View Full Version : Why did you buy your kahr

06-04-2012, 11:53 AM
OK so I just bought my cw9 and It is my first handgun. I decided to go with the kahr after looking at it and the pf9 with with all there bad hype I was just to scared to trust it with my life and I didn't like the grip. I also looked at the shield witch I also liked a lot but it being a newer gun it didn't have the track record the kahr had so that is why I chose the kahr so far I fill I made the right chose the gun looks and fills great I can't shoot it till next weekend but I will let you know how that goes. Looking forward to hearing why you guys chose kahr.

06-04-2012, 11:57 AM
zimmermans PF9 worked when needed. Just sayin.

et now he wished it wouldhave malfunctioned. Just sayin

06-04-2012, 12:06 PM
Always pushin the edge jocko.....
I bought my cm9 for carry. Can't beat the size and weight for that. After reding lots of reviews and then finding all the great info/help here on kahrtalk I figured I couldn't go wrong and I was 100% correct! The cm9 rocks! :D

Before you take that cw to the range cwhithead, be sure to check out the kahr tech section n read the prep and the lube stickies. Very good and helpful info there!

06-04-2012, 12:19 PM
zimmermans PF9 worked when needed. Just sayin.

et now he wished it wouldhave malfunctioned. Just sayin

Had it failed he'd probably be dead and it wouldn't have made the 13th page of the Florida Gazette.

End of that discussion.

I bought my first Kahr after looking of a K9 that a detective had. It was just a proverbial thing of beauty inside, the machining was gorgeous. A short time later a guy I've dealt with at our gun show had a K40 on his table and I grabbed it up.
I've since moved to the PM45 and the K40 doesn't get the love it deserves but still has a special place in the toy box.
I don't recall how or why but I somehow got an invite to join kahrtalk. First so many members to sign up got a free Kahr hat. I signed up and just made the cut off and then promptly forgot about it since I didn't even know what a forum was.
For reasons I know not why I guess I figured I'm a member I better go back and see what it's all about and the rest I guess is history.
I just don't think you can beat Kahr for all aspects of concealed carry. It's aces' in all areas.

06-04-2012, 12:37 PM
I came from revolvers. Back around the time Kahr started, there wasn't much 'light weight' out there. I was carrying a Smith .22 airweight as my backpacking pistol and didn't worry about SD otherwise since I was single, nobody to rely on me, basically just didn't want to 'dissappear' in the woods. It had to be light because of all the other crap I carried for a multi-day excursion to the AT. I figured 8 fast rounds of .22 into the face of a small black bear or oncoming woodland zombie would do the job...if not, I'm single, no biggy.

As I've gotten older, married, family...SD/HD has become more important. More of a need to feel confident that my firearm and caliber choice would do the job when asked. I also decided to start carrying concealead and ultimately settled on Kahr for those reasons. The fact that Kahr fit those requirement AND gave me a comfortable revolver-like trigger was icing on the cake. As a result, I personally have no intention of every owning a Glock-ish striker pistol. Kahr was perfect fit for that reason. I'm also pretty happy that Sig released the P250 and then worked out the early kinks. That has become my favorite range gun as well as my high-capacity solution to Kahr not offering a double-stack, high capacity 9mm. I'm very happy that I'm able to remain a 'revolver guy'.

But I think everyone will have pretty much the same story...weight, thinness for concealed carry, reliable...and a few like me, will also agree it was to get the the revolver like trigger in a semi-auto.

I'll also add, for a gun it's size and weight, you have to agree that Mr. Moon figured out the design. The feed ramp design to get the bore closer to the hand is just PURE GENIOUS if you ask me. No other small 9mm shoots as easily, recoils so little. Can't speak to Kahr .40/.45 models, but I have to think the story would be the same.

06-04-2012, 12:47 PM
I got tired of waiting for XD line at springfield to come out with a single stack 9mm. Looked at the Kel Tec PF9 but they were having issues at the time, so started to look at other brands. I got into a conversation with the LGS owner and he had a very nice and slightly used PM9 for a good price. Picked it up and never put it back down. Been my EDC ever since.

06-04-2012, 12:49 PM
I had been on real good terms with the manager of a local shop, he knew I had a thing for the .45. I had just bought a couple of pistols from him, but he had a P45 come in, and called me. I wasn't looking for a new gun, especially a 3.5" bbl 45, but I go out there anyway. Sam hands me the P45, says check this out, I did, then he gives me a handful of rounds, and tells me to go shoot it (they have a range attached). Sam had this SEG on when he did that. I went in and shot it, I came out and put it lay-a-way then and there. Fast forward a few years, my wife decides she needs to get her CHL, and a new gun. I almost lost my beloved P45, so we got her a CW 45. The rest is history.

06-04-2012, 01:03 PM
Mine was to be a replacement for a Colt Mustang pocket 380. I wanted my new gun to be the closest in size I could get that had a good rep. So I bought the PM9 and soon realized I made a mistake.

I really like my PM9 and it is perfection in manufacture and reliability, but I don't care for it in my pocket much - just a tad too large for me. So, I carry it in a Garrett Silent Thunder IWB which is also perfection. The only regret is I could have bought a PM45 for the same price and carried it in a Garrett Silent Thunder and had the caliber I really wanted and still have perfection.

That is the only regret I have for buying the PM9 and I have NO regret for buying a Kahr.

BTW: If a CA resident has a PM45 they want to trade for a perfect PM9 send me a PM.

06-04-2012, 01:05 PM
I wanted a full power micro I could pocket carry.
Kahr's MK40 had a glowing review by Mas Ayoob.
When I checked one out at a gun show the gun was clearly
well made and was about the size of most .380s.
And they had been around for a few years.
Not some new design with potential teething pains.

Plus being an all stainless gun was the deal maker for me.
I still have and carry it today.
The gun has lived up to it's reputation.
In fact for a 3" 40, I think it has exceeded my expectations.

06-04-2012, 01:05 PM
Plan and simple...my K9 is reliable, feels great in my hand, and made like a real gun should be! That about sums it up...

06-04-2012, 01:29 PM
When I starting thinking about carrying concealed, I did quite a bit of research into my options. Knew I wanted something in 9mm and small enough to pocket carry. When I started reading more about the safety, quality, extremely smooth trigger, ingenious design, etc. of the PM9 / CM9...I was sold. Bought my PM9 (bevel nose) about a year ago and it's met all my expectations and beyond.

Another factor in buying my Kahr was that I was, and continue to be, very impressed with the wealth of knowledge and support from this forum...the only one I was ever impressed enough with to join! Sure, there are issues that come up from time to time with anything mechanical, but this community does a great job helping to keep 'em runnin'!

My PM9 has run flawlessly from the start...through 2000+ rounds and going strong. Just used it this weekend in an IDPA match along with my son who has a CM9 and used it in his 1st match...both ran perfectly!

I have no problem recommending these fine little pistols!

06-04-2012, 01:57 PM
A friend let me shoot his CW45 an I loved it. A bit later I needed a backup for my Beretta Cougar .40 for a class was in (they wanted you to have 2 guns of the same caliber), so bought a CW40. Then I saw a great deal on a CW45 and snatched that up. The CW45 and the Boberg split time as my EDC. I pack the CW40 every once in awhile, maybe more so now with the ported barrel. They replaced a .44 snubbie I'd packed for a long time, and are much more comfortable to wear.

