technique to carry the CW9 in jeans or pants? I have chosen to carry in a pancake holster during the cooler months with a sweater, jacket or sports coat. As warmer weather becomes a reality I will need an IWB tuck holster or a pocket holster. I am researching holsters that carry just in front of the hip and tuck. So anyone have a great front pocket idea?

-- Richard

Duh! That's why Kahr makes the PM9 and the MK9.:rolleyes:

In jeans! It has to be tighter and must put you behind in a gunfight.

To each his own, but, dang, it has to be hard to draw when you're seated and especially if you're belted into a car!

Just my opinion -- gratis. What's next? Can someone recommend a pocket holster for my full-sized 1911?:rolleyes:


02-22-2010, 07:39 PM
You may want to look at the smart carry or clones.

02-22-2010, 07:41 PM
Duh! That's why Kahr makes the PM9 and the MK9.

In jeans! It has to be tighter and must put you behind in a gunfight.

To each his own, but, dang, it has to be hard to draw when you're seated and especially if you're belted into a car!

Just my opinion -- gratis. What's next? Can someone recommend a pocket holster for my full-sized 1911?


mr surveyor
02-22-2010, 07:42 PM
yep.... what Wyn said.

Even though my job (when in the field) has me on my feet most of the time, when I consider my waking hours (18+/_) I find at least half of that is seated in some form or fasion. I can't even get my hand in my blue jeans to get my truck keys out without having to partially recline the seat... but my pockets are secure enough that I could hang upside down from a tree limb and not lose the contents. There's no way I can draw a handgun from my "tight fittin' jeans":D

I grew up with the idea that shirt tails should be worn tucked in unless extremely casual circumstances were in order. It took me a long time to get accustomed to the "sloppy" look, just to cover my concealed handgun. It was either a loose fitting cover shirt, or learn to wear "baggie pants".... I had to choose the former. Everyone has a different body style, different opinion of likes and dislikes, and differing opinion of comfort.


02-22-2010, 08:26 PM
Richard, please excuse me if I'm discouraging you from asking questions. There are many here who carry PM9s or MK9s and a lot do carry those in their pockets. I haven't poked fun at them 'cause there are too many of those guys, but a CW9 must be betting pretty big for pocket carry -- uncomfortable and limiting access to your CCW. I really toned down my earlier reply, but I just had to say something! I'm laughing a bit now, but maybe you aren't used to this crowd. Some of us are opinionated and too vocal sometimes... most think I am and I don't try to discourage them.:crazy::blushing:

mr surveyor
02-22-2010, 09:11 PM

who are you calling opinionated?

that's your opinion!



mr surveyor
02-22-2010, 10:21 PM
after Wyn's more thoughtful post, I've been shamed into withdrawing my out of line statements. The original post was about pocket carry methods for the CW9, which I don't do (becasue of personal preference) and can't do (due to "self imposed" physical limitations).... so in hindsight, I have to admit that my participation in the discussion is really off topic drivel.

Wow.... I just realized.... I AM too willing to express my opinions. Oh, well!


02-22-2010, 10:26 PM
I have a CW and the only time I can pocket carry comfortably is in Cargo pants. Otherwise I have a very nice IWB holster .. look here (http://jndtactical.com)..It is a great holster and it hides a CW nicely. You can even tuck in a shirt pretty comfortably if you don'r wear atletic cut shirts and dont mind a little baggy look. Good Luck man!


02-22-2010, 11:31 PM
I think it's a legit question and I'd be interested on seeing if anyone has a holster that might work.

I've already stated that for most of my pants I think even a PM9 is too thick to carry well. I said *thick* not *long*. I'm 6'4 and wear 36" length pants and I have some cargo pants and cargo shorts that will easily hide my CW9. I know this because I just walked into the other room and dropped my CW9 into the pocket of the cargo shorts I have on. I wouldn't hesitate to pocket carry it in these shorts if I had a decent holster. These are the same shorts and pants I regularly carry medium sized flyboxes in when I'm fishing. The pockets are big and roomy.

