View Full Version : You don't know ****

07-13-2012, 09:55 PM
but Morris does.


07-14-2012, 07:03 AM
but Morris does.


Secret plan??? Since nobody knows about it, he can can make up anything he wants...

The source a professional political hack;
"**** Morris is an American political author and commentator who previously worked as a pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant."

By the way, do you know Romney's secret plan to take away our hand guns and give them to the Mormon church? I thought not, give me a few hours and I'll make up a great tale.

07-14-2012, 07:40 AM
Secret plan??? Since nobody knows about it, he can can make up anything he wants...

The source a professional political hack;
"**** Morris is an American political author and commentator who previously worked as a pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant."

By the way, do you know Romney's secret plan to take away our hand guns and give them to the Mormon church? I thought not, give me a few hours and I'll make up a great tale.

Morris was also a democrat strategist and a political adviser to Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton. You know Bill Clinton, he was the president who signed the assault weapons bill into law. Another fine democrat with only your best interests at heart. You can't argue facts, you can only argue opinions.

07-14-2012, 07:55 AM
Morris was also a democrat strategist and a political adviser to Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton. You know Bill Clinton, he was the president who signed the assault weapons bill into law. Another fine democrat with only your best interests at heart. You can't argue facts, you can only argue opinions.

I know, he's just a political whore. These guys make their living stirring the pot. Saying the the most controversial things to get attention and make money. I just don't consider him a reliable source anything. We have a whole industry of political hacks these days. Very lucrative profession.

07-14-2012, 10:18 AM
Frankly, IMO, all of them are guilty of destroying this nation. The progressives make the destruction progress faster, but the Republicans do the same stuff (expanding government, ignoring major issues like the entitlement implosion, the debt and the deficit), just a little slower.

The best thing that could happen to this nation is if someone killed all of the politians-national and local.

07-14-2012, 12:35 PM
Frankly, IMO, all of them are guilty of destroying this nation. The progressives make the destruction progress faster, but the Republicans do the same stuff (expanding government, ignoring major issues like the entitlement implosion, the debt and the deficit), just a little slower.

The best thing that could happen to this nation is if someone killed all of the politians-national and local.

Like gun control the democrats are responsible for every entitlement program under the sun. The one exception being the prescription drug program for seniors that W. put forward. And that program wasn't grand enough to satisfy the liberals. They doubled down with socialized medicine. The democrats love spending your money. It a part of their plan to redistribute your wealth. Under Obama one in every seven Americans now receives food stamps and unemployment is still above eight percent. Our economy collapsed due to the housing bubble created by Fannie and Freddie.
The American dream of home ownership turned into a nightmare by the socialist left. Try not to lose sight of those facts when you go to the polls.

07-14-2012, 01:48 PM
Frankly, IMO, all of them are guilty of destroying this nation. The progressives make the destruction progress faster, but the Republicans do the same stuff (expanding government, ignoring major issues like the entitlement implosion, the debt and the deficit), just a little slower.

The best thing that could happen to this nation is if someone killed all of the politians-national and local.

I think we agree on something.......

07-14-2012, 02:05 PM
Our economy collapsed due to the housing bubble created by Fannie and Freddie.

The housing bubble was caused by irresponsible Americans buying more house than they could afford, and other irresponsible americans falsifying paperwork to get them loans because they were making a lot of money doing it. I know people in both of those groups. We were our own enemy on that front. If it were not for those 2 groups it wouldn't have happened.

Frankly, IMO, all of them are guilty of destroying this nation. The progressives make the destruction progress faster, but the Republicans do the same stuff (expanding government, ignoring major issues like the entitlement implosion, the debt and the deficit), just a little slower.

The best thing that could happen to this nation is if someone killed all of the politians-national and local.

That could make 3 of us agreeing. Now like Muggsy said, what are we going to do about it?

07-14-2012, 03:04 PM
That could make 3 of us agreeing. Now like Muggsy said, what are we going to do about it?

We must all cast a responsible vote in November. Other than that, I think a lot of intense prayer is in order.

07-15-2012, 07:24 AM
Amen to that, J.

les strat
07-16-2012, 01:07 PM
Remember, the banks were forced to make these loans during the late 90's/early 00's. Then, in the last few years, DC is wanting to punish banks for this terrible act they imposed on the banks. The borrower saw that thir monthly payment will be $XXX.xx per month and is also guilty. No one put a gun to their head and said, "buy a house NOW." Sadly, the people who are actually being responsible, struggling and paying their bills are the ones who will end up carrying the brunt of this. No forgiveness to them.

And this crap about California using eminent domain to seize underwater homes then allowing the home owners to slide or refinance, and banks are SOL? Commi crap. Really. Stalin's own tactics. Do we want this in America?

Now we got the same bozos interjecting in to our health care. They have failed everything else in epic proportions.