06-04-2012, 02:13 PM
In this ever changing world, new guns of all types are popping up. You all know what it's like to do a search for a certain type of gun you are considering to purchase. Most of the time, you get opinions, mostly biased opinions. Having not owned a gun for the past 2 years, I was curious about what the "best" choice was. Independent sites that purchase and review the gun or manufacturer are the most reliable to me. 2 of the best that I have found are Gunblast.com and Gun-tests.com. The advantage to gunblast is that you can email Jeff and he will give you an honest opinion. He, and his 2 brothers are very well versed in all types of firearms. Anyway, after looking at many pistols and narrowing it down, I then researched independent reviews of all of them. Hands down, Kahr was rated the best overall for function, price and overall performance. I have owned Kimbers, Para Ordnance, Ruger, S&W, etc. I cannot be happier with my CW9. I had no problems with any of the rounds I put through it for break-in. Has anyone else noticed that the CW series prices are starting to increase while others are somewhat stagnant? I personally think this says a lot about Kahr's reputation.

06-04-2012, 02:14 PM
nice post skelton, as u know there is alot of false sh!t out there about kahrs. takes an owner to dispute it to..

06-04-2012, 02:21 PM
I had owned a CW9, so I knew the quality and beauty of the Kahr guns. I had to sell it and all but one of my guns a few years ago when in a financial bind. About a year ago, I started looking online with the intent of buying another CW9. That's when I found out about the CM9, essentially a PM9 at a price I could afford. I fell in love! :p So, I started saving my money toward a purchase a few months later.

About that time I discovered Kahrtalk forum and found a gorgeous mirror polished CM9 for sale. A new gun that had been smoothed and polished to a mirror finish, even the magazine. I decided I had to have it, so I sold my one remaining gun and did some real belt tightening for 2 or 3 months to stay above water. But I just had to own this gun! :D (My CM9 Slideshow (http://s1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/John_England/My%20Custom%20CM9/?albumview=slideshow))

06-04-2012, 02:47 PM
good for u JFootin..

06-04-2012, 03:03 PM
Always pushin the edge jocko.....
I bought my cm9 for carry. Can't beat the size and weight for that. After reding lots of reviews and then finding all the great info/help here on kahrtalk I figured I couldn't go wrong and I was 100% correct! The cm9 rocks! :D

Before you take that cw to the range cwhithead, be sure to check out the kahr tech section n read the prep and the lube stickies. Very good and helpful info there!

I already did took it apart and prepped it using the picture diagram and I must say I am impressed with this forum and the helpful people and jocko I guess it's good Zimmerman didn't get a lemon pf9

06-04-2012, 03:32 PM
In my case it was plural as in seven, of which I still have four. Two were stolen and one was traded on another Kahr. Why did I buy and continue to buy them? Because they are the finest small, lightweight carry guns made, bar none, in my opinion.

06-04-2012, 03:46 PM
OK so I just bought my cw9 and It is my first handgun. I decided to go with the kahr after looking at it and the pf9 with with all there bad hype I was just to scared to trust it with my life and I didn't like the grip. I also looked at the shield witch I also liked a lot but it being a newer gun it didn't have the track record the kahr had so that is why I chose the kahr so far I fill I made the right chose the gun looks and fills great I can't shoot it till next weekend but I will let you know how that goes. Looking forward to hearing why you guys chose kahr.

I bought my CM9 because I was looking for the lightest most compact and reliable 9MM handgun for concealed carry. I didn't need all of the bells and whistles that came with the PM9 and the cost savings of the CM9 were substantial. Be sure to read the stickies in the tech section on preping your CW9 before going to the range. It will make it a far more pleasant experience.

06-04-2012, 03:49 PM
I got turned on to CCW when my son bought his G26. He took me shooting a few times and I decided to get my LTCF and buy a handgun. I shot his and frankly wasn't impressed. I rented a few others and again wasn't impressed. Shot an LCP and hated it.

Continued to look around and hold a bunch of small 9mm's. One shop showed me the CM9 and when I picked it up, I knew this was the one. I didn't even shoot it. Took a blind leap of faith and bought it that week. I haven't looked back.

That one lead to buying another, a used K9. I kind of put the CM9 aside for a bit and carried the K9. I got the CM9 out again last week and realized why I fell in love with it. I am now carrying the CM9 for summertime. I see others in my future but first a 1911.

06-04-2012, 04:30 PM
I bought my CM9 because I wanted a 9mm pocket gun. It is my daily concealed carry and 100% reliable. I did run into a problem though. Now I want an MK9 with wood grips for belt carry and show. I have to admit that the MK9 is a show piece. Of course I plan on keeping both, 1 for show and 1 to go.:D I keep looking at the Kahr guns for sale but haven't found one yet. I wasn' wanting one or ready to buy in Janurary or I would have jumped on that one sold here by a member reducing his gun safe cache. If that gun would come back on the market, I would be an owner.

06-04-2012, 04:35 PM
I bought mine because I learned a loooong time ago, you get what you pay for.

06-04-2012, 05:11 PM
I was looking for something with a little more power than my Sig P232. I went to my LGS really planning on getting a Sig P239. While I was waiting I listened to the clerk talking with a LEO about the merits of the PM9. I had also read many forum posts and articles extolling the virtues of the Kahr pistols. When my time came I asked the clerk if I could see a PM9. It felt so good and looked so good I knew I had to give it a try. I brought one home and followed the recommendations on this site about prepping a new Kahr pistol. As I watched TV I racked the slide a good 500 times. The next day I went to the range and put 300 flawless rounds through it. It has been my CCW and favorite pistol ever since.

06-04-2012, 05:11 PM
I had a LCP and was looking for a small 9mm. I was checking out a Keltec PF-9 and asked the dealer what quality complaints he had heard. The only thing he said was "if you want quality you want one of these" and handed me a CW9. He said it was a Lexus compared to a Volkswagen. That was all it took.

I brought it home and started looking for a forum with info and guess where I ended up .........

I traded the CW9 for a CM9. I love the CM9 but still miss the CW9. I'l fix that. Maybe I'll get another Kahr.

06-04-2012, 05:22 PM
I wanted the biggest caliber smallest ccw with the most problems ever made. When I read how much trouble the cw45 had, I had to have it. Been happy ever since. J/K

06-04-2012, 05:47 PM
I followed Kahr when they were first introduced and was all the writer lil darlings. but it wasn't until 2011 when I actually bought the cw9 as it was a $300 bargain. I gave it to my wife since i travel a lot and she developed into a great shooter with it. Then along came a k9 from a NYPD I met and that was a better gun for me (I like the heavier feel) It also became my carry gun due to it's concealabilty. For just great fun shooting,though My 1911 Kimber and my 229 Sig are the smoothest of the lot.

06-04-2012, 06:12 PM
i love glock, they don't make a single stack (the g36 doesn't count) in a 9 or 40 that is pocketable and I didn't want to carry a 380.

06-04-2012, 06:19 PM
ditto: now that I own 4 kahrs, if glock came out with a single stack, I would not buy it either. I couldnot be happier with my kahrs. I truthfully mean that.

06-04-2012, 06:21 PM
Simply the best CC 9mm out there. No need to spend more on frivolities or features that won't make a lickof difference in real world situations. You can have your fancy names, finicky high end ego fillers, but the CM9 is still at the top.

06-04-2012, 06:25 PM
probably right to!! Normally when someone agrees with me, that means we are both wrong, but not in this case.

06-04-2012, 07:19 PM
Because it didn't have any external "safeties"

06-04-2012, 07:33 PM
I bought my CM9 because I wanted the smallest, lightest 9mm I could get that was built like a fine watch. I haven't been disappointed. Next choice would have been a Sig. You couldn't run fast enough to give me a Glock or a Taurus or a Kel-Tec. Nothing against those or the people who own them they just didn't fit my criteria.