On the other hand, I wear jeans a lot of the time. Good ol' 501's and they do not have the most spacious pockets so my little P238 is just about right. Or, I could carry my CW9 in an OWB pancake or new IWB SuperTuck.

I think it mostly depends on your wardrobe and if you can pull it off with your size and build. Let me know if you come across something--it'd be fun to pocket carry my CW9 on those cargo pants days.

02-23-2010, 05:38 AM

No problem, this question was asked incase I did not already know the answer. I shoot every month with a group of guys much like your selves. So I feel right at home. That really was a duh question.

-- Richard

02-23-2010, 06:26 AM
I tried to pocket carry a MK9 but just couldn't do it so a CW9 is out of the question as a pocket carry gun for me.

02-23-2010, 07:23 PM
Richard, it sounds like your pockets are simply not deep enough. The good news is that it's no big deal for a seamstress or tailor to deepen them. Wear a good belt to hold up the weight (I use one by the Beltman). You will be good to go.

02-23-2010, 07:26 PM
Really, the issue is not will it fit, or will it carry OK. The issue is, will you be able to get it out in a timely fashion when needed. I've got a Colt Defender I can stick it in my pocket, but it's a Houdini thing to get it out.

Front pocket carry? Get a Kel-Tec .380, Desantis pocket carry so the first thing you grab is the grip. Stick the Kahr in your waistband.

02-23-2010, 07:58 PM
I completely agree that the CW9 is not a pocket carry. I do have a P32 I pocket carry and wanted the CW9 to replace my full size heaver pistols in the waist band. Thanks guys.

-- Richard :D

02-23-2010, 11:12 PM
I have a Minituck for my PM9 and I have to put it on before I buckle my belt. I carry IWB at 4 o'clock. If I'm going to have to take off the gun and put it back on while out, or wearing beltless shorts for a quick trip, I use my old ragged Uncle Mike's IWB that holds my K9 at my TV chair. The K9 also seems to fit the Minituck as well, adding 10 ounces, though.
I tried sticking my K9 in my shorts. While it fit easily, it was scary pulling it out without a holster covering the trigger. :eek: I would have to carry a couple of boxes of ammo or at least three magazines in the other pocket to balance things.:p

02-24-2010, 07:18 AM

Of the three Kahr pistols I tried before I bought the CW9, I liked the MK9 Elite the best. It would fit in my front pocket, but at 24 ounces it was too heavy for me. The PM9 was better for pocket carry weight, but was more difficult for me to control. the only pistol that feels right in my front pocket is the P32. I was on a search for a lighter weight carry pistol for everyday carry. I had determined the P32 was not enough caliber for SD. My daily carry pistols were either an XD9sc or a Browning Hi-Power. As I have aged these favored pistols caused intense muscle and back pain. I tried the best belts and various excellent holsters. Nothing helped. Through experiment I discovered the loaded pistol needed to be around 20 ounces. So after over coming many negative comments about the CW9 I bought a CW9 and am very glad I have this pistol. I carry it everyday.

-- Richard

02-24-2010, 08:48 AM
just not sure the cw series was every considered top be a pocket gun. some can do it but most if that is going to be their method of carry buy a PM model.

great gunt he cw for the money IMO , can't be beat either but it is what it is to.. Some have chopped the cw series down to the covert style model that was once offered by kahr. I have seen on sites here and there some super nice mods done on the cw..

02-24-2010, 12:40 PM
On SIGforum one member trimmed the grip of the CW9 to fit the PM9 magazine. He cut it with a Dremel cut off wheel I believe.

He then slips the cut off piece onto a CW9 mag and uses it as a back up.

With the handle shortened the CW9 becomes a much better choice for pocket carry. It is not the length that makes it hard to pocket it is the grip length that gets in the way.

I carry my CW9 on a belt holster but his solution has some merit.

02-24-2010, 12:54 PM
Does anyone know of a gunsmith or company that can do the CW to covert mod....I really like that idea and it would make pocket carry very possible... I just don't trust myself to take a blade to an expensive pistol...I tried Kahr and they won't do it but there must be a smitty that can do a quality job...

