View Full Version : MK9 Elite 2003 & Elite 98 difference

02-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Does anyone know the difference between the two MK9 Elite models 2003 and 98? I'm having a hard time getting a hold of a MK9, not elite. My dealer can get the 98 elite for 650.00 on close out. I'm wonderng if I should just get it.

Thanks, Tom

02-22-2010, 10:21 PM
Well, I am admittedly a newbie to the Kahr set but my MK9 Elite is an '03 model. I believe that the '98s had some initial trigger and feed/eject issues but they are resolved with simple kits or sending the gun back to Kahr (talk to Ian) to get fixed.

Kahr only has a 5 year warranty but I understand they like to keep ALL of their customers happy.

$650 is OK. I paid $714 for my '03 a month ago so look around. I also believe "Mr. Anderson" here on this forum was selling one that he had Kahr fix (repaired ALL of the issues so supposedly should be "good to go").

My '03 has been flawless (so far) and I just cleaned it (again). Now I just have to go dirty it up again.

04-03-2010, 09:24 PM
Well, I bought the 98 Elite. Awsome gun, put over 100 rnds through it today. Not one issue. :)