06-04-2012, 07:41 PM
My first handgun of any description was (and still is) a NAA 1 1/8 barrelled 22 magnum. I was single and figured I would at least be able to clearly mark whoever tried to do me in. I did use it successfully to finish a wounded whitetail deer and also took out a charging armadillo with it. The short barrel does not stabilize the bullets and at any range over a yard or two a paper target will show you that the bullets are flying sideways. Thus ammo choice never really seemed to matter. I hear the 1 5/8 inch barrelled models seem to do better.

My first real pistol was a Star Firestar .40- Single stack 3.4 inch barrelled 40 S&W. Star went bankrupt and parts would have been a pain to find, also it was a single action pistol that the safety on my particular example never was quite right. you had to really push it up to get the hammer locked back. It also weighed a ton (or at least 36oz).

I bought an LCP and like it, but I always was a middle of the road kind of guy so I still like a 40 and they do pretty well in short barrels. I was looking hard at both the MK40 and the PM40, finally ran across a used PM40 for a good price so picked it up.

I seem to have a thing for the smallest practical pistol in a given caliber, because now I am lusting after the Glock 29 in 10mm:D

Now Kahr just needs to make the MK10 (I think I want the extra weight of a steel frame in 10mm, particularly if it is a narrow single stack weapon. Go ahead and make it at least a 3 3/4 inch barrel, that 10mm needs a little bit of barrel to make a worthwhile difference over the 40.

Infidel proud
06-04-2012, 07:46 PM
Wanted the best CCW I could get, bought a kahr...end of story...

Frayed Knot
06-04-2012, 08:19 PM
I bought my first Kahr (CW9) because the trigger was so much better than anything else I tried in DAO and it was still easy to conceal. I immediately fell in love with how it shot and thought I would try out a second Kahr (CM9). I couldn't be happier. I'm even thinking of getting another, or two, or three. I'm hooked.

06-04-2012, 08:32 PM
Small, light, safe, powerful.

pocket pistol
06-04-2012, 08:35 PM
I just wanted to be cool, like you guys...

pocket pistol
06-04-2012, 08:36 PM
Just kidding. I wanted to step up from a 380. The size, firepower of the 9mm, Kahr name and reputation, and the price helped me pick my CM9. I love it and have no intentions of giving it up.

06-04-2012, 08:41 PM
Surprised nobody has said "to impress a girl" yet!

Infidel proud
06-04-2012, 08:43 PM
that should go without saying. I always show off my...kahr on the first date...

06-04-2012, 08:47 PM
I have no idea of how Kahr first came to my attention.

But I bought my MK9 Elite a year ago because it was a finely machined piece of steel that I could really appreciate. I like nice things.

At the time I did not own any "plastic" guns (I now have one).

When I first got my Kahr, my ability to use it accurately did not match up with the quality of the gun's workmanship. Subsequently I have practiced with it a lot - both dry firing and later with a LaserLyte cartridge. My accuracy is now much improved - to the point where I was very impressed with my results this past weekend. When I get a few minutes sometime soon, I will do a separate post on this. I am now very happy.

mr surveyor
06-04-2012, 09:09 PM
mrs. surv sent me to town one Saturday a few years ago to look for a new car..... I got side tracked at one of my favorite "boy toy stores" and the rest is history.... she's still driving the same old ride. But, I did go again this February to car shop again, but got side tracked at the same "boy toy store" again. She's STILL driving the same old ride. I think my luck may be running thin.


06-04-2012, 09:24 PM
I own a few Kahr guns and the 2 reasons were quality and price! Period!!! These are fine pistols!!!!

06-04-2012, 09:30 PM
I was looking for a CCW to lighten up from the 1911 I had. I also have a 3 in J frame size Rossi I sometimes carry and an old Beretta 21A in .22LR. Carry was a mish-mash of much too heavy and way too light.
One Saturday, The wife and I were in the Cheaper than dirt retail store buying ammo. They had the Kahr CW9s and CW40s on sale that week. It was a good price, but I thought I could do better at a gunshow. The Wife kept asking me about the features of all the Kahrs and asked why I would pick one over the other. I thought is was a little weird but I finally explained I wanted the CW40 over CW9 due to caliber and over even the PM40 due to it's deeply beveled forward end of the slide. I carried SOB back then and if I was to ever holster a loaded gun, into a spot I could'nt see, while pointed at my own butt-cheek, well I wanted that action to go real smooooth...
The wife chuckled and tossed a wad of cash up on the counter and said to the clerk "he will take that one, write him up".
And that's why I have a Kahr CW40 and a wife of thirty years... Who shoots a 12gage trap or skeet gun better than most of y'all.:D
The P380 was just plain right for Texas summer pocket carry. I looked at all of the 380 choices and the sights or triggers or the guns feel in my hand was not right. The P380 felt right, sights great and travels great in the pocket. I could have gone cheaper but I think I got it right.

Dennis B.
06-04-2012, 09:43 PM
I wanted a 9mm with the same quality as my sig p238 that I sold. A guy at the range let me shoot his cw9 and that's what got me thinking. Did a whole lot of reading and research and finally decided on the pm9 with night sights and the manual safety. This model also has the enhanced trigger. I have never seen a double action that smooth! Unbelievable!! I'm 3/4 through the break end period with no issues at all. Super accurate and a joy to shoot. This will be my main carry weapon from now on! Couldn't be happier. :israel:

06-04-2012, 09:46 PM
I wanted a small carry pistol without the super short barrel.
Something fun to shoot at the range, easy to carry and didn't break the bank.
No manual safety
fit my hand well.
That pretty much describes my CW9

06-04-2012, 10:09 PM
why did I buy a Kahr?

...........BAM!.................look at that......need I say more?

06-04-2012, 10:12 PM
I wanted something small and light. I had been carrying a G36 for some time but I never was satisfied with it, do to the size and weight. Started looking around on the internet for small 45's. I read a review on the Kahr pm45 and did some research on it. Liked what I found. I bought one and have been carrying it almost all the time since I got it.

06-05-2012, 05:15 AM
Wanted something small and light for vacation and summer carry. Checked out several smaller 9's and decided the PM9 fit what I was looking for.

06-05-2012, 05:26 AM
I bought a CW40 because its concealeable,reliable,powerfull,and i like it. In the winter it becomes my b.u.g.

06-05-2012, 05:56 AM
I bought my PM9 because I needed something smaller than my G27 for EDC here in FL where light clothing is the norm almost year round.
The PM9 has fit that role very well.

06-05-2012, 06:20 AM
My shooting buddy purchased a K40 and when I shot it I liked it, so now it is my usual daily carry.

06-05-2012, 08:06 AM
I spent a lot of time looking for a single stack that fit my hand well. I had a S&W 3904 years ago that just wasn't quite right and didn't like the feel of the 3913 or Kel-Tec PF-9. Once I handled a Kahr I was hooked. The CW-40 didn't work out due to malfunctions but everything else was great. Got rid of the CW-40 and bought a K-40. It's everything I was looking for in an easily concealed gun that fit my hand like a glove and shoots great. Now, with the exception of my 642, every other handgun feels strange to me.

06-05-2012, 08:52 AM
I have a PM9 and a K40. The reason I fell in love with these Kahrs is because it fit my hand perfectly. I swear I heard angels sing the first time I held one! I have a small hand with a very short trigger reach. I had never held a gun before that felt comfortable. Either the grips were to thick or the trigger was a mile away. Only problem I found so far, is that this is going to become an expensive addiction. Already thinking about which .45 I want!