02-24-2010, 01:15 PM
Does anyone know of a gunsmith or company that can do the CW to covert mod....I really like that idea and it would make pocket carry very possible... I just don't trust myself to take a blade to an expensive pistol...I tried Kahr and they won't do it but there must be a smitty that can do a quality job...


Tell mike Bernie sent you.

he has done um and can make your cw dance if you want him to..

02-24-2010, 01:18 PM
On SIGforum one member trimmed the grip of the CW9 to fit the PM9 magazine. He cut it with a Dremel cut off wheel I believe.

He then slips the cut off piece onto a CW9 mag and uses it as a back up.

With the handle shortened the CW9 becomes a much better choice for pocket carry. It is not the length that makes it hard to pocket it is the grip length that gets in the way.

I carry my CW9 on a belt holster but his solution has some merit.

ur right, Kahr at one time used to make the covert, then I think they just intorduced the PM series and so dropped the covert. Many have modified their cw and P series to covert status. They look cool and if done properly or professionally, they look factory..

02-24-2010, 02:12 PM
Thanks Joc, When I can save up a few coins I will give him a call....

02-24-2010, 02:18 PM
Thanks Joc, When I can save up a few coins I will give him a call....

willb e surpirsed. It is not an expensive mod...

02-24-2010, 03:29 PM
On SIGforum one member trimmed the grip of the CW9 to fit the PM9 magazine. He cut it with a Dremel cut off wheel I believe.

He then slips the cut off piece onto a CW9 mag and uses it as a back up.

With the handle shortened the CW9 becomes a much better choice for pocket carry. It is not the length that makes it hard to pocket it is the grip length that gets in the way.

I carry my CW9 on a belt holster but his solution has some merit.
great answer,best one yet for this thread. :D

02-24-2010, 06:35 PM
If you are careful this is not beyond the home gun smith. The grip is just a plastic shell.

It is rarely the barrel that is hard to conceal. It is the grip sticking out. This mod has merit.

02-24-2010, 09:31 PM
When I first considered Kahr I read the reviews which extolled the CW9 and I wanted one bad. My gun shop had one in stock so he held it for me and we started the paper work before I even tried to put it into my pocket. What a disappointment! It is huge compared to a Mustang Pocketlite.

Instead I got the PM9 which was painful to the wallet. Guess what, it's still "kinda" too big in Levis. I'm trying to figgure a way to pocket carry it without the butt stretching the pocket making it look like a... gun. So I'll be fabricating a piece of Kydex into a pocket form. It will look like something is in my pocket but not a gun.

02-24-2010, 11:53 PM
When I first considered Kahr I read the reviews which extolled the CW9 and I wanted one bad. My gun shop had one in stock so he held it for me and we started the paper work before I even tried to put it into my pocket. What a disappointment! It is huge compared to a Mustang Pocketlite.

Instead I got the PM9 which was painful to the wallet. Guess what, it's still "kinda" too big in Levis. I'm trying to figgure a way to pocket carry it without the butt stretching the pocket making it look like a... gun. So I'll be fabricating a piece of Kydex into a pocket form. It will look like something is in my pocket but not a gun.

Isn't the Mustang a .380?

That is like saying it is diasappointing the CW9 is not as small as my Kel-Tec P3AT.

02-25-2010, 05:22 AM
I carry a K9 in my pocket most of the time, I use a Bianchi 6B ATB and clip it to the edge of my pocket. Course I aint no little feller no more and I aint afraid to let it hang out either, but it slides right in when I want to hide it better. Still the CW9 or K 9 aint a pocket pistol and if it is your choice of carry gun I suggest an MTAC or Crossbreed IWB holster instead of a pocket holster. I chose the smallest gun I would carry everyday and I dress around it as needed, I alternate between that IWB holster and an OWB and a shoulder rig depending on mood and dress needs.

