View Full Version : Maverick 88 Security 8 shot

06-05-2012, 09:19 PM
Just encountered these today.
I want a home defense shotgun for the lady in particular, and I am leaving for Japan soon. These seem like a great option.

I even read briefly of a forearm.conversion so you can mount a light and forearm vertical grip which I would do.

Drilling and tapping the upper receiver to accept a sight or rail wouldn't be difficult would it?

Also I would install an M4 collapsable stock and vertical pistol grip. Plus a single point sling maybe.

That setup is my dream home defense gun and could be had for <$350, mayne even $300. (w/o a reflex sight)

Any suggestions or insight?

06-05-2012, 09:36 PM
I tend to be for less in home defense shotguns. Slings tend to get in the way in a home and can catch on things. I would go for the shorter barrel.

I prefer a semi-auto for my wife so she doesn't have to worry about pumping in the next round. I just put a mepro night sight on the front, have an 18 1/2 inch barrel and am done.

But, that's just me. Mossberg makes a fine pump for the money. They have a home defense semi for in the $400 range too.

mr surveyor
06-05-2012, 11:54 PM
I have a Maverick 12 ga. shortie myself, and I tend to agree with the KISS principle as well. For anyone not totally proficient with a pump gun, the sliding forearm should be the only external action they need to be concentrating on. Too many gadgets to deal with could lead to a bad outcome in the event the gun is really needed.
The main disadvantage to the Maverick (over the 500) is the crossbolt safety. I also have a 22" Mossberg 500 "Bantam" in 20 ga. that fits mrs surv well, and for some strange reason it has become my favorite dove hunter. You may want to look into the "Bantam", particularly if it's for the "mrs."


06-06-2012, 06:39 AM
I'd go with a 20Ga. with #3 buckshot and a light for the wife. As Mr Surveyor says, Keep it simple on the guns used for HD. If you wake up in the middle of the night forgetting to do something could cost you your life as well as other family members. I have the Mossberg Crusier in a 20 ga.with #3 buck that's been on duty fully loaded 24/7/365 for 15 +years. I shoot it about every 6 months if I don't use it and install new ammo. I have no doubt what so ever that it will get the job done if called apon to do so. For short range HD I'll recommend the Mossbery Crusier in a 20 Ga. and #3 buck everytime. It's just a darned good reliable set up if your a married man and a wife who needs to have away of defending herself when your not home. Just replace the pistol grip with a regular stock, as most people can not keep on target racking a shot gun with a pistol grip on it. JMHO of course.;)

06-06-2012, 08:35 AM
The Maverick has an aluminum receiver. If you drill and tap, use Heli-coils, but the smallest I have seen those in is 1/4-20 (Ten times bigger than needed on a gun). The Maverick also has a lip holding the spring plug in place, making accessories like magazine extensions impossible. Other than those, great gun, hard to beat a good pump shotgun, unless it is an older one with only one action bar. Get whichever gauge she can shoot well, and remember that most women need a shorter length of pull, so with an aftermarket stock, plan accordingly. I would also look into a recoil reducing stock to give to the wife.

06-06-2012, 09:37 AM
Good advice given, IMO.

I purchased a 18" "Home Defense" shotgun as well, and the wife hates it. Too much recoil. So I had the perfect excuse for another gun - I went with a Mossberg SA20. This is a semi-auto 20ga. You can get it in Bantam, with a 24" barrel and a 13" LOP, or in "Home Defense" mode, with a 18 or 20" barrel (dont recall), pistol or standard stock, 14" LOP.

MSRP is around $500, but you can find them cheaper at gun shows. A very reliable little gun (some reviews online, personal use): http://www.mossbergowners.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=66 has some info.

A quick video on 12 vs 20ga for HD use:

06-06-2012, 09:50 AM
I have to agree with the keep it simple theory as well. I've had officers bring me shotguns and a box of way cool add on stuff.
It looks cool and really neato but usually after about the first trip to the range stuff starts to loosen or not feel positive or just falls off.
I usually end up removing everything and putting it back the way it was designed.

