View Full Version : Zimmerman's wife arrested
06-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Shellie Zimmerman was arrested this afternnoon on perjury charges related to not being truthful with the court about money collected to help out with husband George's bond and trial...
I don't know much about how this whole bond thing works but I thought the bond amount had more to do with the crime a person is accused of and the risk of flight rather than how much money the accused has in the bank...
What ever the outcome of this whole mess the Zimmerman family is forevermore screwed....:(
06-12-2012, 04:25 PM
sure sounds like this is a vendetta by the judicial system.
MW surveyor
06-12-2012, 04:28 PM
getsome - Too little information in your post to form any opinion.
06-12-2012, 04:38 PM
For more facts contact Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton, I'm sure they get a cut of the money.
06-12-2012, 04:45 PM
i agree a bond should be set based on the crime to a point, but you have to consider money AT LEAST from the stand point of potential for flight. if you have a multi-millionaire that kills someone and the evidence is open and shut, you better not make the bail a few hundred k or he'll be off to a nice island resort somewhere out of your reach.
but mr/mrs zimmerman get my vote for darwin award for the year. you carry a gun, you best have your **** straight before you walk into court after a justified or unjustified shooting. these 2 are just downright stupid if you ask me. sorry there were charges brought when the post-public-trial evidence seems to indicate otherwise, but what's done is done unless they drop them and when they walked into the bail hearing, they should have known full disclosure would be the best course of action. staggering!
06-12-2012, 04:48 PM
Just saw it in Google news, seems like she was moving some of the collected money around to different accounts to keep the court from finding out about how much had been collected in total...
Not a great idea considering they are under a microscope but it does seem like the Judge is under pressure to keep George in jail for as long as possible...
06-12-2012, 06:05 PM
If Zimmerman is found not guilty of any crime where does he go to get his reputation as a law abiding citizen back?
06-12-2012, 06:07 PM
i agree a bond should be set based on the crime to a point, but you have to consider money AT LEAST from the stand point of potential for flight. if you have a multi-millionaire that kills someone and the evidence is open and shut, you better not make the bail a few hundred k or he'll be off to a nice island resort somewhere out of your reach.
but mr/mrs zimmerman get my vote for darwin award for the year. you carry a gun, you best have your **** straight before you walk into court after a justified or unjustified shooting. these 2 are just downright stupid if you ask me. sorry there were charges brought when the post-public-trial evidence seems to indicate otherwise, but what's done is done unless they drop them and when they walked into the bail hearing, they should have known full disclosure would be the best course of action. staggering!
Stupid is a strong word. Ignorant is probably closer to the truth.
06-12-2012, 06:52 PM
Stupid is a strong word. Ignorant is probably closer to the truth.
Ignorant typically implies you didnt know better. Stupid maybe not. Smart definitely not. Shady, dishonest, not real bright or intelligent. Finding myself in the same position, I am not gonna make my situation worse by looking like I am trying to game the system.
06-12-2012, 07:19 PM
Some of you have the mistaken view that the legal system has something to do with fairness, justice or integrity. It is a nightmare for anyone caught in the clutches of a vicious prosecutor. They wield unlimited power. Judges are at best able to use some common sense and at worst are disinterested, bored and incompetent. Certainly this one is a prima dona. Zimmerman is ruined no matter the outcome because that's how the system works. It sucks the life and money out of it's prey, whether a crime is committed or not. Our legal system sucks.
06-12-2012, 07:49 PM
If Zimmerman is found not guilty of any crime where does he go to get his reputation as a law abiding citizen back?
If Zimmerman walks his fate will be sealed, it will trigger utter chaos. There is little possibility that he or his family will be able to lead a normal life again. He will have to find a way to disappear in order to survive.
06-12-2012, 08:46 PM
If Z gets off, then some gangsta type will probably take a shot at him to collect on the bounty on him, and miss because the sights aren't on the side of the gun, and Z will shoot back in self defense and kill him, and the whole nightmare starts over. Assuming his CC permit is restored, or he is defending his home.
Most of these types of "charities" or "foundations" have a 3rd party controlling the funds, the Z's should have done the same.
