View Full Version : The " NOTCH "

02-24-2010, 03:55 PM

mr surveyor
02-24-2010, 05:38 PM
misread the "question"...deleted response

02-25-2010, 01:29 AM
So, metal breaking out of the inside of the slide, between the spring hole and the barrel hole is normal? Is this correct ?
After reading some of the post on here about the PM45 it made me curious. So I checked mine , and indeed had the same damage to my gun. A small semi circle of metal has been chipped out . Should I be concerned about this ?
Also, my PM45 has been returned to Kahr twice. Both times for failure to eject . The slide would slam back before the spent casing could fully eject. They finally fixed it after the second time. Anyone else have this problem?

Several people have had trouble with their PM45s and reported this thin metal cracking in that spot. One guy sent his gun back to Kahr and they machined the notch as it should have been done during manufacture. That metal is not supposed to be there and it seems that interferes with the recoil spring assembly and possibly causes feed and/or ejection issues.
I took my PM9 apart and took pictures to show what it should look like. It appears this process was omitted and not caught by QC.
In the pictures you can see this gap or notch that should be there -- not the thin brittle metal that's crumbling away as it's battered by the recoil spring assembly. I put paper behind the notch in one picture to show it better.

02-25-2010, 03:58 PM
Thank you,for your reply WYNTROUT. I am not sure if I worded my first post exactly right, but you gave me the answer I was looking for. I will contact KAHR about possibly returning my PM45 for them to machine that area to the correct specs.
As to the failure to eject issues. KAHR's fix to this problem was to remove and polish the ejector and all of it's components. Before this you could push in the ejector and it would stay in / pull it out and it would stay out.Maybe this slide issue was also adding to the problem all along. That is, until the metal broke it self out over time.

they should have caught that the first time it went back. What I would do is call kahr and chat with IAN to see if the entire gun needs to go back or just the slide. You can mail the slide regualr mail for about $5 but as u know it is costly to send the entire gun back.

If they insist on the entire gun then for sure relate to them it has been back twice and they missed that area of concern and that kahr should issue a prepaid pick up. U should not have to pay to ship the entire gun back again and again.

02-25-2010, 04:33 PM
Great point JOCKO ! I will give that a try. THANKS !

their over sight, their defect, you just insist that they issue a pre paid pick up. they will do it but you have to be alittle affirmative with them. Not ur fault the quality control people missed it 3 times..:confused::confused:

Kahr willwork with you, so not sounding like they are aholes over this either. they are good about this stuff and will pony up to...

02-26-2010, 11:10 AM
This notch will be the first thing I look for when I get my new PM45. I hope that it's properly finished. I'll send it to them if the darn thing isn't. I sure won't be a happy camper... or shooter.:( Hey! I just thought of this... maybe this is a cost saving move... to let the recoil assembly just batter the excess metal out of the way!?

02-26-2010, 09:03 PM
Very glad that I found this thread. I just bought my PM45 two days ago and wondered about that thin and deformed area in the slide. Guess I need to contact Kahr on Monday.

02-27-2010, 04:49 AM
Dang! When I get my PM45 I'm going to take it part and see if it has any of these QC problems. At least I know of a few things to check now. Maybe I can compare it to my PM9. They should be kind of identical, except for size.
I still haven't heard if it shipped, yet. The dealer I chose to receive it here seems to be in no hurry or preoccupied and can't bother to send his FFL, etc.
I guess that's why his price is low.:(

I do have Pix. The dealer included an extra magazine (6-shot with finger grip, $44 at Kahr) and free shipping for $825 + $17.33 credit card fee. I asked about not charging the fee if I used the "Buy Now" option and he said he would throw in the free shipping ($21+) with the "Buy Now" option, which was even better by a few bucks. Now if I could just get it.
My LGS/range price would have been $860 + 7% Tax and an indefinite wait after it was ordered.:eek:

Saturday PM update:
I called the seller and he called the FFL dealer here and got him to finally fax them his FFL, but they can't ship it until Monday, so maybe Thursday I'll get it and my Blazer range fodder for it from Widener's. :)

02-28-2010, 06:55 AM
Good luck, Wyntrout .
I certainly would not wish my own KAHR experience on anyone else.
What really kills me is, I love this gun ! I really want it to work & be reliable. I love the size of it, the caliber, the look of it. The trouble is. The damn thing will just not perform reliably. This gun was purchased to be a CCW. I am a LE officer. You have to be confident that a weapon will fire when it comes down to go time. I don't know if I can ever have this assurance with this PM45. My hopes are that KAHR will either replace this gun with a new one, or buy it back. If they choose to repair and return it. I will have to put MANY, MANY rounds thru it before I ever trust it again.
My SIG 239 40 cal. is more bulky to carry & conceal. But, at least I KNOW it will feed, go BANG !!!, and eject when I need it to. My duty weapon (Glock model 22, 40 cal.)also has never failed. If KAHR wants to be counted in as a major player in the gun world they need to get thier QC together.Virtually ALL of thier guns are designed to be CCW's. They charge top dollar for em'. They need to live up to thier price tags.

All I can say is to be patient. I have documented my problems with my Kahr P45 since day one here. It took them two trips but they got it right. I came close to wanting to sell it because reliability is a must for any CC gun.

Three trips back is definitely too many and would ask them to not send it back until they've gotten it right. Still I'm confident they will fix the problem and it will take some time on your part at the range to gain back you confidence with this gun.

03-01-2010, 01:06 AM
Did any of you have PM45s with the "notch" problem near the serial number of mine SV3533?

03-01-2010, 05:13 PM
Ryoung, thanks, I'll have to check mine anyway. If it doesn't have the proper "notch" I'll holler at Kahr and get it fixed before I shoot it.

The DLC is a "taste thing" and I prefer the finish. It supposedly increases the Rockwell Hardness from 28-30 up to 90 -- whatever that means. I don't know if that's a linear scale. But a harder finish and more protection is good.
Here's a spiel on it under "Paint it black".
POCKET POWER KAHRS (http://www.kahr.com/PA-1B/review_police0905.html)

I hope they get yours fixed and quickly.


03-02-2010, 04:10 PM
never seen a dlc finish kahr or heard of any dlc finsihed kahr ever chipping. I think someone is worrying about something that is not going to happen YMM V

03-03-2010, 07:53 AM
Well, my PM45 got into town last night and out to The Beaches this morning. Maybe the USPS will get it to the dealer soon and MAYBE the dealer will call me before I call him.:D
Dang! I now have 7 days -- one whole week -- of the local newspaper UNREAD lying on my table, because I sit here most of the day trying to keep you guys in line and entertained!:rolleyes:
My Blazer 45 ammo may get here tomorrow, so I'll make a trip to the range after that comes.

03-03-2010, 09:28 AM
Hey Wynn, Nothing but bad news in the paper now days....This morning I read how president whiz kid is going to start a new program to give homeowners 3 grand to improve their houses to be more green...Its only going to cost us taxpayers 6 billion to fund this but he says it will create up to 10 million new jobs...right!!! New term, Obamamath....Crank up those money presses boys!!!!!:eek::mad:

03-03-2010, 10:42 AM
Hey Wynn, Nothing but bad news in the paper now days....This morning I read how president whiz kid is going to start a new program to give homeowners 3 grand to improve their houses to be more green...Its only going to cost us taxpayers 6 billion to fund this but he says it will create up to 10 million new jobs...right!!! New term, Obamamath....Crank up those money presses boys!!!!!:eek::mad:

Just wondering, what would you suggest to fix the problem? Nothing rationale has been done for this country for the last 25 years.

03-03-2010, 12:04 PM
The first thing I would do is lower taxes -- 0% capital gains and no penalty on money brought back into this country for investment in our country. Then stand back and watch our economy skyrocket as some of that 15 trillion or so dollars held offshore comes back here and creates the greatest economic boom in history, creating 10's of millions of jobs. While this was going on I would work hard with Congress to get the real "Fair Tax" law into motion and passed -- getting rid of the present really "unfair" tax system.
Then I would work on reducing the amount of leeches sucking the life out of our country while sitting on their collective asses demanding more and more "rights" and popping out more children that they can't afford to be put on welfare and suck up more money wrested from the people who worked for it by the ever-growing, corrupt monster that our government has become.
That's just for starters!
I would love to see the right to vote limited to people who are positively contributing to the country in the way of taxes and OR honorably discharged after a minimum of one year service in our armed forces... in other words, not the career welfare leeches who vote for whomever promises them the most of other people's money.
I pay taxes and I served over twenty years in the armed forces protecting our country and defending the US Constitution, some in harm's way, and I don't understand how some welfare leech who has never produced anything other than more mouths to put on the welfare rolls should have the same say in our elective process. It's reaching the point where the leeches will outnumber the workers and soon the workers will be just slaves to the welfare-mob majority with ever increasing demands. This is going to be the inmates running the prison, or the insane asylum.
That's MFO and you are welcome to yours and can donate all your money and stuff to that insatiable, greedy, envious bunch that vote to keep some of those corrupt bastards in Washington D.C., but keep your damn hands off my money and stuff. I worked for it and the government shouldn't take any of it from me and give it to the lazy career welfare leeches.:mad:
If you work for a living, or have worked, and are "enjoying" retirement, you know what I mean.:yo:

03-03-2010, 12:14 PM
I have a few ideas....Number 1 and most important....Get rid of the IRS and implement The Fair Tax so the government will have to stop printing up phony money and trying to spend our way out of debt...cant be done and our children are going to suffer to pay the bill when it comes due which it always does...Number 2....cut corporate taxes to zero which will invite companies to relocate here and provide jobs which the government can not and should not be doing anyway...Number 3....Term limits for congress and senate...way to many bad old apples in there for way too long sucking up the pork...I know this is in the wrong forum, should be in general discussion but sometimes these threads go off the track a bit....Right Wyn!!!!:rolleyes:

03-03-2010, 12:17 PM
Sorry Wyn, you got in before I could enter my last post and it seems we agree on what it will take to get this train back on track....Have you ever thought about running for president???I will vote for you!!!

