View Full Version : How often do you Detail Strip?

02-22-2010, 08:59 PM
How often do you guys/gals detail strip your slide?

I have about 700 rounds through my PM9 and decided to detail strip the slide and noticed a good amount of brass filings in the striker channel. :eek:

I cleaned it with a swab and de-natured alcohol and feel a lot better since this is my main carry pistol.

Do a detailed strip and I think you will be surprised as to how dirty it is...I was.

02-22-2010, 09:06 PM
Did my first one today on the Kahr.

Found a lot of brass like you did. I detail strip my carry guns once a month.

02-23-2010, 05:03 AM
I've only done it once or twice to each of my Kahrs, mainly to do my usual Militec 1 treatment to all the parts and to make sure everything is clean and tidy. I doubt it is necessary more than a few times in the life of the gun, but doing it more often probably causes no harm either.

02-23-2010, 06:28 AM
I've never done it but would like to try. Where can I go to see a step by step description of the total strip down process?

02-23-2010, 06:41 AM
I've never done it but would like to try. Where can I go to see a step by step description of the total strip down process?

Look at the Kahr-Tech section. There's is a "sticky" at the top concerning Detail stripping with a PDF and other helpful tips.

02-23-2010, 07:52 AM
Look at the Kahr-Tech section. There's is a "sticky" at the top concerning Detail stripping with a PDF and other helpful tips.

Many thanks...

Weather is crappy here in South Texas today so I may try my first detailed strip this evening.

Longitude Zero
02-23-2010, 08:46 AM
I detail strip at every 1000 rounds.

02-23-2010, 09:20 AM
Many thanks...

Weather is crappy here in South Texas today so I may try my first detailed strip this evening.

It's not difficult, I did it recently. But those springs really want to jump out at ya. Safety glasses and maybe even a big freezer bag the first time. That little coat hanger deal described and I affectionately refer to as the thingamagig is a real benefit. Helps tremendously.
Long as you catch that striker spring or use the thingamagig life will indeed be good.
I did have to use a small piece of wire to push out the extractor, spring and back pin, no big deal.
Have fun!:typing:

02-23-2010, 09:25 AM
Not saying one should not detail more but I have over 25,000 rounds out of my PM9 and I have had the slide apart 3 times and that was to replace the striker spring with a 5# striker spirng, other than that,,,, that little clean out hole on the bottom of the slide will clean that channel perfectly, if you do it right.

Insert your spray nozzle in that hole and spray away, fludis will come out of both ends.
Now also while the nozzle is in that hole pull back on the back of the striker, what that does is open that area up right in front of the striker. Now spray some more and fluids will come out all over, now with the strker still held back insert as much as the nozzle as you can in or right next to the breech face (firing pin hole) hole and spray away and fluids now will run bigtime right out of that little clean out hole. It will completely clean that striker channel and everythign up front to with no disassembly needed. I never oil the striker channel. the striker itself is nickel paltedf also so it is not going to rust or have any corrosion issues. Unless your getting some light strikes replacing of the striker spring is not necessary either, but if in doubt replace ever 5,000 rounds. Same thing witht he extractor area. Insert the nozzle behind the extractor and spray away. Kahr ahs a patent on their extractor system and in their patent info they state it is a self cleaning extractor. I have never had my extractor out of my PM9, nor replaced the extractor or extractor spring. I do put a drop of oil right behind the extractor after spray cleaning and also a drop of oil along side of the striker block. Other than that kahrs slides are built so much like glock slides, they just don't need alot of maintenance, especially total take down. eacch to his own though as YMMV..

02-23-2010, 11:19 AM
I have about 700 rounds through my PM9 and decided to detail strip the slide and noticed a good amount of brass filings in the striker channel. :eek:

It is not Brass filings it is the Nickel Teflon coating coming off of the striker.


02-23-2010, 11:31 AM
It is not Brass filings it is the Nickel Teflon coating coming off of the striker.


Actually, the filings that I saw were yellow and assumed it was brass. I did examine and clean the striker and it seemed to be very smooth without any blemishes.

I do remember people having problems with the feed ramp on their barrels chipping off. Looks very similar to your striker. Might be a plating problem during that production run...not sure. But thanks for the heads up.

02-23-2010, 11:32 AM
While I did see the missing nickle coating on the striker on mine - the flakes were brass on BOTH sides, not just one, leading me to believe that it's not the coating. I'm going to start saving the brass I shoot out of my T40, it'll be interesting to see what the case head looks like and see if that backs up my theory.

02-23-2010, 01:23 PM
It is not Brass filings it is the Nickel Teflon coating coming off of the striker.


Not sure it can be both?? My understanding is the striker is nickel plated, not teflon coated.

There is no doubt that the striker channel needs to be kept cleaned, as reisdue from the brass and primer can get into the little firing pin hole and possable build up in time could cause Failure to fire or light strikes. I think that is why even the little clean out hole is there to eliminate takeing the slide completley apart every cleaning time. My Glock has a clean out hole on the bottom and so far I have never taken that slide totally down.

I treat this clean out hole like I do my barrels. I do both of them at the same time when I clean. takes about 30 seconds to clean the striker channel for me...

Some do oil the striker channel and for me anyways, it seems like a magnet for residue to stick to in the striker channel. general conscienses is to not oil the striker channel, for reasons stated..

02-23-2010, 02:03 PM
Just to muddy the water a little.

I shot my CW40 and my G23 at the range this morning (100 rounds through each) and detail stripped the slides on both when I got home.
Both guns had very small brass, or brass colored, flakes in the striker channel. Flakes about twice the size of a pinhead. Not many in either gun, but they were there.

I clean the channel in the Kahrs about every hundred rounds but had never noticed them in the Glocks before, although I hadn't really looked for them either.
I use the brass colored Win. primers but don't really know whether that's the source or not.

Both guns were 100% at the range so I'm not real concerned about the flakes causing malfunctions since I clean them fairly often.

I'm convinced that you just need to shoot 'em a lot and keep 'em clean. :music:

02-23-2010, 03:29 PM
the waya the kahr striker is designed, it wold take IMO a massive build up of crude to start causing issues. If one cleans his weapon and makes the4 striker chanlel oneof those areas to get cleaned also, one will never have any issues

02-23-2010, 04:01 PM
Not sure it can be both?? My understanding is the striker is nickel plated, not teflon coated.

That is what the supervisor at Kahr (becaue the regular phone guy didn't know) told me but my guess is you are right in the striker being nickel plated but I think that the coating is a thin layer of teflon. My gun had alot of it in the channel. Since I have replaced it I have fired 50 rounds through it and not a single speck.

02-23-2010, 04:13 PM
get a new striker, for that is uncommon...

02-23-2010, 04:15 PM
They sent me a new striker free of charge that got to me in about three days. Excellent customer service.