View Full Version : Woman hugs cop and dies

07-08-2012, 10:28 PM

How can a gun discharge in a holster from a hug?

What drives me nuts about these type of stories is we most likely will never know how this accident happened.

As a concelaed carrier I would want to know how to avoid a repeat of this sad accident.



07-08-2012, 11:19 PM
Strange story. Said it was officer's service weapon, which I can only assume would be on his hip pointed downward. If it does discharge, how would that puncture her lung from a hug.

07-08-2012, 11:26 PM
I'm going to go with a shoulder holster in order for a heart and lung shot???

07-08-2012, 11:26 PM
According to Stephens, the woman "embraced the officer from behind, causing the holstered weapon to accidently discharge." The bullet punctured Miller's lung and hit her heart, and she died at a hospital.

The officer was off duty. It must have been in a shoulder holster.

07-09-2012, 12:38 AM
Then gun just went off.

Most people believe it happens and will buy that as a cause.

07-09-2012, 02:49 AM
The officer was off duty. It must have been in a shoulder holster.

Yep, a horizontal shoulder holster makes sense.

I wonder if the cop grabbed at it when she came at him from behind and that was what caused it to go off? Maybe a negligent discharge???

I'd like to know what it was, maybe a 1911 with no safety on or a glock but you know that trigger got hit somehow. Sounds like that cop shooting himself in that school classroom with a glock that was on youtube a while back.

07-09-2012, 07:24 AM
They were dancing it sounds like. I bet the gun bounced out of the holster, and the trigger got caught on the edge.

07-09-2012, 08:14 AM
The media cares much less about the facts than they do the act. This is another example of "if it bleeds it leads"...
Back in the 80's a report came over the 10 o'clock news that a Dallas PD officer had fired at a suspect wounding him. It was reported that the officer "fired fourteen rounds from his 357 magnum semiautomatic service revolver, hitting the suspect once".
I would normally have let it slide but the next morning I looked up the stations number and called to ask. The young lady who answered absent mindly said "...another one of those...". When I demanded claification she became somber and said "we have had three of four people calling in demanding we report about where all the extra rounds went and dozens of you calling to say our writing staff are idiots". I offered that a short class explaining the differances in gun types, with shooting if they liked, could be arranged through my gun club and it would be free to their staff.
"Oh no" she exclaimed "I'm afraid of guns" and with that she just stopped talking till I gave up.
For the most part, the media Don't know-Don't want to know, anything about guns that they have not already seen in the movies.
Sad but true.

07-09-2012, 11:26 AM
From what I have read of this story, I draw one or some of a couple of conclusions: 1) she was not dancing but a zipper may have been involved if it was in his waist, and he was carrying gangsta style, had the weapon shift and went to grab it 2)the media knows sweet FA 3) the words Detroit, cover up, and murder come to mind 4) can we say honor killing? Anything other than that or some combination of the above is just not possible, and I call complete and total bullsh*t. Guess we'll never know.

07-09-2012, 01:26 PM
I've got one of the Jackass rigs and I guess they also call them Miami rigs that I use for my Glock 27. I don't wear it nearly as much as I previously did because I just don't like the idea that it's constantly sweeping whatever or whoever is behind me. Even though I know it should be safe, it just bothers me. It's a great way to carry and it's very comfortable but I can't feel that I'm being safe either. Any comments???? Make me feel better since I like the carry method.


07-09-2012, 04:10 PM
Article said she came up from behind and hugged him, and the holstered weapon went off and shot her in the lung and heart. Sounds like a shoulder holster. Super sad.

MW surveyor
07-09-2012, 04:14 PM
Different article on another forum said that he had it in his waist band.

The story keeps evolving according where you see different posts.

Something is not right!

07-09-2012, 05:03 PM
Here's a better link. S&W M&P .40 Cal. soft IWB holster.


07-09-2012, 06:28 PM
I've got one of the Jackass rigs and I guess they also call them Miami rigs that I use for my Glock 27. I don't wear it nearly as much as I previously did because I just don't like the idea that it's constantly sweeping whatever or whoever is behind me. Even though I know it should be safe, it just bothers me. It's a great way to carry and it's very comfortable but I can't feel that I'm being safe either. Any comments???? Make me feel better since I like the carry method.


I have one and like it. I use that for my 1911 when in the woods. That's about the only time I carry that one.

07-13-2012, 12:15 PM
I had a Detroit cop in my car today who knows the officer that wss at the party. It was a m&p 40. There is no mandate on holsters and you can just stick it in your belt but it has to be on your person. He also said the officer does not drink. No GSR on him or the girl so it really does sound as though she grabbed the gun while hugging him and it just discharged most likely from her through his clothes and a soft fabric holster.

07-13-2012, 12:20 PM
was the report that she was on her knees false then???. Are u saying that every cop off duty has to carry his duty weapon or approved weapon??? Could this also be part of the BLUE WALL we hear about every once in awhile. Just sayin.

07-13-2012, 01:55 PM
He said that the officer is a good cop and mentioned nothing about sticking together just for the sake of it. With Detroit financial problems they don't have a contract starting Monday and will take concessions one of them being with any shooting off duty or on the Department won't pay legal costs. They are on their own for an attorney. He also said what kind of protection will the people get? Not much.

07-13-2012, 02:12 PM
He said that the officer is a good cop and mentioned nothing about sticking together just for the sake of it. With Detroit financial problems they don't have a contract starting Monday and will take concessions one of them being with any shooting off duty or on the Department won't pay legal costs. They are on their own for an attorney. He also said what kind of protection will the people get? Not much.

Wow, that's great of them. Offer you no legal protection if you have to do your job. Not much incentive anyhow but take that away and you kind of want to just take your ball and go home.