View Full Version : New T9 Issue.

06-29-2012, 06:53 PM
I bought a new T9, 3 weeks ago (after a hard, long search). My brother has a CW 40 that he let me shoot and I could not miss with that gun. I decided I wanted one for my own, But I wanted one that my wife would enjoy shooting. She actually shoots better than me, not that I would ever tell her, but she always complains about the recoil, which I have to agree with her on the 40, as it not only kicked her up but I also saw it twisting in her hand. I looked in to the kahr lineup and really liked what I saw on the T9. It is a very pretty gun, in my opion, and it is heavy enough that the recoil should be light in the 9mm, and with a 4" barrel I hope that it is as accurate as my brother's gun. My problem is that after recieving the gun, I read the book, I watched the Kahr take down vidio, and read the forum on how to clean and lube a new pistol, I took my gun down and tried to follow the directions as much as possible (up till now i have been a revolver only guy), The gun came apart as advertized allowing me to clean & lube it but when I tried to re-assemble it, it would not go back together, it would only slide on so far. I tried going back through all the media, but found no answers to my problem. The only thing I found was that you should not try to force the gun which i didn't.
I have tried several times to to call Kahr technical assistance and I guess they must be very busy people because I waited for what seem likes 15 minutes each time only to be knocked out of the loop, and must start over, only to be knocked out again. It was during one of these sessions that I discovered that by pressing down on part # 31 which is the ejector that my slide would go back on, which pleased me to be able to put my gun back together, but now I am worried about shooting the gun as nowhere have I not seen that problem in any info or on the forum.
I have left Kahr a message with my name and phone as it seems as than is how they wish to answer any questions, as they will not pick up the phone at all, asking if it was safe to go ahead and shoot. Still I have no answer to date, and as it has been 3 weeks I think I will just take my chances and shoot the thing.
I am sorry this message is so long but I was really happy to buy an American weapon, but service after the sale is what seperates the good from the great and now I feel like I have a good gun.

06-29-2012, 06:56 PM
Can you walk us through the steps you take to reassemble and where in the sequence it hangs?

06-29-2012, 07:42 PM
It is quicker and a lot less frustrating to communicate with Kahr CS by email. Often, you will get a reply in just minutes. You can send pictures if needed to illustrate an issue, get your thoughts organized before sending it, and you will have a word for word record of the entire process.

You do have to be carefull to allign the recoil spring assembly with the barrel when reassembling.

06-29-2012, 09:25 PM
First Welcome to the forum. Good to have you here.

If it's together and functioning properly I'd shoot it.

I would try the following:
1. remove the magazine and make sure that the gun is clear.
2. Rack the slide and let it go forward
3. pull the trigger and listen for the click and then don't release the trigger
4. rack the slide with the trigger still pulled (like it does when a round fires)
5. release the trigger slowly and listen for a click (the trigger resets)
6. pull the trigger again listen for a click.

If all that works I'd go shoot it. If something is wrong you'll find out. Also after you shoot it it may all smooth out and go back together easily. All of mine have been real tight when new but after the first 2 range visits it smooth's out real nice.

06-30-2012, 03:35 PM
I'm guessing the slide is bumping into the ejector. Mine does this. All you need do is to gently push the ejector down as you slide the slide towards the rear. If it sticks long before meeting up with the ejector, you may have to realign the recoil spring rod and spring just a tad bit to allow the slide to move.

EDIT' OK. I just finished reading you post and of course I feel pretty stupid. Talking with my Dad on the phone and reading forums just don't go together.

The "ejector bump" isn't unusual. Shoot the gun without worry. Welcome to the forum.

09-22-2012, 12:26 PM
See your brother about any problems. He should be use to dealing the minor issues that can come up with a new firearm.