View Full Version : With all the new open carry laws hitting, thoughts on open vs concealed
06-24-2012, 02:24 PM
So, with all the open carry pushes around the country now making it legal in a few places where it wasn't prior, curious what everybody thinks. I'm in an area where both have always been legal and we've been 'shall issue' for a couple decades now as well.
But, so many people are now posting open carry videos on youtube where they choose to make a political statement, video tape police interaction, etc. My personal thought is that its going to come back and bite us. I'm of the opinion that you always have to be aware of the current state of public opinion, politics, etc before you go shooting your mouth off about your opinion of this or that, lest you get some new legislation you aren't happy with. Yes, you have rights, but sometimes more often than not it's best to enjoy that right and keep quiet until you need to defend that right. There are plenty of ways to passively express your support w/o bringing attention to the subject.
Then again, if we don't open our mouths and conduct ourselves public by exercising said rights...are they more easily taken when not in public view.
Something I've definitely struggled with. I fully believe all carry methods should be legal, respected by those that choose not to, and left unregulated by any level of government. But that's not the lay of the land.
I agree w/ the laws that now allow it, but is it the best practice (open carry) when we all know plenty of people are going to be (wrongly so) uneasy w/ seeing it. If you CAN conceal carry, I believe that's the best practice. If you can't, then by all means, open I suppose. Tough call.
So what's everybody's take on it?
Longitude Zero
06-24-2012, 02:32 PM
Open Carry just gives the potential bad guys a heads up and the ability to plan. Carry concealed and they will discover it just as their head explodes in a pink mist of blood and brain matter.
06-24-2012, 02:51 PM
I would never open carry around town. Even though concealed carry is legal here, open carry is illegal in many towns including the one I live in. With so much attention focused on gun related violence right now, we need to be discreet about it. Open carry just puts people on edge, and makes you a target. People who want to make a political statement about gun owner rights by open carrying are doing more harm than good for the rest of us, IMO.
06-24-2012, 03:10 PM
It takes our collective psyche a long time to accept strange notions. Since we are inoculated to the gun carrying sight picture, consider that instead of handguns people started openly carrying loaded AK47's around. I would not be comfortable with that just as I suspect the masses won't be comfortable with open carry.
Those pushing it for political shock value only hurt their cause. In CA laws passed rather quickly shutting down what gains have been made. Other states may have or soon will.
I carry but given our gang problems here I don't want carry of any kind to be thrown open to all. Currently, they are starting their own "Hunger Games" unfortunately without penalty to killing innocents.
I would prefer to have civilian volunteer unpaid deputies trained in dealing with situations similar to LEOs and issued "deputy badges" for ID and encouraged to carry at all times with the same allowances for carry into areas as LEOs have.
I know many disagree but it would be many times more likely that a deputy would be available to stop crime in progress than a 911 call. There would be no shortage of volunteers and a high dropout rate in training but the end result just might put a dent in violent crime.
06-24-2012, 03:54 PM
I think the open carry law is very good. I will never do it since I like to give surprises. But it's great if you inadvertently have a wardrobe malfunction and Mrs. Cleaver sees your gun. Long as you weren't flagrantly brandishing which is a huge gray area your still ok.
I do frequently open carry riding yall's lawn mower. Kind of stuck on it, can't jump off and hide or run. I still wear a cover garment if it's tolerable. The ankle gun is still in place but I've found it's not easy to get to the way I sit on the mower.
I usually don't even open carry in the car, I'll always wear a cover garment.
Since my recent neutering and now being forced to gear up and ungear up in the car morning and night I've for gone the cover garment on warm days, that plus the air conditioning Forded out on me and the rig is warm in the afternoon.
Still don't care for it much in case I get pulled by another jurisdiction.
We've had a few test from the open carry guys, filming our officers while our officers (who knew they were being tested) filmed them right back. Usually withing the hour their video is posted on Youtube. We've gotten high marks for not violating their rights so far.
We actually have a plan in place to flood the area they are reported in with all non uniformed employees all open carrying including myself when I'm not in uniform. Kind of play with their minds when they see 8 or 10 of us all following them around wearing guns.
The last two actually had slung rifles and shotguns. Big test. Lots of calls.
Historically these open carry threads have turned very ugly, I'd say some of our most ugly threads were pro open carry folks wanting to make stew and stir the pot.
So far all is well but it's still way new. Lets strive to keep it that way.
I believe there are more and better reason to conceal carry than open carry. The main one being the element of surprise. Another reason is the BG may take you out before you see ever him. However, I support the right to open carry.
06-24-2012, 04:18 PM
On other forums I occasionally visit, Open Carry is more of a political statement than a tactical statement. In PA Open carry is legal without a permit or LTCF. The proponents defend it vigorously as a manifestation of their 2A right and get pure ugly when someone tries to talk sense regarding the element of surprise, etc. So I guess I fall in to the crowd who says it's a good thing to maintain the 2A but it's not for me because of a host of negatives.
