View Full Version : First Range Report

07-01-2012, 12:09 AM
Ok. I took my new-to-me PM9 Black to the range for the first time today. All I can say is AWESOME!!! This little beauty ate about 150 rounds of everything I fed it without issue....cheap police practice ammo, American Eagle FMJ, Wolf FMJ, UMC FMJ, and even some Black Talons. Right out of the chute I had 5 out of 7 on the 9 inch plate at about 15 yards.

I did take the time to prep and lube it per the instructions in Kahr Tech. Great write-ups. My guess is the previous owner didn't prep it properly, got unsatisfactory results, and dumped it. His loss = my gain on this one.

I had shot my buddy's LCP just prior to purchasing the Kahr. I like my PM9 better than I did his LCP.

I've already purchased a Desantis Nemesis. Now I'll be looking for an ankle rig, IWB, Pearce grip extension, and probably a couple more mags. Anybody know of a good speed loader for the PM9?

Thanks for all of the help I've found on this forum.

07-01-2012, 07:46 AM
Congrats! I'm taking my CM9 out for its and my first run this afternoon!

Do yourself a favor and get yourself one of these speed loaders:


I don't leave for the range without mine!


Bill K
07-01-2012, 08:07 AM
That's great! Continued good luck with your PM9.

07-01-2012, 09:14 AM
...My guess is the previous owner didn't prep it properly, got unsatisfactory results, and dumped it. His loss = my gain on this one...

Most definitely!
If he had only spent time at KahrTalk!
Glad it worked out for you at the range!

07-01-2012, 09:19 AM
Just guessin, my bet most kahrs are peddled because the owner couldn't get the hang of the looooong but soooooo smooth trigger, over any malfunctioning issue. \Just sayin

07-01-2012, 12:11 PM
I've already purchased a Desantis Nemesis. Now I'll be looking for an ankle rig, IWB, Pearce grip extension, and probably a couple more mags. Anybody know of a good speed loader for the PM9?

Good. Now do yourself a favor and buy another Nemesis. Why? I spent the kids inheritance trying to find comfortable IWB's for my CCW's. My sister-in-law kidded me about joining her husband in the "Holster of the Month Club". Somebody on one of the gun Forums posted an idea for a really comfortable IWB made out of a Nemesis pocket holster. It was years ago and I forgot who it was, so I can't give proper credit for it. He just bought and installed an IWB holster clip on the Nemesis.

I like to carry ‘crossdraw’, so that’s the way I rigged it, but the originator had his set up for strong-side carry. I have one for each of my CCW’s although two holsters handle all four of my CCW’s; one for the semi-autos and one for the J-frame style resolvers. I occasionally have to check to see if I’m carrying because it’s so comfortable you don’t notice you have it on … except maybe for the 1911.

It’s great for sitting, driving or while on your hind legs, too. FWIW. I've got pictures and instructions, if anyone is interested in them, since I can't seem to figure out how to insert them here. You can PM your email address to me and I'll send them to you.