03-03-2010, 12:30 PM
I would take the job but I sure wouldn't run for the office -- too much work and money involved. That's where the corruption starts.
If one of our states secedes from this "union", I would be tempted to move there, but all of my income comes from the government. I earned these "entitlements" by fulfilling my contracts with the government, sometimes at risk of life and limb, but earn them I did, not sitting on my butt waiting for the government to take money from other people to give it to me. It pisses me off that my Social Security and military retirement/VA disability, etc., are lumped in with the other "entitlements" like all forms of welfare. Okay, maybe I did some sitting on my butt, too, but it was part of the job.:D


03-03-2010, 12:41 PM
I think there is a good country music song title there somewhere....How bout this: I'd be sittin on my a$s but it belongs to the IRS....:001_tt2:

03-03-2010, 12:58 PM
I have a few ideas....Number 1 and most important....Get rid of the IRS and implement The Fair Tax so the government will have to stop printing up phony money and trying to spend our way out of debt...cant be done and our children are going to suffer to pay the bill when it comes due which it always does...Number 2....cut corporate taxes to zero which will invite companies to relocate here and provide jobs which the government can not and should not be doing anyway...Number 3....Term limits for congress and senate...way to many bad old apples in there for way too long sucking up the pork...I know this is in the wrong forum, should be in general discussion but sometimes these threads go off the track a bit....Right Wyn!!!!:rolleyes:

with you, except cutting corporate taxes back to zero. If they just dropped them back to 25% we would be then world competetive, as it is now we have the highest corporate taxes in the world, no wonder most of our shi-t is made in china and japan and coutries that I never heard of even.

Course cutting corporate taxes to 25% would be the right thing to do , so you can bet our powers to be will not have any part of it. Something that makes sense seems to bo nowhere in our government, have u noticed that??:mad:

But it does seem to look like the surpreme court is going to tell the state of Illinois to stick their city gun regulations up their ass. Which will be a tremendous score for gun owner nation wide. Other cities who have stupid self made gun laws will now be challenged in court and should loose every case after this supreme court rules in the right to have a gun in your home.

03-03-2010, 01:26 PM
Well here is IMHO what is wrong with corporate tax no matter what the percentage rate is....Corporate taxes are transparrent to the companies because they simply pass the charges on to the consumer so we the little guys really are paying the corporate tax via higher prices on everything we buy which is after we are taxed on our income and raped for social security taxes which we most likely will never see because the government keeps dipping their greedy paws in the cookie jar to finance all the social programs and to pay for the economic stimulus plans that only put off the inevitable....You can only rob Peter to pay Paul for so long then reality steps in......Sometimes the Truth Hurts......

03-03-2010, 01:30 PM
jocko, we're trying to stimulate the economy and we need businesses to start businesses, expand existing businesses, and hire more workers... RIGHT NOW. We don't need to throw a few crumbs out there when everyone is scared of what the government has been saying and what they are going to do next. "Capital gains" taxes are stupid, as is taxing our savings. That discourages business and raises the price of everything as CORPORATIONS DON"T PAY TAXES, they raise the prices of the goods or services that they produce and pass the costs on to the CONSUMER -- you and me. We pay the damn taxes indirectly. If you want to get rid of something, you tax it and discourage it. If the business can't make a profit for its owners and stockholders, which most middle-class Americans are with retirement programs and such, the business will try to cut costs by letting workers go, or worse fail, or the worst -- move to a better economic climate, as Ireland benefitted from when they cut their capital gains rate or whatever to 15% -- the lowest at that time. Businesses all over the world flocked there.
Our country is going the way of California, trying to tax our way into prosperity and squandering our great-grand-children's future and freedom.
The federal government already feels like it's doing you a big favor by letting you keep any of the money you earn. Notice that I didn't say "your" money, 'cause they sure as hell don't see it that way!
Tax those evil rich people and corporations. Run those greedy bastards out of the country. When there's nothing but the (lower) middle class left to tax, will you be happy then? They'll come knocking on your door to see if you're holding anything back.

03-03-2010, 02:23 PM
I have a few ideas....Number 1 and most important....Get rid of the IRS and implement The Fair Tax so the government will have to stop printing up phony money and trying to spend our way out of debt...cant be done and our children are going to suffer to pay the bill when it comes due which it always does...Number 2....cut corporate taxes to zero which will invite companies to relocate here and provide jobs which the government can not and should not be doing anyway...Number 3....Term limits for congress and senate...way to many bad old apples in there for way too long sucking up the pork...I know this is in the wrong forum, should be in general discussion but sometimes these threads go off the track a bit....Right Wyn!!!!:rolleyes:

That is not going to solve the issues at hand. Agree that big brother should be eliminated since it is there for not purpose. The Federal government is running a Ponzy scheme because they do not want to raise taxes, borrowing to fund every fiscal year is not the way to go and the debt in this country will never be pay back ever, unless taxes are raised, (the issue the politicians have is by raising taxes will cost them political carriers). The only way to solve the currents issues in this country is by raising taxes and eliminating the federal reserve and going back to the gold standards. Reality is that everyone should be taxed especially the super wealthy(even if we do no like it) and adjust our standard of living, that is live within our means.:banplease:

03-03-2010, 02:27 PM
So going back to the topic,

Wynn how is the PM45?
Does it have the Notch?

03-03-2010, 02:52 PM
Raising taxes is the worst thing to do. EVERY time the taxes have been lowered, by Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush, federal revenue has gone up... often drastically. Don't penalize something and it will flourish. The Libs, "Progressives", and Democrats ALWAYS want to RAISE taxes and that doesn't make anything better. Raising the taxes to 100% of NOTHING is ZILCH. Drive the businesses away or make them fail to be profitable and they will disappear. Taxes by the government are NEVER enough. The more money they get the more they want. They keep inventing new bureaucracies that need ever more funding as the government knows no bounds and seeks to control every facet of our lives. Then end result is there is no individual, or individual freedoms because the NEEDS of the Collective outweigh any personal needs. All "citizens" will be nothing more than slaves to the oligarchy or ruling "elite" who will decide who is worth supporting by the collective, based on simple criteria like how old you are and how productive you are,... OR who you know, if they are highly enough placed. You will live at the sufferance of a real BIG Brother. And don't think they aren't keeping up with your guns however they can. We make it pretty easy talking about them online here. Flash! The Internet is not private!
Weapon confiscation for the good of the "Common Man" or collective is ALWAYS a step before absolute tyranny, as soon as the "elite" build their own "National Police Force" as strong as the purposely weakened military, so they can achieve absolute dominance with THEIR guns against a defenseless population -- classic Communism, Socialism, and the ultimate goal of the Progressive Movement. Russia's people never had much "freedom" before they disarmed. The Germans did. Cubans and Chinese experienced some freedom in the past. All of these people were disarmed and subjugated... sometimes to the approval of the surrounding countries, as did most of Europe when they thought Hitler to be an enlightened leader. Yeah, that went well. NOBODY is going to save our a$$es is we allow ourselves to go down that path. We are fast losing our predominant place as the leader of the free world, and we can look forward to learning Chinese and maybe Arabic.

03-03-2010, 03:22 PM
Sorry guys, I really didnt mean to highjack this thread....MY BAD....:smash:

03-03-2010, 03:41 PM
OK, sooooooooooo...................all those DAMN libs, progressives, and commie welfare leeches have somehow caused KAHR to screw up a bunch of PM45 slides. Leaving metal in them which chips out while firing ?
LMAO !!!!!!!!
I don't think even MAPQUEST can steer this thread back on course again.
YOU GUYS ARE ON A ROLL !!!!!!!! LOL !!!!
Uh huh. YOU started this mess, rabble rouser... jes' kidding.:D
This is kind of on subject... remotely about hanging on to our Kahrs. Well, if we end this political BS before somebody gets hurt... or their feelings hurt, it will be a good thing. So I'll vacate this thread... and that will be one less "rabble 'rouser". I have to go complete my investments, anyhow -- lottery investments.:crazy:
It's starting to look like tomorrow will be a better day to collect my PM45 and my ammo may arrive as well. Cheers!

