View Full Version : My customized PJholster

06-12-2012, 01:04 AM
Down here is Florida I wear mostly Tshirts and athletic shorts. My leather holster with metal clip works well, but I wanted to try a pj. As I expected, the kydex belt clip did nothing to hold the holster in place while drawing so I was drawing both gun and holster. I ordered a metal clip online and here is my creation. The epoxy is still curring so it is untested, but I am optomistic.

06-12-2012, 05:59 AM
I ordered a PJ yesterday for my PM9. I have a CB Supertuck for it, but I wanted something light, thin and easy to grab and go.

When I wear a light T and basketball shorts I carry my Kel-Tec .380 with the belt clip attachment. Not safe to carry with one in the chamber, but I'll live with that.

06-12-2012, 06:31 AM
Down here is Florida I wear mostly Tshirts and athletic shorts. My leather holster with metal clip works well, but I wanted to try a pj. As I expected, the kydex belt clip did nothing to hold the holster in place while drawing so I was drawing both gun and holster. I ordered a metal clip online and here is my creation. The epoxy is still curring so it is untested, but I am optomistic.IWB holsters are meant to be worn or used with a belt. It is dangerous to use that type of holster without a belt. Personally, I'd be worried the epoxy bond will fail when I need it most. There are other alternatives to a traditional IWB holsters for using while not wearing a belt. One way is to use a nylon belt with the holster under your athletic shorts. Another is the Smart Carry type holster.

06-12-2012, 06:34 AM
I carried a KelTec P3AT in my pocket for three years with the chamber loaded with no problems. The long heavy trigger pull made it a safe mode of carry.

06-12-2012, 12:37 PM
IWB holsters are meant to be worn or used with a belt. It is dangerous to use that type of holster without a belt. Personally, I'd be worried the epoxy bond will fail when I need it most. There are other alternatives to a traditional IWB holsters for using while not wearing a belt. One way is to use a nylon belt with the holster under your athletic shorts. Another is the Smart Carry type holster.

Thank you for your input and I agree with you, for the most part. I know iwb holsters are designed to be used with a belt, but I feel %100 confident in my current holster...It's the one you sold me about 6 months ago:D. A quality draw string tied tight works just like a belt to hold the holster firmly against your body, and I would probably only try this with a light gun. I have gone jogging with the gun without an issue. It stays put.
I have a smart carry type holster and don't like it. I haven't tried, but I don't think I would want to go jogging with that.
As for the pj holster. yes, the epoxy failing is my biggest worry. I don't think I am done yet, but I am still thinking of how I could make that bond stronger. Whatever the final outcome, it will be rigorously tested around the house before ever worn out.