View Full Version : Yet another new CM9 and member

06-10-2012, 04:01 PM
Hello all, New member and new Kahr owner here. Hopefully this CM9 will be my new pocket carry. I first tried the LCR, and while I liked it a lot, and it carried well. I found that I have the tendency to short stroke the trigger during rapid fire.* This is not an issue when operating at plinking speeds, but once I begin to fire with any urgency I short stroke about 50% of the time. It’s a shame because I really like the LCR and wanted it to work for me. But the reset was too long for me to become accustomed with. I initially purchased the LCR when the CM9 just came out, and the prices were about the same. The CM9 being more expensive in many cases.

Next was the LC9, I had some interest in this before, but the only reason I even picked it up, was because I stumbled on a fantastic deal where I was able to acquire it for just about dealer pricing. The deal was simply too good to pass up, even with all the safeties and whizz bangs Ruger shoehorned into the platform. I found that I carried it well, it drew nicely from the pocket, and was reliable. The trigger however, was impossible for me to get used to. This probably would have been ok with me had the M&P shield not come out.

When the shield was released, I had the good fortune to try one out, absolutely loved the fit and finish, and the trigger was excellent. (IMO) I unloaded the LCR and the LC9 and picked up 2 shields. Really like the Shield, shoots wonderfully for me, and recoil is a non-factor. I am definitely keeping the shields, as they make a wonderful IWB carry. They in fact, make a terrible pocket carry, again, my opinion. The shield is a nice pistol. But it is heavy, a bit large, and my goodness does the novak rear sight snag something fierce on the draw.

During this entire process, I had foolishly assumed that the CM9 was still in the near $500 range and not really looked at it that much. After again studying the dimensions and weight of the CM9 as compared to the previous candidates for pocket carry, I decided to go to the LGS and see how it felt in my nemesis holster. I was pleasantly surprised that my LGS now offered the CM9 at a price that was a good bit under $400. After again placing a jframe, LC9, and shield in my pocket, the choice was clear. For $379 out the door, I had a new CM9 that carried better in the pocket then any of the previous offerings to date. I also considered a S&W air weight, but I feel more confident in my ability to make accurate follow up shots with a small auto then I do a small revolver. Plus I am deep in 9mm and don’t like stocking too many calibers. Not to mention the trigger on the CM9 just felt “right” to me for a pocket carry. Not as short as the shield, which I find the trigger, however nice, to be a bit light with little travel for pocket duty. The trigger on the CM9 was the perfect combination of travel and crispness.

I broke it down and lubed it as recommended here in the initial startup procedures, and I have some super fine polishing paper should the need arise. I will be taking it out to shoot a few hundred rounds through it this week and am rather giddy with excitement at making this my new pocket carry. The weight and size are simply beyond reproach in the realm of pocket 9mm.

Thanks for all the useful information I have already found on this site. I have a suspicion this will not be my only Kahr for long.

06-10-2012, 04:13 PM
I love my CM9, but had some mag issues that had to be fixed in order for the gun to work. It's perfect now, and I pocket carry at times. Best 9mm on the market for that, IMO. Be sure to post your range report, and welcome to the fourm.

06-10-2012, 04:20 PM
welcome to the addiction

06-10-2012, 05:24 PM
Welcome to the forum, and congrats on the new cm9! Hopefully you will fall in love with it like I did with mine. My only concern for you is you said you short stroked the trigger on the lcr.... the trigger pull on the cm9 is loooong and the reset is 99% of that.... you might end up with the same problem. Just throwing my opinion at ya, but I hope its not the case cause I absolutly love my cm9! :D (<-our unofficial cm9 owners symbol btw... hopefully you will soon figure out why!)

06-10-2012, 05:30 PM
IMO short stroking is shooter error. one soon learns to adjust to it, If u short stroke a revolver, then one just needs to shoot more. One just has to let up on the trigger for the gun to get back into its proper timing, that is just the way revolvers and semi's work, expecially DAO semi's.

06-10-2012, 06:14 PM
Good report I enjoyed the read. I also love my EDC the Kahr CM9. Unless it is too hot then I carry the LCP in a Remora. :D:D

06-10-2012, 07:23 PM
Welcome and congrats on buying what I consider THE best concealed carry 9mm on the market! Love mine! Have fun with her!:D

pocket pistol
06-10-2012, 07:28 PM
Nice post, I enjoyed reading your report...

Snidely Whiplash
06-10-2012, 11:08 PM
Welcome aboard. Enjoyed reading your first post. Look forward to your first range report.

06-11-2012, 07:45 AM
Thanks for the kind words and advice. I agree that the issue with short stroking is 100% my fault and in no way related to the design or function of the revolver. It’s a persistent issue in that the reset on the LCR is at such a different point then all my other (Smith and Wesson) revolvers.

I have no issues with this when shooting my buddy’s CW9, not sure what the difference is in my ability and behavior. Only that I felt my proficiency was greatly diminished training across many platforms. As odd as it may seem, my hands are so laughably small that I am also slightly less confident in my grip on the smaller revos then I am the smaller semis. This issue was not evident in the CW9, and I suspect it will not present itself as a deterrent in the CM either. I wholly subscribe to the “2 is 1, 1 is none” moniker and after I qualify the CM9, a second is in short order.

I have already placed a few extra mags and a set of Talon grips on order, and should be receiving at least the mags within the next day or so. I will make it out to shoot this Thursday at the very latest, hopefully before then.

I will be aware of the potential mag issues and record their performance individually as well as the performance of the firearm itself.

Range Report to follow.

Bill K
06-11-2012, 08:05 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk.

I enjoyed reading your post. I find it interesting to read about the reasons, logic and experiences leading one to choose a particular firearm.

Based on my PM9 pocket carry experience I'm confident you'll be happy with the CM9.

06-14-2012, 12:09 PM
Well I just got back from shooting this morning and here is my range report as promised. Prior to heading our I followed the two stickys regarding initial prep.

100 rounds Remington UMC, zero failures of any kind. All rounds fed and extracted properly. Slide locked to the rear on an empty Mag each time.

50 rounds mag tech FMJ ammo, same results as above.

50 rounds federal hydra shock 135 grain HP, same results as above.

Accuracy was good, just shooting at wood blocks point shooting style. All in all recoil was a non factor and considerably less then the LCR I intend to replace for pocket carry. Shooting this back to back with the Shield, the Shield had less recoil, but honestly not by much at all. Very comfortable to shoot, easy to draw from the pocket and acquire a target. (a stationary target that does not shoot back mind you) the trigger is vastly superior to the LC9, and felt recoil is less with faster follow up shots. Only negative is that the pad on my thumb is a little torn up from loading all those mags. Meh

Very impressed, I am excited to see how the grip characteristics improve once my Talon grip gets here. This one is a keeper.

06-14-2012, 04:41 PM
Looks like things are going well with your new CM9. I put a Talon rubber grip on my PM and really like it. Welcome to the forum.