I do like Speedfeed fixed stocks with a pistol grip built in. In fact I got the very first 3 Orange ones for our less lethal shotguns. He made them in black and after I inquired he said why not, I'll just pour in the orange instead of black.

I like the control even with one hand with a pistol grip.

I'd definitely go the 500 or 590, I like pumps. 20 gauge is all you need.
I don't like broom handles on the forend, again they look cool but don't work.

I'm sure others make them too but Speedfeed has a LE version that is a little shorter (like the bantam?) for use wearing a vest where a shorter length of pull is handy.

All that being said I did that on Remington 870's but everything would apply the same to the 500 which incidently I much prefer over the 870. Just personal preference.

Infidel proud
06-06-2012, 09:54 AM
My defensive shotgun set up is also KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid...Mine is a remmy 870 synthetic w 18 inch barrel...the modest mods are an extended mag tube, side saddle for a few extra shells, and a light attached to the front...That's all I feel I really need...

06-06-2012, 10:45 AM
We have a Maverick 88 (the 5+1 version); bought it used, but it's given us no problems.
There are mounts available (at least in 12 ga.) that do not require any drilling /tapping.
870 (top) and 88

06-06-2012, 11:28 AM
I agree go with 20 guage, #4 buckshot is great choice also saves on recoil and overpenertration.
Here is my 20 guage:


06-06-2012, 12:20 PM
Ok...im on my phone at work and a lot to reply to. Thanks for all of your advice. After all of that I'm considering keeping it stock plus a pressure switch light only.

However, I'm split on the M4 collapsable stock with the pistol grip now. Some seem for and some seem against it. Why?

I'm also now considering the 20Ga which I haden't before.

Should I get the 1.5" shorter barrel and sacrifice 2 extra rounds that I PROBABLY wouldn't need? My thought is that the 1.5" won't be enough to matter, and I'd rather just have 2 extra rounds. Opinions?

I'll have to look up those other guns when I have more time. I like the thought of the pump. With a little practice, it cycles as fast as a semi with less mechanically to go wrong. So it'll just take some range time. Besides, knowing my wife she'd forget about that "thingy that sticks out where the shells come out" and the boom stick would just click lol. I'm also on low income, so keeping it cheap is important to me. That's what draws me to the 88. I don't mind the safety, although I do prefer the tang safety on my moss 500a. (its a long barreled turkey gun in camo. I dont wanna put money into it to modify it, just to look like a piece of patchwork.)

06-06-2012, 12:58 PM
I picked up a youth model 870 at a gun show for around $200. It hold 5, 2 3/4 inch shells. It's small enough to manuever thru the house with, but has all the firepower I think I need. I got it for the wife for defense, and my son to shoot clays with, but the wife showed no interest in it, so I kept it after the divorce, and keep it handy by my bed. Right now it's loaded with #4 birdshot, and I have some 3" magnum BB shot for it too, but that cuts the capacity down to 4 shells. It's an inexpensive alternative to those home defense shotguns. Plus fun to hunt quail and dove with.

06-06-2012, 01:12 PM
Ok...im on my phone at work and a lot to reply to. Thanks for all of your advice. After all of that I'm considering keeping it stock plus a pressure switch light only.

However, I'm split on the M4 collapsable stock with the pistol grip now. Some seem for and some seem against it. Why?

I'm also now considering the 20Ga which I haden't before.

Should I get the 1.5" shorter barrel and sacrifice 2 extra rounds that I PROBABLY wouldn't need? My thought is that the 1.5" won't be enough to matter, and I'd rather just have 2 extra rounds. Opinions?