And Vini', I noticed what you were doing... :boink::boink::001_tt2:

03-03-2010, 03:48 PM
Uh huh. YOU started this mess, rabble rouser... jes' kidding.:D
This is kind of on subject... remotely about hanging on to our Kahrs. Well, if we end this political BS before somebody gets hurt... or their feelings hurt, it will be a good thing. So I'll vacate this thread... and that will be one less "rabble 'rouser". I have to go complete my investments, anyhow -- lottery investments.:crazy:
It's starting to look like tomorrow will be a better day to collect my PM45 and my ammo may arrive as well. Cheers!

And Vini', I noticed what you were doing... :boink::boink::001_tt2:

Did you really? I am just having a friendly conversation with my fellows Kahrs owners. I know we can keep it civil!

03-03-2010, 04:00 PM
Did you really? I am just having a friendly conversation with my fellows Kahrs owners. I know we can keep it civil!

Uh huh. On more than one thread "Just wondering, what would you suggest to fix the problem?" at the same time... just stirring up trouble... "And how do you feel about that?":boink::19:


Gotta run. Invest a few bucks, well more but for the whole month.:rolleyes:
USPS left a notice at the dealers at 10 something. He doesn't open until 11, so I guess it's tomorrow. The PO should be closing by now. Later.:)

03-04-2010, 01:51 PM
Hi, I finally talked with the FFL dealer a little while ago. Evidently he and the USPS don't see eye-to-eye on delivery during his business hours -- 11am to 7pm.:rolleyes: USPS tried to deliver the package yesterday at 10:16am and left a notice. The dealer say he will try to have it tomorrow morning. I did try to impress on him that I'm retired and just sitting here waiting on my new toy... literally!:(
I got my .45 acp Blazer 230-gr FMJ ammo from Widener's this morning -- used FedEx Ground -- pretty fast once they picked it up. Widener included this blue "bullet" that I can't use, but I did notice the primer in the bottom and figured that it couldn't be a "Snap Cap", before noting the "notice" that came with it! Some one may need something like this -- perhaps "advanced paintball" or something like that -- OUCH! The base is too small to fit in my S&W .45 for a "test" firing... maybe that's a GOOD thing.:w00t::ohmy:

03-04-2010, 03:19 PM
wyntrout;13374]Hi, I finally talked with the FFL dealer a little while ago. Evidently he and the USPS don't see eye-to-eye on delivery during his business hours -- 11am to 7pm.:rolleyes: USPS tried to deliver the package yesterday at 10:16am and left a notice. The dealer say he will try to have it tomorrow morning. I did try to impress on him that I'm retired and just sitting here waiting on my new toy... literally!:(Sorry to hear about your situation, once my FFL was out for a week not notice or anything, so the Gun was sitting on his shop, man that gave the creeps knowing how close I was from my new toys. Anyway he was out sick.

I got my .45 acp Blazer 230-gr FMJ ammo from Widener's this morning -- used FedEx Ground -- pretty fast once they picked it up. Widener included this blue "bullet" that I can't use, but I did notice the primer in the bottom and figured that it couldn't be a "Snap Cap", before noting the "notice" that came with it! Some one may need something like this -- perhaps "advanced paintball" or something like that -- OUCH! The base is too small to fit in my S&W .45 for a "test" firing... maybe that's a GOOD thing.:w00t::ohmy:
Wynn:D I too bought a couple of boxes from them, was not to happy with one of the boxes( I will post why), called then explained the issue they told me the least I could do it send back in my dime and they will send me another, so now one of the box will cost me $27 dollars not acceptable. Anyway I contacted CCI send them a picture of the issue they told me to send the box back and they take will take care the issue, and yes they did, they sent me 3 boxes(still waiting), that was to cover my shipping to then via UPS ($12). Kudos to CCI, shame on Widener's for selling me a defective box of ammo. Below a few rounds take from the defective box.

03-04-2010, 05:29 PM
Only at the local stores. Wal*Mart never has anything that I want. They had some RWS FMJ 9mm for $18 a box -- pretty pricey for range fodder. The only .45 they had was some kind of Winchester JHP for about $30 a box of 50.
I buy all my ammo off the Internet and I really watch for deals. When Cabela's had $20 off a purchase over $100, I used that 4 times to buy ammo that was on sale. Shipping was $14.95 for each of those orders. They're offering free shipping off $150 or more now through the 9th.
Wal*Mart's shelves are usually pretty bare. I did find some Stingers in there a few months ago. I was shocked and I bought a couple of boxes for about $5.87 each... I should have bought them all -- about 10 or so. I was carrying those in my TPH. Now I feel like I'm really ARMED with my PM9, loaded with +P Double Tap 124-gr GDs. I just got some real Speer GDs 124 Short Barrel +P to try ~ $21.95 a box of 20. At an LGS those would go for $40 to $45!
I wanted something a little better to shoot than the Wolf for my new PM45, I the best deal I could find was the Blazer 230's at $15.95 a box. 500 of those came to $173 shipped to my door. That was the best thing and costed the same as Tula -- Russian with steel cases. I don't mind shooting that nasty stuff in my S&W 645 but I want to take it easy on my new li'l buddy while breaking him in. I've been calling the PM45 my PM9's big brother, so I guess I'll have to be consistent and use he/him.
I had less .45 acp than I wanted and need to get some more defense loads. After loading up my magazines, I only have a little over 2 boxes of 25 Golden Sabers left. I don't need +P for that and I've checked ballistics and performance that back that up. I do want 230-grain JHPs, though.

03-04-2010, 05:33 PM
Vini', what did you get there -- a box that had been dropped or smashed? That's not good looking... some too short or some too long? Ball ammo is so uninteresting looking.

03-04-2010, 05:54 PM
WYN & VINI, do you guys have a hard time getting ammo in Florida ?
I'm not trying to piss you guys off ,BUT, to me BLAZER ammo is just barely a step up from WOLF. If you are just shooting FMJ ball ammo. You should check out Walmart. Here in Nashville Tn. I can buy a box of Remington/ UMC 230 gr. FMJ. 250 rounds for $86 and change. It is brass cased and top quality. As finicky as Kahrs 45's seem to be. I would be kind of hesitant to run cheap stuff thru them. The extractors on the PM45 in particular seem to be VERY picky about what they will pull out and eject cleanly. As witnessed by many of the post on this website.
ALSO, beware of Reloaded ammo. Kahr will void your warranty if they think you have shot in your guns. Or so I have been told.

I cannot get ammo anywhere that is reasonable. Wally World is always out stock, and I have about six of them around where I live. Once they had a Remington Green Box and they wanted $29.99, it is still there. LGS wants an arm and a leg. I pretty much buy online, I get what I can here now and then. I am not hunting down for ammo specially for the practice kind, gas is not cheap and I plan my trips so that way I go out once( call me cheap).

03-04-2010, 05:58 PM
Vini', what did you get there -- a box that had been dropped or smashed? That's not good looking... some too short or some too long? Ball ammo is so uninteresting looking.

According to tech support at CCI Blazer that is what happen. Widener's still send me that box like that, it is my last time I buy at Widener's thought.

03-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Yeah, that sucks that they didn't at least send you another box at their expense. That would have been cheapest and good PR. It's just amazing how some businesses will stiff you like that and take a big hit in PR on the INTERNET! Anyone can broadcast his or her displeasure over treatment like that to the whole world... at no cost. For less than $20 they could have gotten a boost in sales, but they are likely to take a big hit with a few experiences like yours. That's why it bothers me that Kahr doesn't cover returning guns for manufacturing defects... every time. It seems to be by exception and some people are really turned off by that. I sure hope that I don't have to have mine serviced.
ANY time you do a search, you'll pick up even comments we make here. I see mine all the time....

03-05-2010, 10:44 AM
Well, after sitting here until 12:30 Local waiting for notice from the Post Office and my pistol having been picked up or an update on the tracking info, and getting nothing. I finally called the dealer and he said that he had it. Good old PO efficiency. They could have saved me the building rage and evil thoughts about using the power of Google and the Internet to make his life miserable and cost him more that the $25 fee. Man! I got to shaking I was so pissed and thinking such "God-Fatherish" thoughts about "an offer he couldn't refuse"!
Anyhow, why am I sitting here typing when i could be there in about 30 minutes -- 12+miles -- and soon be cradling my new beauty.!!:eek:

03-05-2010, 12:03 PM
Well, after sitting here until 12:30 Local waiting for notice from the Post Office and my pistol having been picked up or an update on the tracking info, and getting nothing. I finally called the dealer and he said that he had it. Good old PO efficiency. They could have saved me the building rage and evil thoughts about using the power of Google and the Internet to make his life miserable and cost him more that the $25 fee. Man! I got to shaking I was so pissed and thinking such "God-Fatherish" thoughts about "an offer he couldn't refuse"!
Anyhow, why am I sitting here typing when i could be there in about 30 minutes -- 12+miles -- and soon be cradling my new beauty.!!:eek:

I know the feeling, finally, congrats!

