View Full Version : new cw9 range report

07-14-2012, 02:51 PM
Hi Guys

I'm new here. I just got a brand new CW9 and finally got to shoot it this morning. I was concerned about the break in period and being able to chamber a round by racking the slide(slingshot method I guess). I carry condition 3 which alot of you don't approve of , but its what I'm comfortable with and I can get the gun in operation very quickily. I prepped it as per what was reccomended and racked the slide at least 100 times before I took her to the range. I brought a box of factory and a box of my reloads(berrys 115 gr rn over AA#5)

Started with factory loads, loaded as per manual ,7 rounds with the slide locked back and then released by the slide stop. Shot 50 rounds without a hiccup and kept them on a paper plate at 10yds. (did a few soda bootles just for fun)

Switched to my reloads. loaded full mag on a closed slide. Racked slide all the way back and then released. Chambered no problem. Did that for all 50 rounds, 7 at a time. Slide was getting easier to work.

Overall I'm very happy, great pistol, my first Kahr. Worked as I intended with no issues. Looking forward to contributing to this forum and getting to know some of you.

07-14-2012, 03:26 PM
Welcome. That's a good range report and your CW9 is a very fine gun.

07-14-2012, 03:40 PM
damn nice report, so expected of the cw9 though. Thsoe damn guns just work...

07-14-2012, 05:14 PM
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new Kahr. After you get to know the Kahr is safe, I hope you'll reconsider carrying without a round in the chamber.

Most problems we see are failures to feed which can be attributed to improper hand racking. There are many scenarios where you won't have two hands to rack your pistol... and in the heat of battle with the adrenaline rush and accompanying loss of fine motor skills, all kinds of things can go wrong. Your pistol is just a club if you can't draw and fire it with one hand, because you're counting on everything going your way and having the extra time and the use of both hands to actually LOAD your pistol.

I carry with one in the chamber and I top off the magazine and make sure the rounds are fully to the rear. I can depend on at least two shots that way. It could be the difference between life and death for you and your loved ones. Racking a gun is a distinctive sound, too, and will attract attention to you... like in the arcade game Whack-a-Mole.

I know there are a lot of guys just dying to jump in with much the same opinion and I hope they don't and turn you off to our forum, so please just take this in a positive manner as helpful advice. People who think about carrying with an empty chamber don't usually think about all of the possibilities and things not going as they had hoped in stressful situations.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy being apart of our community.


07-14-2012, 05:55 PM
in time he will get more confidence in himself and the guns reliabliity and safety factor. wyn is right but again, until u know it is right, do as u see fit..

07-14-2012, 05:56 PM
Wynn said it well. I'll only add that these Kahrs with the extra LONG trigger stroke are designed to be safe when carried with one in the chamber. The striker is mostly uncocked until that trigger is pulled back, plus there is a trigger safety. So the gun will not go off when dropped or jarred. Not only so, but the trigger pull is 6-7 lbs and the gun weighs < 1.5 lb loaded. So you can point it at the ground and pick it up using the trigger alone and it will not go off. (Don't do this with a loaded gun. Just sayin'...)

Carry the gun in a good holster that shields the trigger. Learn to keep your trigger finger out of the trigger guard when drawing and handling the gun, keeping it out strait, parallel to the slide. Only put your finger on the trigger when you have the gun pointed at a target and you intend to shoot.

07-19-2012, 11:13 PM
Yeah I carry with one in. i don't ever take it out in a draw situation while on the trigger, but at first was hesitant to carry with one in the chamber.
Then I thought about the extra time, and the sound.