06-05-2012, 08:54 AM
With every carry gun I've had, there has been something I didn't like about it; too wide, grip too short, grip too slippery, barrel too short/long, etc.

On my CW9, the single-stack, thin, full length grip, overall narrow width of the gun, the 3.6" barrel length, and flat-out reliability and accuracy is just perfect. There is nothing I dislike at all or would change about this gun. It has such a natural grip for me, I can point-shoot this gun accurately with faster drawing-from-concealment times than I could with any other.

06-05-2012, 11:27 PM
Researching carry guns... Ruger LC9, LCP, the Beretta Nano, and such. Came across this forum and I was pretty much sold. There was so much written about the quality and the trigger. The collective knowledge and the quality of the people of this forum are a big plus too that positively affected my decision!

My choices were CW9, PM9, or P380. I finally found an LGS that had them and the CW9 just fit right. I will probably end up with a bunch of other Kahrs (when I can afford them).

06-05-2012, 11:42 PM
I got my K9 because the wife had gotten a CW9 and I felt like that was the perfect size for every day carry, but I prefer steel.

06-05-2012, 11:52 PM
I bought my CM9 because my 1911 was just to big for me to carry daily. I was going to buy a Walther PP9, but it was just too tall. I really liked the CM9 because it was extremely small and striker fired. It might be a stretch, but I'm not a big fan of hammer fired for self-defense. I just have a fear that it may get hung on clothing or some bad guy could grab the back of the gun.

06-06-2012, 03:38 PM
The collective knowledge and the quality of the people of this forum are a big plus too that positively affected my decision!

Ditto......this was also a big factor for me.

10-17-2012, 11:10 PM
A man in my church overheard me talking about getting a KelTec P11 as my first concealed carry. Stopped me in mid-sentence and said, "I got something for you!" Next day, we met at a local indoor range. He brought a whole arsenal of pistols (about 8 different ones) and wanted me to try them all. After a while with all of them, he asked, "Which one you like best?" I said, "This one." He said, "It's YOURS!"

It was the PM9. It fit my hand like a glove, was a 9mm (like I wanted), and I shot the best with it. For quality, personal taste, size, power, and sentimental reasons...I don't think I'll ever sell this gun.

10-17-2012, 11:47 PM
I bought my first, a CW9, over five years ago when the PF9 I had recently purchased proved unreliable. I sold the PF9 and bought the CW the same week. I have since owned six other Kahrs and have never had to call them even once about a reliability issue.

10-18-2012, 12:04 AM
The guys who own my LGS steered my to Kahr. Told me I wouldn't be dissatisfied. Bought a CW40 and loved it. Bought a CM40 and LOVED it even more. My brother-in-law shot my CW40 and had to have it. So I sold it to him. Should of kept it. But I will never let my CM40 go.

10-18-2012, 12:47 AM
Once I decided I was going to start to carry a firearm I knew that I had to get something other than my PF9. I couldn't shoot it worth a $h*t(the trigger is TERRIBLE in my opinion), and it had reliability issues. I had heard about the Kahr in the past so I did some reading and found the CW9 to be a pretty much perfect carry gun. Reliability with Kahrs also seemed to be good, and the price was good for me. Now my CW9 is in a Foxx IWB every time I leave the house and aren't on my way too and from work.

10-18-2012, 12:59 AM
A little over 5 years ago I wanted to get a new smaller carry gun. Went to a lgs and could have bought any gun I wanted. I spent a lot time looking at his stock.

The only one that I liked the feel of was a CW9 and a CW40. I bought the 40 cause it was the only one that he had extra mags for.

I love my CW40, carry it every day, and would not part with it for any thing.

10-18-2012, 01:13 AM
my kahr affliction started in the late 1990s with a MK9, found it too heavy for pocket carry so i traded it for a K9 for IWB/OWB carry. gun was a true joy but i was bitten by the Glock bug and sold it off.....

ive pondered the P9 for some time but read too many reports of problems with that model........

longing for a gun even smaller than my Glock 26 and of sufficient service caliber with the same manual of arms i got a PM9 and found it to be excellent after i replaced the plastic mag catch with a metal one. now i have my mini 9mm quest solved with both the PM9 and the G26.

im a sucker for small powerfull guns, having been stung by two poorly made charter arms bulldog .44spls ive always pined but never committed to any others....

the PM45 was too good to pass up based on my PM9 experiences.....well my PM45 has some problems that ive yet to smooth out but feel its coming my way.

10-18-2012, 03:54 AM
I wanted a reliable service caliber micro I could drop in my pocket.
And have always had a weakness for all stainless steel guns.
The MK40 Elite was the only gun on the market that seemed to
fulfill these requirements.

I love the gun, but she's a bit heavy for pocket carry.
On a belt she's sweet.
In retrospect I would have preferred to have gotten a K40 or T40.

But as for a 3.0" barrel Stainless 40 - the Kahr is hard to beat!

10-18-2012, 05:01 AM
I bought my PM9 over two years ago and in that time I've seen alot of new small single stack (flavor of the month) 9mm and 40 cals come out, buy I've never seen, handled, or shot any of them that I liked better then the Kahrs. That includes the Shield. Not saying there not good guns but just never liked them over the Kahrs. I'm very happy with the fit, finish, and overall quality of Kahr pistols. It's hard not to be happy with a pistol that does, and is everything you expected from it. I own quite a few different brands of pistols that I'm very happy with, so I'm not a fanboy but I am a fan.

10-18-2012, 06:20 AM
what popeye says is gospel!!

10-18-2012, 06:42 AM
A friend bought one at a local gun show and when we went to the range I tried it and liked it a great deal so I did some comparison shopping and ordered one like it almost immediately from Bud's. At the same time I purchased some extra magazines, a double magazine pouch, and a Don Hume 721OT holster. I also ordered a new stainless guide rod and heavier set of springs, a set of wooden grips, and a set of stainless hex 1911 screws.

10-18-2012, 07:35 AM
I picked my K9 because of the compact size, the all stainless construction, the rubber grip, the capacity, the smooth trigger, the good reputation, and the clean design.

I picked my CW45 for mostly the same reasons, compact size, clean design, great trigger, great value for the money.

10-18-2012, 09:01 AM
My EDC was a Glock 30 and while I still love that gun, it's just a little on the bulky side. I wanted something lightweight with a thinner profile but still in a 45. So I went with a Kahr CW45.:D

10-18-2012, 09:28 AM
In 2005 was carrying a G30 for almost a year and really wanted a pocket gun as a secondary carry piece. I looked at a lot of single stack 9mm's and finally saw a few Kahr's for rent at my LGS.

I tried the PM9 and MK9, I prefered the look, feel and shooting characteristics of the Stainless Steel Kahr and asked if they had a NIB MK9 and they did, so bought it, broke it in on the spot ((terrible first 60 rounds, after that never (I mean NEVER) a problem)) and over the years it has become one of my favorite carry pieces, it is my #1 choice for summer shorts carry, either IWB or pocket, doesn't matter.

I have since added a K9 and a G26 to the carry mix.

Love them all and they all have there place in the personal protection equation.

10-18-2012, 02:16 PM
All of my guns were stolen in a house break in. So I went to get a self defense gun for home. I bought a Glock 17. But there was this beautiful little gun there. I asked to see it. It felt so good in my hand. Could not stop thinking about it. I was in love. Went back and bought that little p380. Found this site and then just had to have the cw9, but not legal in California so paid the extra for a pm9, which along with a fairly new Glock 23 have became my daily carry.