I'll have to look up those other guns when I have more time. I like the thought of the pump. With a little practice, it cycles as fast as a semi with less mechanically to go wrong. So it'll just take some range time. Besides, knowing my wife she'd forget about that "thingy that sticks out where the shells come out" and the boom stick would just click lol. I'm also on low income, so keeping it cheap is important to me. That's what draws me to the 88. I don't mind the safety, although I do prefer the tang safety on my moss 500a. (its a long barreled turkey gun in camo. I dont wanna put money into it to modify it, just to look like a piece of patchwork.)

You should be able to pick up a slug barrel for your 500a I'd guess for around a 100 bucks. You'd have a camo gun with a blued barrel but the bad guy your wife is dealing with I'm sure won't be concerned with the fashion statement.
Not sure if there's a camo slug barrel available or not, probably more money if there is one for the paint job.
I think the M4 collapsible might be ok and allow her more adjustment on pull. I'd probably give that a try.
Shotguns with a pistol grip only are totally worthless in my infinitely small mind.

06-06-2012, 01:24 PM
I, too, am pondering the purchase of a home defense shotgun. I have qualified and narrowed the field with the decision to go for a semi-auto in 20 guage. Here is what I am looking seriously at:
the Weatherby SA-459™ TR (http://www.weatherby.com/product/shotguns/semiauto_tr/sa459_tr).


06-06-2012, 01:31 PM
... I don't mind the safety, although I do prefer the tang safety on my moss 500a...
If you do go with a pistol grip style stock, a trigger guard safety is a lot more convenient operate than a tang mounted one.

06-06-2012, 02:36 PM
...However, I'm split on the M4 collapsable stock with the pistol grip now. Some seem for and some seem against it. Why?

I'm also now considering the 20Ga which I haden't before.

Should I get the 1.5" shorter barrel and sacrifice 2 extra rounds that I PROBABLY wouldn't need? My thought is that the 1.5" won't be enough to matter, and I'd rather just have 2 extra rounds. Opinions?...

The M4 stock was concived for a Male shooting a mild kicking .223 round in combat, with the juices flowing. The combo of a Lady (even scared) an M4 stock and grip and a SD 12gage load would be a bad combo. I agree on the 20gage but I would go for a 18 1/2 bbl and a Speed Feed (or like) stock for "me Lady"...
Train her on 7/8th oz skeet loads and she'll do fine.

You also stated that you have the "Turkey gun" already. I know it might seem like your mucking with it, but you already own it and a BBL and stock set might be cheaper than a whole new gun. The one you own would work good, unless she plans to hunt Turkey while your overseas...

My wife shoots trap and skeet with her own 11-87 and momma don't want no whimp loads. Your wife might stand up to more than she thinks... (Shrug). You can get some Win AA lites skeet loads with 1oz of #8 shot that my grandma could shoot (recoil wise). These would do okay for "in the house" type SD stuff. As I said in another thread I'm sitting next to Six flats of the stuff (1500 shells). It's only bird shot, but it's alot of birdshot, zombie hordes be danged.

Good luck and Thanks for your Service.

06-06-2012, 02:50 PM
That combo stock in the picture is quite a bit like the one I have on my MB crusier. Gives you the best of both worlds.

06-06-2012, 03:13 PM
Just one more thought here. I bought my son and his new wife a simple H&R single shot 20gage, sawed off to 18 3/4 at a local pawnshop for $90 bucks, out the door. Bought an Uncle Mikes elastic ammo holder for the stock and a box of five buckshot loads at the local Academy sports and they were ready for SD work for under $115, counting my gas. The new Daughter-in-law had never even fired a .22 in her life. We went to the pattern board at my shotgun club, rolled out some paper and backed up 15ft (the longest shot they could make in their apartment). The gun shot fine making a pattern of shot under a foot in dia with NO choke.
My Daughter-in-law did great learning to shoot and reload from the shoulder, in less than a box of 7/8oz skeeters. Easy, cheap and utterly effective in a house. They still have it and depend on it today.

