View Full Version : Quick question + new holster :)

07-11-2012, 05:02 PM
Hey guys quick question , I was looking over my kahr and notice this piece (next to the 9 on the left) is sticking out a little bit. I was wondering if this is normal ... Sorry for the newb question. I love this little guy !!



And I just got a sticky holster much better then the nemesis --- no print. I've had remoras , and very expensive holsters befeore and I think sticky is by far the most comfortable , adjustable , and affordable holster you can get. It takes the remora and improves ... My cm looks like a wallet now instead of a gun when pocketed. I also use one for my M&P9C.


07-11-2012, 05:03 PM
And does anyone have a link to a good breakdown/reassembly video for the Cm/pm9 ? Kahrs kind of confused me I need one for Kahr newbies !

07-11-2012, 05:07 PM
its called a loaded round indicator. It normally sticks oput when a round is in the chamber Other than that it is normally flush with the slide. If could be that the gun is new and has yet not matted allits parts, or it could have some crude behind that extracotor, Try flushing that ekector out with some spray cleaner, righ behind the extracotr itself to see if that helps any. Might just be something unique to ur gun to. If it works and all is well, then give it some time,..

07-11-2012, 05:46 PM
She was loaded , I should have figured it was a loaded chamber indicator :/

Anyone have a good breakdown/assembly video for my CM9? Last time was rough lol.

07-11-2012, 06:36 PM
the manual does as good a job explaining it as we can do. just line the witness marks up and push out the pin and reinsert the pin when ready according to how the kahr manual explains it.

Make sure the gunis unloaded and no mag in the gun and then when u pull the pin out and start to pull the slide off, pull the trigger at the same time and it willslide off with ease. Practice does not make perfect but perfect priactice does.

07-11-2012, 10:11 PM
jocko , takedown was simple ! (infact once I lined up and pushed the lock out it seemed like it was going to slide off without pulling the trigger , I may have had it decocked)

But takedown was a breeze , it took me a while to reassemble -- the manual is great but it's a little confusing to me. When I put the slide back on , and pulled back -- the slide didn't go back all the way . I gave the pin a good "push" at 3'00 (slide was 1/6th inch from lining up at the rear) then I pulled back and set the pin and was good to go -- and had a great range session ! So I guess I did it correctly.

I get pretty anal about new guns , and just wanted to see if there was a good video out there. What freaked me out was the amount of "WARNING this could void your warranty" labels !!!

07-11-2012, 11:05 PM
At kahr.com there's lots of info. The F.A.Q.'s answer a LOT of questions.

See the take down video under the large picture:



07-12-2012, 07:21 AM
Actually that part next to the 9 is called an extractor. It serves the dual purpose of being a loaded chamber indicator. Loaded chamber indicators are generally a separate part apart from the extractor in most guns that have loaded chamber indicators.

07-12-2012, 12:22 PM
Ok guys , just did another strip and clean (yuck , very dirty after 200rds). She looks brand new !

I followed the video and had no issues besides the issue I had questioned last time. ...

Now everything goes fine , but when I put the slide on (although I can pull the rear all the way) there is that little room you see in the picture. So when the pistol is like this I push the slide lock half way in , pull back and align the lines and then push it all the way in.

Function test is fine , and this happened before my great range trip so is this normal ?

07-12-2012, 12:34 PM
line the witness marks up on the slide and grip and no need to even look in that opening then. either way is OK .

07-12-2012, 02:14 PM
Ok thanks jocko -- so I'm good ? In the video the guys slide went on all the way back that's why I was concerned.

Thanks jocko!

07-12-2012, 02:17 PM
mine stops right whereurs does kthen alittlemore tug and it lines up

07-12-2012, 02:22 PM
And last question (sorry)

During the cleaning I did today -- I noticed some what looked like brass shavings near the extractor on the frame / towards the rear ...

I'm assuming this is normal , I don't have much experience with micro guns and I assume 200rds through this little guy isn't the same as 200 rounds through an xd45 lol

07-12-2012, 02:39 PM
And last question (sorry)

During the cleaning I did today -- I noticed some what looked like brass shavings near the extractor on the frame / towards the rear ...

I'm assuming this is normal , I don't have much experience with micro guns and I assume 200rds through this little guy isn't the same as 200 rounds through an xd45 lol

This is normal for Kahrs and a lot of striker fired semi-autos. Results from "striker smear" during extraction and ejection of the spent round. If you look at the primer on some spent rounds, you will see the striker mark is smeared into a line or scratch. That's where the flakes are coming from.

07-12-2012, 03:39 PM
Fopotin is dead correct. just shoot it likje u stole it, u gotta know when the bang thing happens all hells breaks loose in a gun, sol expect some residue somewhere..