10-19-2012, 08:49 AM
I carried a G36 and it was just a little too bulky at times. I wanted a 45 ,that made it a little harder to find a small light quality pistol. After some research and looking I chose a Kahr PM45. Had a couple of hick-ups at first. All is well now.

Don K.
10-19-2012, 03:10 PM
the same story here as many above.

Was carrying a Bersa 9 w/ a lazer...had a few FTEject's. The few FTE's caused concern so I stopped by the LGS to check out the PPS. While looking at the PPS the clerk mentioned I might want to check out the Kahr's.

Traded the Bersa in paid the difference on the CW9 and headed to the gun range. Um, when I buy a new gun and there is daylight left, I head to the range and warm up the new toy. 200 rounds that first day without an issue. (so much for the "break in period")

I have 2500 rounds thru the CW now without 1 problem. If I was an advertising type I'd buy the teeshirt but prefer to be quiet in public.

10-19-2012, 04:14 PM
If I was an advertising type I'd buy the teeshirt but prefer to be quiet in public.

I wear my Kahr hat occasionally if it matches my outfit and I need a hat, but no one except a gun nut knows what it is. Now S&W or SIG is another matter. Once, when I was breaking in a new dentist, I wore the SIG hat. When he ask "What with the Hat" I replied "A warning".

mr surveyor
10-19-2012, 05:01 PM
I occassionally wear a Kimber cap. No one but firearms people have a clue what it is all about. One of my hunting buddy's wife is named "Kimber", and is always confused to see her name in beautifully scrolled cursive silver thread on a black cap.

10-19-2012, 05:29 PM
If I wore a Caracal hat, everyone would just assume that I love cats! :D

10-19-2012, 05:39 PM
If I wore a Caracal hat, everyone would just assume that I love cats! :D

It sounds like some kind of drafting or photo shop software to me.

10-19-2012, 06:33 PM
I occassionally wear a Kimber cap. No one but firearms people have a clue what it is all about. One of my hunting buddy's wife is named "Kimber", and is always confused to see her name in beautifully scrolled cursive silver thread on a black cap.

Yep, I wear my Kimber hat too, if I'm wearing something that goes with green and tan. You're right, no one makes the connection. Oddly enough, the same is true with my HK hat. I would have thought that more people would know HK. Caracal would obviously be the ultimate stealth hat.

10-19-2012, 08:59 PM
I decided on a Kahr after looking at pretty much everything out there in the same size range. The final 2 were a Kahr and a S&W.

I wanted a .40 and all the S&W's were on backorder, On my final round of checking at all the local gun stores I found the Kahr .40 and it just felt 100% right. Except for the initial barrel and slide issue this is the right gun for me.

10-19-2012, 09:35 PM
My requirements for a concealled carry gun are:
1. It must be totally reliable.
2. It must have adaquate stopping power. For me that is 9mm minimum.
3. It must be simple to operate; just point and shoot.
4. It must be easy to conceal. That means very small.
5. It must be very accurate. Not necessarly a target gun, but one that hits what you aim at.
6. It must be easy to reload. Prefer simi-automatics to revolvers.

There are probably other important requirements, but the above are my major one's. I did a lot of research and decided the Kahr guns best fit my requirements so I bought my first Kahr a little over 5 years ago. It was a PM9. My EDC at that time was a Sig P-229 Equinox .40. It is a great gun but difficult to conceal in hot climates. About a year after I bought the PM9, I bought a K9 2003 Elite. A couple of months ago, I bought a PM40 2003 Elite. The PM40 is now my EDC. The PM9 still gets shared duty, depending on how I am dressed. I know that there are a lot of great guns available but I can't own, try, or even hold most of them. So it is only my openion when I say that Kahr pistols are among the very best for concealled carry.

10-19-2012, 10:03 PM
I got my K9 because:
Size (perfect)
All steel

10-24-2012, 02:36 PM
CW45..birthday present to myself! I was looking for a better/smaller carry gun than the full size M&P40 I have. Not a fan of 9mm (despite the fact I later bought PF9 for even more concealment) and already had a .40 so .45 seemed to be the best choice.

10-24-2012, 05:48 PM
I wanted a small summer carry gun with a more punch than a .380. I went with the PM9 and found that it carried well and lived up to it's reputation for reliability.

03-17-2014, 11:28 AM
I bought my Kahr pistols because of parts availability, I had a bad experience with a mag release from another company and couldn't get the parts to fix it myself so now I only buy handguns that I can get parts for! haven't needed to buy parts for my Kahr pistols though and am a very happy customer!

Black K9
MK40 Elite 03

03-17-2014, 12:28 PM
Wanted something small than my Glock and larger than my Sig. I got a Kahr based on all the good things I heard. I have not had any luck with mine since I sent it back after getting it for some poor quality control issues.

Bill K
03-17-2014, 02:35 PM
Goldilocks Principal... Fit right between my P3AT and G26 and with the same manual of arms. Also, easily able to pocket carry in all but a few of my pants.

03-17-2014, 07:46 PM
I migrated from the Ruger LCP to the P380. As soon as I was introduced to the LCP, the convenience and practicality of pocket carry changed me from leaving my weapon in the car to always having a gun on my person.

But discovering "smilies" with the LCP (if you don't know what that is, Google it) drove me to look for a gun the same size and capacity that did not have that issue.

After switching I found lots more advantages; true striker firing, last round lock open, real sights and the incomparable trigger. But the main benefit is piece of mind which comes from knowing the gun is properly designed and engineered.

03-17-2014, 08:47 PM
I originally bought my cw9 because it reminded me of the feel of my 1911. It felt so good in the hand I just had to have it. Then I got my cm9 and feel in love all over again. I just love the idea of a great pocket 9 mm. Both are great guns and have become my favorite handguns.

03-17-2014, 08:47 PM
I got mine because I went shooting with a friend and shot 5 different handguns and the Kahr was the most comfortable to shot for me. Felt the smoothest and felt the most comfortable in my hand

03-18-2014, 08:40 PM
Had never heard of a Kahr when I handled one at the LGS several years back. Thought it had been custom made for my hand it was so comfortable (E9). Purchased that one, gave it to my son for college graduation, bought a K9 and then a T9. Every one shoots flawless and feel like they were custom made to fit just me. Notice I am not a fan of plastic? Old and set in my ways, but I have been eyeing a PM 45.

03-19-2014, 04:29 AM
Size and simplicity.

03-19-2014, 06:12 AM
I bought my Kahr, because I'm a sucker for a buxom blonde in a halter top. That sales girl had me wrapped around her little finger. I'd have bought a Keltec or a Jennings had she been selling them. Yes, I'm a dirty old man and not afraid to admit it.

03-19-2014, 02:06 PM
I want one! BB in a HT (that is) :D

03-19-2014, 02:27 PM
Concealment as per size/weight/caliber. Kahr just offers all that I need. Love my PM9, love my new PM40 even more. Magazine capacity wrt the new NY laws was also a consideration.

03-20-2014, 02:13 PM
I have had about 30 small 9's and .380's and hope this CM9 is the pick. I carried a buddy's CM9 for about two weeks and that helped me decide on the comfort part.

03-20-2014, 04:50 PM
Saw lot's of ads saying "Thin is in" featuring the brunette in a little black dress holding a Kahr. The thought of a .45 ACP only 1" wide with a 3.5" barrel intrigued me but I never found one in a gun store.
Years later I walked into a gun shop here in Las Vegas and found two used Kahrs for sale; P40 and P45.
Paid $475 out the door and I have that P45 on my hip now. Had lots of problems for the first 700-900 rounds but it runs as smooth as anyone could hope for after I found the problem.

