View Full Version : magazines for CW45
06-07-2012, 11:52 AM
What options are available in magazines besides the original manufacturer ones for my CW45?
06-07-2012, 12:07 PM
What options are available in clips besides the original manufacturer ones for my CW45?
At this time there are really none worth looking for. Before someone else jumps on you, call it a magazine. I use to call them clips all the time too but I've finally cured myself.
There are some aftermarket mags but so far they report mixed success.
Infidel proud
06-07-2012, 12:15 PM
Can't say much about "clips", but the factory "magazines" are going to be your best bet...have heard you can use some 1911 mags for it too, with some slight modification...
06-07-2012, 02:34 PM
I just sent my CW45 back to Kahr cause it wouldn't work with the 7 round mags they offer. It was jam after jam, until the last 2 or 3 rounds. It worked better with a Chip McCormick 8 round 1911 mag, which didn't need any modification. Usually the feed lips rub on the bottom of the stiker assembly housing, and you have to do some filing, but I didn't on the McCormick mag.
06-07-2012, 05:47 PM
Keep talking CW45 because I placed my order yesterday and I'm just waiting for the "Your Order Has Shipped!" email. And I'm making a note of that Chip McCormick mag too. :D
06-07-2012, 06:16 PM
My six round mag that came with the CW45 works perfectly. I have two 7 rounders on the way. The 7 rounders were nothing but trouble in my CM9, so we'll see if the 45 is different. I'll post results when I get them.
06-07-2012, 08:06 PM
The Chip McCormick was from the "Shooting Star" line of mags. They are still available, cheaperthandirt has them for around $17.00. Unfortunately I've misplaced mine, probably in one of my ammo boxes somewhere. Hopefully it will turn up. I only used it on the range, and carried another 6 round mag for a spare.
My CW40 on the other hand, doesn't care which mag you use, feeds reliably from the 6 or 7 round equally well. I may put a laser on it and add it to my EDC rotation, which is currently the CW45 or the Boberg 9mm, with a Charter Arms .44 snubbie with the Barami Hip Grips thrown in from time to time when I need to sneak a weapon into a concert or something. I can attach the Hip Grip to my belt right over my crotch, and never get patted down in that spot.
06-08-2012, 01:18 AM
I just sent my CW45 back to Kahr cause it wouldn't work with the 7 round mags they offer. It was jam after jam, until the last 2 or 3 rounds. It worked better with a Chip McCormick 8 round 1911 mag, which didn't need any modification. Usually the feed lips rub on the bottom of the stiker assembly housing, and you have to do some filing, but I didn't on the McCormick mag.
Do you know which Chip McCormick 8 Round 1911 mag you got for it? Power Mag, Match Grade, or Classic?
06-08-2012, 01:21 AM
The Chip McCormick was from the "Shooting Star" line of mags. They are still available, cheaperthandirt has them for around $17.00.
Guess I should have read all the way to the end before posting.
06-08-2012, 01:31 AM
I use Officer's/Compact size 1911 magazines in my CW45:
06-08-2012, 04:00 PM
At this time there are really none worth looking for. Before someone else jumps on you, call it a magazine. I use to call them clips all the time too but I've finally cured myself.
There are some aftermarket mags but so far they report mixed success.
Magazines, clips, bullet holders, ammo cartridges. We know what he was talking about. :)
06-11-2012, 11:01 PM
I use Officer's/Compact size 1911 magazines in my CW45:
I've read your threads on the flush fit magazines for the CW45 and I'm a bit confused. I'm seeing mec gar in some instances and metalform in others. I saw the Wilson rebuild kit and ordered a couple, along with two metalform 7 round mags. I did this because I want reliable lock back after the last round. Now that the 7 round mags have arrived, I see they are too long for the CW45. Are people putting the Wilson 7/8 round spring/follower kit in the metalform 6 round mags? I'm also assuming the Wilson kits won't work in a mec gar magazine??? Can you or anyone shed some light on this? The mec gar mags are way cheaper and easier to find.
