View Full Version : PM45 Break-in Rounds

06-05-2012, 10:13 PM
Brought the NIB PM45 home today and completed the basic prep. What are the best 3 rounds to use during my break period before introducing the defense rounds? I will, obviously, use the best FMJ rounds for the break period, but want to know best options to make sure I have the best process.

06-05-2012, 10:29 PM
I used Rem.230 gr. rd.nose, WWB 230 gr. rd.nose, and Fed. 230 gr. rd. nose. All were FMJ. and worked well for me.

Infidel proud
06-05-2012, 10:37 PM
It shouldn't really matter what you use...I feed mine whatever I can get ahold of cheap and it eats it like candy...

There is no guarantee of course, that yours will like everything...

My two cents would be to start shooting it and let it tell you what it likes...

Infidel proud
06-05-2012, 11:15 PM
Also put 50 rounds of steel cased tulammo through my CM9 just last week...ate it up like dirty cheap russian candy...

06-05-2012, 11:29 PM
From Kahr's Frequently Asked Questions (http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp) comes this recommendation:

Q. Which ammunition is recommended for use with Kahr firearms?

A. Kahr Arms does not endorse any particular brand of ammunition. However, not every brand of ammunition produces the same results. Please check the markings on the barrel hood of your firearm to determine the proper caliber. Kahr suggests a visit to a pistol range to test fire different brands of ammunition in the proper caliber. Kahr do not recommend steel case, reloads or un-jacketed ammunition. The Kahr pistol is rated to +P.

06-06-2012, 03:07 AM
Does Kahr give a reason why not to shoot the Russian ammo? Kahr also recommends to some customers to pay shipping when they put out a defective gun and to others Kahr pays the shipping.

06-06-2012, 06:28 AM
probably gonna not read "the why" stuff, but if talking to kahr people they might tell you "why". The shipping part seems tob eby individual issues to. I would think just calling them up and say heh my back of my sldie doesnt look right, u pay to take it back and look at it. Might no thappen on their dime. Basically a new gun with real issues, kahr is very gooda bout working with an owner. Kahrs carry a 5 year warranty but I have never read where they are responsible for shippig both way. Certainly I would be that if ur gun is lets say 3+ years old,ur gonna pay to send it in and they will pay to send it back. Just my opibion on this and certainly not kahrs

06-06-2012, 08:23 AM
jocko is all over this one! If you document what you have done with the gun, Kahr will cover the costs...in my single experience with my P380. If you put a little effort into it and expect fairness, you will probably get fairness, but it is their call.

06-06-2012, 09:09 AM
Does Kahr give a reason why not to shoot the Russian ammo?
Tight chambers found in modern western weapons generally contribute to better accuracy, but make use of steel cased ammo more risky.

Kahr does not usually share much technical information. However, most modern western gun manufactures recommend brass cased ammo because it is easier to extract reliably from tighter chambers, thus puts less stress on extractors resulting in fewer warranty repairs for damaged parts.

You sometimes see "commie ammo for commie guns" bandied about on forums referring to the generally looser fit of Soviet bloc weapon chambers which generally run steel cases just fine because they are designed with looser chambers.

Hope this helps . . .