02-25-2010, 07:19 AM
I vote for the covert mod.accurate iron does great work.or you could try bowie tactical. 70 bucks plus shipping if I remember correctly. Pretty cheap if you ask me for a factory looking job. Or you could just start a petition for kahr to make a cm9(pm9 built to "C" series specs) now that would kick some serious butt.a budget pm 9,sign me up please!

02-25-2010, 07:27 AM
Hell while you're at it start one for a c380.the only reason I haven't bought one is the price.if it was 100 bucks or so cheaper I'd be all over it.but for the price around here I decided to just spend a little more on the pm9.if you're unhappy with the size of the cw then sell it or trade it back in and get a p380.sure you'll take a loss but you'll gain another great pistol that you'll be happy with. I'm sure there a lot of guys here on the forum who would buy it

02-25-2010, 08:12 AM
I vote for the covert mod.accurate iron does great work.or you could try bowie tactical. 70 bucks plus shipping if I remember correctly. Pretty cheap if you ask me for a factory looking job. Or you could just start a petition for kahr to make a cm9(pm9 built to "C" series specs) now that would kick some serious butt.a budget pm 9,sign me up please!

Cheap Model 9 (CM9)
Budget Model 9 (BM9)
Interesting Concept, I do not see it happening( I could be wrong). It is like waiting for GLOCK to come out with a single stack gun, instead everybody else has come out with the concept even cloning it. Have you notice how Kahr Arms resemble the Glocks? I like my Glocks and that is the reason why I like my Kahrs.

02-25-2010, 08:19 AM
Hell while you're at it start one for a c380.the only reason I haven't bought one is the price.if it was 100 bucks or so cheaper I'd be all over it.but for the price around here I decided to just spend a little more on the pm9.if you're unhappy with the size of the cw then sell it or trade it back in and get a p380.sure you'll take a loss but you'll gain another great pistol that you'll be happy with. I'm sure there a lot of guys here on the forum who would buy it

I HAVE a .380.......I want to carry at least a 9mm. These days with proper bullets there is not much difference between 9mm, .40 and .45.

That can not be said about the .380. I think this discussion is about trying to carry at least a 9mm in the best way possible. Personally I am pretty darn happy with the CW9 as is. Because I am disabled/retired I dress how I please. That means loose shirts year round and the CW9 pack very well in a Bianchi Yaqui. In Winter it can be coat pocket carried, that is how I walk my dog. If any more discretion is need then I move down to the K-T P3AT but the .380 is definitely a second choice and drawing from the pocket of jeans is just not that easy but it is better than nothing.

02-25-2010, 08:30 AM
There is no fast draw POCKET HOLSTER. What you have is merely 24/7 normal carry with a pocket gun lke the pM9, If I am sitting or in a car like someone mentioned, I am at a disadvantage for sure. One can'thave everything either. To me there are drawbacks to about every method of carrying. One again has to make his own decision, based on his own paranoia.

Ihve carryied for 48 years and have never had to draw my weapon in defense of anything, so i am not sure just how slow or fast it will be for me in a defense situation either. I have just felt if you want ot pocket carry a kahr, then it should be in the PM series for that is a small gun that is pocketable. Nothing against the cw series, just for me, it is entirely to big for my pocket carry..YMMV

smoke um if you got um!!

02-25-2010, 08:36 AM
Cheap Model 9 (CM9)
Budget Model 9 (BM9)
Interesting Concept, I do not see it happening( I could be wrong). It is like waiting for GLOCK to come out with a single stack gun, instead everybody else has come out with the concept even cloning it. Have you notice how Kahr Arms resemble the Glocks? I like my Glocks and that is the reason why I like my Kahrs.

kahr makes there gun in the U.S. Glock makes their guns in austria, they cannot get a single stack into this country under the points system. their own 380 is only available for LEO for it does not meet the points system requirements to be sold in the U. S. Just not as easy for importers ..

If glock made guns here, I would bet in a heart beat you would see a single stack 9, 40. They aren't going to build a factory for it though. They seem to be still doing great business.

Your right about one thing, the kahr slide has glock written all over it as far as I am conerned. Justin Moon was a big fan of Gaston Glock also. Personaly the lower section of the kahrs puts the glock lower section to shame though. Just so simple made the glock system over the glock also simple system but with at least twice as many parts in the lower section.

