View Full Version : Pm9

06-26-2012, 04:26 PM
I need some expert advice, I bought a used PM9 I cleaned it and prepared it like it was new because it looked like new I put 75 rounds through it and it ran great except the last round didnt appear to feed but the slide went forward.when I racked the slide the round ejected now it appears to be a misfire. But it only happened on the last round on both mags. any ideas?
Also any idea when it was made serial #vc14##
Thanks Jim

sas PM9
06-26-2012, 05:31 PM
I need some expert advice, I bought a used PM9 I cleaned it and prepared it like it was new because it looked like new I put 75 rounds through it and it ran great except the last round didnt appear to feed but the slide went forward.when I racked the slide the round ejected now it appears to be a misfire. But it only happened on the last round on both mags. any ideas?
Also any idea when it was made serial #vc14##
Thanks Jim


Perhaps bad ammo?
Or perhaps something is slowing down the striker. In your preparation of the gun did you spray out the striker channel?

Sorry, I can't help you on the dating of the serial number.


06-26-2012, 05:36 PM
date of birth March 2006 + -.. U shot 75 rounds so that would tell me at least 10 magazines. did all 10 magazines not load the last round our just twice did this happen?? If it was a misfire di du see a primer strike??
Take ur mags apart and check them out to see that the spring is in properly and then while ur at it polish under the feed lips of the magazines.

It could also be very new and the recoil springs could be extremely stout. Act like it is indeed a new gun and give it 200 rounds as the kahr owners manual asks of u, and then report back. Did u spray clean that slide using the clean out hole on the bottom of the slide. U might have some crud in the striker channel . U might want to read the kahr tech section and hit o the propper prepping of ur kahr, there are some handy tips there. the gun can't count so IMO the two times on the last round could just be a coincedence.

I think u have one of the blunt nose version PM9 which to me is the best of the best. U might want to check and measure the recoil spring assembly, that flat metal peace that goes against the barrel lug. measure it, If it is 1/2" ur good to go. if it is 3/8", then I would call kahr and buy a new one complete and if it is the blunt noxe version u need to ask for the 13 coil recoilo spring assembly and not the 15 coil...
It is amazing what a couple hundred rounds out of ur kahr will do for it...

06-26-2012, 05:50 PM
I'm using speer lawman ammo, the first part of my range sesson it was flawless, primer stikes on spent rounds were nice, I didnt check that last round. I cleaned it well and sprayed out the striker channel. I also noticed the plastic shavings when cleaning after the range so I don't think this weapon was shot much and may not be broken in. I'll try your tips and keep you informed thanks again for all the help.

06-26-2012, 07:43 PM
This could be -

Weak recoil spring. Maybe just a tad out of battery?

If you got the round into the chamber, and it "appeared" to be in battery, then I doubt it was a magazine spring.

I think a lot may be understood, if you describe the feel of the trigger as you pulled it on that last shot. Long pull like not cocked? Or some takeup, then normal pull like the pistol is cocked and should have fired. If the latter, definitely look for out of battery condition.

06-27-2012, 04:03 PM
I'll have to take notice of the trigger next time, thanks Jim

07-03-2012, 09:06 AM
Ok Range session 2 went great I figured out the problem now to fix it?
It's the trigger reset not resetting every time. If I shoot and let off the trigger slow it does it more, but if I just let the trigger go it resets most of the time. Any ideas??

Thanks Jim

07-03-2012, 09:56 AM
Ok Range session 2 went great I figured out the problem now to fix it?
It's the trigger reset not resetting every time. If I shoot and let off the trigger slow it does it more, but if I just let the trigger go it resets most of the time. Any ideas??

Thanks Jim

I've had this exact thing happen. See if you can duplicate it with no rounds in the gun.

1. remove magazine and make sure it's not loaded
2. rack slide
3. pull trigger and hold it
4. rack slide with trigger still pulled
5. slowly release trigger while watching right side of frame just under the slide. You should see the little nub on the trigger bar moving back across the underside of the slide.
6. when the trigger is released completely that nub should move upward into a groove on the underside of the slide.

If it's not moving up there's your issue. Something is hanging up the trigger bar. Probably some gunk or something. Let us know what you find.....

If it's not gunk I have some other ideas.

07-03-2012, 02:34 PM
Ok I tried that and the little nub is moving and going up,
Also my new recoil spring, striker spring,and stop block spring came so I installed them, the recoil spring was 13 springs but it was still to long so I had to trim a couple of coils to make it fit. Function test everything seems to work fine. I'll hit the range in the morning. I have to say even with these little issues this is a great weapon very comfortable to shoot very accurate. This will be my everyday carry with Speer Gold Dots, not sure what grain I want to carry yet any votes on these 2 (147 Grain or 124+p) thanks for all the help. Jim

07-03-2012, 04:15 PM
Sounds good. If the little nub is going back up into place then the trigger should be reset, unless for some reason it drops down when you pull the trigger again (like the slide might not be all the way forward sometimes.)

Let us know how it goes with those new springs.

07-04-2012, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the help everyone

07-04-2012, 09:15 AM
:eek: You shouldn't have trimmed the spring! These things go by the number of coils and when they are compressed and broken in, they take a set... reduced length. You're probably going to have a problem with a weak spring before too long. The springs are designed to be longer and compress and take a set to the correct length for normal operation!

Check this info at Wolff Gunsprings F.A.Q.'s, particularly #6:

Wolff is a good place to buy recoil springs, if they have your size.


