View Full Version : CW45 reset

06-06-2012, 07:28 PM
Fired my CW45 and it works great. The only problem is that there is no reset of the trigger. I compared it to my CM and PM models and they appear identical as everything is in the same place as the others. Any suggestions? I have taken the slides apart a few times but never the frame.

06-06-2012, 08:09 PM
If the trigger used to reset, but doesn't now... then you may have some debris in the side of the frame where the drawbar is.

If the trigger has never reset properly, then I'd say... Call Kahr and ask for some service.

06-06-2012, 08:40 PM
The trigger on my CW45 quit resetting, and I sent it back to Kahr, and they did quite a few things to it, and had it back in my hands in exactly 1 week, it's been one of my carry pieces every since. Also put in a new recoil spring on it when it wouldn't cycle some +P ammo. I don't use +P, but it +P rated and I want it to work with +P whether I use them or not.
I just sent it back to Kahr today, for them to figure out why it won't work with the 7 round magazines, it's totally reliable with the 6 round mags, but its a jam-o-matic with the 7 round mags. I'd rather carry a 7 round mag as a spare than a 6 round. I had a Chip McCormick 8 round 1911 mag, that worked very well with it, but I've misplaced the dang thing and can't find it anywhere. Most 1911 mags need some filing done on them so the feed lips don't rub on the bottom of the striker assembly housing, but the McCormick mag didn't. I do have a 10 round 1911 mag, that I filed down to work, but it's just for fun at the range.

Dirt doc
06-06-2012, 08:51 PM
I had a reset problem with my PM45 about a week ago. I hosed down the trigger bar and spring with gun blaster and then hit it with Dry Lube. That took care of it. I've decided I need to pay closer attention to cleaning the mag well, trigger bar etc. on every cleaning.

06-06-2012, 10:08 PM
Its been my (logical) contention that the pistols we see reported here with reset problems are not the cause of bad parts, nor the fault of bad fitment. Those pistols HAD to shoot to get out of the factory.

So why the reset problem?

Bit of plastic flashing on poly frames
Bit of debris someplace it needn't be

Thats all... !