03-05-2010, 03:10 PM
Well... all is well in the world... now. I'm excited, but I got home safely and didn't sweat being behind a couple of school buses. I'm home with my new beauty and he's lying apart on the table. The "notch" is there and there's too much oil for me

How my day went:

I checked the USPS tracking around 11:20 AM the first time. I was trying to be patient, but as 12:30 PM passed and there was no update on tracking, I was fuming and shaking with growing anger... all kinds of thoughts going through my mind... threats of "flaming" him on the Internet and everything.

I called and he had it in the store. I calmed a bit and said I would be there soon. I got dressed and readied the cooler in the van with blue ice, since I was going to the BX and Commissary while I was over there, and it's 12+ miles.
My darn computer beeped a newly received e-mail as I opened the door to depart. I checked and it was two notifications at 1-freaking-PM... almost two hours after the fact! I could have been there and back and saved a lot of heart ache and boiling blood pressure had the notification been more timely. Now a lot of my emotion was aimed at the %$#*&% Post Office!

The gun store is almost across the street and back toward the actual Mayport Naval Station from the BX and Commissary, located off base and a little over a mile south. I had to hit the ATM first and then went to the gun store.

The dealer is just under 30, if that old and we got along fine. Along the way I did mention that I had been having less than charitable thoughts earlier as the Post Office had not notified me of him picking it up or it having been delivered at 11:11 AM.

Anyhow, I looked at the gun, filled out the "yellow sheet", and looked over the gun while he was transferring info to his computer and then printing out the final form. I could get the slide release pin to budge with finger pressure so I had to wait until I got home to check that.

I told him that I had cleared my CCW before entering and I wanted to look at his holsters for both the PM9 and PM45. He had a lot of Uncle Mike's holsters like I wanted, until I could figure out what holster(s) I wanted for the PPM45.
We had small talk and we decided that I needed a size 12 which he didn't have then, but should have by Tuesday, he was getting three of those in by then, so I said that I would be back.

This dealer's total fee was a flat $25 -- that's all -- no tax or extra anything -- the Instant check was included! He said that was because he saw that as a way to get customer into the store as well. I asked him about receiving the P380 instead of the other store that wanted $50+tax fee plus the $5 Instant Check fee. So I need to give him AGR's fax number and let AGR know as well.

I'm certainly feeling a lot better. I had already decided that it was better to wait until tomorrow for a trip to the range. I want to clean the gun and rack it a bit before getting everything else together, instead of rushing to get over there and not having enough time to do my 9mm ammo testing and breaking in the new one.

Pix: #1 is everything I got from the seller -- the PM45, the extra 6-shot extended grip magazine, and the Kahr cap. Also shown are the 7-shot extra mag I bought ahead of time and the Tactical Kydex mag-holders -- 2 IWB and 2 OWB.
#3 PM45 in my hand.
#7 the "notch" in the slide.
#9 the ramp and chamber of the barrel -- notice the soot and the mark I made with my fingernail to the right of the chamber.
and #13 the bore -- I was trying to aim it at the telephone pole where the ospreys land to eat their fresh catches.

So, the total for the PM45, extra 6-shot mag, Kahr cap, shipping and CC fee was $825 + $17.33 + $25 = $867.33, which seems like a pretty good deal to me! Found it on GunBroker.com and bought from
Terry at
8716 Julian Rd.
Dunn, NC 28334

I'll post some comparison pix of the PM9 and the PM45 later.
I have to clean my new beauty!:D
I've been calling the new PM the big brother, so I guess I'll have to stick with "him" or "he", though that feels strange somehow.:confused:
Wynn:D (Just imagine that's a big S-E Grin:D)

03-05-2010, 03:24 PM
congratulations wyn great looking gun,be careful of its power and dont let get out from under you:confused: does it have night sights. :D

03-05-2010, 03:35 PM
Well I am glad that your happy Wynn!:D

Muchas Congratulations!:eek:

03-05-2010, 03:36 PM
congratulations wyn great looking gun,be careful of its power and dont let get out from under you:confused: does it have night sights. :D

Of course! A bonus for my K9, PM9, AND the PM45 is that they all seem to fit the same holsters! The PM45 seems to fit in my Minituck for the PM9, which holds the K9 as well, but a bit more loosely!
I don't have to force the PM45, either.

Wynn:D (SEG)

03-05-2010, 04:02 PM
CONGRATS WYNN, now get the to a gun range , and make sure that it feeds , fires , & ejects like it is suppose to ! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

P.S. don't limp wrist it. It's gonna kick way more than your 9 does.
Thanks, and I hope it kicks more -- it's a .45! Cleaning it now.
Wynn:D (SEG)

03-06-2010, 10:52 AM
I'm waiting for my sweetie to leave for work and I've been thinking about those sharp "nibs" on the PM45 grip. I found my unused bike tire (1.75") cut a chunk out after figuring out how to align the curve of the tube and the grip. I then cut the butt end first, held the tube against the grip with the lower end where I wanted it and eye-balled the top cut, angling higher to the rear. On making the second cut, a bunch of white powder-crap fell out onto my brand-new beauty! :eek: Sh*t! I forgot the dang talcum powder. No biggie, it cleaned up okay -- just got some on the grip -- not in the action! Ha! take that, Murphy!
I decided to go with the outer side out, as the inside looked a little lighter after light washing. I may experiment a little more later(about 24" of tube left), but that grip sure feels a lot friendlier, but I need to do something about that talcum powder! I managed to wiggle the piece of tube into place and it feels great, but I still have that problem with aesthetics.:rolleyes:
Oh! One caveat -- unload the pistol before doing stuff like this. At one point I heard a click as I pulled the trigger while wrestling the tube into place... it was unloaded and pointed away from me. I won't load it until ready to shoot at the range... or to update my Avatar photo to the "Big Peekaboo".:D I don't have a nasty enough JHP, yet, for the .45 ACP, only Golden Sabers. I need to stock up on something, 'cause after I shoot a box in this pistol, I'll only have enough to fill the magazines. I have 5 mags for the 645 and 4 for this one, but these don't hold that many rounds. I'm thinking only 230-grain JHP and maybe +P, depending on how this baby shoots and kicks with standard loads.

03-06-2010, 11:11 AM
I'm thinking only 230-grain JHP and maybe +P, depending on how this baby shoots and kicks.

For the nominal gain in ballistics, and the huge increase in felt recoil, I would avoid +P.

I generally run 200 or 230 grain through my .45, but 185 grain is great for speed competitions, and can be loaded to the same 'oomph' factor as 230 grain if desired ;)

Edit : while internet ammo pricing can be better in bulk than retail, sometimes by a wide margin, consider reloading. Using Rainer plated .40 JHP bullets, my cost per box of 50 .40's is $8.07, using overpriced primers. Casting my own lead boolits, a box of 50 .45ACP costs me $2.99 after factoring in the price of the lead and overpriced primers.

Production can be pretty quick too. I make a box of ammo every 10 minutes at a leisurely pace, without any steps in the process automated. See an abridged video of my process below:


03-06-2010, 12:36 PM
I know, but I had to drop reloading and sold all, or most of my equipment. The brass stays on the floor where I shoot and that's the biggest savings -- re-using the brass. I priced all of the components and once-fired brass at a gun show -- cost as much as a decent buy on range fodder, plus would have to start over on the equipment.
It's off to the range I go. Hi ho, hi ho....

03-06-2010, 01:45 PM
Take an ammo can along with you to the range, and sweep up any brass around you - there's your savings. Only time I buy brass is when I buy a new gun in a different caliber than what I've previously had - just to give me a buffer since I'm a high volume shooter. Heck, shot well over 400 rounds yesterday.

My equipment cost is $510 for two calibers, I've got $56 of components wrapped up in the current batch of .40, and $30 for .45ACP, for a total investment cost of about $600, including the tumbler, media, and 950 rounds total of .40S&W and .45ACP.

The cheapest batch of locally available .45ACP runs $150 for 450 rounds, and $16 for 50 .40's.

For what I've got sitting on the shelf right now, that'd be $112 in .40, and $250 in .45ACP - or $362.

When I finish casting lead, I'll begin production of .45ACP again. To break even at the $600 cost of equipment, I'd have to buy either 10 boxes of WWB .45 at 25 a box, or get 900 rounds of Wolf .45 for $62 more than my equipment and current used component cost.