06-12-2012, 11:39 PM
Some of you have the mistaken view that the legal system has something to do with fairness, justice or integrity. It is a nightmare for anyone caught in the clutches of a vicious prosecutor. They wield unlimited power. Judges are at best able to use some common sense and at worst are disinterested, bored and incompetent. Certainly this one is a prima dona. Zimmerman is ruined no matter the outcome because that's how the system works. It sucks the life and money out of it's prey, whether a crime is committed or not. Our legal system sucks.
You said it brother.
I'd have to wild guess he started moving the cash around for the express purpose of not getting hosed by the system we've been dealt by fed, state, and local dolts...a commendable effort had he not been in the position he has found himself in. But what they did was the equivalent of stuffing boxes of cash into your mattress while the irs auditor is standing over top of delivering the bad news that you owe back taxes. Not the brightest bulb on the tree. Then again, participating in neighborhood watch when its not wrol is not on my list of things to do this weekend either. I defend the inner 4 walls of the room i am in with my family and my personal outings into the cold hard world. Thats it. Putting yourself in the position he was in is easily avoidable.
06-13-2012, 10:38 AM
You said it brother.
I'd have to wild guess he started moving the cash around for the express purpose of not getting hosed by the system we've been dealt by fed, state, and local dolts...a commendable effort had he not been in the position he has found himself in. But what they did was the equivalent of stuffing boxes of cash into your mattress while the irs auditor is standing over top of delivering the bad news that you owe back taxes. Not the brightest bulb on the tree. Then again, participating in neighborhood watch when its not wrol is not on my list of things to do this weekend either. I defend the inner 4 walls of the room i am in with my family and my personal outings into the cold hard world. Thats it. Putting yourself in the position he was in is easily avoidable.
A CHL is not a LEO license.
But the media circus exacerbated the whole rotten mess, not to mention the race card clowns.
Free tip: Never, and I mean never stand in a courtroom and lie to a judge.
06-13-2012, 11:31 AM
A CHL is not a LEO license.
But the media circus exacerbated the whole rotten mess, not to mention the race card clowns.
Most definitely. And don't get me wrong folks, I'm not suggesting that BECAUSE he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and maybe (by some opinions) doing the wrong thing playing neighborhood watch, that he is in the wrong in this whole thing. He may well have evidence and all on his side when this comes to bear. My only point was bad decisions on his part, that does not negate castle though. Only being part of the altercation in the first place (aggravating it) negates castle IMO. But I digress, didn't mean to take this back to the original issue, sorry. This was about his money laundering activities and lying to a judge, bad idea!
06-13-2012, 11:45 AM
Based on what rumors I hear and they are only rumors since it comes from the media, he really shouldn't be in front of the judge at all. Remember the local police really had no intent to even charge him till the media got hold of it.
I see no issue with a neighborhood or a community being a castle. If he was dedicated enough to his friends and neighbors to watch over them I say more power to him. If he was doing it to play cop only because he couldn't be a real one then that's different too but still not a bad thing. I have no facts.
06-13-2012, 01:47 PM
Some of you have the mistaken view that the legal system has something to do with fairness, justice or integrity. It is a nightmare for anyone caught in the clutches of a vicious prosecutor. They wield unlimited power. Judges are at best able to use some common sense and at worst are disinterested, bored and incompetent. Certainly this one is a prima dona. Zimmerman is ruined no matter the outcome because that's how the system works. It sucks the life and money out of it's prey, whether a crime is committed or not. Our legal system sucks.
+1, +2, +3... +N.
I have nothing but contempt for the whole lot of them.
Will not sit on a jury because I will surely end up in jail myself.
Presumed Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
This guy is a ZERO flight risk.
Yet they continue to squabble over bail and finances. BLA
I know my position is extreme.
But the one time I needed legal counsel to defend myself?
The first thing my lawyer told me was;
"This has nothing to do with right or wrong.
Nothing to do with justice.
Forget all that right now."
06-13-2012, 02:14 PM
I agree with Chrish, that both of the Z's are either getting bad advice, ignoring it, or not getting any. Bail is always set based on risk of flight and much of that risk is calculated on the amount of money they have to go somewhere and be able to live. Donald Trump would be a greater risk than a vagrant. To hide new money is absolutely stupid in these proceedings and to lie about even worse.
