View Full Version : The Wonderful World of Appliance Repair

07-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Just got done going thru the gf's refrigerator. Went belly up. The internet is a great thing! Turned out to be the starter relay on the compressor. Ebay, $15, plus $5.95 shipping by USPS. Would have been $150 service call, plus parts, and the parts houses want $55+ for the same thing - so probably around $210 plus tax.

So far, in the last two years - one bad fridge defrost thermostat (bimetal), two washer lid switches, one washer lid (entire thing), two drier heaters, one drier drum bogey wheel set, two AC outdoor compressor starter relays, one washer main timer/switch, and a washer inlet solenoid valve.

Sadly, my 1981 Tappen "Radar-Range", all 95 pounds of it, blew its magnatron last year. I'd nursed its mechanical timer with parts from an Intermatic sprinkler timer twice, and a good dose of Kroil once. May it RIP.

Equally sadly, my 1981 Hoover vacuum (heavy steel push one, like my grandmother had) also bit the dust, when the bearings failed and the entire armature hit the cage, complete with internal fireworks display. I used my skills at re-cutting armature contacts on starter motors (yay Harley manual!) to recut that motor once - and pressed new bearings into the cage once too. I got a new one just like it, and I expect it to outlive me.

Anyway... there ya go. Life is grand.

mr surveyor
07-11-2012, 08:56 PM
I envy folks that have the knowledge and patience to work on appliances, and that includes all kitchen and indoor appliances, lawn mowers, weed eaters, vehicles, plumbing, household electrical stuff, etc, etc.

Forty years ago I would try my hand at almost anything to save a buck, then thirty years ago the computer age forced half of that stuff into the undiagnosable computer chip age, twenty years ago the stuff got overly complicated with too many gadgets, 10 years ago I found it less expensive due to time and effort to DIY most "fix-it" jobs... now I can't afford to fix it, have it fixed, or replace it..... I sure hope mrs surv developes a taste for fresh squirrel, blue jay, or whatever crawls/flys over the yard roasted over a pine stray fire in the burn barrel every day. And, canning worked for a lot of years before refrigeration.... and it's kinda refreshing on a cold winter morning to run to an outhouse for a quick trip..... and with a hydrant wrench and a few plastic 5 gallon water bottles.....

Life is just too damn complicated now

07-11-2012, 10:08 PM
Hey, CJB!

If you ever need a circuit board for a Liftmaster / Chamberlain garage door opener . . . give me a shout. Bought one to solve a minor lightening induced light control problem and never got it installed before the motor bearings failed.

Listed as Sears Craftsman LiftMaster Chamberlain Garage Door Opener Circuit Board - Part Number 41A5021-1E

That picture is not quite right. Mine does NOT have a light bulb socket.

We replaced the opener with a version that has a built in lead acid backup battery. No more struggling to open the door during a power failure. :D

07-12-2012, 03:17 AM
Just got done going thru the gf's refrigerator. Went belly up. The internet is a great thing! Turned out to be the starter relay on the compressor. Ebay, $15, plus $5.95 shipping by USPS. Would have been $150 service call, plus parts, and the parts houses want $55+ for the same thing - so probably around $210 plus tax.

So far, in the last two years - one bad fridge defrost thermostat (bimetal), two washer lid switches, one washer lid (entire thing), two drier heaters, one drier drum bogey wheel set, two AC outdoor compressor starter relays, one washer main timer/switch, and a washer inlet solenoid valve.

Sadly, my 1981 Tappen "Radar-Range", all 95 pounds of it, blew its magnatron last year. I'd nursed its mechanical timer with parts from an Intermatic sprinkler timer twice, and a good dose of Kroil once. May it RIP.

Equally sadly, my 1981 Hoover vacuum (heavy steel push one, like my grandmother had) also bit the dust, when the bearings failed and the entire armature hit the cage, complete with internal fireworks display. I used my skills at re-cutting armature contacts on starter motors (yay Harley manual!) to recut that motor once - and pressed new bearings into the cage once too. I got a new one just like it, and I expect it to outlive me.

Anyway... there ya go. Life is grand.

life is good and being able to do wha tu did makes life even nicer. good job all around..

07-12-2012, 08:39 AM
Skill like that saves more than a buck these days! Nice work CJB!

07-12-2012, 07:08 PM
This weekend I need to tackle the icemaker that doesn't work and the oven that doesn't heat correctly. I just hope the wife stays at work so she isn't in the kitchen giving instructions. If that sh....t starts I'll work on them another day! Her choice!

07-12-2012, 10:05 PM
Hey, CJB!

If you ever need a circuit board for a Liftmaster / Chamberlain garage door opener . . . give me a shout. Bought one to solve a minor lightening induced light control problem and never got it installed before the motor bearings failed.

Listed as Sears Craftsman LiftMaster Chamberlain Garage Door Opener Circuit Board - Part Number 41A5021-1E

That picture is not quite right. Mine does NOT have a light bulb socket.

We replaced the opener with a version that has a built in lead acid backup battery. No more struggling to open the door during a power failure. :D

CRAP !!!! You're a life saver, the gf's garage door is also on the fritz!!!!

I'll PM ya!

07-13-2012, 01:40 PM
I'll PM ya!

I just found three remotes to include when it ships to you.

Life is good! :)

07-13-2012, 08:45 PM
Yes, the internet and an EE degree complement each other nicely when troubleshooting appliances, particularly when looking up replacement part numbers and such.

07-13-2012, 09:05 PM
er.... I'm a bit shy of the double-E, will a major in organic chemistry, specializing in the practical variances of two carbon alcohol nuances work too?

07-14-2012, 04:18 AM
er.... I'm a bit shy of the double-E, will a major in organic chemistry, specializing in the practical variances of two carbon alcohol nuances work too?

You mean bartending?

07-14-2012, 05:59 AM
As you get older you try to simplify your life, here's what I have done so far. I bought six pigmy goats at the local goat mart and sold the Cub 2185 with blower,wagon and trailer . I used the money to buy a windmill generator and all the wiring,converters and after installation I now sell PPL elec. With the money I save on elec. I bought another kahr and 500 rnds of ammo. The Amish lady does my wash If I let her kids milk my goats, and use some elec. to chg their buggy batts. I had the oil guy empty and remove my 275 gal tank and he bought my furnace too. I bought an airtight wood stove at a mud sale along with some dandy floor vents. With the stove in the basement family room I can adjust the heat in everyroom via the floor vents. So when the repair truck shows up at my house I ask him if he's lost.

07-14-2012, 06:23 AM
Local goat mart,now that is a new one around here for sure. We have local hosptial, local jails, local grocery stores,lots of local stations, but no local goat marts. We have a few local nut houses, we have some local whore houses. lots of local taverns. Local churchs. I just lookeed in our local yellow pages and no local goat mart.Humm very interesting "Watson"

07-14-2012, 11:18 AM
Goat Mart a.k.a. livestock sale. I named them dopie,stinky,*******,frisky, fast, and sleepy. The Amish kids I call, stinky,dopie,frisky,fast,*******,and sleepy.

07-14-2012, 12:07 PM

07-14-2012, 12:34 PM
Better inspect those goats' teeth. That Jocko could sell ice to an Eskimo! Just sayin'...

MW surveyor
07-14-2012, 05:43 PM
Goat Mart a.k.a. livestock sale. I named them dopie,stinky,*******,frisky, fast, and sleepy. The Amish kids I call, stinky,dopie,frisky,fast,*******,and sleepy.

LOL....That's another way to simplify your life. :D

07-14-2012, 05:52 PM
ur one of a kind tinman: Just sayin