Or, I can make another 80 boxes of .45ACP ( about 4,000 rounds).

If you shoot more than a few boxes of centerfire a month, and have some spare time or would like to pick up a hobby, I can only come up with one reason why you shouldn't reload and save long term. That reason's simple : I'm greedy about ammo, and you'd be one more source of competition for me to find components :D

03-06-2010, 02:17 PM
I may be wrong about this...........................
BUT, as I understand it. Shooting RELOADS in your KAHR will VOID your warranty !

That's a blatant lawyer speak, and is a bunch of bullshit in my opinion. I've have more problems with factory ammo (mulitple) than from any of my reloads (none).

Keeping load data and dimensions well within SAMMI specifications, which is making sure that the pressure is LOWER than factory ammo, will not blow up the gun.

Hell, I've had boxes of Remington green box .45ACP with multiple cartridges that had the casing torn down from the neck to the base of the bullet, with powder spilled in the bottom of the tray - brand new, off the shelf of Dicks Sporting Good's!

If a double charge round finds its way into the gun, it will cause damage, be that mass produced inaccurate, expensive junk or precision custom accurate low pressure ammunition. The source is irrelevant to the problem at hand.

Besides, if you can't pay attention to what you're doing, then don't reload, it's simple as that. It doesn't matter if you successfully fire 100K rounds of factory ammo or 100K rounds of reloaded ammo, the same wear will occur if loaded to they're close to performance. Not to mention that if you make quality reloads, you won't have a problem pop up anyways, and thus won't need the warranty - which is legally void after 5 years anyway, though Kahr may warranty beyond that, they are not legally obligated to do so.

Kahr states that the use of reloads will void the warranty in the manual. If I fire 9,000 reloads fine without a problem, buy a box of factory ammo, and the factory ammo blows the gun up, are they going to deny warranty claims? First off, short of me telling you, try to prove that I shot reloads. If they try to deny the warranty, they're going to have to do a lot of back peddling and turning water to wine to convince me to not take it to the legal system to have my issue resolved.

It's lawyer bullshit that is easily defeated if the facts are on your side.

03-06-2010, 02:56 PM
I have no idea how KAHR could detect what you have been shooting in your weapon. ( well, unless you outright tell them. Like maybe in an internet talk forum in which they sponser. )

They can't tell, there's so many different powder blends used in off the shelf ammo it's impossible to try to do an analysis of the trace residue and carbon to find the powder - and even then, there's no bullet, case, or primer. It's impossible unless you state directly.

That said, I've got about 1500 rounds through my T40 so far, mostly in Februrary. It runs like a top, and the 3 mags work fine. I don't see myself contacting Kahr for anything except for springs.

Oh, and Kahr - I do use reloads. And I modified the guts of your gun. And I detail stripped the gun without supervision of a licensed gun smith.

Hell, here's my load data:

Press: Hornady Lock n Load AP
Dies: Hornady 10mm/40S&W new dimension dies with taper crimp die, flat plug in seater die
Primers: what was available, Federal small pistol in this case
Powder: Winchester 231
Cases: range pickups
Bullet: Rainer 135 grain JHP
OAL: 1.135"
Charge: 5.4 grains
Crimp: .421"

Here's Hodgdon's reccomendation:
40 S&W
135 Gr. Nos JHP
Win 231
1.125" OAL
6.3-7 grains.

Here's Rainer's reccomendation ( the bullet maker of the bullets I'm using):
Reduce charges by 10%

So....less powder.....larger internal volume....lower pressures....more accurate.....and I can afford to shoot it.

Yup, I use reloads. And I cast my own boolits too! http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/smilies/castmine.gif


03-06-2010, 03:41 PM
Jeep,I would like to know more about your trigger job,maybe it is something I could try. :D

03-06-2010, 03:55 PM
Jeep,I would like to know more about your trigger job,maybe it is something I could try. :D

It's very, very simple. I'll take a video and walk you through the process in a little bit.

03-06-2010, 05:19 PM
YouTube - Kahr Action Job (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1cDRE0mYdY)

03-06-2010, 05:33 PM
YouTube - Kahr Action Job (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1cDRE0mYdY)
thanks jeep,very gracious of you,with the aid of the video I believe I can do that:)

03-06-2010, 05:36 PM
Just make sure to put a thin coating of good oil on the sear and the leg on the striker, and you should feel a pretty big diff - least for me.

Just go slow and take your time. When you see light reflecting, that's good enough. Let the speed and polish do the work, no need to push into things.

Do your best to remove anything left behind - mask off things if you're afraid of polishing things you don't want to polish. When in doubt if you've done enough, stop, clean, oil, reassemble, and try it out. It's very hard to replace material if you spent 45 minutes 'polishing' a part. I think I spent an hour max total on my T40.

Jim K
03-08-2010, 10:26 PM
That is not going to solve the issues at hand. Agree that big brother should be eliminated since it is there for not purpose. The Federal government is running a Ponzy scheme because they do not want to raise taxes, borrowing to fund every fiscal year is not the way to go and the debt in this country will never be pay back ever, unless taxes are raised, (the issue the politicians have is by raising taxes will cost them political carriers). The only way to solve the currents issues in this country is by raising taxes and eliminating the federal reserve and going back to the gold standards. Reality is that everyone should be taxed especially the super wealthy(even if we do no like it) and adjust our standard of living, that is live within our means.:banplease:
Let's start with congressional term limits so we can have a representative government. The folks we have in congress now are a self serving elite.

Second, dump the income tax. Replace it with a national sales tax. Exempt food, your home and medicine, you know, all the things you need to merely survive.

Balance the budget. That means STOP SPENDING! Mkake sure our money is worth saving.

God help us. Oh my God, I said God!

Regards to everyone, Jim K

03-09-2010, 04:04 AM
Let's start with congressional term limits so we can have a representative government. The folks we have in congress now are a self serving elite.

Second, dump the income tax. Replace it with a national sales tax. Exempt food, your home and medicine, you know, all the things you need to merely survive.

Balance the budget. That means STOP SPENDING! Mkake sure our money is worth saving.

God help us. Oh my God, I said God!

Regards to everyone, Jim K

While I support a career maximium number of years for all political offices (say, 20 years - doesn't matter if 5 mayor, 5 gov., 6 senator, 4 pres., and that's it) - it won't happen. In fact, nothing will change until the general public realizes that term limits happen when they step into the voting booth. People complain about this and other things about laws being passed without any 'teeth' to them. How does it feel to be a bicupsid?

I'm ALL for flat / fair tax system.

Balancing the budget is mandatory. Unfortunately many people are too alured by instant gratification and credit. I fell into that trap, and am working my way out of that hole. I'm now no longer $8.5K in the hole, and am down to $1.2K. Until the American economy gets away from Keynesian economical theories, it won't happen. Hell, the company I work for was talking to me about how businesses HAVE to take out xyz loans to operate, and they need to make abc profit to get low rates. The CFO could not answer me when I asked him why they do not get smart, pay off all their debts, and invest their capitol back into the company instead of feeding a constant debt cycle. I think I embarrassed him a little bit in front of our CEO.

And would people stop asking for God to help them? Pull up on your boot straps and go kick some ass. Pray to God if you want, but when your ship comes in you'd better be willing to unload the cargo yourself!

Jim K
03-09-2010, 08:16 AM
Good points Mike. One more:

God helps those who help themselves.

Regards, JK

03-09-2010, 09:18 AM
You hit the nail with the voting booth statement. Unfortunately the average American are not very intelligent,don't do their homework, focus on listening to propanda and the media (they always tell the truth right). I had a lady tell me she couldn't vote for George Bush cause his eyes were too close together. Maybe Average wasn't a good word.
Look where we're at now, the dodge dealers closing at the whim of these peoples president, because the contributed to the republican party.
LIke I said in another thread, you play now you pay later and in this pay and pay and pay.
I still can't comprehend an unknown senator with absolutely no track record in politics, or management of any kind, not even a full term in the senate and he wins over a genuine dedicated to America war hero with a 97 year old mom.
We are in big trouble folks and not alot us little people can do about it. I hope that we don't have to go the full 4 years and if we do hope theres little unrepairable damage. Might be a pipe dream but I got my fingers crossed. Course what do I know about anything, I liked Bush.

03-09-2010, 11:12 AM
Its unfortunate but IMHO the only way out of this countries current fiscal and unemployment mess is WWIII and I don't think the commander in chief is up to that issue what with his apologizing to the world for existing and with health care and global warming taking up all his time.....I'm with Jim K on this one, God help us......