Chief Joseph
07-16-2012, 10:53 PM
The housing bubble was caused by irresponsible Americans buying more house than they could afford, and other irresponsible americans falsifying paperwork to get them loans because they were making a lot of money doing it. I know people in both of those groups. We were our own enemy on that front. If it were not for those 2 groups it wouldn't have happened.

So much more than "irresponsible" Americans. It was an agenda put forth starting with carter and massively expanded by clintoon. The goal was to put minorities who couldn't qualify for loans into homes. Through freddy and fannie, at the governments orders, loan requirements were reduced. But once you mess with a market, artificially increasing the demand with these easy loans, the prices go up. That's where the "couldn't afford" came in. Once home prices started skyrocketing that should have been the first clue the bubble would burst. A market will self correct itself, but with limitless government, they kept pumping more and more money until it burst. Everything government tries to fix will ALWAYS FAIL. Too bad half this country can't figure that out.

Chief Joseph
07-16-2012, 10:57 PM
Remember, the banks were forced to make these loans during the late 90's/early 00's. Then, in the last few years, DC is wanting to punish banks for this terrible act they imposed on the banks. The borrower saw that thir monthly payment will be $XXX.xx per month and is also guilty. No one put a gun to their head and said, "buy a house NOW." Sadly, the people who are actually being responsible, struggling and paying their bills are the ones who will end up carrying the brunt of this. No forgiveness to them.

And this crap about California using eminent domain to seize underwater homes then allowing the home owners to slide or refinance, and banks are SOL? Commi crap. Really. Stalin's own tactics. Do we want this in America?

Now we got the same bozos interjecting in to our health care. They have failed everything else in epic proportions.

That's the truly sad part, the banks were FORCED to do this by leftist government, then leftist government BLAMED THEM. Too many in this country have been spoon fed that communism/socialism is a wonderful structure. All they have to do is look at europe's coming collapse (socialism) and the conditions in n. korea and cuba as well as the former ussr to understand that that's the future for ALL who practice them.

07-17-2012, 04:39 AM
That's the truly sad part, the banks were FORCED to do this by leftist government, then leftist government BLAMED THEM. Too many in this country have been spoon fed that communism/socialism is a wonderful structure. All they have to do is look at europe's coming collapse (socialism) and the conditions in n. korea and cuba as well as the former ussr to understand that that's the future for ALL who practice them.

What? Your watching too much Faux news. By the way Europe is collapsing due to austerity, the the same medicine the conservatives are trying to serve up.

les strat
07-17-2012, 07:57 AM
Socialism/communism always = FAIL. Potluck doesn't work when half or more of folks don't bring a dish. Everyone starves. IMO, people who show up with nothing don't eat, and those who did are reluctant to share. You do not want the government taking care of you. They can then always chose not to. If you make the poor comfy, they will stay there. That's all these socialist programs do.

Please read Star Parker's Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What You Can Do About It.... written by a black woman who has lived both sides of the government-created prison of government dependency and debt.

les strat
07-17-2012, 08:07 AM
What? Your watching too much Faux news. By the way Europe is collapsing due to austerity, the the same medicine the conservatives are trying to serve up.

Yeah, make sure to always get the latest audio-manipulated truth from MSNBC... a real news channel :rolleyes:

They define the word "faux"

07-17-2012, 09:18 AM
Faux = false or fake

Chief Joseph
07-17-2012, 11:11 AM
What? Your watching too much Faux news. By the way Europe is collapsing due to austerity, the the same medicine the conservatives are trying to serve up.

That's just so funny it's sad. Fox news didn't tell me that, watching it happen and PAYING attention did. In fact I even called it. When gas hit that 4/gallon the first time and my neighbors just paid 250k for the house next door, I knew what was coming. So did the Republicans in 2005, they tried to stop it and who stopped them? Saying the loans were sound? That's right, barney frank and his democrat buds. And all austerity is doing is SLOWING the coming collapse. You want proof? Look at Wisconsin with Scott Walker. He's turned that formerly collapsing socialist cesspool around. But we all know, commie/socialists are all in, ready to go down with the ship.

07-17-2012, 07:15 PM
By the way Europe is collapsing due to austerity,


07-17-2012, 07:16 PM
But we all know, commie/socialists are all in, ready to go down with the ship.


les strat
07-17-2012, 08:53 PM
Faux = false or fake

Yes, it does, and is better applied to CNBC with all their audio manipulation that finished killing their credibility. They define the word.

07-17-2012, 09:17 PM
Yes, it does, and is better applied to CNBC with all their audio manipulation that finished killing their credibility. They define the word.

I think you mean MSNBC. CNBC is the capitalist business pro free market, anti-big government network (I watch it daily) ;)

les strat
07-18-2012, 07:36 AM
You are correct sir!