Here is The Little Monster on my last trip out to the range.


03-20-2014, 05:57 PM
We moved to Jacksonville in April of 1997 and I had my CWP by December. I carried one of those little .22LR revolvers with the 1" barrel... usually in a Velcroed change pouch in my pocket... seemed less than optimum after I got my CWP. I started carrying an Interarms Walther TPH in .22LR... about 14 ounces loaded with 6+1 Stingers, in an Uncle Mike IWB holster. I could draw and fire that one-handed because I wore large-sized untucked polos.

I must have handled a K9 in the gun store, but ordered one with night sights, getting it in March '98. It was just too heavy for my to carry wearing shorts... draw-stringed ones, so I carried the TPH for about a decade or so. I did have a few failures to fire when I shot the pistol with the carry ammo, so I wanted a centerfire pistol that wasn't too big or heavy.

When I heard about the Kahr P380's coming out, I ordered one with night sights... took 11 months! I should have gotten one and had the sights installed! Anyhow, I thought that would be perfect... 6+1 +P 90-gr Gold Dots weighing a smidgen less than the TPH!!

While waiting for the P380 I joined the P380 forum and then this one. Everyone here raved about and seemed to have a PM9, so the next time I went to a gun show I found a like NIB PM9 DLC with night sights! I pounced on it and it was like Lays potato chips... couldn't have just one!

A month or so later I got the new PM45 DLC with NS, then the P380 came in. Then I bought a Mag-na-ported P40 and then a DLC P9 off our Marketplace.

Like the K9, the mid-sized P-models are just a perfect size for me. They fit my hands perfectly and I really like the polymer's lighter weight. They are very good looking to me and are unencumbered with manual or magazine safeties... just the full-sized gun features I want... real sights, slide lock, and magazine release... all having the same manual of arms.

In trying to invent a small, compact concealed carry 9mm pistol, I think that Justin Moon hit a home run first try with the K9, but the polymers are my favorites for CCW. The P9 is 8 ounces less than the K9, which is important to me.


03-21-2014, 05:33 AM
I bought a Shield, great gun, but too big for pocket carry. The PM9 fills the bill.

03-21-2014, 05:43 AM
I bought my first Kahr as an upgrade from a Kel-Tec P11 which was my first carry pistol. Never been without a Kahr since.

03-21-2014, 09:29 AM
I had kept close attention to what the handgun market had to offer, in the way of small, lightweight, and affordable CCW pistols. The CM9 fills that bill.

If you’re looking for a light little pocket rocket that won’t break the bank, and need more punch than the .380 cartridge by moving up to 9mm cartridge, the CM9 is the perfect answer.

The dot and post sights are great for quick and up-close target acquisition.

03-23-2014, 04:27 PM
My Glock 26 was way too heavy and as much as I tried, the Shield wouldn't pocket carry well. I got the PM9 to replace my S&W 442 AirWeight.

03-23-2014, 05:04 PM
Cause I wanted a pocket 9, and the CM9 is awesome.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

03-23-2014, 05:17 PM
I was looking for something easier to carry than a Glock 19. I love the CW9 and P9, so I bought one of each.

03-23-2014, 06:10 PM
I was also looking for something lighter and smaller. Now I own 3 Kahr's.

08-31-2014, 05:09 PM
Mainly I needed a slim profile, SMALL 9mm that could be pocket carried if I so desire but had a slim enough profile for comfy IWB summer attire.. I read A LOT of negative reviews of Kahrs and it really disappointed me as I really wanted one, so I joined this forum....

After my first post "do kahrs really suck that bad?? " I was welcomed with open arms when I probably should've been banned as a troll.... With that thread and the comments therein I decided to give Kahr a try, I have just bought a PM9 and ordered a CW380.. I have the 9 in possession and will take it to the range tomorrow for serious abuse, if it fares well its a keeper..... same thing with the 380 when I get it, time will tell.... Personally if Glock made that stupid 42 into a 9MM I would have never considered anything else....

08-31-2014, 08:29 PM
I went to the shop looking for an XD9. The guy behind the counter put the P45 side by side with it, and told me it was on clearance sale. After handling both, I went with the Kahr.

Besides, I drive an '02 Chrysler van, and now I can honestly say I bought a new Kahr.

08-31-2014, 11:46 PM
...and a few like me, will also agree it was to get the the revolver like trigger in a semi-auto.


09-01-2014, 05:48 AM
Surprised nobody has said "to impress a girl" yet!

As it happens I purchased my first Kahr FOR a girl.... and she has been suitably impressed.

It goes like this.. We had decided that we would get our permits and start carrying. I had something I could carry but nothing that the wife would carry all the time. My son and I spotted a Walther PPKs at a local pawn shop and talked the wife into checking it out. She didn't like the price and so she looked around and decided on an S&W Sigma. I knew that wouldn't work for her but it could have for me so I let her buy it (she could carry it in her purse if she wanted). When we got home later I asked her how she was intending to carry that Sigma on her body and she looked at me and said well I guess we need to go back to the shop. She had liked the feel of a Kahr PM 9 but did not like the price. I told her not to allow price to control her decision and that I would do whatever I had to in order to her her what she wanted. Next trip to the shop we handle that PM9 again and honestly I didn't think she would like it as much as she thought so I talked her into ordering a MK9, my thought is the extra weight would make the recoil bareable. Well the destributor didn't have an MK9 on hand so I decided to wait. Next trip to the shop and they have a CW9 on the shelf and she bought that. I like the size so much I decided I would get myself a K9 and trade or sell that Sigma she had bought even tho we had no issue with it except the silly hinging trigger. I got lucky and found a K9 on a similar site and traded off a revolver I didn't want. The wife touched that K9 and the first words out of her mouth were "I know which Kahr I am carrying" so I found another K9. (I should have let her play with is some before doing that as she can not operate the slide to her satisfaction).

09-01-2014, 07:45 AM
Ruger LCP's size made it possible for me to begin carrying every day. But Ruger could not fix the smilie issue, so I decided it must be a design flaw and researched to find a better gun in the same size. The striker fired P380 was the answer. A great little gun.

09-01-2014, 08:42 AM
I bought my first kahr unknowing of what a kahr was from a disgruntled owner for a price that I felt I could not turn down could not turn down. Then bought several more to round out my new carry pistols.

09-01-2014, 09:01 AM
I was carrying a Ruger SP101 and wanted to add a semi auto as EDC. The MK9 was an easy choice: great DA trigger, no safeties...just draw, point and shoot. I got the K40 when 9mm became scarce and I didn't want to be without a Kahr for carry. No complaints.

09-01-2014, 10:28 AM
For me after having 1911's, CZ's, Colts, S&W's, Sigs, Berettas and Brownings, the Kahr is as accurate if not more so for its size. It is as reliable especially for its size. Finally the track record is well proven.

My Kahr MK9 lives with me 24 & 7 as a concealed carry and first weapon to grab at night on my night stand. I am quite pleased. I prefer all metal pistols.

Rob K
09-01-2014, 08:09 PM
I'm going into my 2nd hundred rounds of different brands of FMJ, self defense ammo and have yet to have a FTF, misfire,
or any other issue. I had one instance where I hit the magazine release by mistake. Not a pistol problem, but a learning situation for me. The CM9 could not have exceeded my expectations any more. I use a Cooks Holsters appendix carry Kydex holster that I can carry all day and forget I have it on.It has very little recoil with a little bite from hollow points, but is totally manageable. When I first got it, I did a breakdown and cleaning with very lube and a serious polishing of the magazine lips with 1600 grit emery cloth. I also polished the feed ramp with the 1600.Maybe that was overkill but as a carry pistol I wanted to cover every possible option.Buy one, shoot it and get used to that sweet, smooth trigger.