03-09-2010, 11:45 AM
Who's commander in chief?, theirs, the one in the White House now or ours the ones that want to take America back.
I think the WWIII you mention is going to be civil. Not sure where the lines are gonna be drawn and it will no doubt be like the sandbox, everyone will look the same but at least I'm confident that all the troops and military we have trained as of now will be on the side of goodness and right, our side.
That's why their commander in chief, the dude squatting in the white house wants to form a national military stronger than our current military. That way he has some guys on his side. Good luck with that, maybe he'll offer them a free Dodge?. You want to be on the side of Americas patriots and gun owners or side with Pelosi, Reid, and the other pinko communists, dang I gotta stop, ooooom, hari krishna, oooom hari krishna, oooooom hari krishna.
Wheres my paper bag?

03-09-2010, 11:52 AM
Funny how this started off about a notch in the slide, and now it's about politics :)

03-09-2010, 12:21 PM
Funny how this started off about a notch in the slide, and now it's about politics :)

Not funny but I was just thinking the same thing. I try to stick with guns and away from that other stuff.
Maybe seek something less controversial like boys being allowed in the girlscouts or vise versa.

03-09-2010, 12:23 PM
Calm Bawanna Calm Bawanna Calm....You just gotta love this place!!!! Where else can you start off about a slide notch and end up with WWIII...:bump2:

03-09-2010, 12:30 PM
The Great Teleprompter reader and apologist for America's greatness, said during his campaign that they needed a National Police Force as strong as the military... WTF for! Think Hitler's "brown shirters" like in 1930's Germany... just before he had all of the citizens' weapons confiscated. The rest of Europe thought Wow, here's an enlightened leader who wants to make his country safe for its citizenry! They applauded him... initially... he took care of the citizenry alright! He rounded up the now unarmed opposition and imprisoned or executed them and started "taking care of" the less than perfect citizenry and doing something about that "Jewish problem". Then he decided that the whole world would benefit from his form of socialism and enlightened leadership.
All of these enlightened leaders who wanted to install their form of Utopian socialism first have to disarm the people and "get rid of the squeaky wheels," ya know, people as we are, who like freedom and the right to self-protection, especially against tyrannical governments. This is why our founders started this country and wrote the U.S. Constitution to protect our rights and LIMIT the federal government, so it couldn't do what it has already got a good start on doing.
I don't know how the National Police Force is going, but I'm thankful that his plans started getting bogged down and he hasn't gotten around to looking at the "Gun Problem". We need a lot more bad weather in D.C. so that those self-serving bastards can't get together to pass more fracking laws to take more money from us.
You guys saying that we need to raise taxes to get the country out of debt are fracking blind and stupid. Hasn't history shown that Congress or the Feds will never have enough money to do all that they want. The more they get, the more they want. I think that it's going to take a real revolution before things are settled here, and it won't be entirely through the ballot box.
Americans are going to have to get together and take a stand against the out-of-control corrupt, federal government. I just hope that we get something done before "gradualism" disarms us and we're all working for the government or no food, no health care, or housing for you.
AND, how come we can't have an American Flag Waver... this is Israeli!:rolleyes:

03-09-2010, 12:45 PM
The South shall rise again.......Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaa

03-09-2010, 12:59 PM
I know you're just saying that, but it's not just a Southern problem and lots of states have gotten concerned about only the feds having control of all arms. I'm talking about the UNION... all of us Americans, not some sterotypical Confederate-Battle-Flag-waving rednecks driving around in pickup trucks guzzling beer, with a distorted view of the past and thinking about a future Southern Confederacy. Sorry if that offends you. Sooner or later I offend almost everybody, but I don't want any future with the civilian populace subservient to an all-powerful federal government. It should be the other way around with a smaller government fulfilling only the duties allotted it by the U.S. Constitution.:mad:

03-09-2010, 12:59 PM
"The more they get, the more they want." My wifes alot like this. Ya think shes and gol darn spy for em?

"Calm Bawanna Calm Bawanna Calm....You just gotta love this place!!!! Where else can you start off about a slide notch and end up with WWIII..."

Is this a great country or what?

Maybe next week we can discuss trigger springs and migrate into racial profiling! Hmmm fun!

03-09-2010, 01:17 PM
Well now that you mention it....:p.....I did read in the paper that the TSA also known as Federal Jackbooted Airport Thugs are going to start doing palm swabs in selected high traffic airports to check for explosive residue and if found positive you will be detained and questioned at length by TSA and FBI....So don't go shooting or do any reloading before flying cause Big Brother wants to sniff you!!!!...Oh and Wyn you cant insult me, I was just kiddin y'all....Now where did I leave my mint julep....Y'all come back now, you hear...:cool:

03-09-2010, 01:27 PM
Dang! I guess my "window" for taking a nap is closing or closed. Sumbody pushed my buttons got my dander up.:mad:
I still don't understand why we have an Israeli flag waver! this is Amurica! Where's our red, white, and blue! It's like all the people who complain about our National Anthem... WTF do you want -- an inspiring song like "Oh Canada"? Our country was built by Patriots who shed their blood for the freedom we now hold, though too many don't care about that... just give them lots of stuff wrested from the producers by threat of the gun wielded by the federal government.
Our National Anthem and the French "Marseillaise' are all about patriots spilling their blood to triumph over tyranny and should inspire you to greatness and thanks for those who did and do sacrifice themselves for our great nation and freedom. I don't understand all of the other anthems, but those two are inspiring to me.
The most inspiring and gut-wrenching performance ever, for me was the Brits and their Royalty singing OUR National Anthem as a show of support for us immediately after the 9-11 attacks. I still get choked up thinking about that... and our "great leader" (in his own mind) has snubbed the Brits -- our truest allies -- every chance he gets... to our great shame... and is quick to bow to foreign dignitaries(some America-Haters), looking more to me like that great stereotypical "Step and fetch it" from the old movies, than the President or leader of the most powerful nation and greatest fighter for the freedom and rights of everyone... in the whole world, than any other nation in history.
Okay, I'll shut up and let some of the apologists have their say.:2rolleyes:
Dang! I needed a nap... gonna fall asleep in the chair while trying to entertain my wife tonight and fast forwarding through commercials.

03-09-2010, 01:31 PM
On behalf of myself and I'm sure I speak for all my fellow Kahrtalk members I apologize for ruining your nap. I'd bow and kiss your hand but I'm not sure where it's been. Thought that counts.
+1 on everything you said too. I voted for the war hero myself.:cheer2:

03-09-2010, 01:36 PM
I know you're just saying that, but it's not just a Southern problem and lots of states have gotten concerned about only the feds having control of all arms. I'm talking about the UNION... all of us Americans, not some sterotypical Confederate-Battle-Flag-waving rednecks driving around in pickup trucks guzzling beer, with a distorted view of the past and thinking about a future Southern Confederacy. Sorry if that offends you. Sooner or later I offend almost everybody, but I don't want any future with the civilian populace subservient to an all-powerful federal government. It should be the other way around with a smaller government fulfilling only the duties allotted it by the U.S. Constitution.:mad:

If you don't want to be subservient, then you better ride with us, the Confederate Battle Flag waving rednecks driving pickup trucks and guzzling beer with our distorted (I like to call it realistic) view of the past and present. They had it right back then and they got it right now dude. Better get you a pickup or you'll be subservient to somebody that already has one. You can ride with me, I'll try not to be to dang bossy but it is my truck and my flag in the back window. Your turn to buy beer next stop. I'll reload while your loading it.

03-09-2010, 01:38 PM
Now look, we went from talking about slides, to WWIII to Mr Wyn picking on Rednecks. Profiling at it's best and I thought we were gonna wait till next week. OH well, I ain't good at that patience stuff anyhow. Best start a new thread, most probably don't know what we're even talking about now, I know I don't.:7::2eek:

03-09-2010, 01:48 PM
I voted for him, too, but he wasn't my choice -- he was hand-picked and promoted by the Lame-Stream Media until the Republicans nominated him. Then the LSM turned on the big-time support for their true candidate and too many people fell for the hype. McCain is a true war hero and suffered greatly for our country, but he is a "Progressive" Republican, not a true Conservative, and he has many of the same goals as Obama. We might have been marginally better off with him, but they both are Progressives (not Liberals) and are in favor of more federal control of everything.
I'm scared of the religious right imposing their religious beliefs on us, but I think that Governor Huckabee would have been a better president(and a great one), but the best would be Newt Gingrich. He's a real American Patriot and believes in the U.S. Constitution's version of a very limited federal government.
I think that Gingrich for president and maybe Ollie North as his running mate, or even the much-maligned-by-the-LSM Sarah Palin would be terrific for our country.:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

03-09-2010, 02:06 PM
Well in Sarahs case I guess that would be the next step. We let em smoke, drive cars, vote and work outside the kitchen. (none of which I was consulted about by the way) I guess being a pres or a vip would be the next step.
I'll go start digging now! (my grave)

03-09-2010, 02:09 PM
I'm with you Bawanna....this thread is beyond the point of no return....Come and get me mommy I'm through and I did a real good one too....:D