06-24-2012, 04:50 PM
There was a macho man in Milwaukee that intimidated his neighborhood with his Glock exposed.... until a street thug came up behind him doing 60 mph , snatched that little Glock and went warp speeding out of sight, the new Proud Owner of Macho Man's, Glock!
So you see boys and girls, the moral of the story is Keep it in your pants, until you have a need to use it.
The end.
06-24-2012, 05:12 PM
For once I agree with everyones statements LOL. I won't open carry even though its legal here.for all the reasons that were already said. Its nice to know that we still have some rights. They also just repealed the helmet law here too. It is as it should be YOUR CHOICE.
06-24-2012, 09:05 PM
Bawana's point is the best non-2a reason to allow open carry, it keeps you from getting in trouble if you are concealed carrying and expose your weapon accidentally.
But glad to see everyone seems to hold a similar opinion to mine. I just see so many youtube videos of folks (particularly CA) now pushing the envelop carrying shotguns and AKs. Those guys are in a different position now that you basically can't get a CCW permit in that state to save your life, and now you can't open carry even unloaded. So I get their frustration. But I have to think their efforts would be better served fighting the system thru other means or get the crap out of that state.
While I will defend their right, just like I would defend loud mouth protestors on the street corner on some greeny topic, I feel there is a time and place and that staying off the radar whenever possible is always best. Just my take on it.
06-25-2012, 12:23 AM
Az. has had open carry only since statehood. Some years ago they passed CC with a permit. Now anyone legal to carry can do so either way without a permit. It is not uncommon to see OC here. No one seems to pay any attention to it.
I was in Costco the other day that has a BIG sign painted on the building by the front door, NO FIREARMS. That sign is not legally binding, but they could ask you to leave. A biker kind of rough lookin' guy was shoppin' with a cocked & locked .45 on his hip totally exposed. I kind of followed him around @ a distance to see any reactions from people. No one even gave him a second look. Might have been afraid to!:eek:
06-25-2012, 07:22 AM
Open Carry = foolishness
I worked for a year as a inner city substitute teacher and I can tell you that inner city bad guys are pack animals. They learn it from an early age. I see it in school all the time. They distract you and surround you. They don't plan crime, they are more opportunist. If they see an opportunity they will take advantage of it. If you think carrying that gun will scare them you a fool. What your really doing is bating them to take it away from you. And remember they are holding all the card. Pull that gun too soon and the police are going to take it away.
concealed carry = smart carry
06-25-2012, 08:43 AM
We had this conversation some time ago, I called what happened in Kommiefornia. I said those folks were going to lose, and just for the reasons that you gave, adding only that there are a lot of folks that are just plain scared and in more populated areas, OC tends to spook the locals. Hate to say it, but CC makes more sense. Having said that, I think it should be your choice, and no permit needed, but don't see that happening across the country in my lifetime, unless it comes to a shooting war.
06-28-2012, 01:09 AM
I open carry around the farm quite a bit, but that is the only place. Or maybe if I'm fishing or something on a friends property,there are lots of snakes around here. I sure get a lot fewer of these "we have some extra asphault left over from a paving job, can we pave your driveway", and all those scammers. Instead I get some request about do you know where so and so is, or whatever they can make up in a hurry. I think open carry should be legal, for cases like Bawanna stated where your gun accidently shows for little bit. I think I should be able to carry my shotgun or rifle in a gun rack in a pick up during hunting season. Other than that, the only people I want to know I am armed are some of those that are out with me. I see no reason to walk around town with a gun on my hip. I think it would tempt too many people to make a grab for it and take off.
07-15-2012, 06:29 PM
Open carry attracts attention. I prefer to operate in a more covert manner. The only time I open carry is when I'm hunting, or on my own property. Even though we have a God given constitutional right to keep and bear arms I have a tendency to look sideways at anyone who openly carries on city streets unless he is wearing a uniform and a badge. Even then I'm on alert. Others can carry openly if they desire, but that's just not my style.
07-15-2012, 07:22 PM
I have to agree. Not only does open carry look silly, you give up the element of surprise. In fact it might even tempt some bad guys to take it away.
07-16-2012, 05:02 AM
Also live in Pa. Also have no interest in open carry. I agree with what your saying Tinman. To many negitives .
07-16-2012, 06:39 AM
Concealed is the way to go. Why give the bad guy any warning!
07-16-2012, 01:05 PM
If you like being the focus of attention at your local shopping mall, carry open.
les strat
07-16-2012, 02:16 PM
Either way, I am going to carry concealed.
As far as exposing a CC weapon, what are the legal definitions? Printing? Man, I was printing big time at Arby's at lunch, but I didn't give a crap. Keep em guessing.
07-16-2012, 10:54 PM
I am happy to have both options. I choose based on weather, clothing, destination, etc.
If you are going to practice open carry, be sure you have a strong leather holster threaded onto your belt with a retention strap. The flimsy plastic paddle holsters that slide down into your pants (e.g. Fobus, etc) will break off in an instant if someone is determined to take your gun.
07-17-2012, 07:14 PM
The way I see it is only the BG'S need to hide their gun, it's proven every time someone applies for a concealed carry permit, cause they treat you just like a criminal.
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