Is it a vendetta? Of course it is, but it's a perfect storm for those opposed to guns. Further, the new case in the news about a gun carrying idiot going two doors down (with his gun) to tell his neighbors to turn down the volume of their party and ends up shooting one of them claiming stand your ground is going to destroy those laws.
This guy even had 911 on the cell while he was arguing with them saying such things as "I'm afraid for my life" while arguing with them. All he had to do was go home, but he felt it necessary to provoke one of them (drunk) into a challenge so he could shoot him. Of course now he claims stand your ground. I hope he gets charged with 2nd degree murder.
If you don't agree fine, but reverse the situation. You are having a party and a neighbor comes down waving a gun demanding that you turn it down. He's belligerent and clearly threatening you. It's your property and you also have the stand your ground law behind you. Now you have a good case to stand your ground although you should defuse the situation by agreeing and turn it down while you dial 911 and report the guy.
Every one of these cases go to court and case law is written that waters down the law. Also new law gets written watering it down until it has no teeth. For cases where the guy does something as stupid as these, Prosecutors will not settle for a lessor charge because they want the case law. For those where they may loose and case law supporting stand your ground resulting, they will either not prosecute or will settle for anything to avoid the court. This is the game they play.
Again, please think of any possible escape before you pull your gun. Do not look for an excuse to "make your day" because the rest of your life will be different. Protecting your family includes you being there both alive and not incarcerated. One without the other is not a good deal.
06-13-2012, 02:17 PM
This guy is a ZERO flight risk.
Yet they continue to squabble over bail and finances. BLA
Really? Is that why he had two passports? I don't have enough information about this case to form an opinion about it but when you look at the things George and Shelly have done since the incident, it definitely looks suspicious...
At George Zimmerman's bond hearing, he is ordered to turn in his passport, so he gives the one that expires in May of this year.
Then while he is in jail, he is recorded over the phone with his wife talking about another passport:
Zimmerman spoke of the second passport while in the Seminole County Jail in a phone call to his wife that authorities recorded, Corey said. Court records provided a partial transcript:
Zimmerman: "Do you know what? I think my passport is in that bag."
Shelly (sic) Zimmerman: "I have one for you in safety deposit box ..."
Zimmerman: "OK, you hold onto that."
Hold on to it for what exactly?
06-13-2012, 02:31 PM
Really? Is that why he had two passports? I don't have enough information about this case to form an opinion about it but when you look at the things George and Shelly have done since the incident, it definitely looks suspicious...
If he really wanted to flee he'd already be gone.
He's had plenty of opportunity.
With 1000s of aliens crossing the border into our country on a regular basis.
Do you really think you can't get out?
So yes, really.
06-13-2012, 03:01 PM
I don't know what he did or didn't intend to do w/ regard to the money moving and passport fiasco. It just smelled and at a minimum didn't look good. My only point is that yea he may have gotten a raw deal w/ the charges in the first place, based on what has come out in the media and assuming that accurate evidence. But that's where he finds himself at this point and once there, you cross your Ts, dot your Is, stay on your very best behavior, do not cross the judge, full disclosure. And pray your little hiney off that you see justice. If the law and what's right is on this guys side, he's still gonna have to dissappear from (at a minimum) a 300 mile radius around where he lives. And anything in SO FL is out of the question since Martin was from there. Everybody and his brother are going to recognize him for years across the country.
I think I'd change my name, move to the upper midwest somewhere, and be done w/ it.
I feel bad for not being interested in being a 'sheepdog' at some level. I have that inclination at the fiber of my very being actually. But with the current state of the courts, opinion of gun owners by the general public around the world, and the state of our country in general...I cannot justify putting myself or my family in danger in a potentially no-win situation. This has become all too evident w/ the Zimmerman case. Would I do something if push-came-to-shove and I saw an obvious attack on one person by another, that looked to be potentiall fatal...if I felt 110% confident I was in the right, most likely. But that's a hard number to come to. In general, I'm just not going to put myself in this position to begin with. No way.
