View Full Version : New CM40 won't eject unfired round

07-15-2012, 08:08 PM
Hello all,

I'm a new member, and new Kahr owner. I picked up a new CM40 yesterday and fired a few rounds today with success.

The only issue thus far is a failure to eject a unfired round. When trying to clear the chamber of a unfired round, the nose of the bullet will bind and lodge. SOMETIMES using a great deal of force when racking the slide back, it will come out. Sometimes it will bind. When it binds, I have to hold the slide, and push the round back into the chamber, then try again.

It tears the he11 out of the brass, too.

I was shooting Winchester white box FMJs and JHPs. That's all I have tried thus far.

Earlier today, I couldn't get the round out for anything, so I had to fire the gun. It ejects spent cases just fine.

I did a little research online and found other Kahr models have had this issue, but haven't found anything about the CM40. I'm curious what the fix is, if there is one.

07-15-2012, 08:39 PM
I'm guessing you know all too well exactly where the nose of the bullet it hitting the slide and wedging.

That's the point where you could file or grind a few thousandths of an inch of metal away to provide the needed clearance to let the rounds out gracefully.

Alternatively, you can stick the ammo with a shorter over all length.

Also, you can contact Kahr and ask them to make the clearance you need.

A picture in an email should convince them to help.

Ask them to provide a prepaid shipping label as well.

Email: service@kahr.com Phone: (508)795-3919

07-15-2012, 09:18 PM
A short amount of time with metal file will fix your problem without having to send it to Kahr. My trouble was with 155 gr Rangers hp bullets. I purchased the ported barrel for the CW40, and they have that whole area rounded off to eliminate the problem, so removing a little material to allow the unfired rounds to eject should cause no safety concerns.