View Full Version : Just picked up a real beauty (Black Rose)!

The Bat Dad
06-19-2012, 11:11 AM
It's the only picture I have of it and it really doesn't do it justice. The fit, finish, and feel of this thing beats the other two PM9s I've owned, hands down. Haven't fired it yet but it's so pretty I could really care less how it functions right now (of course I expect it to perform flawlessly after the break-in and if it doesn't it's going back to the factory for repair.)

I did have a question on adding a grip though if anyone can help. I purchased an Agrip ages ago and would like to add it to this PM9, however, I'm worried about proper fitment of the CT laser. I know I could always just cut the material around the activation button for clearance but I would like to avoid that if possible. Anyone have any experience with wrap-around grips working with the CT on their PM9s?


06-19-2012, 07:49 PM
Is there anything else fancy about the black rose, or is it just the pretty slide? Never was sure.....

The Bat Dad
06-19-2012, 07:55 PM
Just the pretty slide and they're hand fitted. Everything else is the same.

This black rose has a smoother action than my other PM9s and the trigger break is more crisp as well. Don't know if it's a coincidence or if they just pay special attention to these made to order models.

My other two PM9s were bought brand new, this one used (50 rounds fired)

Infidel proud
06-19-2012, 08:53 PM
Very nice! Never actually seen one of those in person, looks sweet...

Is the trigger noticeably better than the stock PM9?

The Bat Dad
06-19-2012, 09:13 PM
Infidel, it is quite sweet indeed, lol.

I would say there is no real noticeable difference in the trigger besides the break. For some reason the black rose breaks cleaner with a more distinct and crisp "click".

Pull weight is right at 6 pounds after three measures. The PM9 with 500 rounds through it breaks at 5.5# and my other still unfired (soon to be sold) PM9 breaks at 6#.

Truth be told, I would never buy one for the price they ask but it sure is beautiful and the fitment/action is just butter. I also forgot to mention that the magazine release on this is also superior. It ejects magazines like a rocket and doesn't have the mushiness of my other PM9s.

Infidel proud
06-19-2012, 09:18 PM
Sounds like a nice piece, have to agree with the NIB pricetag...ouch...I like my CM9 just fine...

06-19-2012, 11:19 PM
Nice grips on the Beretta!

06-19-2012, 11:24 PM
Wait, so you have a PM9 Black Rose and 2 other PM9's (3 all together)? And you're selling one that hasn't been fired yet? Or did I read that wrong?

06-19-2012, 11:30 PM
If you want, you can PM me about your PM9 you want to sell. I have a CW9, and I was planning on the smaller P380 for pocket carry, but I might be interested in the PM9 instead. Not in a hurry. Thanks!

The Bat Dad
06-19-2012, 11:34 PM
Nice grips on the Beretta!

Wait, so you have a PM9 Black Rose and 2 other PM9's (3 all together)? And you're selling one that hasn't been fired yet? Or did I read that wrong?

Thanks, the picture sucks and the colors are washed out, the wood is a much deeper brown, I need a new camera.

And you are correct on the amount of PM9s. I bought a two-tone first a while ago on a whim and never fired it because of barrel peening which was fixed. While that was being fixed I bought a black diamond PM9 and fired it quite a bit which is to be my carry piece. Then I found a smoking deal on the black rose PM9 with only 50 rounds through it. Already have a buyer but thank you for your interest!

06-20-2012, 12:18 AM
That's cool. Enjoy your Black Rose, that certainly is a nice piece!

06-24-2012, 05:50 PM
Congrats on your Black Rose.....Looks nice......:)

06-24-2012, 06:22 PM
what do I like about the BLACK ROSE PM9.


I would like to think for the extra buck sfor the BLACK ROWSE that alittle more TLC was given to the internals also. some polishing here and some polishing there. To my knowledge I have never heard of an owner of a BLACVK ROSE having to send his gun back either, course also I have not read of a hell of alot of BLACK ROSE owners but it sure is one purty s.o.b. to..:banplease:

06-24-2012, 07:59 PM

That's probably what makes it function so nicely!:D

The Bat Dad
06-25-2012, 10:17 AM
That's cool. Enjoy your Black Rose, that certainly is a nice piece!

Congrats on your Black Rose.....Looks nice......:)

Thanks, I love it!

what do I like about the BLACK ROSE PM9.

To my knowledge I have never heard of an owner of a BLACVK ROSE having to send his gun back either, course also I have not read of a hell of alot of BLACK ROSE owners but it sure is one purty s.o.b. to..:banplease:

I just took it out to the range yesterday for a workout. Previous owner ran 50 rounds through it with no issues. I ran 150 rounds of Federal 115 grain ball ammo with zero malfunctions. This one is a keeper :D

Next range trip will be to test functionality for Federal and Hornady JHP.

I'm also still looking into putting the Agrip on but it looks like I might end up having to cut the material so I can still have the CTC laser. I'll keep this thread updated.

The Bat Dad
07-03-2012, 05:23 PM
Decided to put the Agrip on and boy am I glad I did! The gun feels like it's a part of my hand when I grip it now. Even with a light grip it feels very solid and I'm almost certain it'll help my shooting. It's also very comfortable with no tacky, rough, or rubbery feel, very pleased.

The Crimson Trace laser still fits but it is a very tight fit due to the fact that the Agrip material overlaps on the front strap. If I cut just the top layer where the CTC mates to the front strap it will fit perfectly.

On a side note, for whatever it's worth, I noticed that the inside of the slide was crudely engraved with a #18.