09-05-2014, 07:53 AM
I bought my P380 because I wanted something to carry that was smaller than my M & P 40C. I like both guns, carry both, depending on weather, time of year, etc., but usually go with the Kahr during warm weather due to my choice of clothing and the decreased likelihood of printing.


09-05-2014, 01:09 PM
I bought my Kahrs (CM9 and CW380) because:

1) The price was great. I got both for about what an XD-S would have cost me (the other major contender for me).
2) I want something I can pocket carry. If I can't pocket the 9, I can certainly pocket the 380.
3) The trigger felt like a smooth DA revolver (better than my LCR)
4) They are THIN. I need something thin so I will actually carry it instead of looking at it and then leaving it at home.
5) They seem to have a lot of devoted fans. Not just fanboys--people that actually really know them and love them.

I will hopefully be able to pick them both up tonight and get to the range next week sometime.

09-06-2014, 09:53 PM
Was looking for a lightweight and easy to CCW pistol. Kahr fit my hand like a glove and I just could not put it down

09-06-2014, 11:06 PM
5) They seem to have a lot of devoted fans. Not just fanboys--people that actually really know them and love them.

well said there KW.

09-07-2014, 09:23 AM
Being a snubbie carrier for years, I was clued into the great double action trigger on the PM9 by a fellow range officer. An great added benefit is the super discount Kahr gives to RSO's.
It was a no brainer purchase, and my PM9 has pretty much replaced my pocket carry 340pd.

09-10-2014, 04:54 PM
I recently bought a CM9 because I wanted a 9mm that could be carried in my front pocket, and I had researched double action triggers and Kahrs seem to be well thought of. I first got a Sig P938 because it was single action. But after pulling it out of my pocket holster and finding the safety disengaged, on more than one occasion, I thought a double action would make me feel more comfortable carrying it. I put 150 rounds through it recently and everything went perfectly. Not one failure of any type.

09-10-2014, 08:19 PM
The CT40 was $199 at Palmetto State Armory. I didn't think I wanted or needed a 40 for that matter. At $199 I did.

09-10-2014, 08:38 PM
The CT40 was $199 at Palmetto State Armory. I didn't think I wanted or needed a 40 for that matter. At $199 I did.

Good call!

09-10-2014, 08:47 PM
I recently bought a CM9 because I wanted a 9mm that could be carried in my front pocket, and I had researched double action triggers and Kahrs seem to be well thought of. I first got a Sig P938 because it was single action. But after pulling it out of my pocket holster and finding the safety disengaged, on more than one occasion, I thought a double action would make me feel more comfortable carrying it. I put 150 rounds through it recently and everything went perfectly. Not one failure of any type.

Yikes--that would have really freaked me out. The Sig is a really nice little gun, but it is not a pocket gun IMO (for that reason).

09-11-2014, 06:41 AM
Yikes--that would have really freaked me out. The Sig is a really nice little gun, but it is not a pocket gun IMO (for that reason).
The P938 is a great little gun to pocket carry IF you can fine a pocket holster that completely covers the safety. I got one from Yetter holsters and it works perfectly. But what bugs me about carrying it in a safety protected holster is that it is too slow to put into operation. IMO, a single action just isn't right for pocket carry. They're fine for IW or OSW carry.

09-12-2014, 11:01 PM
Just got a CW380. I helped a friend who bought a used P380 and was suitably impressed when firing it that I purchased the CW for me. The recoil was so much more manageable than the P3AT I owned years ago, and the BIG slide release is a plus on a tiny pistol to me. Years ago a friend got a used E9 and I liked it, but did not think much about Kahr as it seemed like a nice pistol, but nothing stood out to me. Now, I like the fact nothing stands out, simple to use, simple to shoot, Kahr is a brand for me now......

Big bird
10-26-2014, 05:15 PM
I bought a CM40 because I wanted to carry a 'big gun' but I needed a lighter weight than my Glock 23. The CM40 turned out to be very picky about it's diet, but I found a round it liked and everything was fine. When they came out with the CM45 at 17.5 oz, I gladly got in line. I love my CM45.

10-27-2014, 02:56 AM
I choose the kahr because I like the feel of it. It's a great carry weapon. It's not heavy and uncomfortable to carry. Also the trigger is awesome.

10-27-2014, 08:20 AM
zimmermans PF9 worked when needed. Just sayin.

et now he wished it wouldhave malfunctioned. Just sayin

If it had malfunctioned Zimmerman might not be with us today. I'd say that he's probably sorry that he was forced to pull the trigger.

10-27-2014, 08:21 AM
I bought a Kahr because it struck my fancy. What more reason did I need?

10-28-2014, 08:12 PM
I am a fairly unremarkable man except that I have the hands of a 14 year old girl. The first time I picked up a slim little Kahr I knew I had to have one. No other handgun (except maybe a 1911) feels better in my hand than a K or P series gun.

10-28-2014, 10:20 PM
I went into the gun store looking for a Shield. Turned out they had sold their last one, so I thought I was content to wait for another one to arrive. I was looking around while my buddy talked to the salesman, and saw a CW40 on the shelf and asked to see it. As soon as I picked it up I knew I wanted it. The weight was right, grip fit me like a glove and I liked the feel of the whole thing. I decided to sleep on it, and came back the next day and traded a shotgun in on it and took the Kahr home. I've put a few hundred rounds through it so far and am really happy. I like it better every time I shoot it.

11-06-2014, 10:57 AM
I tend to go for things that are clean and elegantly designed, so I was attracted to Kahrs right away. I started with a PM9 and was very happy with it, but when I put a K9 Elite in my hands it went straight to that part of my brain usually occupied by beautiful women and exotic cars. You know...the lightning bolt that hit Michael Corleone in Sicily! But unlike exotic babes and cars, this little jewel worked perfectly and did everything I asked of it. The K9 led to more Kahrs, both stainless and poly. IMHO, Kahr has hit the perfect balance of form and function. I'm still waiting for my K45 Elite, though.

11-06-2014, 01:23 PM
I got my last three at great prices, so that helped sway my decision quite a bit. But I too like the way the Kahr's fit my hand. I have such small hands that I can even squeeze my other 4 fingers onto the grip, giving me very good control of the little monster. I bought a CW45, while waiting on the CM to come out, and then a couple weeks later I found a CM45 for under $300, and snatched it as well.
Now I have a new unfired CW45, that I'm not sure if I'll keep or trade. I picked it up when one of the internet gun stores had it at a ridiculously low price. I suppose I should at least break it in and see if it will function with the 7 round mags. That's why I sold my first CW45, it wouldn't function with a fully loaded 7 round mag - 3 different ones, and I made sure the springs were in right, and that the follower wasn't hanging up on anything. It went back to Kahr a couple times, and they returned it saying it functioned fine with the 7 round mags, well it did, when you only loaded 3 or 4 rounds into them. II guess the Kahr gunsmiths can't read that its a FULLY LOADED 7 round Kahr mag that causes problems, which I put in a note in bold print, when returning the pistol to Kahr, and mentioned a couple of times when talking to customer service.

11-06-2014, 02:33 PM
I'm dirt poor as usual but if you part with that CW45 let me know. I've been pondering one of those for a bit.