03-09-2010, 02:09 PM
Hey, Bawaana, I drive a big white(reflects heat) GMC Van with AWD, 'cause I like to be prepared and I want my sh!t secure and cool in the summer and not rained on and getting wet. Besides, I like carrying around my own space -- enough to carry everything I want and even sleep once in awhile without spending a fortune on a motel and taking hours to unload and load sh!t when traveling! I get about 12 mpg around town and maybe 16 mpg on the road at a bit over the speed limit... when safe. (we're more at risk from a-holes in the left lane than careful speeders interested in getting somewhere safely, not dawdling along on cruise control in the passing lane, usually yakking on their cell phones). I like my economy-sized, 5.3L V-8 Vortex engine, but it's governed to 95 MPH, which doesn't give me much "reserve" for when I'm in a real hurry! I'm big on situational awareness and trying to stay way ahead of traffic flow and conditions, not just the immediate space in front of me -- the entire field of view and I use my peripheral vision and mirrors as well... AND I fracking signal lane changes and turns BEFORE executing changes, as required by law and safety considerations. Too many people act like they are sitting on their fracking couches in their living rooms instead of supposedly safely controlling a MULTI-TON rolling "maybe-guided" missile while they are yakking and maybe making eye contact with their buds in the back seat!!!!
There... how's that for getting off the subject!? Dang, you talk to the crowd you're with. You don't go to a danged auditorium and try to start a new crowd!

03-09-2010, 02:11 PM
Bawanna I'm telling Zena on you.......

03-09-2010, 02:16 PM
Dang! Where are the ladies? We almost never have their (usually) moderating influence. And we're(I'm?) usually a little less noisy and "quarrelsome"??

03-09-2010, 02:26 PM
I'm semi speechless. I'm not really sure what you said or why you said it. I'm not clear what it means to me in my little world. I'm thinking theres a hidden message perhaps a hidden agenda. I've read it several times and I'm not feeling hypnotized or anything, well maybe a little. Thank goodness it's lunch time so I can legally peruse this. But just to follow along and I'm not hanging on this thread too much longer. I too drive a full size white van for all the same reasons you state. It is a Ford. (God's punishment for all the sins in my previous life) I want what you have. I'm a Chevy guy, always have been. They have a AWD. I'm in a wheelchair, I need a van, wheelchairs and 2 wheel drive vans don't go good in snow, we have snow in Washington, I'd rather live in Missouri, hotter, white is good, snow AWD is good. Way better class of people. Close to JohnH, I could wave to him when he drives my in his new Charger with his M1Carbine in a rack in the back winda.
I do have a confederate flag, probably work better in Missour than Washington, in fact I'm most certain that it would. I just finished a V8 so I no longer feel the need to smack myself in the forehead and shout I coulda had a V8. Oh I got a V8 in my van too, also a little gauge, that says full or empty. When it gets toward the "E" I stop at one of the foreign speaking dispensing stations and put some in until it's closer to the "F" or as close as my wallet or CC will allow. Usually not close enough. I have no idea how long it takes to go from "F" to "E", something to do with how far I drive I think. No matter, the whole fuel deal is all propaganda, there's lots of it. It was 28cents a gallon when I worked english speaking at one of the dispenseries. Oh, there's a shortage and it's suddenly 125 and then there wasn't a shortage, who knew? I'm thinking of getting a tatoo but I'm scared of needles, I wanted to put the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria all sinking on my chest. Have to wonder what people would think other than offering me a shirt.
Bawanna has been taken away for awhile, should be back shortly after we administer his medication. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, how bout 75 bucks for that PM in florida, dont want to take advantage.

03-09-2010, 02:45 PM
I'm still worked up but trying to calm down. Bawanna, when you get back, check this out: YouTube - Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise (with lyrics) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIxOl1EraXA&feature=response_watch) This is one of my favorite singers. I have nearly every song she's sung. This is the way our national anthem should be sung... as written and with patriotic gusto, not some diva trying to embellish it or some dude from New Orleans squeaking like he's holding and talking to a frigging mouse in his hand. I wish that I had a very good digital copy of this, but I haven't run across one. This national anthem is super-inspirational, and I'm sorry if you don't understand the French... even the subtitles are in French, and I don't know why the French were able to roll over in three major wars last century, including Viet Nam, with this kind of enthusiastic national anthem -- La Marseillaise.
Hey, I like American music, too. I love Taylor Swift AND Avril Lavigne... oh, yeah, she's Canadian. I guess I have something for pretty, young blonde singers. I love country, classical. and some rock, but I also love Mireille Mathieu and Hélène Ségara, as well.

03-09-2010, 02:56 PM
NOTCH.....................NOTCH..................C ,mere Boy..........Notch were are you???? Has anyone seen my "NOTCH " thread???? I started it , then left it here..............but it has run off............
NOTCH........here boy.......where the heck are you????

Hey! I sent my PM45 with the proper "Notch" off because it had no "GAP" -- the space between the rear of the cartridge and the "breech face"(?) that allows the "stripper" (down, Bawanna) part of the striker housing of the slide(the lower forward edge of the 'breech face"(?)) to strip a round off the magazine and push it up the ramp into the chamber as the slide goes into battery position, instead on resting on and pushing down the back of the cartridge, so that on going forward the slide scrapes over the top of the cartridge on the way to battery position on an empty chamber.<<gasp for air>>
First picture scraped cartridge. Second PM45 with no GAP. Third PM9 with GAP.
I already published these, but this is on topic.

03-09-2010, 03:00 PM
Notch, notch cmere boy, I got a tasty slide for ya, fetch. Sexist bastardo, I'm a girl. Aaah so you are.

Notch, you fetch it I'm on my break.

A good voice or something nice to look at is a real asset. I actually multi lingual. Lets see French, aaah Parle voo a humma humma.
That's do you sing or have nice assets? I think.

Or the universal language for all. Your under arrest, your going to jail?
Ok, OK, man I speaks the language. Don't take me away.

Me thinks this thread is definitely lost and gone forever, precious memories Clementine. Maybe a new rule, initial poster, keep control of your threads, but then where would the fun be.
Increase the dosages on bawanna, he should be ok someday, or NOT.

03-09-2010, 03:01 PM
Heavy panting, stripper!!!!!!! Whats a topic.

03-09-2010, 03:15 PM
Well, I would have like that it performed flawlessly out of the box, but at least it's mine and Kahr will fix it and return it to me on their dime -- that was my real worry. I love the way it shot. I was able to keep most of the shots on the head of the silhouette at 7 or so yards... much better than the PM9. When I did everything correctly, the bullet would hit POA.

03-09-2010, 03:19 PM
Dang! Is Bawanna still watching that French gal sing? She's my age now, but can really sing and sling those nasal "R"s. I can visualize those getting pretty moist!

03-09-2010, 03:34 PM
Dang! Is Bawanna still watching that French gal sing? She's my age now, but can really sing and sling those nasal "R"s. I can visualize those getting pretty moist!

Fineeeeshed we da watching mon sewer. Old but nice assets and talk about moist!
After viewing your recent targets I feel compelled to two things. One I'm glad Kahr has your gun and you don't know where I live. Two, I'd like to apoligize if I've offended or caused you any discomfort in this or any previous life either as myself or a splinter under your saddle. It's not thanksgiving although I'm thankful each morning that I wake up breathing on this side of the grass. But I'm thankful that it wan't my head you was shooting at even if you was visualizing my head at each trigger pull, push, squeeze whatever terminology pleases you. Gotta go I'm late for my language class, I think today we're learning Democrat. Have to feel sorry for the handicapped.

03-09-2010, 03:36 PM
See, when I tried to get back ON TOPIC, everybody got bored and left(?).
Wifey is back from an unsuccessful hunt and I have to start trying to clear off my desk/work table/hobby table/ dining table to accommodate its least used function -- actual dining. I'll be glad when it's just MY room and table and we are using the Dining Room proper.

03-09-2010, 03:47 PM
LOL. No, you're a bud, as are all members here. We have a lot in common and it's fun sharing, learning, and helping. While at the range last Saturday, it was CCW class day and there were a lot of college girls (I think). I helped them by taking a picture of all five of them to my left, so nobody was left out. While their instructor was away and they were shooting, a couple of them came over to get help from the old dude (me). The gun was jammed or something. I think it was one of those shoot'em up Glock 17's or something like that. Anyhow, I explained keeping it pointed down range and ejected the magazine and cleared the gun. That was all they wanted.:( they wanted to get back to shooting, not listen to an old dude.<<sniff>>
It's nice to see that age group and sex... er, gender getting into shooting and CCW. I love Florida.:cheer2::cheer2:
Anyhow, I value all of you guys in this little community, even the wrong-headed ones. We can all share our passion for Kahrs, cars, and other lesser guns and stuff, even wrong-headed politics and opinions.:D

03-09-2010, 03:50 PM
Mork calling Austin, Mork calling Austin, come in your immensness. I'm ready to come home now, they have all taken the ball and gone home. Reel me in. Ok Mork just click your heels together and repeat after me, there's no place like Kahrtalk, there's no place like Kahrtalk, there's no place like kahrtalk. But your immenseness, what about Toto? YOu get off subject again Mork I'm a gonna slap you down, you hear me. But your not gonna tell momma are ya?
Cut your own switch John Boy, grandpa's fixin to run you thru the saw mill and that will definitely leave a mark! But gee ma Wally thunk it up.