My next SD shotgun is here: http://www.stoegerindustries.com/firearms/stoeger-double-defense.php

Also see this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhgwHQCJwWw

And the man himself, KISS in all thing SD...

06-06-2012, 03:50 PM
I, too, am pondering the purchase of a home defense shotgun. I have qualified and narrowed the field with the decision to go for a semi-auto in 20 guage. Here is what I am looking seriously at:
the Weatherby SA-459™ TR (http://www.weatherby.com/product/shotguns/semiauto_tr/sa459_tr).


See my post above about the Mossberg SA20.

By most accounts, its the same gun with minor differences. I dont know what the Weatherby will run, but you may save a few bucks.

I picked up the SA20 Bantam for under $300 at a show.

06-06-2012, 09:11 PM
Ok...so I think im looking up barrels and stocks for my 500a now. Before I was never confident enough, but now with a bunch of pundits like yourselves, im ready to take this on.

I took my Dow rod out, so now I'm packin 5+1 with my 500.

Now for a barrel...I want to be able to fire slugs, buckshot, rubber bullets, and bean bags. Do I get a rifled 18.5" barrel or a plain 18.5" barrel? I found some for around $90.

I will just check pawn stores locally or something for stocks that will fit I think.
What is that speed loader stock you guys mentioned? I have only seen pics and it didnt seem like anything special.

Infidel proud
06-06-2012, 09:17 PM
The speed feed stock is nice, think it holds 3 extra shells, I prefer a side saddle that holds 6 extra...think mine is made my mesa tactical...they also make a polymer version that is a lil less $$...

I also shoot slugs out of my smooth bareled 870 and can make consistent hits out to near 100 yards...so prob be ok either way IMO...

06-06-2012, 09:29 PM
Good advice given, IMO.

I purchased a 18" "Home Defense" shotgun as well, and the wife hates it. Too much recoil. So I had the perfect excuse for another gun - I went with a Mossberg SA20. This is a semi-auto 20ga. You can get it in Bantam, with a 24" barrel and a 13" LOP, or in "Home Defense" mode, with a 18 or 20" barrel (dont recall), pistol or standard stock, 14" LOP.

MSRP is around $500, but you can find them cheaper at gun shows. A very reliable little gun (some reviews online, personal use): http://www.mossbergowners.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=66 has some info.

A quick video on 12 vs 20ga for HD use:

Dang! Looks like it's twin! Thanks! :)

06-06-2012, 09:50 PM
Thanks infidel. "I keel you!" (couldn't resist) lol

So I just read that my 500A's forend can't be interchanged because it's attached to the rails. @ http://www.shotgun500tactical.com/mobile/default.aspx#P105

can anyone confirm this?
If that is true, I need to try and figure out some other way to attach a light. For under $200 I'm gonna be able to get a stock and pistol grip combo and new barrel though. That's pretty dang good. Just wish I could get a forend with picatinny rails for a light with a pressure switch....that would turn a B+ gun into an A in my book.

06-06-2012, 09:54 PM
Just found a barrel/mag tube mountable picatinny rail!!!

Infidel proud
06-06-2012, 09:54 PM
If that is true then any after market forends should have pre attached rails too...pretty sure (not certain) that I have seen after market forends on the 500A...could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time and deff won't be the last...

Infidel proud
06-06-2012, 09:57 PM
Oh yeah..."not if i keel you first" haha

06-06-2012, 10:41 PM
Ok...so I think im looking up barrels and stocks for my 500a now. Before I was never confident enough, but now with a bunch of pundits like yourselves, im ready to take this on.

I took my Dow rod out, so now I'm packin 5+1 with my 500.

Now for a barrel...I want to be able to fire slugs, buckshot, rubber bullets, and bean bags. Do I get a rifled 18.5" barrel or a plain 18.5" barrel? I found some for around $90.

