View Full Version : IDPA.... how did you get started?

06-07-2012, 07:14 PM
Been thinking about some form of competitive shooting for a little while now seeing as ive fallen in love with shooting, and have quite quickly grown tired of shooting at a stationary paper target. The local range has a couple knock down targets that are a little more fun, but still gets dull after awhile.

Anyways.... Ive been doing a little research on IDPA, and it looks like a lot of fun, and a great way to train with your edc weapon. Just wondering how you guys (and gals) got started in this, and some suggestions for finding a place to start.

06-07-2012, 08:19 PM
I used to shoot IDPA several years ago and loved it, but quit after family life with young children got in the way. After the kids grew up and went their own ways I decided to get back into it. I did a google search of IDPA matches in my local area. I also checked with some of the sales guys at one of my LGS's. I'm lucky enough to have a couple of places within 25 miles of me that offer IDPA matches a couple of times a week. It is indeed a fun and worthwhile form of the shooting sports.

06-08-2012, 06:28 AM
IDPA shooting is a hoot! I also think that shooting any form of competitive shooting is a real plus if you get into a SD situation. Competitive shooting put you under a live fire stress and alows you to finally feel like "I shoot pretty good under stress". Couple comp shooting with some real SD training and you have done yourself alot of good when you carry.
Wish I could right now (recent back surgery) but it is the "carrot on the stick" for my rehab...
A link to start: http://www.idpa.com/
Find a range and group near you. Good Luck and enjoy!

07-22-2012, 09:13 AM
OP, have you found a range near you that offers IDPA or USPSA? I actually started with USPSA (IPSC back then) and then our club started doing IDPA as well and now I shoot both, as well as Steel Challenge.

07-22-2012, 09:56 AM
I visited an IDPA match and spoke a bit with members. I'm not after competitive timing stuff, just want to learn and practice the moves. They have different levels and a beginners class separate from the competitive matches.

I'd love to try it once or twice to see if I can bend and move like they do. I practice looking away from the target with gun in low ready then turn raising gun as I find the target allowing 2 seconds to shoot. That's something everybody should practice for self defense.

07-22-2012, 11:31 AM
A local club near me has full IDPA and another sponsered by a group called Dixie Wheel Gunners. The Wheel gunners restrict you to 6 round mags if you are using an auto. This works great for my CM9. I shot my first match last Wednesday and came in dead last. They didn't explain the scoring on the targets until after my first stage. Also, due to my regular ranges limit on rapid fire (1 shot every 4 seconds) it was a totally new experience but a lot of fun. I hope to improve everytime I shoot but I won't get much speed practice. They are having a BUG match on the 11th of Aug and I will probably shoot that too.

11-06-2012, 10:09 AM
An LE buddy of many years from the martial arts is also a competitive IDPA shooter. He was always trying to get me to come out to shoot with him and learn a new sword. I finally decided to give it a try the game with my PM40. He is a Glock man, but believes firmly that IDPA was intended to give shooters gun handling time with their CCW to build good muscle memory with it. I respect this guy and believe that is the best way to go. Alot of IDPA shooters have a "gaming gun" (full size) which they don't really carry. Of course their scores are higher because they are playing the game of competition....nothing wrong with this at all. It is a sport and it is about competition. (In fact, I have often considered buying a (gaming) full size handgun with the hopes that this will give me a jump in the learning and practice curve which hopefully will build my ability with my PM40. It is possible this could be the ultimate result to improve my shooting, as my shooting challenges may be more of me than my PM40's limitations. However, I have been hesitant to switch swords. (I am going to look at a S&W MP40 Pro this week. It will take real discipline to NOT purchase it...we will see what happens.) My buddy has the full line of Glocks and feels he benefits by shooting one Glock, carrying another Glock and being that it is all Glock, nothing really changes. Glock is Glock regardless of which of his guns he puts in his hands. Maybe he is right.

The best advice I have heard about IDPA is to train with your carry weapon and compete with yourself. Simply have fun and try to improve. My PM40 has limitations for certain, but I continue to improve with it and know it better and better. Most of the limitations are probably with me, not the PM. (Hence, my thoughts of shooting IDPA with a full size gun like the MP40Pro.) Most of all, the IDPA game is for fun and the time spent with friends and being able to meet and learn from others is a fantastic opportunity. It supports the shooting sports. It is simply fun training regardless of the silly equipment issues and inherent faults of IDPA. Hope you have fun with it.

