View Full Version : PM9 Recoil Spring Guide Assy disassembly

06-16-2012, 01:20 PM
I just bought a 'spring set' for my original model (old model) PM9 from Wolff. There are three springs in the package. One is obviously the main (big) recoil spring. The next size down appears to be the inner (small) recoil spring for the recoil guide rod assy. I'm assuming that the third (smallest) spring is the striker spring. I have never disassembled the slide assy.

I think I know how to disassemble the recoil guide rod assy to change out the small, inside recoil spring, but would like to know if anyone knows of a good video or written instruction on how to do it?! Better safe than sorry.

06-16-2012, 01:41 PM
Personally, ifI was u, I would only install the outter recoilspring and leave the inner one alone.Theoutter one takes all the brunt. It is not necessary to repace that inner spring.

Next time just buy a half dozen of the outter springs from wolffs and replace as needed, consider urself and people likeI luckythat we can buy from wolffs the outter spring only, asthe new models cannot yet obtain just the outter springs.

06-16-2012, 02:35 PM
You're Probably right, Jocko. I've already changed out the main spring and will probably head for the range on Monday and see if it goes through 100 rounds without a hitch.

06-20-2012, 05:43 PM
Changed out the main recoil assy. spring and took my PM9 out for a test drive. Put 200 rounds through it ... a combination of 100 'store-bought' and 100 reloads. Both were 115 gr slugs. Store bought were FMJRN and the reloads were FMJFP. Had three FTF on slow fire. Two had a round in the chamber and, by using the restrike capability of the Kahr, both fired on the restrike. One FTF was caused by an empty chamber that I haven't quite figured out since I was only halfway through the magazine. Racked it and it finished off the last half of the magazine.

Switched to 'rapid fire' and never had a hitch after that. I was kinda surprised. My shooting buddy was watching closely after he talked me into doing a magazine-full as fast as I could. He said I had emptied-out before the second ejected cartridge hit the drop cloth. I was on the target for the entire seven shots. I love this PM9! We were laughing about it because he said that I would probably be shooting that fast if I was being attacked by a bad guy and that ought to really discourage him. He carries a PM 40 that has never had a FTF or any other malfunction.

I've had my PM9 for four or five years and am still trying to develop confidence enough in it to carry it, but the random FTF's don't give me that warm 'n fuzzy feeling. I'm 74 years old and have NEVER had a weapon that had randon FTF's. My 'always carry' is a S&W 442, .38 Spl. w/+P. I was hoping to replace it with the PM9, but just haven't developed the confidence for it. Wish I did because it's an ideal CCW.

06-20-2012, 08:03 PM
how random are they??? like is it round 2/3 or just anywhere in the magazine?? Check ur magazine follower to see if it could be catching on the mag release button. There is an explanation over on the kahr tech section that tells u how to check fo rthis to. takes about 5 minutes. A catchy mag follower will do what ur saying. If it ain't u causing it, then I wold say it is in the magazine area to check out for sure. I am assuing FTf are failu8re to feed and not failure to fire???

06-20-2012, 09:54 PM
Please keep in mind that new springs will make the pistol nearly as tight as it was when new. Consequently, some additional "break in" may be needed for a new spring set. Springs are not made as they should be (performance wise), but made "to become" as they should be. Some use expectation is built into the design of good springs, and their initial degradation of strength will then become nearly unchanged, very slowly degrading as use is continued. New springs again, back at square 1... some use to get them "right", then long period of satisfactory use once again.

06-21-2012, 12:44 PM
I am assuing FTf are failu8re to feed and not failure to fire???

No Jocko, the first two of them weren't a failure to feed. Both were in the chamber. The restrike fired. BTW both were the second to last in the magazine. When it failed to fire, I dropped the magazine and it had one left in it. Reinserted the magazine, did the restrike on the one in the chamber which fired and then the last one in the magazine fired O.K.

The third FTF was a failure to feed. Dropped the mag, eased the slide back and the chamber was empty. That one was about half way through the magazine (?)

The previous time out, I had three FTF's. All three had chambered, but had light primer strikes way off center! I've still got 'em down on the workbench and cound photograph them, but don't have enough posts to post the pictures here. All my cartridges that fire have solid, dead-center primer strikes. Now that one's got me buffaloed!

CJB: Thanks for the input. I thought about that aspect. That's why I decided to shoot another 100 rounds at 'rapid-fire'. Not a hiccup in the last 100 rds. My FTF's were with the 'store-bought' Winchester's.

Like I say ... it's been random. Every time I get a long string with no failures and am just about ready to start carrying it, it'll pull this crap. It's probably something simple, but I'm not a gunsmith. Love the gun, but wouldn't bet my life on it like I do my S&W 442 or Ruger SP-101.

06-21-2012, 01:36 PM
Have u given the striker channel a good spry cleaning,using that clean out hole on the bootom of the slide. U just might have some crud in tat striker channel that might have cuased the "light strikes". Not letting tyhe trigger completel reset willdo tht same thing to. Off thatu can rapid fire and have no isses as that is when one tends to not let up on the trigger enough to let it reset. If the striker channelis spiffy clean, then just continue on shooting. It looks like it os working itself out of what ever it was. WWB ammo from wal amrt is damn good stuff, so it is not an ammo thing. AndCJB is right about recoil springs needing to take their set and only rounds out of thegun will do that, U can lock the slide back at night and it won't hurt a damn thing either but nothig works as good a slide cycling action caused by the "boom" thing. Good grip on the gun goes a lon g way to getting the gun right to. takes two gun and owner to make a good team. The off center thing is no big deal, so don't waste ur time on that.

Make sure that striker channelis spiffy spray cleaned and there is a super tutorial on the kahr tech section on slide disassembly to, if u feel you wantto take the slide aprt and to really check to see that allis clean in the striker channel. Normally though a good spraqy cleaning and following the propper prepping thread on how to do it correctly, u should not have to take it apart-=-BUT it never hurts this one time to be damn sure either.

Give us another report after another 200 american made rounds out of the gun..

06-21-2012, 02:29 PM
No Jocko, the first two of them weren't a failure to feed. Both were in the chamber. The restrike fired. BTW both were the second to last in the magazine. When it failed to fire, I dropped the magazine and it had one left in it. Reinserted the magazine, did the restrike on the one in the chamber which fired and then the last one in the magazine fired O.K..

When did PM9’s start having restrike capability?
Sounds like a short stroke to me and your restrike was actually full reset after the fact.

The previous time out, I had three FTF's. All three had chambered, but had light primer strikes way off center! I've still got 'em down on the workbench and cound photograph them, but don't have enough posts to post the pictures here. All my cartridges that fire have solid, dead-center primer strikes. Now that one's got me buffaloed!

Clean that striker channel as jocko suggested.

06-21-2012, 02:38 PM
rubb ur right, no restrike capability, just a 1/4" rack of the slie aqnd the trigger/strriker is again reset.. acvtualy one doesn't even need to take the magazine out of the gun..

06-21-2012, 02:52 PM
rubb ur right, no restrike capability, just a 1/4" rack of the slie aqnd the trigger/strriker is again reset.. acvtualy one doesn't even need to take the magazine out of the gun..

Right...but no mention of re-cocking, just re-strike.
I’m calling short stroke on this one.