View Full Version : New S&W?

jg rider
06-05-2012, 09:24 AM

06-05-2012, 10:29 AM
So, the success of the Kahr CW9 and CW40 finally caught the eye of the folks at S&W?
I have never been a fan of the Sigma pistols and this new incarnate fails to thrill...

Interesting to see the market move in the SD area though.

06-05-2012, 10:52 AM
The SD line of S&W pistols are closer to the M&P than to the older Sigma pistols and really don't compete with the CW9 or CW40 which the new Shield pistol does....I'm sure we will see a Shield in .40 soon....The SD pistols do offer lots of bang for the buck with a lifetime no questions asked warranty and offer an affordable high capacity pistol for the first time shooter...I think the SD and Shields will sell very well but even the Shield isn't a true pocket pistol like the Kahr CM/PM pistols...

I wonder if Glock will ever bring out a single stack 9mm or .40 to compete in the compact pocket pistol size all the other manufacturers are cashing in on...If they ever do they will sell like hot cakes...

06-05-2012, 10:53 AM
agreed, yawn. would never take one over an m&p even at the reduced price. there's a HUGE different in comparing a C-series Kahr to a P-series Kahr and then comparing a Smith Sigma to a Smith M&P. Kahr is just machining differences, appearance only, mechanically both Kahr lines are spectacular and exactly the same. Sigma Smith products are not even close to the higher priced higher quality M&P stuff, not to mention a good Smith revolver. Yep, no thanks, definitely fails to thrill.

06-05-2012, 01:54 PM
Is this a new version Sigma? I just overheard S&W rep at local dealer saying the Sigma's are history. The M&P's are going like hot cakes [Shield].

06-05-2012, 02:11 PM
Kahr P series has better barrels and sights than the C series.

les strat
06-05-2012, 02:52 PM
Kahr P series has better barrels and sights than the C series.

Barrel rifling is really negiligible in a small short-barreled gun as far as accuracy goes. No difference in performance at all in testing. The front sights are definitley different, but replacing the front plastic sight with a night sight is an easy $30 mod, but not driftable.

06-05-2012, 04:29 PM
Like previously said the new SD line of S&W pistols are much closer to the M&P than to the old Sigma...The only thing I can see related to the Sigma is the slide take down which is like a Glock and the M&P uses a lever...The SD's trigger is very much like the M&P and NOTHING like the horrible long gritty heavy crappy Sigma trigger...

They are marketing the SD's to new shooters and the pistols have a memory pad on both sides of the frame to remind you to keep your trigger finger there when not on target and they don't have the interchangable back straps like the M&P so the grip is on the small to medium size to be suitable for female shooters to be able to use it and to keep the cost of the gun down...

The early Sigmas had a bad rep for being jam o matics but those problems were worked out and shouldn't be a problem with the SD's...I think after looking at a SD it seemed to be a pretty nice pistol meant to compete with Taurus and Ruger as moderate to low priced pistols for the first time buyers for home defense...

06-05-2012, 09:24 PM
Kahr P series has better barrels and sights than the C series.

Yes, but i was just saying mechanically. I agree with les, the polygonal rifling is not significant and neither is the front sight really. My point was just that a c series is way closer in quality, really the same quality, to a p than the lower priced smith semis are to the m&p series.

Infidel proud
06-05-2012, 09:37 PM
It's amazing that Kahr has been making slim CCW friendly pistols since the mid 90's and only recently the "big names" in the gun industry are catching on...I realize that this niche in the industry has been growing sharply in the past decade or so but compact easy to carry pistols aren't a new theme...just sayin

06-06-2012, 08:40 AM
I have an SD40 and love it. It is no Kahr, as it is more like a glock 23 in size and heft. It feels good and shoots well, so I can't complain.

06-06-2012, 04:35 PM
Yeah, My OG comment was meant to say that S&W created an less expensive XD alt gun in their own lineup...

Not to compair CW9 and the S&W SD9 (or the 40cals) side by side. Sorry.

I was never a fan of the Sigma so a new version of it is (yawn) sort of, SO...

But that's just me. Shoot-um if you got-um.