View Full Version : New member w/ CW9

07-05-2012, 11:52 PM
Hello all. Been wanting a CW9 for a year now for concealed carry. Saturday I went to get a Bersa BP9CC as it comes with 2 mags and holds one more round than the stock CW9 magazine (on top of being $50 cheaper). Liked the gun, but the trigger was way too light for carry IMHO. I only want something that light on a 1911 or my deer rifle. So Tuesday I picked up a 32 round fired LNIB Kahr CW9 with 100 rounds of range ammo, 25 rounds of self-defense ammo and a pocket holster for $400 FTW.


Haven't shot it yet but LOVE it. No rattles, tight, slim, perfect defensive trigger, long enough grip to get a good perch on when unholstering, and I can acquire the sights FAST. Naturally, really. Today I picked up a DeSantis sof-tuk and Hogue grip. Next up will be an extended mag and I'll be a content camper! Only weird thing I notice is when I load the mag with more than 4 rounds, they either aim up high with a large gap from the last one or fit straight flush with no pointing up (like most rounds in a mag). With the latter, they fail to chamber when manually cycling the gun.

Look forward to being a part of this community.

07-06-2012, 02:22 AM
Welcome to the forum and you have what I think is one of the nicest Kahr's made for the money. Check out the 2 links below before going to the range for the first time. They will help.

Prep of a new Kahr

Lube Chart

On the rounds loading, what you are describing is normal. The manual says to lock back the slide and use the slide release to chamber the rounds. after some shooting it may smooth out for manual cycling of rounds but Kahr's you should have no trouble when shooting normally.

Go shoot that new gun and enjoy yourself. :)

07-06-2012, 08:36 AM
I love mine. Have shot almost 1,000 or more rounds through it. Had a couple misfires due to light primers, with, well, cheap ammo.

youll love it.

stage the trigger, but of course you know that.

07-06-2012, 09:26 AM
Make sure the top round is fully to the rear and give the top rear of the magazine a good rap into the palm of your other hand... just one good rap to set the stack. A bunch of smaller ones doesn't help.

I use 7-round mags in my PM45 at the range and for spare carry, except for the one 5-rounder loaded for CCW, and there's usually 3/16 to 1/8" play between the two top rounds at the front of the cases. The top round can move up and down, but as long as it's all the way to the rear of the magazine, it should load with the slide lock release method advised by Kahr. It's a good practice to top off the mag after chambering a round and make sure the top round is all the way to the rear. That way you should get at least two rounds off without problem. The .45 isn't as bad as the 9mm's with the tippling top rounds and being too far forward for chambering, so that they dive and hang on the ramp.


07-06-2012, 09:35 AM
Welcome to the forum and to Kahr scandmx5! You got an excellent deal there!! There is tons of important information here from knowledgeable and good people. I have enjoyed my CW9 AND KahrTalk, and I'm sure you will too. Great pistol and the community to back it up.

07-06-2012, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. All my life I used RemOil and Hoppes for all my guns, be it rifle, pistol, or shotgun. Judging from the lube thread, I might need to try something else? It's always worked for me. Today I'm going to the range so I'll share a report.

07-06-2012, 11:33 AM
listen up. what ur getting here is personal preferences. If what u have used in the past worked fine in other guns, Kahr's are no different. Lubs are like ammo, we all have preference. If u take all of or advice,ur gonna endup with a cabinet full of lube sh!t and u will still only use one..