View Full Version : Correction

02-26-2010, 07:50 AM
yesterday I made a statement on this forum that I now find out is not true.

I stated all kahr barrels are made by LOTHAR THEY ARE NOT.
The cw series barrels with standard rifling is not made by LOTHAR.

Only the POLYGONAL rifled barrels are made by LOTHAR.

Hope I did not confuse anyone and if you have owned and shot a cw series gun, you will also know that their barrles will shoot one holers with the right person behind them to. I do not know who makes kahrs CW barrels I try not to put out false info but sometimes we are told something also that is not correct..

sorry about that.:der:

02-26-2010, 10:07 AM
Thanks for that clarification!
So much information so little time!:eek:

02-26-2010, 11:02 AM
I think that Lothar only makes the barrel blanks for Kahr... as in a bar of steel about 4"x4"x2' that Kahr then uses them computer machining thingies to whittle it down to our barrels. They explain that at the Kahr site. I might be a little off on the bar size... but then I'm a little "off". :p

Dang! I lost count of my cups of coffee. I may be on my third cup instead of the second... meaning watch out! I usually save the third cup for late evening... to try to keep up with my baby watching TV. She fell asleep first last night.:D

02-26-2010, 12:14 PM
I think that Lothar only makes the barrel blanks for Kahr... as in a bar of steel about 4"x4"x2' that Kahr then uses them computer machining thingies to whittle it down to our barrels. They explain that at the Kahr site. I might be a little off on the bar size... but then I'm a little "off". :p

Dang! I lost count of my cups of coffee. I may be on my third cup instead of the second... meaning watch out! I usually save the third cup for late evening... to try to keep up with my baby watching TV. She fell asleep first last night.:D

but Lothar does not make tghe barrel or barrel black for the CW series. I wa sunder the impression all b arrels were made by Lothar for kahr but only the polygonal rifled barrels. I think lothar makes the barrel blanks in 3 foot lengths fully drilled and then kahr whacks them off and does the final maching process.

02-26-2010, 12:27 PM
Right. I was just speaking of the polygonal barrels. I'll go look at the info and see, but it seems like they just buy that nice chunk of Lothar-alloy steel and do all of the machining, including the bore(?)

Yep, I kind of ran the process together:

Kahr Arms / Quality Guns : Kahr Barrel (http://www.kahr.com/KA-2A.html)

My bad.:blushing: See... even I can err once in a blue moon.:D

02-26-2010, 12:45 PM
Right. I was just speaking of the polygonal barrels. I'll go look at the info and see, but it seems like they just buy that nice chunk of Lothar-alloy steel and do all of the machining, including the bore(?)

Yep, I kind of ran the process together:

Kahr Arms / Quality Guns : Kahr Barrel (http://www.kahr.com/KA-2A.html)

My bad.:blushing: See... even I can err once in a blue moon.:D

lothar does the complete polygonal rifleing on the blanks.