View Full Version : WTS/WTT Kahr PM40 and CM40 SOLD

06-18-2012, 10:49 AM
Hello..I am wanting to sell or trade a NEW Kahr PM40 and a LIKE NEW CM40. The CM has had less than 50 rounds fired through it. I am interested in trading for a NEW PM9 and a CM9 in the same condition as my CM40. Can email pictures if anyone is interested.....My contact number is 757-619-4763

Sell price for PM40 is $500 + Shipping SOLD.....Thank You
Sell price for CM40 is $375 OBO + Shipping SOLD..Thank You

I will ship to your FFL after I have received payment in full.

Thank You

06-18-2012, 11:56 AM
Instead of trading or selling....have them Magnaported....cures recoil :=]
