View Full Version : slide stop spring

06-30-2012, 07:06 AM
My kahr p45...slide stop wants to wiggle out of reciever..she doesnt because slide prevents that.....but i seem to have to push her back in some...is this normal???? ...the slide stop spring, ive read can be tightend to give spring more tension to hold slide stop more firmly..........is this correct using a torx 5 or 6.....

06-30-2012, 10:12 AM
Sounds like it just needs a little tweaking. check post #5 by Greg at this link for what it should look like:


06-30-2012, 10:32 AM
remember ur tightening thaty scrw into polymer so that is not such thing as TIGHT. snug is good, Urs could be to tight, so just turnt he screw back about less than a quarter turn and retest. It could also be to loose so turn it a less than quarter in and retest. Try the the tight procedure first. Also look at ur slide stop lever on the nsdie, u will see a nub and on that nub u will see a slight groover. That is where that spring tip must ride and u should kinda hear a snap when u properly install the slide stop lever. This also holds thgat lever from backing out also and keeps it in the proper position to work the slide stop up and down. Ur spring tip cold be bent inwards enough tha tit5 is not engaging that little groove. VERY EASE TO SEE . take the slide off and reinser the slide stop lever and watch that left side and listen...

Gregs picture tutorial is excellent.. I think your kahr P45 uses a #6 torx, buy a cheap ass et at harbort freidn that also has the #5 torx tool to, one of those is a definite fit.

I do think i tis a #6 torx though. My PM9 is a #6 and my P380 is a #5.