View Full Version : Silencer options for a K9?

07-03-2012, 01:07 PM
I am considering getting a permit for a silencer. It would be awesome to put one on my K9, but how?
I see no long or threaded barrels for it at the Kahr site. Could I drop in a barrel for a T9 and have a smith thread the end or something?

John K
07-09-2012, 01:16 AM
You could have the barrel back threaded and have an adapter made to bring the threads out past the end of the slide.

Then you get to play with recoil springs to get it to cycle properly will the added weight hanging off the end of the barrel.

Been there, done that (not on a Kahr specifically, but thinking about getting a .45 can for my CW). PITA, but worth it in the end.

07-09-2012, 01:25 AM
I am considering getting a permit for a silencer. It would be awesome to put one on my K9, but how?
I see no long or threaded barrels for it at the Kahr site. Could I drop in a barrel for a T9 and have a smith thread the end or something?

ask hahr if a T9 barrel willfit ina K9 slide they will tell u NO. Not sure if that is totally true or not but that will be your answer back from them. Pretty hard to find a T9 barrel aorund to even test it out to see if it would interchange. Not sure I would spend the money to buy one just betting that it will work either. If u ask kahr if the cm9 barrle will fit in a PM9 gun they will tell u NO. and we know it willfit perfectly, same thing with the cm40 barrel and PM40 barrel. They really don't want people changing around alot of parts from one gun to another, let alone telling u that u can do that. In their eyes there is no gain for them to say that but their is a liabililtyt expsure possably...Just sayin

07-09-2012, 07:33 AM
When I get home tonight, I will try a T9 barrel in a MK9. If it cycles there, it should work in a K9 also. I'll keep you posted.

07-10-2012, 07:21 AM
Not a chance. The barrel "lug" area is a significantly longer on the T9. The barrel won't even seat into the smaller gun, even though the barrel diameter is the same.