View Full Version : S.C. Says Obama Care Stands
06-28-2012, 09:31 AM
We are no longer a free nation....Now what!
Chief Joseph
06-28-2012, 09:55 AM
roberts is a traitor to his country.
06-28-2012, 10:29 AM
Just when the economy was improving....... Right!
I can hear the pink slips from Small Businesses being written as i type!
This is a very sad day for America. We are getting to the point that we are resembling Germany of the 1930's.
I love my country but dispise what the politicians are all those elected officials have been doing. As a Freemason I am obligued to support my country, however I have personally come to a crossroad which I had hoped to avoid.
As an historian and avid understudy of our American history, I fear the only last recourses available to us as a people is to force a "Convention" to rein in Congress and all the political hacks that permeate our government. They can no longer be entrusted with the power to govern, which power is supposed to be held by the people / the governed. It is time to take back the power. I fear if this doesn't happen and soon the outcome will be diasterous for the country. The divisivness on idealogy has never been greater since the 1860's. The potenetial for civil strife and unrest is great and we find ourself perched on the precepis of the abiss. I fear the time has come , and may be time to choose sides.
In the immortal words of Patrick Henry ..." I know not what cousre others may take , as for me, Give me Liberty or give me death"
06-28-2012, 10:40 AM
What I don't get is they said the mandate is okay as a tax, but not as commerce. So being forced to pay for insurance you don't want is now considered a tax. That's a real stretch, even for a liberal court.
06-28-2012, 10:47 AM
I'm taking this as personal motivation to seek out conservatives I know and make sure that they are registered and they vote so we can repeal this outright. Take heart brothers. The fight is far from over!
06-28-2012, 10:51 AM
I'm happy. It's a pretty good law. Small business actually like it. It's not perfect, but the republicans are bringing a bag of nothing to the table. And have no plans of replacing it with anything but talk.
If the republicans have a problem with it, they should get their act together and bring something to the table. As far as I'm concerned "a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush". It's certainly better than nothing.....
06-28-2012, 10:57 AM
I am still in shock. I can't believe that traitor Roberts did this. America is very near death. I am still in fighting mode but many more set backs from our side and I will walk away from this. How long until the 2nd is gone. The first is limited the tenth gone. The fourth destroyed. The Constitution was the contract I had with everybody else in this nation. If that contract is void then I should just start taking what I want like everyone else. I have always obeyed the laws. I am beginning to wonder why. I no longer feel like a free man..
06-28-2012, 11:00 AM
Crabby, I dont think any "sensible" person is opposed to health care reform, however the the main issues with Obamacare specifically are
1. The government FORCES you to purchase healthcare, what happened to personal liberty? And you can bet that if they think they can force you to buy healthcare they will try and force you to buy something else deemed good for the "people"
2. I've been in the miltary and had family members in government service and I have never seen an instance where government involvement makes things cheaper or more efficient. so if history holds true (and it normally does) then we will have added "taxes" larger, more powerful government and worse, not better health care.
Snidely Whiplash
06-28-2012, 11:00 AM
What I don't get is they said the mandate is okay as a tax, but not as commerce. So being forced to pay for insurance you don't want is now considered a tax. That's a real stretch, even for a liberal court.
I agree. So what now? Will we soon be told that, "yes, you can have guns, but you have to pay a prohibitively punitive annual tax to have them?"
Our de jure government is the best mankind has yet devised. Our de facto government is rapidly becoming one of the worst.
Ballots and bills will not save our constitutional republic now - only bullets and blood. It's no longer a matter of if, but of when. Those who value life over liberty are worthy of neither.
For ballots to matter, Republicans would have to be principled and trustworthy. Fat chance! Like Democrats, Republicans are merely politicians. Does anyone actually know a politician whom a reasonable person would truly trust?
06-28-2012, 11:04 AM
I don't see any real benefit to leaving this thread alive.
I'm throwing the switch. Sorry getsome.
