View Full Version : CM9 or CM40??

06-28-2012, 08:43 AM
Well first let me start by saying I am fairly new to this forum. About a year ago I was contemplating buying a PM9 or PM40 but just was out of my price range so, I opted to buy the Kel Tec PF9 and although I have had no problems I have been seeing a lot of negative reviews. I only have maybe a 150 rounds through it. Since then the CM series has come out and at a more reasonable price I am thinking about trading in my PF9 for one of the CM’s preferably the CM40. I just have never seen the negative bashing like the PF9’s are taking. So now to my question can someone tell me the differences between the PM and CM series and is the CM series reliable? Sometimes my PF9 is my only line of defense because of carry conditions clothing etc. So let’s hear all the good and bad about the CM series. Thanks

06-28-2012, 10:59 AM
Love my CM9. I can spend a whole afternoon at the range with it and never get tired of shooting it.

06-28-2012, 12:21 PM
Love my CM9. I can spend a whole afternoon at the range with it and never get tired of shooting it.
I really like mine, too. Regarding 9 v. .40, there is a noticeable difference in felt recoil, especially in light, compact guns like the CM and PM series. It is enough of a difference that I carry my CM9 and like shooting it, while my buddy, an ex-LEO, gave his PM40 to his son 'cause he hated shooting it.

Regarding PM v. CM, others probably have more detailed info, but my impression is that the main differences are (1) polyganol v. standard rifling (which doesn't matter if you aren't using it as primarily a range or competition gun), (2) the slide finish, and (3) 1 magazine v. 2 magazines. To me, these aren't worth much, let alone the price difference.

Let's go back to the threshold issue, though. If you are happy with your PF-9, why sell it? You will find internet posts bashing every firearm ever made, including Kahrs. In fact, the PF-9 is an excellent gun for its type and price. Like all Kel-Tecs (and I carry a P3AT when I am not carrying my CM9), its fit and finish leave a lot to be desired. But KT makes good guns. If you have one that works well, don't second guess it. Just carry it with pride. Yes, the CM9 is a lot prettier, but it's also more expensive and heavier.

Check out the Kel-Tec Owners Group at http://thektog.org/ and see what the owners of PF-9's think of their guns.

06-28-2012, 01:16 PM
I like my CM9 a lot. It's essentially a PM9 with a few less features I don't need (Polygonal rifling for example) and an extra magazine. I got my CM9 with an extra mag for $430 ay my LGS which is a good $200 saving I think.

The CM9 shoots well, has very low recoil for it's size and weight, and has everything I was looking for in a CC pistol. I have NO regrets about buying it.

When you get it, make sure you go to the tech section of this site and look at the stickies at the top of the page about proper lube and prep.

Enjoy your new CM9 and welcome to the group.

06-28-2012, 01:52 PM
CM9 hands down. Can't ask for anything better. Lightweight, concealable, powerful (CorBon DPX 9mm+P has high "one shot stop" rating with M.Ayoob, et al), easy breakdown, Kahr construction, reliable (recommends 200rd. "break in", would do it anyway before carrying!), accurate even at distances, and reasonably priced. More cost effective than .40cal. Differences from P and C series explained above, essentially a PM9 with a different barrel, and one less mag. Really love mine, shares SD carry with Ruger LCR .357mag, trust both with my life.

06-28-2012, 02:02 PM
u will certainly enjoy shooting a cm9 over a cm40 most any day of the week..

06-28-2012, 02:51 PM
I like the .40, but would probably go with the CM9 with it's small grip for controlability. I'm waiting to see if the CM45 comes out, I think it would be more controllable than the CM40. If I did get a CM40, I think that is one weapon I'd want magna-ported for sure.

06-28-2012, 03:21 PM
probably right but I have read where some port their polymer 40's and express still alot of recoil. Kinda hard to tame down a tiger with two slots i the barrel. Just sayin. compared to a 9mm which is semi tame to start wth and then ported just makes it so so much more enjoyable to shoot. To me that is what it has alwyas been about. I wantto shoot alot of what I carry andI don'tmean 9mm caliber but the total gun package. I can't picutre my signature line saying 32k ROUNDS out of my PM40 and it runds like an illegal alien crossing the border. Not sure my wallet could handle it well either. After watching that viedo some one posted on here it is kinda hard ti dispute the 40 cal as a totally pleasant gun to shoot...Just sayin.

06-28-2012, 05:10 PM

06-28-2012, 08:10 PM
Sorry everybody, I have to vote 40 all the way.

Infidel proud
06-28-2012, 09:28 PM
CM9 all the way, have almost 1000 rounds through mine without a single problem, easy shootin easy packin...

06-29-2012, 06:08 PM
Iam looking to get the cm40 to keep my cm9 company.!!!Cant find one local but i will keep looking.Dont really want to buy one on line but thats just me.

Joe L
06-30-2012, 10:46 AM
I carry a CM9 when I'm in a good mood, a PM40 when I'm in a bad mood.