11-06-2012, 02:00 PM
Most of the limitations are probably with me, not the PM.

I agree to some extent.

The gun doesn't make the shooter. However, the limited mag capacity of the PM40 will be a significant detriment to your overall time/score. Of course, if you have no interest in the "competition" aspect of IDPA, then this probably doesn't matter to you.

I could not shoot in a competitive match without comparing my performance to that of others. Maybe that's just me. My competitive spirit is too strong to allow me to deliberately select gear which would create a disadvantage.

I admire you for being able to put that aside and shoot IDPA, with your EDC, purely for the purpose of improving your skills.

Good luck with your skill building. Please keep us posted of your progress.

11-06-2012, 02:57 PM
I agree to some extent.

The gun doesn't make the shooter. However, the limited mag capacity of the PM40 will be a significant detriment to your overall time/score. Of course, if you have no interest in the "competition" aspect of IDPA, then this probably doesn't matter to you.

I could not shoot in a competitive match without comparing my performance to that of others. Maybe that's just me. My competitive spirit is too strong to allow me to deliberately select gear which would create a disadvantage.

I admire you for being able to put that aside and shoot IDPA, with your EDC, purely for the purpose of improving your skills.

Good luck with your skill building. Please keep us posted of your progress.

just remember if there are 10 shooters one has to end up #10 and now u will surely appreciate having ol jocko there with his trusty PMJ9. Just sayin

11-06-2012, 03:07 PM
just remember if there are 10 shooters one has to end up #10 and now u will surely appreciate having ol jocko there with his trusty PMJ9. Just sayin

32,000 rounds and you're still hoping to hit a bullseye, someday? ;)

I suspect ol' jocko is sellin' himself a bit short.

11-06-2012, 03:21 PM
oh contrare, u don't want to put any money on ol jocko, unless it is for last place. Just sayin.
I am but of only a few that can take a 9" paper plate to the range and at 15 yards, do my shooting stuff and still be able top eat off that plate with nuttin fallin through the holes.

11-07-2012, 06:45 AM
I could not shoot in a competitive match without comparing my performance to that of others. Maybe that's just me. My competitive spirit is too strong to allow me to deliberately select gear which would create a disadvantage.

For sure! I am way too competitive too, so I completely understand what you are saying. (Over 23 yrs in the martial arts which I've now retired from.) The handgun is my new sword.

For now, I compete with myself to get better with the PM. However, my defensive tactics buddy has given me some advice to get myself a more competitive gun so I can work out some things to see where it is me and where it may be my PM. He feels a competition gun will actually help me make big strides. I completely understand that my scores will improve and I will/should develop some skills which may enhance my shooting and PM gun handling. I have borrowed a competitive gun and my speed and scores immediately jumped on the longer distances. It is simply faster to acquire a good sight picture. However, I have put this purchase off for years, partly because of money, partly because I am still working with the PM and partly because my wife might shoot me for buying another gun. I have a tough time buying a competitive gun when I won't carry it and its' sole purpose will be competition scores with the hopes of improve my shooting with my CCW. The only way to know is to try it. All this giberish being said, I am going to LOOK at an MP40Pro this week. I've told the wife, received the harsh looks and words and I'm ready for a few weeks of sleeping alone....should I make the decision to go for it. Then comes the holster, mag pouches..... More harsh looks, more bad words and a few more weeks of sleeping alone. The MP40Pro will be arriving at the gun dealer today or tomorrow. My gosh this is a tough decision to retool, especially being that I love my sexy little PM so much....haha.

11-07-2012, 01:14 PM
OK....the results are in. I got the call today from my local dealer to look at the MP40PRO he received today. I immediately fell in love with it. I have looked at Glock, various 1911's, Springfield XD's, etc... This S&W M&P Pro is exactly what I was looking for and fits me perfectly. Just an IDPA update.

11-08-2012, 02:08 PM
Quick IDPA update...the wife WAS still speaking to me. When we got home from work yesterday I started helping her with a dinner party we were having that evening. She started giving me funny looks, as if my help was abnormal, so I broke the news like this...."Don't you wish your loving husband bought guns more often with all the help he is giving you?...I love you honey." No smile and Silence since..... Kind of nice and Yep, the wife WAS still speaking to me. Anyone ever have this experience?

09-17-2016, 02:06 PM
yep! so I got a gun for the wife; best deal I ever made!!!


01-12-2020, 04:20 PM
What are the rules for small pistols like P380 and 38 snubby?