View Full Version : I hate this ammo, these articles, and the bruhaha it creates...

06-13-2012, 02:15 PM

This stuff just flys all over me. As if I need something to get my dander up. But we fight and fight and fight to put forth a good impression of gun ownership, gun rights, and advocacy for the same and this is what manufacturers do to us. I mean, zombies are cool and all, and we can have fun talking about it on forums or at lunch...and laugh about it. But I guess that's where the problem started in the first place and the manufacturers took it up a notch. But they should know better, and we should too.

I mean, ok, HLN is just a CNN outlet for left wing crap in the first place...but it doesn't matter, people read it. I just did.

It just looks bad. Makes us look stoopid.

Not only will I never buy zombie ammo. I'm thinking I'm boycotting companies that do...both gun and ammo. You are on notice manufacturers. If you emblazen a green Z on any of your products, or label it 'for zombies'. I'm not buying ANY of your products anymore.

Maybe I'm overreacting. But George Washington didn't draw an ugly englishman w/ eyes popping out, patches of hair here and there, on his musket and carry it into battle. In general, our troops don't either unless I'm just naive.

Just wish all involved could keep it above board and looking like we know what we are doing.


Longitude Zero
06-13-2012, 03:18 PM
It is all about marketing and profit, not reality.

06-13-2012, 03:36 PM
I have to agree, even if Hornady makes a lot of money with this stuff it just looks bad for the gun culture, shooting sports people who don't want to be associated with a product like this...Firearms and shooting is serious business and must not be taken lightly....

I have a hard time understanding why Hornady thought this ammo and branding would be a good idea... I mean it would be like Anheuser Busch coming out with the new "Get Plastered" brand beer or R.J. Reynolds bringing out a new brand of cigarette in a black pack with a skull and cross bones on the front called "Tumors", I mean it's just stupid IMHO

06-13-2012, 03:45 PM
getsome, that's hysterical, thanks! i needed that.

06-13-2012, 05:03 PM
Man, are you gonna be sorry when the Zombies come after you and all you got is some wienie Gold Dots.

I agree however, it makes ammo look like something you'd pick up at Toys r US.

06-13-2012, 07:27 PM
If the ammo doesn't sell Hornady will pull it. I won't buy it.

06-13-2012, 11:20 PM
On the box of the "zombie" ammo is a warning that states, "This is not a toy, this is real ammo!" or words very close to that.

Ruger has come out with "zombie" firearms.

All marketing to, I suppose, the younger generation. I haven't and will not buy any such product that has been "zombie" approved.

MW surveyor
06-14-2012, 03:32 PM
So, you are really gonna like the new movie coming this summer in 3D "Abe Lincoln, Vampire Hunter". Jeez Louise, that's all we need.

Longitude Zero
06-14-2012, 04:07 PM
If the ammo doesn't sell Hornady will pull it. I won't buy it.

I won't either but it really does not matter. It is flying off the shelves locally. A lot of the buyers are probably just buying it for the novelty.

06-18-2012, 06:31 PM
Just don't buy the stuff and hopefully it will go away. Hornady found a way to make a little more money, and the novelty will probably wear off soon. I can't believe this whole fascination with zombies, from all the movies to even a TV show. I think it's just a result of people thinking that the end of the world as we know it is coming.
I liked that TV show Jericho, about life after a nuclear attack much better than the zombie show. I think something like Jericho has a much better chance of becoming a reality, than zombies.

06-18-2012, 07:54 PM
As I pointed out about this stuff in another thread, the ammo in the ZOMBIE box is exactly the same as in the regular box, except for the Poly tips are green instead of red.

For that, and cute box art you pay alot extra. (example CD .380 $18 a box, Zombie .380 $21 a box) For me the artwork ain't that ($) funny...

Let the market speak. It's going to anyway.:D

Zippo Guy
06-18-2012, 08:11 PM
I thought this was the worst idea ever when I first heard it. I thought it was a joke but it hasn't gone away. Thanks for your words, let's hope it dies a quick death.

Infidel proud
06-18-2012, 08:18 PM
Quick death? Perhaps not...A good friend of mine came over a couple of weeks ago to show me his new holster and mag pouch...He handed me the mag pouch to check out, so I removed his magazine to look inside the pouch and what do I see? Little funny green tip on what otherwise looked to be a hornady critical defense round! I actually got angry at him and told him if he threw them in the trash I would give him a box of cor bon DPX to carry...He agreed and is now busy earning back my respect...One down, who knows how many knuckle heads to go...

06-21-2012, 07:03 AM
Not only can you get the ammo, but the matching gun. Like you guys not for me, but I bet there are collectors buying them for when the fad dies.


06-21-2012, 10:14 AM
Thats about the sillyest topic that I have seen.

Hornady makes, and markets, reliable ammunition suited for less than mass markets. From IDPA to Garand safe ammunition, they attempt to provide a suitable product.

Zombies, Werewolves, Whorewolves, UFOs, Mummies, or ET have sold books and tickets for a while now.

Its just a passing thought, but you might want to consider checking your basement, attic, and the flow of electrons into your house for Gremlins.

It was fun. Over to you.


06-24-2012, 10:31 PM
i just picked up a couple boxes. 17$ for 25 high quality SD rounds. thanks!

06-24-2012, 10:49 PM
People will always find a reason to hate/distrust guns and gun owners. If they can't find one, then they'll just make something up. So in the general scheme of things, who cares about "Zombie" ammo? It might be a segway for increased gun ownership in popular culture. More people legally owning guns and going through the CCW process is never a bad thing. That just gives us more 2nd amendment supporters.

06-25-2012, 01:27 AM
I'm not worried about Zombies, but I would like some off-the-shelf guaranteed vampire and werewolf stoppers!


06-25-2012, 10:04 AM
I'm not worried about Zombies, but I would like some off-the-shelf guaranteed vampire and werewolf stoppers!


They already have the werewolf stoppers, Winchester silvertip ammo. But, vampires are harder...wooden bullets tend to come apart during that whole controled explosion thing that occurs when you pull the trigger.

06-25-2012, 10:22 AM
I've thought about a silver-jacketed hollow point where the cavity is filled with a piece of blessed wood from a wooden cross. I saw at least one movie where a guy was using a snubbie revolver with bullets that contained wood. I've thought of drilling the cavity of a JHP and replacing some of the lead with silver, too, but I think that the vampires are a bigger threat... more versatile powers!


06-25-2012, 10:26 AM
Ammo for Judge-like pistols could easily contain a remedy for both... or all three "pests". You could "roll your own" easily, too.