11-06-2014, 03:00 PM
I had been carrying a Bodyguard, and all though nice for carry because of the size, I needed something that was a bit more accurate than throwing rocks( bodyguard sucks) and had the opportunity to pick up an MK9 that they only made 400 of. Hadn't been much of a fan before that..........gave it a shot...................it's worked out well, and because of this forum, I know a hell of a lot more than I did before.

11-06-2014, 06:42 PM
Will do Colonel.

Covert Kahr
11-29-2014, 10:11 AM
I tried a Kel-Tec 380 and a glock 27. I liked the size of the kel-tec but not the grip and having to do a lot of finish work on it to get any kind of reliability was a problem. The glock was reliable but it took a lot of work to make the grip fit my hand and it wasn't a great CCW because of the thickness and how much the grip stood out. When the T9 and TP-9's came out I decided to get one. I had held a couple Kahrs over the years and liked the way the pointed and fit. The coverts were gone by the time I started looking so I bought the TP9 with the intent to make my own.

11-29-2014, 11:36 AM
Years ago I was stopped late one night by an Austin LEO (I was doing 55 in a 40 zone after picking up my brother & SIL at the airport).
After checking out my DL and CHL, he asked what kind of gun I was carrying. After telling him my KT P32 was in the console, he looked like he had a hard time stifling a laugh.

So that's when I started online research for a 9mm and discovered the Kahr PM9. Bought one & pocket toted it for a while, but downsized to a P3AT and later an LCP - because the 9 was just a tad too big to comfortably carry it in my shorts. Did carry the PM9 in my jacket pocket until gifting it to my son and then upgrading to the CW45 for cold weather carry. I traded the P3AT and a POS AMT .380 Backup for the CW45.

Still love the little LCP, but the new CT380 I ordered yesterday looks like a little more gun & might fit my hand better - along with softer recoil.

BTW - The Austin LEO just let me off with a warning. Still have the P32 though - it's a reliable little shooter.

11-29-2014, 12:08 PM
Long time Glock carrier. I CC'd a Glock 19/23. As I have aged my back starting to hurt. So I carried less and less. As we all know, the best gun to have is the one that is with you. As Glock doesn't make a single stack and the G26/27 was still too bulky, Kahr was an open option. I prefer striker fired semi's with polymer frames for carry. I tried a S&W 438 for a while but it wasn't comfortable. I bought a Kahr CM9 and IWB carry with a back up mag in my pocket. Lightweight and easily carried. I traded some on the capacity but I'll still carry my G19/23 when I visit the big city.

11-29-2014, 03:53 PM
Long time Glock carrier. I CC'd a Glock 19/23. As I have aged my back starting to hurt. So I carried less and less. As we all know, the best gun to have is the one that is with you. As Glock doesn't make a single stack and the G26/27 was still too bulky, Kahr was an open option. I prefer striker fired semi's with polymer frames for carry. I tried a S&W 438 for a while but it wasn't comfortable. I bought a Kahr CM9 and IWB carry with a back up mag in my pocket. Lightweight and easily carried. I traded some on the capacity but I'll still carry my G19/23 when I visit the big city.

I do find it interesting that so many kahr owners were glock owners who carried their glocks but were just looking for supin much smaller to carry where special dress cloths was not needed. Kahr fills that need. I don't shoot my PMJ9 good at all but at 7 yards I do OK with it, I feel very confident with it, much more confident than when I was walkingaround with my P3AT in my pocket and never knowing if the fokker was gonna work or not. I do think back in the day though that the kel tek's as junkfy as many were started the ccw mini gu fad and it took quite a few years for the major gun makers to realize that people wanted a smaller ccw. Now IMO u don't hear to uch about the kel teks any mo0re...I would be today they are pretty good reliabler gun to. They must have had sumpin nice or Ruger wouldnot have copied their first 380 after the kel teks, and also suffer a recall on the for not doing a good job of making a 380..

Covert Kahr
11-29-2014, 11:45 PM
I do find it interesting that so many kahr owners were glock owners who carried their glocks but were just looking for supin much smaller to carry where special dress cloths was not needed. Kahr fills that need. I don't shoot my PMJ9 good at all but at 7 yards I do OK with it, I feel very confident with it, much more confident than when I was walkingaround with my P3AT in my pocket and never knowing if the fokker was gonna work or not. I do think back in the day though that the kel tek's as junkfy as many were started the ccw mini gu fad and it took quite a few years for the major gun makers to realize that people wanted a smaller ccw. Now IMO u don't hear to uch about the kel teks any mo0re...I would be today they are pretty good reliabler gun to. They must have had sumpin nice or Ruger wouldnot have copied their first 380 after the kel teks, and also suffer a recall on the for not doing a good job of making a 380..

Glock could have done alright but I think the CCW crowd is much smaller than the military/police crowd so they market to the largest number of buyers. Their method of making a mini by chopping the grip and barrel of a full size got me to buy one, but after carrying it for a couple years I started wanting something that didn't require a jacket or baggy pants.

11-30-2014, 10:02 AM
Glock could have done alright but I think the CCW crowd is much smaller than the military/police crowd so they market to the largest number of buyers. Their method of making a mini by chopping the grip and barrel of a full size got me to buy one, but after carrying it for a couple years I started wanting something that didn't require a jacket or baggy pants.
I dunno, there are well over 11,000,000 concealed carry permit holders across the United States which is roughly 4 times the number of US, state & local LEOs & military.

11-30-2014, 04:10 PM
Going to the core of the thread question, I bought mine to carry around on my person and, if necessary, shoot people with. Not too sure there's much use for them otherwise.

11-30-2014, 04:33 PM
I bought mine to carve pumpkins. (See avatar) ;)

11-30-2014, 04:51 PM
I wanted is small striker fired .380 to replace a diamondback db380,after some initial hiccups and(IMHO) quality control issues,my cw380 has proved to be a great pocket pistol.

11-30-2014, 06:04 PM
Honestly? It was two part:

I have a Kimber Solo that is a work of art, but it's also very picky with ammo and maintenance. As such, I was in the market for a compact single stack 9.

What happened next? I arrested a guy who had a PM45 on him and when I was making it safe I thought to myself that it felt like a damn nice gun. Sure, not as finished and artful as the Kimber, but very nice.

A few months later I picked up a CM9 and haven't looked back. It's amazing.

As soon as Kahr gets it back to me (rampectomy presumably), it will be my EDC and backup on duty.

11-30-2014, 07:06 PM
Honestly? It was two part:

I have a Kimber Solo that is a work of art, but it's also very picky with ammo and maintenance. As such, I was in the market for a compact single stack 9.

What happened next? I arrested a guy who had a PM45 on him and when I was making it safe I thought to myself that it felt like a damn nice gun. Sure, not as finished and artful as the Kimber, but very nice.

A few months later I picked up a CM9 and haven't looked back. It's amazing.

As soon as Kahr gets it back to me (rampectomy presumably), it will be my EDC and backup on duty.

Is that PM45 still in your evidence locker? Just curious.

tony k
11-30-2014, 08:34 PM
I didn't like carrying my 1911 due to weight, but still wanted a .45 acp. I wanted simple, thin, light, and USA made. Handled some Kahrs and really liked the triggers. Got a CW45, then got a CM9. CM9 is with me as much as possible. Next handgun is likely to be a K series.

11-30-2014, 10:40 PM
Is that PM45 still in your evidence locker? Just curious.

I think it was released back to him after the case was adjudicated. I wish we could buy some of the stuff we find. They won't let us unfortunately.