IF you plan to use any sort of shot you need the smoothbore barrel

I will just check pawn stores locally or something for stocks that will fit I think.

If you get one with a wooden stock I would just cut it off to fit her better myself and I might also install a thicker recoil pad. I intend to cut my stock off and install a thicker pad.

What is that speed loader stock you guys mentioned? I have only seen pics and it didnt seem like anything special.

Speedfeed stock stores extra ammo in the stock... Tho I can not find one for a 20 guage.


Currently my 870 has a pistol grip on it, my son wanted to try one out so one day at a LGS he handed me one and said merry christmas. It still has this grip on it because my wife has been enjoying shooting some Aquila mini shells. It also has a 20" cylinder bore barrel with rifle sights (I found it for $100 at the same LGS and wish I could find another for that as my son needs one). It also sports an extended magazine tube (not sure if it is the 2 or 3 round extension) but you really don't need an extension.


My sons 870 currently sports the longest magazine extension he could find under what I believe is a 26 inch vent rib barrel. It also sports a side saddle and a stock cuff.


As for the light I believe you might be stuck with something like this.


I was thinking about that myself but balked at the price. Now thinking I might get a couple of these and build my own mount.


06-06-2012, 11:05 PM
The Speedfeed stocks I got and use at the dept carry no extra shells. Just a fixed buttstock with the molded in pistol grip.

Greg brought up a very viable concern with the tang safety not really being ideal with a pistol grip.
I do prefer a tang safety and the location of the slide release on the Mossberg over the Remington but both will work if you get used to them.

06-07-2012, 03:05 AM
Thanks infidel. "I keel you!" (couldn't resist) lol

So I just read that my 500A's forend can't be interchanged because it's attached to the rails. @ http://www.shotgun500tactical.com/mobile/default.aspx#P105

can anyone confirm this?
If that is true, I need to try and figure out some other way to attach a light. For under $200 I'm gonna be able to get a stock and pistol grip combo and new barrel though. That's pretty dang good. Just wish I could get a forend with picatinny rails for a light with a pressure switch....that would turn a B+ gun into an A in my book.
The wood or plastic forearm can be removed from the slide tube. The forearm is held on by a nut.
You'll need a special wrench to remove the nut (Google "mossberg forend wrench" (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mossberg+forend+wrench) ). I made one for my Remington. It or something similar would probably work on a 500A. It's just a suitable size dowel with a hole drilled through it. I cut a piece steel rod to size and put it in that hole. The tool works by sticking the dowel inside the slide tube, aligning the rod ends with the cuts on the tube nut, and screw the nut out.
Here's video that shows a guy taking the forearm off his Mossy:


06-07-2012, 07:27 AM
Don't get too fancy on the barrel, plain and smooth. The slug barrel most often has rifle type sights, useful at 50+yrds, but distracting at 15ft. One good bead on the end is good enough for 99% of situations. The "speed feed" brand stock has great ergo for most folks and I have shot an 870 so equiped, with the stock under my armpit/forearm like a stable pistol-grip shotty. Other "like" stock brands (for example ATI) can be had for less money.
Try not to over think the SD shotgun. Remember the 12ga, one ounce Win AA skeet load I talked about before is a potent deterant. One ounce of shot is aprox 485gr and the lite skeeter out of a 18 1/2 bbl is cooking along at 1185fps. Try to match that with a "glazer" from any pistol...
You still have to aim it pretty well at the 95% SD distances, and they all still have a "manual of arms" to operate. At 10ft you could miss the target compleatly as the shot has no time to spreadout. Your target though, will be impressed...
Train with the cheap "Lite" loads, carry the buckshot, but never worry if all you have is birdshot field loads. When I kept a Mossy cruiser in 20ga for home defence years ago, I had five in the gun. Round one, #8 shot skeeter, Next two "0" buck and the last two were slugs. I now know that was over the top, but it felt cool back then.
As for the light mount, unless your SWAT doing a house clearing, follow the KISS concept. I had a co-worker that made a mount from a 2 1/2in block of basswood, an inexpensive AAA batt tactical flashlite from Costco and a 3in length of shrink tubing. He wraped the BBL with some sandpaper, sliding his block back and fourth till the basswood matched the BBL contour. Next he did the same for the flashlite till it nested in the basswood as he liked it. A coat of sanding sealer and a coat of black paint went on the basswood last. Final assembly consisted of putting the block and flashlite where he wanted under the BBL of the shotgun, sliding the 3in of srink tubing over the whole combo and hitting it with a heatgun till it was tight. To use you grabed the gun at the BBL/flashlite and clicked it on at the base. Not as cool a set-up as some have, but the light, block and shrink togeather cost only $27 bucks and he got two taclights (with batts) in the pack from Costco.
Worry less about what it looks like, unless your doing it as a "hobby gun", as the BG looking at the wrong end of it could care less. All he'll remember is the poo-in-the-pants feeling he got at the sight of it...:eek:

See ATI stock: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/286471/advanced-technology-pistol-grip-buttstock-mossberg-500-590-remington-870-winchester-1200-1300-synthetic-black

And here cheap, but no recoil pad (ouch): http://www.midwayusa.com/product/760088/john-masen-full-length-pistol-grip-shotgun-stock-mossberg-500-synthetic-black

And a simple BBL: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/748383/mossberg-barrel-mossberg-500-12-gauge-3-18-1-2-cylinder-bore-with-bead-sight-steel-blue

Have a good one.

06-07-2012, 08:27 AM
I pondered over various home defense shotguns for some time before I selected the Rock Island Armory M5. It is a simple dual rail design, steel receiver, synthetic stock w/ fast feed stock, 20" barrel w/heat shield, available in parkerized as well as satin nickel marine finishes. My gun is the satin nickel version and it eats anything that I feed it. I keep it loaded with Winchester PDX-1 (slug with 3-00 buck). Best of all, it only costs about $200.


06-07-2012, 10:46 AM
Again at work.
Just thought I would add that at the moment I have Remington Heavi-shot 3" magnums in it. #5 shot I think, give or take #1. It's a very tight round with tons of inertia and
My current barrel is a double extra full choke, but that will change when I get the new barrel

mr surveyor
06-07-2012, 12:08 PM
I see very little, to no practical use for magnum shotgun loads in a self defense/home defense shotgun. It's not out of the realm of possibilities that a first shot may either completely miss, or not be totally on target, then follow up shot(s) will be much more difficult due to recovery from recoil (especially when fired from a fairly lightweight "shortie").

06-07-2012, 12:14 PM
I'll keep that in mind. it helps to have you guys as a reality check. I've always been pretty good at recoil management and can't expect that out of the Mrs

les strat
06-07-2012, 01:49 PM
I am a big fan of the Mossys. I looked at Mavericks, but since I always hunted with a 500, I went with an 18" Tactical Persuader 500 in 12 gauge when I bought mine. It had the AR stock, heat shield, etc etc. I have grown to like the AR stock. The only thing I added accessory-wise is a Mepro night sight bead.

A pistol grip with a Mossy can be difficult with the tang safety, but shoot it enough, and you develop a technique like all other weapons.


