View Full Version : range report: ported P40

06-03-2012, 11:29 PM
OK just have a minute to post my first range outing with the ported barrel from Kahr for the .40 cal.

1) Magnaport makes guns look bad ***. The ported barrel from Kahr makes the gun look a little different. Some may like the look, some may not. I happen to like the look. The barrel is not matted so the grey tone of the barrel looks great with my all black P40 IMHO.

2) performance. Recoil is NOT reduced at all in my hands. Muzzle flip is maybe 15% reduced. This is not a lot and many might think the cost of the barrel does not justify the money for 15%. Since the gun is not modified and can be reversed, the look is a little cooler and there is a 15% reduction in flip, the barrel is worth it to me. Others may differ and I can understand that.

3)I also noticed a small improvement in accuracy with this barrel. At 15yrds all of the first mag went in the X ring of the target. It could be my imagination but the little extra length made my shot placement a little better. This might seem like a reach and will take the heat for it if need be.

All in all, I like the barrel. I am not in love with the purchase but it did not hurt perforance either.

I was concerned about the FO front sight and the exhaust gasses being so close to it and causing premature failure. The front of the gun was actually a little cleaner than with the original barrel after 100 rnds and no blackening of the front sight seemed to occur( I checked it after every 25+ rnds). I think the FO front sight will be a piece that will fail but not because of the ported barrel. Instead the recoil inertia will be the major player here. (will post about this later)

I was worried about exhaust gasses hitting me should I ever need to fire from retention. After shooting it, I just dont feel that this is so problematic. I am still figuring this out and will run it though some of my combat pistol class to get a "feel" for the blast. Yes, I will fire it at a 90 degree elbow from the holster with my hand blocking my face. If I ever have to fire it in front of my face, I am screwed--that simple.

There was NO change is loudness.

06-04-2012, 06:37 AM
OK just have a minute to post my first range outing with the ported barrel from Kahr for the .40 cal.

1) Magnaport makes guns look bad ***. The ported barrel from Kahr makes the gun look a little different. Some may like the look, some may not. I happen to like the look. The barrel is not matted so the grey tone of the barrel looks great with my all black P40 IMHO.

2) performance. Recoil is NOT reduced at all in my hands. Muzzle flip is maybe 15% reduced. This is not a lot and many might think the cost of the barrel does not justify the money for 15%. Since the gun is not modified and can be reversed, the look is a little cooler and there is a 15% reduction in flip, the barrel is worth it to me. Others may differ and I can understand that.

3)I also noticed a small improvement in accuracy with this barrel. At 15yrds all of the first mag went in the X ring of the target. It could be my imagination but the little extra length made my shot placement a little better. This might seem like a reach and will take the heat for it if need be.

All in all, I like the barrel. I am not in love with the purchase but it did not hurt perforance either.

I was concerned about the FO front sight and the exhaust gasses being so close to it and causing premature failure. The front of the gun was actually a little cleaner than with the original barrel after 100 rnds and no blackening of the front sight seemed to occur( I checked it after every 25+ rnds). I think the FO front sight will be a piece that will fail but not because of the ported barrel. Instead the recoil inertia will be the major player here. (will post about this later)

I was worried about exhaust gasses hitting me should I ever need to fire from retention. After shooting it, I just dont feel that this is so problematic. I am still figuring this out and will run it though some of my combat pistol class to get a "feel" for the blast. Yes, I will fire it at a 90 degree elbow from the holster with my hand blocking my face. If I ever have to fire it in front of my face, I am screwed--that simple.

There was NO change is loudness.

No change in flash either I wager.
Thanks for the report.
This reinforces my thinking that the light super sonic guns benefit more from porting. I.E. my 357 Sig.

I still haven't been able to try my ported P220/45 as the barrel requires fitting.
I'm already preparing myself for reduce muzzled flip, but no reduction in recoil.

The 4.16" extended ported 357 Sig seems to be a sweet spot for porting effectiveness - IMHO.
Looking forward to my extended triple ported Bar-Sto for my P239/357.
If, and that's a big IF, it's reliable it should be sweet.
I do have a special request of Bar-Sto to open the chamber for HP feeding as the gun is for SD.
I'll gladly trade some accuracy for 100% reliability.
We will see.

The P239, with a trigger job, shoots near match accurate with the OEM barrel anyway.
But if the porting reduces recoil and muzzel flip on my P239 like my Glock G27/357?
The gun will be nothing short of magic.

06-04-2012, 06:44 AM
indeed a nice reort. I never cold put a percentage on what porting does, I just know for me IT DOES. I just gauged it more by the reduction in muzzle fliip, which on my 9's seems alot. My G19 ported tome shoots like a damn 22, I just have nefer shoot such a smooth gun as that ported G19, course it has been tuned so tha thas to help also. It has daawson fiber optic sights on it and after a 100 or so rounds the front Fiber optic sight has residue on it from the gases but I just wipe it off and they are perfect..

Magna port says the sound is the same just redirected. I would have to say tha tis about right to. I wear protectors all the time so it doesnt matter to me either.

again nice report. IMO porting a 40 cal kahr will never show as much of a reduction as a shooter might think he should get. Letsw face it the 40 cal in a kahr is a beast for many to swhoot, It has been said that many times here, so porting has it limits. Where aqs my 9's being ported seem so sonice as again the 9 over the 40 cal in none ported guns is just more pleasant tyo shoot, so to me if the PM9 is nice to shoot out of the box a ported 9 is just even nicer. I am not qualified to make that statement with a PM40 kahr. Probably ported it is now just a black bear coming at u instead of a grizzly, Both still gonna hurt u. Just sayin

06-04-2012, 07:34 AM
I feel porting my MK40 and my PM40 made them much more shooter friendly!

06-04-2012, 09:45 AM
Letsw face it the 40 cal in a kahr is a beast for many to swhoot, It has been said that many times here, so porting has it limits.

jocko -- I guess you're talking mostly about the tiny little polymer frame Kahr pistols when you say the .40s&w is a beast because my T40 shoots like a dream. :D

06-04-2012, 09:59 AM
indeed I am. T40 not even in the same ball park.. I would bet that T40 is a real dream to shoot. Just sayin. course if I owned it, I would still magna port it.:israel:

06-04-2012, 09:46 PM
ordered a FO rod in 6 in length so if the front sight FO rod breaks, I am back in the game. approx $8.00 So in the words of Jocko ..."I can shoot the fokker like a stole it"

06-04-2012, 10:09 PM
If I don't sell my XDsc40 and I can save up some gun $$ I'll be sending it to MP to get the barrel ported...That is the last modification that will make that gun a fully modified piece of work for me :)