06-12-2012, 01:14 AM
I've read your threads on the flush fit magazines for the CW45 and I'm a bit confused. I'm seeing mec gar in some instances and metalform in others. I saw the Wilson rebuild kit and ordered a couple, along with two metalform 7 round mags. I did this because I want reliable lock back after the last round. Now that the 7 round mags have arrived, I see they are too long for the CW45. Are people putting the Wilson 7/8 round spring/follower kit in the metalform 6 round mags? I'm also assuming the Wilson kits won't work in a mec gar magazine??? Can you or anyone shed some light on this? The mec gar mags are way cheaper and easier to find.
The magazine tubes need to be Officer's/Compact length. I don't think it much matters who makes them. My original mod was made using a Metalform magazine that had a spring and follower designed to give 7 round capacity. I could not get this combination to reliably lock the slide back (though it fed fine). I then went with the Metalform tube combined with a follower and spring from a Kahr 6 round magazine. This gave me a relaible six round flush fitting magazine. Later, it was found that the follower and spring in the Mec-Gar 6rd. Officer's magazine (MGCO4506) would lock the slide back reliably. This magazine only requires a slight trim to fit and work reliably. As no other parts are needed, it's the cheapest route to a reliable six round, flush fit magazine. Some other folks are looking for seven round capacity and have been modifying followers and spring combos to achieve that. One of the methods is to use the Wilson Conversion kit, 8 round Government or 7 round Officer's (P/N: 266, 45C) in Officer's/Compact magazine tubes. So to answer your question "Are people putting the Wilson 7/8 round spring/follower kit in the metalform 6 round mags?", I'd say yes this is what they are doing, but I'm can't say for sure they are using Metalform mags exclusively. As long as the cut on the front of the magazine tube is high enough to keep the Wilson follower in the tube, it shouldn't matter what make the Officer's/Compact mag tube is. Please know this last is conjecture on my part as I haven't tried the Wilson kit in my mags.
Bottom line: I believe the MecGar mag listed above is the least expensive rout to go for a reliable, flush fit, six round magazine. My original modified magazine (Kahr follower and spring in a Metalform tube) continues to be trouble free. Seven round capacity will require experimentation (see posts 277 and 279 here (
06-12-2012, 01:35 AM
The magazine tubes need to be Officer's/Compact length. I don't think it much matters who makes them. My original mod was made using a Metalform magazine that had a spring and follower designed to give 7 round capacity. I could not get this combination to reliably lock the slide back (though it fed fine). I then went with the Metalform tube combined with a follower and spring from a Kahr 6 round magazine. This gave me a relaible six round flush fitting magazine. Later, it was found that the follower and spring in the Mec-Gar 6rd. Officer's magazine (MGCO4506) would lock the slide back reliably. This magazine only requires a slight trim to fit and work reliably. As no other parts are needed, it's the cheapest route to a reliable six round, flush fit magazine. Some other folks are looking for seven round capacity and have been modifying followers and spring combos to achieve that. One of the methods is to use the Wilson Conversion kit, 8 round Government or 7 round Officer's (P/N: 266, 45C) in Officer's/Compact magazine tubes. So to answer your question "Are people putting the Wilson 7/8 round spring/follower kit in the metalform 6 round mags?", I'd say yes this is what they are doing, but I'm can't say for sure they are using Metalform mags exclusively. As long as the cut on the front of the magazine tube is high enough to keep the Wilson follower in the tube, it shouldn't matter what make the Officer's/Compact mag tube is. Please know this last is conjecture on my part as I haven't tried the Wilson kit in my mags.
Bottom line: I believe the MecGar mag listed above is the least expensive rout to go for a reliable, flush fit, six round magazine. My original modified magazine (Kahr follower and spring in a Metalform tube) continues to be trouble free. Seven round capacity will require experimentation (see posts 277 and 279 here (
Thanks for the quick response. That was quite helpful. I'll revisit that thread.
I think what I'll do is get some mec gar mags and experiment some.
If that doesn't work out, I'll try the metalform. I'll just keep the 7 round metalforms for my 1911. They fit flush and look much better than the stock ones anyway. Thanks again.
06-13-2012, 01:57 AM
Greg, your flush fit mag looks very nice, and should help eliminate some printing problems. I was more interested in the 8 round capacity for use as a spare mag when CC'ing, so was not concerned about the extra bit of mag sticking out of the bottom of the gun. I was also not concerned with locking the slide back on empty since I only carry one spare mag.
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