06-28-2012, 11:36 AM
Against my own better judgement and by popular request only because this subject is important to some folks, I'm gonna do CPR and bring this ugly subject back to life. I strongly suggest all parties remember the black helicopters, and the technology of our times. Don't take much to get the fellas in the black suits that talk to their watch at your door these days. And don't plan on flying anytime soon unless you were a turbin, (that would be profiling).
My spidy senses and my crystal ball all agree that it will continue to get ugly and I find the topic makes me want to throw up a little in my mouth, but for now it shall remain a free fire zone.
Other mods and boss, feel free to do whatever you think best. I took my dog out of this race.
I'm gonna go burn some incense and think happy thoughts.
06-28-2012, 11:38 AM
members bawana has unlocked this trhead. I think that is good, this is one of the most important decisions in ages for me. Keep the posts civil and clean and he will let the thread go forward, getting bent out of shape and it will get lockedc as it should be.
I am disgusted in the vote, considering that chief justicer roberts was voted by a NO VOTE on his nomination by BIDEN, PELOSI AND OBAMA. My how memories seem to pass. IMO this will probalby assure obama gettinfg rewlelceted. It seems people want the government to take care of them. Hellot greece, here we come. Just sayin.
One thing is now for certain, we do now have clarity for business to react to and to plan towards down the road. i DON'T SEE this as a job maker for business but that is just me. The free loaders will contiue to free load off the backs of the workng people. Hello Stockton, California,
Longitude Zero
06-28-2012, 11:44 AM
Conservatives have the option of using the ballot box to repeal Odummer and his policies. Only vote for Conservative folks and hold their feet to the fire when they are in office.
The SCOTUS did not deal this travesty a death blow so we will have to vote in representatives that will kill it with a thousand or more cuts.
06-28-2012, 12:00 PM
u might be right but freeloaders to me are on both sides of the spectrum, demo and republicans alike. they like government taking care of them, They are obummers friend.
If business gets tied with these escess expenses, they will just pass it along to those who have income. the freeloaders really could give jack Sh!t.
I was a supreme court vote about political lines except for Roberts. I don't think anyone figured him to go that way. I guess other than cravbby *** here, we are all wrong in our thoughts..
The odd thing here is that while obummer was campainging fgor his bill, he many times stated that THIS IS NOT A TAX. The Surpeme court based their decision as it is a tax and there for alowable..
Bill K
06-28-2012, 12:26 PM
I was expecting a different decision but I find myself neither surprised nor upset. I take solace in the fact that my true citizenship is in heaven.
06-28-2012, 12:43 PM
u better hope he doesn't beat ur to heaven or he willbe at the gate wanting an entry tax. Just sayin.
Yup ur right nothing surprises me anymore. Hello Greece!! here we come
06-28-2012, 12:52 PM
Give this a few days to shake out. Here is why.
1. If a business has 51 employees they MUST provide health care...or...not and pay a penalty. The penalty is cheaper than the insurance. What do you think will happen here? That's correct no insurance for you.
2. As an individual, you MUST comply or pay the penalty. Big time tax to you.
3. Poor or not you will pay.
The mandate may become the largest TAX EVER levied in the worlds history.
in as little as 3 years it will be nearing 8 TRILLION dollars.
60+% of Americans want the current law repealed. Folks this is not a rich or poor thing. It's everybody....All of us.
God Bless America
06-28-2012, 12:59 PM
Here is an article putting a conservative spin on the ruling:
I still feel... violated, for lack of a better word.
06-28-2012, 01:01 PM
Give this a few days to shake out. Here is why.
1. If a business has 51 employees they MUST provide health care...or...not and pay a penalty. The penalty is cheaper than the insurance. What do you think will happen here? That's correct no insurance for you.
2. As an individual, you MUST comply or pay the penalty. Big time tax to you.
3. Poor or not you will pay.
The mandate may become the largest TAX EVER levied in the worlds history.
in as little as 3 years it will be nearing 8 TRILLION dollars.
60+% of Americans want the current law repealed. Folks this is not a rich or poor thing. It's everybody....All of us.