06-13-2012, 03:26 PM
I don't know what he did or didn't intend to do w/ regard to the money moving and passport fiasco. It just smelled and at a minimum didn't look good. My only point is that yea he may have gotten a raw deal w/ the charges in the first place, based on what has come out in the media and assuming that accurate evidence. But that's where he finds himself at this point and once there, you cross your Ts, dot your Is, stay on your very best behavior, do not cross the judge, full disclosure. And pray your little hiney off that you see justice. If the law and what's right is on this guys side, he's still gonna have to dissappear from (at a minimum) a 300 mile radius around where he lives. And anything in SO FL is out of the question since Martin was from there. Everybody and his brother are going to recognize him for years across the country.
I think I'd change my name, move to the upper midwest somewhere, and be done w/ it.
I feel bad for not being interested in being a 'sheepdog' at some level. I have that inclination at the fiber of my very being actually. But with the current state of the courts, opinion of gun owners by the general public around the world, and the state of our country in general...I cannot justify putting myself or my family in danger in a potentially no-win situation. This has become all too evident w/ the Zimmerman case. Would I do something if push-came-to-shove and I saw an obvious attack on one person by another, that looked to be potentiall fatal...if I felt 110% confident I was in the right, most likely. But that's a hard number to come to. In general, I'm just not going to put myself in this position to begin with. No way.
Loved ones?
Friends and family?
You're not even going to think about it.
Just act.
But strangers in danger?
Seems like we all have to think twice.
Is it really worth the risk?
Maybe not.
Isn't that sad?
06-13-2012, 04:26 PM
Strangers are friends we haven't met yet. Stranger in danger, I'm going in. Damn the bottom feeding lawyers, full speed ahead.
06-13-2012, 04:30 PM
Strangers are friends we haven't met yet. Stranger in danger, I'm going in. Damn the bottom feeding lawyers, full speed ahead.
I like to talk big.
But am afraid my 10+ years of Martial Arts training
has me defending the defenseless.
Oh well....
06-13-2012, 04:53 PM
Loved ones?
Friends and family?
You're not even going to think about it.
Just act.
But strangers in danger?
Seems like we all have to think twice.
Is it really worth the risk?
Maybe not.
Isn't that sad?
Yea, definitely depressing. Not the way life used to be, even during my lifetime. I'm only halfway to the grave age-wise. Most of you guys have seniority on me, and you come from a different era where helping/involving was expected, appreciated, justified. Now it's a punch-line for a busy-body, and you are labeled a vigilante. Truly sad.
I guess I wouldn't think twice if it was clear cut, but it's so hard to know. There was another thread here recently where someone brought up the topic of domestic violence scenarios where you might think you should step in, but then you'd get attacked by BOTH of the people involved. So yea, if it ain't friend or family, then you have to think twice. Problem is, as we all know, thinking twice means you are of no help most likely. The scenario will have played out by the time you evaluate it.
06-13-2012, 05:48 PM
Yea, definitely depressing. Not the way life used to be, even during my lifetime. I'm only halfway to the grave age-wise. Most of you guys have seniority on me, and you come from a different era where helping/involving was expected, appreciated, justified. Now it's a punch-line for a busy-body, and you are labeled a vigilante. Truly sad.
I guess I wouldn't think twice if it was clear cut, but it's so hard to know. There was another thread here recently where someone brought up the topic of domestic violence scenarios where you might think you should step in, but then you'd get attacked by BOTH of the people involved. So yea, if it ain't friend or family, then you have to think twice. Problem is, as we all know, thinking twice means you are of no help most likely. The scenario will have played out by the time you evaluate it.
True, when I was young you were supposed to help if someone needed it. I think some places you may have been required by law to help. If women and children were in danger and you were a man and walked away, you would have been shunned. But that was a half a century ago and what seems like a different country now.
06-13-2012, 06:01 PM
I think it's geographical too. I noticed many years ago in Missouri if there was a vehicle broke down there would be 10 pickups behind it to stop and help. Here in Washington if you break down you could be a skeleton before anyone would stop and help.
There are certainly cases where one could misread the situation and get in a bad way but there are alot of scenarios we've seen even on TV where just a little bit of help would have gone a long way. I don't always mean with a gun either.
I pretty much stop talking big or small when I go in, its then time for action not talk.
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