View Full Version : 2nd session with my CW45...

07-08-2012, 03:20 PM
Another good day at the range... Flawlessly ate 100 rounds of cheap Monarch 185gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP).... This thing is a shooter's delight... Love the double action trigger... Love the way it shoots at point of aim... Love the light recoil... I have to get me another magazine though because six rounds is just not enough especially when you are having fun...

07-08-2012, 05:41 PM
Another good day at the range... Flawlessly ate 100 rounds of cheap Monarch 185gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP).... This thing is a shooter's delight... Love the double action trigger... Love the way it shoots at point of aim... Love the light recoil... I have to get me another magazine though because six rounds is just not enough especially when you are having fun...

You have just described a Kahr in detail, glad to hear your having fun. CTD has some good prices on mags.

07-08-2012, 07:27 PM
Another good day at the range... Flawlessly ate 100 rounds of cheap Monarch 185gr Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP).... This thing is a shooter's delight... Love the double action trigger... Love the way it shoots at point of aim... Love the light recoil... I have to get me another magazine though because six rounds is just not enough especially when you are having fun...

You speak the truth. One fine light recoil 45 handgun. I love mine.

Try this if you have one. Shoot the CW45 for about 100 rounds then pick up the CW9 or CM9 and shoot it. You can really tell the 9mm has NO recoil. :third:

07-08-2012, 07:39 PM
Glad to hear it. My has stayed flawless as well. Put some +P rounds (reloads) through it yesterday. A little more push, but still very manageable. Stayed as accurate as I was, too.

07-08-2012, 07:40 PM
The only problem I had with my Kahr PM45 was a few cases to the forehead during initial breakin. I attribute this to breakin, since the used one I got never did that, and once I got some ammo out the spout, the new PM quit doing it (but it took a bit more than the breakin 200). I did have a frame issue, but Kahr made it right in a few days time.

07-10-2012, 03:46 AM
I was really very hesitant on buying this CW45 but the price was very attrative, so I jumped in and grabbed one. So far this baby have been performing for me. I've read from several people complaining about the FTEs, FTFs and FTFB in this forum. It hasn't happen to me yet so I must have grabbed a really good one.... Tahnks to all...