God Bless America
Everyone should pay something, otherwise the burden falls on all of us. In the case of health care, all of us need it and none of us know when. Those choosing to gamble and not purchase cause undo financial injury to all of us. Right know those of us with insurance are also paying for those without insurance thru higher premiums. Now we will have more people paying into the insurance pool or paying the fines/tax. Plus people, previously without insurance, can now get medical treatment early rather than late when it cost us even more. Personally I don't care it they call it a tax.
Just my opinion. We all see things from different perspectives.
06-28-2012, 01:04 PM
Thank you Bawanna for allowing continued discussion on this subject and I respectfully ask that members discuss this rationally and reasonably so that the thread won't be locked down again...I almost pulled the thread as soon as I posted for fear it might become ugly so PLEASE hold me up folks and lets behave like ladies and gentlemen and express our opinions with respect as hard as that may be to do about this subject....
I know that our posts here should reflect firearms and the shooting sports so I will try to tie the current SC ruling into gun ownership rights and IMHO how the decision will affect those rights in the future...
I fear the election is now lost before the voting even begins as there are just too many of the left coast libs out there that are full of Obama Kool Aid and will vote Democrat so lets just say it's a pretty sure bet we are looking a 4 more years of the current administtation and their leftist policies...
Now for his coming gun control plans....As we have seen with Obama Care being turned into a new tax and not as something being force fed to the people who don't want it I truely believe they will tie guns into the bill as a product that is bad for the peoples health and health care costs so they won't have to go door to door collecting your guns they will just come up with a new gun/ammo tax so high as to make them unaffordable to the general public...
They did it with cigarettes and with the new tobacco tax a pack of smokes that should cost a buck are now 10 bucks in some places so in order to get rid of guns they will place a tax on ammo so high as to make it unavailable to the working stiff...When a box of .45 ACP costs $300.00 it will sure put a dent im my shooting budget...
So now you see, the door has been cracked open and the cold hard light of day is now on the new solution...If the government wants you to buy a certain kind of green car they will place a super high tax on the ones they don't want you to have...Taxes are the new tool they will use to control the sheeple and force us into whatever mold they want us to fit in...
If you want to buy a new gun, ammo, reloading equipment and supplies, NOW is the time to do it before the Gubment taxes it all away...Just one tired old mans fed up opinion so take it for what its worth...
06-28-2012, 01:58 PM
Well everyones has been spreading 2A fears since Obama got in office. In the end he has done nothing to limit your 2A rights. I know you can cite a few crazy lone wolf liberals proposing extreme anti gun legislation. But they have no support just like some of the crazy extreme conservatives. Like the one in the house who proposed a law to Ban human fetus’s from food... Didn't know that was problem, did you??? I think we should all just relax. The constitution protects us from these fools. All we need now is people creating hysteria and the prices of ammo going up.
06-28-2012, 02:02 PM
Well everyones has been spreading 2A fears since Obama got in office. In the end he has done nothing to limit your 2A rights. I know you can cite a few crazy lone wolf liberals proposing extreme anti gun legislation. But they have no support just like some of the crazy extreme conservatives. Like the one in the house who proposed a law to Ban human fetus’s from food... Didn't know that was problem, did you??? I think we should all just relax. The constitution protects us from these fools. All we need now is people creating hysteria and the prices of ammo going up.
"Stop clinging to your bible and guns". The constitution is dead. It is a piece of paper and cannot protect anyone from anything if people ignore it.
06-28-2012, 02:06 PM
06-28-2012, 02:09 PM
06-28-2012, 02:09 PM
"Stop clinging to your bible and guns". The constitution is dead. It is a piece of paper and cannot protect anyone from anything if people ignore it.
Just because you don't agree with the supreme court is no reason to disregard the constitution. All the justices are constitutional scholars. Far be it from me to second guess any them. If any of us truly understood the constitution the way they do, we wouldn't be wasting our day arguing on this board. And let it be know, Kennedy voted against it and Roberts voted for it. Each were expected to be voting opposite.
BTW, even this guy like it.
06-28-2012, 02:17 PM
Go ahead and shut it down Bawanna...Any good that could from it has already been stated...I apologize to the Mods and the members for starting it...
06-28-2012, 02:19 PM
Locked per OP's request.
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