06-07-2012, 02:27 PM
Yeah, a 3in mag round is a bit much for "housework" if your asking me. I guess the best thing about a shotty for SD is how easy it can be tailored to the shooter and the job thru ammo selection.
Live in an apartment with too thin walls? Shoot lite skeet loads (1100fps or less) with #8 or #9 shot as they will likely stay in your place and not have a ton of punch thru. Live in a place in the country with a few acres between neighbors? Go to a modified or full choke and buckshot (and there maybe mag bird loads). That will give some reach before you go to slugs. Live in the burbs and need to make a good 45ft shot (we often find that here in TX)? tighten up the choke (mod or full) and go to the larger #5 shot often called a "rabbit load". That should help keep it on your property while having some attention getting knock down power.
And if your shooting breech loading guns (single shots or double guns) you can always shoot a cut load which will change your mild mannered skeeter shell into a 500grn glazer slug with the same skeet like recoil... and womp-butt at the reciving end.
Ammo selection with a Shotgun is the key to having "enough gun, without going over" available to you. They are also fun to build up and shoot.
If I have to get to my shotgun, an 1100 B grade Trap with a 30in fixed full choked BBL, well God help-um. At any possible shooting distance on my place the question isn't can I hit a BG. The question is right or left?

Eyeball... After 10K+ rounds thru it, I don't miss much with that gun. The Win AA super handicap 1 1/8oz load of #8 at 1350fps is serious birdshot. At 20ft I doubt the wads even opening... I have inkblotted many a clay with that combo, giving the bird as much as a 25yrd headstart.
Think about the where of your most likely SD situation and try a few loads and chokes combos on paper till it suits your SD needs.

06-07-2012, 03:32 PM
The only upgrade I make on a home defense shotgun is this little sight to replace the bead. Very easy to see at night!


06-10-2012, 09:33 PM
Ok guys....here's what I ended up with.
I stuck with my Mossberg 500A and added modifications for $190 to include:
Stock: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ItemDetail.aspx?sku=2ADVA1101140
Barrel: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ItemDetail.aspx?sku=2MS90015
$30 worth of 3 boxes of #4 Lead Buckshot and 1 box of rifled slugs
Flashlight mount for current flashlight(no pressure switch): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001NX3HGC/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00

Hindsight fellas? I'll take before and after pics of the mods so you guys can see the differences and the patchwork look of my gun afterwards lol. It should be complete within the week and I'll take the Mrs. out to shoot the stuff and see what we want to load her up with.

Edited to upload shot size comparison FYI.

06-10-2012, 09:39 PM
I like the looks of that stock. If you like it when you get it on I just might order one for myself.

Like the adjustability along with the grip.

The tang safety will have to work. I rarely keep mine out but when I do I keep the chamber empty so I can use the slide rack as a warning.

06-10-2012, 09:51 PM
Looks good! Photos later and a range report on the Mrs would be good too. If she is recoil skiddish try a box of Win AA lites one ounce loads to start.

With any luck, you'll see "the grin" after she is shooting smooth and hitting good. Remember that grin when she starts picking her own guns out and digging in your wallet for ammo money, remember that you started it...;)

Ask me how I know.
Wishing you and your family all the best and our prayers while your overseas. My Nephew is back in southern Japan this week after a three week leave. His return was less dramatic that his arrival last year. His flight landed in Toyko 18min after the giant earthquake. He likes the duty well enough...

06-10-2012, 10:28 PM
I think I am going to try this light mount.


06-11-2012, 04:53 AM
That looks like a sweet stable rig, but consider this.
1) it's $40....
2) if u mount a light anywhere but at 6 O'clock, it can really screw up your vision when illuminating your target. It can also get blocked while using a barricade.

06-11-2012, 01:33 PM

I'll be posting before/after pictures of the gun along with a range report asap.

06-12-2012, 09:07 PM
This is a picture of my shotgun before any modifications.
Tomorrow I should receive my stock and barrel. I'll get my flashlight mount at a time TBD! I'm sooo excited! Just can't wait to have more money to refinish it all black, or add nicer accessories!

I took a picture next to my gun case to show relative size for when I modify it.
I will be posting both pictures together.

les strat
06-13-2012, 08:03 AM
That's a sweet looking rig as is.

06-13-2012, 03:14 PM
Thanks Les. As a hunting gun I love it, and obviously haven't changed a thing on it.
For HD, I can't predict whether I will like the Frankenstein look more like I like rat bikes, or if I'll hate it. We will see.