07-04-2012, 09:28 AM
ur right there wyn. If he trimeed back one coil maybe he will be OK for at one time kahr made a lady pM9 and the basic change was a shorter recoil spring. They no longer offer that sprng even today, so who knows if it worked out OK or not. The recoil spring is not made to just drop in and after a few rounds down range the spring takes a set and ur ok. It is all about timing with a semi and recoil spring is 90% of propper timing. If one has issues, IMO first thing to change is recoil spring. It seems to solve alot of little issues..

07-04-2012, 09:34 AM
the recoil spring was 13 springs but it was still to long so I had to trim a couple of coils to make it fit

To expand what Wyntrout was pointing out....

The spring should be longer than the space it needs to fit into, and be under a decent amount of compression already, as you install it into the slide/barrel assembly (along with the spring's guide).

I don't recall the exact number of spring coils for each model. Its here someplace on the forum, but in any case, the test is - does the slide rack back fully, or is it being obstructed by full compression of the recoil spring. The slide should rack back slightly past the point where the slide stop will engage into its locking recess on the slide. Normally "by feel" you'll get a "hard stop" when cycling the slide rearward by hand. If the spring is hindering the full movement, hand cycling will feel a little funny, a bit of a "soft stop" as the spring being fully compressed and sort of squirming around in there. Its ok to trim coils 1/3 or 1/2 coil at a time, if you're getting a fully compressed spring when the slide is fully back. Ideally, you want the spring to be just a wee itsy bit short of full compression, when the slide is fully rearward on an assembled pistol.

On the trigger reset - you can view the trigger bar on the right side of the frame - between the frame and slide - and just make out its operation. Note its movement when you hand cycle without holding the trigger back. Then (without ammo please) pull the trigger and hold it, while hand cycling the slide. The movement should be such that the disconnector "nub" rides fully upward. Even so, you might get upward movement to a point, but the clearance may not be totally perfect as pertains to the cocking cam. In that case... Kahr Customer Service can assist.

07-04-2012, 07:10 PM
the only reason I trimmed the spring was because it didnt fit no matter how hard I forced it. the new spring was a little over 2 coils longer than the old one and the coils are thicker. If I need to I'll order one from wolff and try that. I only trimmed about a coil and a half off and the slide is a lot stiffer. thanks again for all the help.


07-04-2012, 07:47 PM
Didn't fit in what respect.... like getting the spring and guide into the slide, or racking the slide fully rearward?

07-04-2012, 08:24 PM
Getting it into the slide, just wouldn't go in.
I'm going to get a wolff spring ordered just in case I need it.
going to the range tomorrow because I didn't make it today.
I'll let you guys know how I make out.


07-04-2012, 08:54 PM
From what you are saying, that it wouldn't fit in the slide at all, I wonder if they sent you the wrong spring? Kahr have a bit of a reputation for sending the wrong parts at times. But that shortened spring will probably work for you. Good luck at the range!

07-04-2012, 09:01 PM
I carry 124 Gr standard pressure Hydra Shoks in my 3.3. inch barrel pistol and feevery secure. I was just looking a some Golden Sabre standard pressure compared to the +P and you only gain 55 FPS out of whatever test barrel they use. Never have been a fan of the 147 grain bullets, since me and a friend tested some handloads out of his Baretta and my Star, and we couldn't find a load nearly as accurate as the 124 or 115 gr bullets. I think most 9mm's are designed to function better with the lighter bullets. JMHO. Plenty of folks here love the 147 gr. I'm just not sure you're getting enough velocity behind it with a 3" barrel. Like the gunsmith told my friend with the 3" barrel Kimber .45. Stay with the 185 gr bullets instead of the 230, they get moving quicker and achieve more velocity with the shorter barrel. I'd see which performs better from your gun, and go from there. Personally, I leave big and slow to my 1911, most other calibers I prefer light and fast. 38 special being an exception to that rule, where I like the 158 gr. lead SWCHP, they worked well for the police for years.

07-05-2012, 11:26 AM
Ok I fired another 50 rounds today thats about 200 or so. everything was perfect until the last few mags I had a handful that the trigger wouldn't reset again with a slight push forward on the trigger it resets. It seems to work perfect when she is clean but gives me a little trouble dirty. I'm going to shoot it some more this week and see what happens.


07-05-2012, 11:38 AM
It ain't dirty at 5-0 round.s I think u have a issue somewhere with the timing of the gun.could be trigger bar, could be some crud in the striker channel. . Assuji9ng u might not have taken the sldie apart to check and really be sure the striker channel is clean. U need to eliminate all the possabilities and then if it stipp pops up, I would call kahr and talk to Jay and see what they say.

07-15-2012, 05:02 PM
Ok I bought a new recoil spring from wolff, I also noticed the trigger was rubbing the frame in front so I corrected that, I completely stripped the slide and cleaned everything again. I went to the range this afternoon and perfect I put the weapon through its paces and the trigger reset every time. I can't thank you guys enough for all your input and advise.


07-15-2012, 05:04 PM
hellu did it all,not us. gladit is doing as it should.

Bill K
07-15-2012, 06:13 PM
Good on you! There have been folks bye here with easier to solve issues than you had and left huffing and puffing swearing never again to buy another Kahr.

07-16-2012, 12:14 PM
Be sure to keep the striker channel clean. Metal fragments ca tend to build up there.