02-25-2010, 08:54 AM
Hello snatch and Vincent, I looked at the Bowie Tactical and the Accurate Iron web sites and they both look to do first class work...I am really interested in having my CW40 grip frame cut back to the PM40 size...I think that would be the best of both models, the low price of the CW and the smaller size of the more expensive PM platform....Currently I find myself with my LCP .380 in my nemisis pocket holster and it fits my needs but if I could pocket carry the .40 cal that would be sweet....I wear jeans 99.9% of the time and the problem with the CW isn't the barrel length, it's the grip frame... If it were cut back to use PM magazines I could pocked carry with no problem so I'm going to get this done soon....I appreciate the word about the above companies and I'm glad there are some pro's that can do the work...I just cant bring myself to try this job and risk ruining my pistol even though it looks simple enough to do I would be glad to pay someone to do the job correctly for a factory look...Thanks again guys....:cool:

02-25-2010, 10:03 AM
Getsome,I think you made a good dedecion that works for your needs.whoever you decide to go with,I'm sure you will be happy with their work as they both do great jobs.just make sure you purchase a pm series mag to send in with your gun or make sure they have one(they probably will) that way they can check for proper feed and function. Make sure to show us some pics of the finished outcome(I've been sterongly considering a cw9 for this very reason)if you decide you sometimes still want a full grip there is a company that makes something similar to the X-grip.it is a molded piece of plastic that slides over your fullsize mags and let's you have a fullsize grip on a compact frame.this way you'll have the best of both worlds.there is a company out there that makes these for kahrs.when I get off work ill do some searching and post info here. Good luck and make sure to go "getsome" ammo and shoot it like you stole it

02-25-2010, 10:09 AM
I appologize for my spelling and typing errors.my stubby thumbs are to damn big for rapid typing on these tiny crackberry keys,but at least it let's me surf the forum when things are slow at work

02-25-2010, 10:13 AM
naw, never apologize, a sign of weakness. , just keep up the good work, we can figure it out, they certainoy figure jocko out and as u know my spelling is "flawless"..

02-26-2010, 11:22 AM
That means loose shits year round and the CW9 pack very well in a Bianchi Yaqui. In Winter it can be coat pocket carried, that is how I walk my dog.

Dang, year 'round? You should see the doctor about that. Could be Crohn's Disease........

02-26-2010, 12:02 PM
Dang, year 'round? You should see the doctor about that. Could be Crohn's Disease........

Good one! Not my first laugh today, but a good one!

02-26-2010, 04:33 PM
Dang, year 'round? You should see the doctor about that. Could be Crohn's Disease........

No Crohn's, just lousy 1 1/2 finger typing:D:o

I fixed it.........

02-26-2010, 05:17 PM
5 yrs ago I purchased a covert p9 best gun I have ever owned. I have 5,000 rounds thru it never a problem why they stopped making it was because they made the pm9 with a 3inch barrel the covert has a 3.5 barrel best of both worlds. Vito

02-26-2010, 05:21 PM
5 yrs ago I purchased a covert p9 best gun I have ever owned. I have 5,000 rounds thru it never a problem why they stopped making it was because they made the pm9 with a 3inch barrel the covert has a 3.5 barrel best of both worlds. Vito

u got that right...:33:

02-26-2010, 05:26 PM
jocko do you own a covert?. Vito and if you do you know what I mean.

02-26-2010, 05:48 PM
jocko do you own a covert?. Vito and if you do you know what I mean.

do, it is now called the PM9:typing:

No and actually I have never had my hands on any covert kahr, be it factory or a in house mod version.. Just can't say enough about my PM9. truthfully a half inch more barrel would not help my shooting accuracy a bit. I just don't shoot my PM9 realy great for all the rounds I have through it. Although, I can say I have stayed at the Holiday Inn lately..:33:

02-26-2010, 06:21 PM
[quote=jocko;12716]do, it is now called the pm9:typing:

LOL I almost puke my drink!