View Full Version : Just put the first 100 threw my baby the kahr cw9

06-20-2012, 07:18 PM
Well went to the range with my kahr cw9 my glock 21 and kimber 1911. So i put the first 100 rounds threw the kahr and only one fte on the first shot lol go figure. And ran flawless the rest of the day 3 to 4 inch groups from 25 yards and 2 to 3 inch from 10 the trigger was amazing like suspected. Now she is cleaned and lubed for next weekend for the second half of the break in. I hope it goes just has good the gun was also very comfortable to shoot for a compact handgun. So now I must say I'm sold on kahr. Will for sure by another.

06-20-2012, 07:27 PM
The CW9 is a really nice gun.

Infidel proud
06-20-2012, 08:04 PM
Glad to hear it, they are sweet...just can't keep my hands off em...

06-20-2012, 08:55 PM
Great choice, congrats!

06-21-2012, 12:31 AM
Great to hear! Enjoy, and let us know how the second half goes.

06-21-2012, 06:12 AM
Congrats on the new gun. I just did the same with my CW9 last weekend. No malfunctions of any kind through the first 100 rounds.

06-21-2012, 06:36 AM
The CW9 has been great for me. Have owned one for years and have never had a problem with it.

Bill K
06-21-2012, 08:11 AM
That in my opinion is some nice shooting. I'd be thrilled to get your 25 yard groups @ 1/3 that distance.

06-21-2012, 09:55 AM
I think the CW9 has got to be one the best values out there right now, prices have dropped some since I bought mine almost a year ago.

Lots of gun for the $$
Very reliable
I also didn't think a gun that small could be so much fun to shoot.

I always end up shooting more than I plan on out of mine when I go to the range.......just can't resist one more mag!:D

06-21-2012, 11:33 AM
not only the best value but one of the best kahrs to..

06-21-2012, 01:33 PM
That in my opinion is some nice shooting. I'd be thrilled to get your 25 yard groups @ 1/3 that distance.

I would ke to post pics but don't know how on my cell phone. Groups like that seem like a miracle compared to some of my friend ccw but they went really cheap and I didn't. And if you want groups like that get a kimber I swear I but 5 bullets in one hole every time I shoot it.

06-21-2012, 01:49 PM
Please don't post a photo of ur 25 yard group with your kahr, It tends to make many of us very sick to our stomach. A good group for me at 25 yardsis merely one shot and then quitting and then telling everyone it went exactly whereI wqanted it to go, so why waste any more rounds. Just sayin

06-21-2012, 02:04 PM
Please don't post a photo of ur 25 yard group with your kahr, It tends to make many of us very sick to our stomach. A good group for me at 25 yardsis merely one shot and then quitting and then telling everyone it went exactly whereI wqanted it to go, so why waste any more rounds. Just sayin

OK jocko I will refrain from doing it just hope my cw9 last has long has your pm9

06-21-2012, 02:39 PM
it will..

06-21-2012, 03:10 PM
I recently added a front fiber optic sight to my CW9 and it rocks! Very easy to pick up the sight and at my outside range it glows. I am getting better with my shooting, but still have problems with using the trigger correctly on a consistant basis.

It seems I do best when I stage the freeplay and then wait to be surprised, but many times I anticipate and flinch. Any recommendations?

06-21-2012, 03:16 PM
let me know when u find the cure!! Just sayin. I am so gladmy kahr triggers are not plastic asI would have broekn them a long time ago.

06-21-2012, 03:34 PM
I recently added a front fiber optic sight to my CW9 and it rocks! Very easy to pick up the sight and at my outside range it glows. I am getting better with my shooting, but still have problems with using the trigger correctly on a consistant basis.

It seems I do best when I stage the freeplay and then wait to be surprised, but many times I anticipate and flinch. Any recommendations?

Most around here that have mentioned it do better NOT trying to stage but a steady pull through to the bang. I know that I anticipate and flinch when I try to stage mine. At the very least I'm not consistent when I stage.

Edit to add: If you getting 3-4" groups at 25 yards, don't listen to me or anyone else, just keep doing whatever it is your doing. At 25 I'd be lucky to hit anywhere 3 out of 4 times let alone shoot a group.

06-21-2012, 08:10 PM
I hit good groups like I said and I personally like to stage the trigger but the only real cure for the flinch is trigger time with the gun till your comfortable with it. Idk why I personally just took to the trigger really good.

06-23-2012, 10:28 AM
Update: I installed the Kahr Stainless Steel guide rod on my CW and took it to the range yesterday. I have shot maybe 800 rounds of Winchester white box 115 gr. FMJ in the last two weeks and never any issues. In the last 100 (wit the new guide rod) I had three FTLs. Picked up some Federal FMJ 115's and will try again.

I did not expect this to occur with the guide rod change. I have about 2,000 rounds WITH NO issues of any kind! Till now......

MW surveyor
06-23-2012, 11:27 AM
Guide rod should not have made any difference if the new one is the same diameter and length. Check the diameter of your new guide rod against the old one. Also, make sure that you have some kind of lube on it. Could also need a new recoil spring?

Also check to see that the open end (last coil end) of the spring is not making contact with the guide rod.

06-24-2012, 09:01 AM
When I ordered the guide rod and I had also ordered the Fiber Optic sight. When they arrived, Kahr had sent the WRONG guiderod. It was marked correctly on the invoice, but the package was incorrect. It was about 3/8" too short. I returned it and when the new one arrived, made sure it was correct.

Before going to the range next I will do a complete cleaning and lube it all well. I do have about 2,00 rounds now and would not expect the spring to need replacing yet.