06-30-2012, 11:21 AM
I would think the BG wouldhope ur in a good mood. Just sayin

06-30-2012, 11:32 AM
I vote for the 40. I also think the Kel Tec 9 is a good inexpensive gun that works well. For those wuss's that don't like shooting the 40......GET IT MAGNAPORTED!;)


06-30-2012, 11:43 AM
Unless you've fired a small .40 S&W and KNOW what the recoil is like... and are okay with the recoil... I would advise the CM9 for control and pleasure in shooting at the range.

Our buddy Ljutic recently posted a high-speed video comparison of the PM9 and PM40 side by side, along with two others, but you can see the relative recoil in his excellent video. I don't know if his grip contributes to the twist, but if he's holding both pistols the same, the PM40's recoil is pretty violent... maybe not your cup of tea for the range.


Some people seem to get off on the recoil. I have a Mag-na-ported P40 and it's okay for me, but I can imagine that an un-ported one would be no fun for extended shooting at the range. I think my PM45 has less recoil than my P40... or at least more of a push than the sharp .40.



06-30-2012, 12:13 PM
getting off on recoil is like saying I don't mind getting punched in th face when u can just duck. I really doubt if the BG would know the difference in a 9mm going through him over a 40 cal either. Just sayin and for me range fun is also part of owning agun and from what I read here on this forum the 40 kahrs in polymer are not the funniest of calibers to shoot ALOT. Just sayin.

Colurse I would consider myself prejudice to 9's to, so take that with a grain of salt when u pour it on an open wound...

06-30-2012, 02:28 PM
The biggest thing wrong with a 40 is that it's not a 45.

Joe L
06-30-2012, 05:25 PM
I DO like the PM40, but it is hard to love after a few magazines. Best of all worlds is to shoot and practice mainly with the PM or CM9, and then shoot a magazine through the PM40 and then carry either one.

That said, I have always been able to shoot the PM40 more accurately than the CM9. I don't know why. I've shot the PM40 out to 25 yards just fine. Very surprising for a 3" gun. I've shot 3" groups at 15 yards with the PM40. Many times. But I can't shoot many groups in one range session with the PM40.

They are different. Both are good. If I could only have one, it would be the CM9. Maybe. Not sure. I better go shoot both next week just to see.



06-30-2012, 05:32 PM
The biggest thing wrong with a 40 is that it's not a 45.

the biggest thing wrong with a 40 and 45 is that it ain't a 9:banplease:

07-01-2012, 07:21 PM
New CM9 owner. BIG thanks to Jocko & all the others who posted " Suggestions for the proper prep of a new Kahr". Following the suggestions, I put just under 500 rd.s for a flawless breakin day of shooting this accurate little pistol. Most of the ammo being my handloads useing lead bullets. I will bet my life on my CM9. I will save the 40 SW for my Glock 23. You should be able control the CM9 with no problems. :)

07-02-2012, 11:46 AM
I've enjoyed my CM9 immensely. I did own a PM9 and PM40 prior and they were nice, I for one didn't think the .40 recoiled badly at all, more than the 9mm yes but not a wrist breaker by any stretch. I think I'm going to go buy a CM40 today, I've always like the .40 and I think the CM9 needs a brother anyways. Then I'm done!! Or not...

07-02-2012, 12:15 PM
I've enjoyed my CM9 immensely. I did own a PM9 and PM40 prior and they were nice, I for one didn't think the .40 recoiled badly at all, more than the 9mm yes but not a wrist breaker by any stretch. I think I'm going to go buy a CM40 today, I've always like the .40 and I think the CM9 needs a brother anyways. Then I'm done!! Or not...

I personally found the P40 recoil uncomfortable and opted for the all steel MK40 Elite.
I think there are some ported options for the polymer 40 guns though?
That might change my way of thinking.

07-02-2012, 12:29 PM
as most of u well know I am a porter lover kbut I am a 9mm porter shooter to. Lets face it the poly kahr 40's are hand cannons.especially the cm and pm series. Porting will help but IMO don't expect miracles. I compare it to de-nutting a lion. If might be alittle meeker but it is still a lion. NO doubt If I ownd a cm or pm40 it would be magna ported.

I have a 16 year old Tom cat that I de-nutted years back. He has never forgiven me but also he is now much more gentle and less wild than before. Consider a ported poly kahr that same way..

07-02-2012, 02:58 PM
I personally found the P40 recoil uncomfortable and opted for the all steel MK40 Elite.
I think there are some ported options for the polymer 40 guns though?
That might change my way of thinking.

I've never fired a PM or CM 40, but I do have a CW40 that's no problem, and shoots very well for me. That said, I do shoot my MK40 better than my PM9 and they're the same size, but the MK is almost a half pound heavier.

07-02-2012, 06:09 PM
the biggest thing wrong with a 40 and 45 is that it ain't a 9:banplease:

I have to admit I love my 9mm's but I find myself compelled to have at least 2 guns for every caliber that I have. I guess that's why I don't have a .40 because I would have to get 2 more guns. Not that there is anything wrong with that... :D

07-03-2012, 04:25 AM
I have 100 rounds through my cm 40 . Shoots and cycles great. I did break two mag followers . Kahr has sent me a shipping label , and I have shipped pistol back.