Kirk out!

03-09-2010, 04:02 PM
WOW.........I just noticed that my status thingy just went from JR. MEMBER. To just plain MEMBER.

At this point I would like to take a moment to thank all of the "little People " who made this moment possible......sob..sniff sniff...This is such a magic moment. My thanks to the Acadamy........all my talented cast members..........and............ummmmm...........M eryl Streep . THANKS Meryl

I Love you all...........................

Yeah, I remember the day I became a Senior member... it was only a few days after Member that I attained that august status. A lot of us became Seniors about the same time, but most of them aren't working on 800 posts now. I'm still a newbie over at the P380 Forum and I joined that first. It's just too limited in focus there and Jocko has control over there. Some of us kind of "share" being BM on Campus here -- that's Bucket Mouth.:D
It's fun, but sometimes I don't think everyone is amused by me. << Sigh>>
It's a shame that that seems to be as high as you can rise here. There's no higher rating after a mere 100 posts. I'll never catch up with Jocko, but I can see busting 1,000 posts pretty soon. We all have to watch out for that little Jeep fellow that does all of that reloading. He thinks he invented that stuff, I guess. I did quite a bit of that before he was a glimmer in his dad's eye, so to speak. I don't claim to be an expert or anything but I've done all that stuff. It was fun, but I prefer non-leading bullets now. And the brass has to stay on the floor where it falls at the range I joined. Dang, in my mind's eye, I still picture myself as much younger... say a lad of 40 or so, but I don't anticipate needing a walker any time soon, though Depends may be in my future!:eek:
It's tough being abnormble or normble.

03-09-2010, 04:30 PM
WOW.........I just noticed that my status thingy just went from JR. MEMBER. To just plain MEMBER.

At this point I would like to take a moment to thank all of the "little People " who made this moment possible......sob..sniff sniff...This is such a magic moment. My thanks to the Acadamy........all my talented cast members..........and............ummmmm...........M eryl Streep . THANKS Meryl

I Love you all...........................

Well speaking on behalf of the academy but mostly for the "little People" I'd like to congratulate you on your most esteemed achievement. I'd like to tell you that your gold watch is in the mail and there will be a modest incentive added to your meager pay but, well that would be a bold face way beyound white lie and momma would spank me silly.
Your really freinds with the dude from GunBlast? I've read lots of his reviews on stuff, I almost know somebody that knows somebody that's famous.
Stick with you 45 dude, I got now use for 380's either unless they make a movie revenge of the mosquito or something. Then I'd probably opt for my daisy red rider Roy Rogers edition. Just don't shoot yourself in the eye. Mr. Wyn with a shooting range filled with college girls? Did he ask if any could sing, I'm betting not! Talk about multi tasking, trying to talk and take in assests at the same time. Color me gone.

03-09-2010, 04:30 PM
I've always wanted a PM45 DLC with night sights and now I do have one, or rather it's between here and Kahr Homebase via FedEx. At least I have one. Did you put something on your grips? I knew that I didn't want to shoot a bunch with those sharp grips and I found the magazine release button something to avoid as well -- not for fear of dropping the mag, but 'cause it's rough!
I used a 1.75" new-in-the-box tube, but 12 years or so old, to make a cover for the grip -- worked real well and isn't real noticeable or tacky looking. I cut another one just a tad longer, but will have to wait until the gun returns. Watch out for the talcum powder... at least I didn't get any INSIDE the gun.:o This gun is so compact and it fits in all the other holsters, except of course, the P380 Minituck.
I hope you get yours soon and it works perfectly this time.
Kahr could make an awesome K4544N -- my latest dream gun.

03-09-2010, 04:53 PM
Must have to get used to them. I love the XS sights, I use the standard dot rather than the big dot. But they work great for my slightly less than perfect eyes. Wish I had a PM45 I'd be all over them.

03-09-2010, 05:06 PM
........would be tempted to move there, but all of my income comes from the government. I earned these "entitlements" by fulfilling my contracts with the government, sometimes at risk of life and limb, but earn them I did, not sitting on my butt waiting for the government to take money from other people to give it to me. It pisses me off that my Social Security and military retirement/VA disability, etc., are lumped in with the other "entitlements" like all forms of welfare.......................

Damn....I go away for a few days and miss all the fun!

I agree with at least almost all and would join in but can't think of much to add at this point. I picked this bit to quote because I have the same strong feelings and exact same issue(s) at the same age.

Plus I'm still working half time as a gov't contractor but it isn't ass sitting either and is only money I'm taking because my agency just hasn't let me roll off completely for the last several years.

-- Don

03-09-2010, 05:08 PM
Yeah, I like the three-dot sights and that's one of the reasons that I wanted the P380 with night sights... but mainly I wanted a 380 with all of the functionality of the PM9 and PM45. Stoked with Buffalo Bore, I figure I'll be much better off with that than the TPH with Stingers. I feel real good with the PM9.
The Minituck seems like a good idea, but it's not un-noticeable to me. My butt has shrunk, my waist expanded and my stomach ballooned, so my pants want to head south with that extra weight:eek:, and I have to really tighten my belt more than I like. An Uncle Mike's cheapie feels better for the short carry, but re-holstering requires two hands or removing the holster first. I'm going to get a size #12 UM IWB tomorrow and like the Minituck, all my Kahrs, so far, "fit" it. It doesn't have any cant, though, and doesn't ride high for easy draw -- compromises.
Well, it's about time to start supper. My wife is all tuckered and trying to nap on the couch until supper. I'm going to regret missing my nap and trying to keep you guys entertained.

03-10-2010, 08:57 AM
And they all lived happily ever after...THE END....:angel:

03-11-2010, 05:23 PM
Several people have had trouble with their PM45s and reported this thin metal cracking in that spot. One guy sent his gun back to Kahr and they machined the notch as it should have been done during manufacture. That metal is not supposed to be there and it seems that interferes with the recoil spring assembly and possibly causes feed and/or ejection issues.
I took my PM9 apart and took pictures to show what it should look like. It appears this process was omitted and not caught by QC.
In the pictures you can see this gap or notch that should be there -- not the thin brittle metal that's crumbling away as it's battered by the recoil spring assembly. I put paper behind the notch in one picture to show it better.

I was that guy (or at least one of them). Sent it back to Kahr, and the RO said they machined the slide and test fired. Back to me in 3 days.

03-11-2010, 05:37 PM
Great, elars2, I hope that it's smooth shooting from now on. The "notch" was the first thing I looked for in my new PM45. I had another kind of problem, though. I really like the PM45 and can't wait until it gets home. As I've been saying, I found that I shot it better than the PM9. I haven't tried single-handed shots, yet, or weak hand shots.
Good luck and enjoy your newly repaired baby.

03-11-2010, 08:23 PM
Damn, I just bought a PM45 and only fired about 150 rds so far it has been giving me a few FTF but it's expected. After reading this thread I checked mine and noticed the same thing a chip in the slide with no notch Humm, I just emailed kahr for a RA# check out the pic

03-11-2010, 08:25 PM
The "CHIP"

03-12-2010, 12:27 AM
iknow iknow warantee, but couldnt you just machine that notch in yourself the metal is so thin, it seems that it would be so easy.

03-12-2010, 07:42 AM
Yeah, I thought about it but it should be no big to send it in

03-12-2010, 11:02 AM
"Machine" implies a lot more precision that free-handing with a Dremel or something else. As long as Kahr is paying for the shipping, that would surely be the best choice. Hopefully, only ONE trip will be necessary. I hope that their QC gets up to speed, since they are definitely not saving any money on the consumer "testing", etc., with the additional shipping costs and repairs.
I would really be upset if that were my only CCW or only Kahr... or if I had to pay the shipping costs.

03-12-2010, 12:03 PM
"Machine" implies a lot more precision that free-handing with a Dremel or something else. As long as Kahr is paying for the shipping, that would surely be the best choice. Hopefully, only ONE trip will be necessary. I hope that their QC gets up to speed, since they are definitely not saving any money on the consumer "testing", etc., with the additional shipping costs and repairs.
I would really be upset if that were my only CCW or only Kahr... or if I had to pay the shipping costs.

agree , ol wynn speaks with no "forked tongue"..

03-12-2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks, my friend! :blushing: I try to be upfront and honest and admit when... I mean, IF I'm wrong. I did eventually peruse the manual for the PMs because they are different from the steel-framed guns!