View Full Version : K40 felt great!

07-16-2012, 07:46 PM
After trading a CM9 for a P9 at my LGS yesterday (already have a PM9 and wanted a place for my pinky), I noticed they had a new K40 under the glass. Got this gun in my hot little - actually size large - hands and it felt great! I liked the shape and feel of the rubber grip, the trigger finger reach, the heft, balance and look of the all steel frame. Just had that made-for-my-hand feel...know what I mean?

I'd consider getting one, but I don't shoot .40. just 9mm and .45. So that means a K9, but I've never had one in my hands. I've gone through the specs on the Kahr site and can see that the K9 is understandably slightly smaller than the K40. But the numbers can only tell you so much.

K9's are rare, so it's unlikely I'll be able to fondle or shoot one anytime soon. So here's my question for those that have held, fired or owned both a K9 and a K40: is there a difference in how the guns feel in your hands? I know they will shoot differently, I'd expect that. If a K40 feels natural, would a K9 feel about the same?

07-16-2012, 07:55 PM
I've got a P40 and a K9. They both feel great, but the K9 has those great rubber grips that make it perfect. The K9 just seems to be a perfect size and a natural pointer. I have Laser Grips on mine now and they are almost hard plastic... not the same feel.

I bought the P40 because it was Mag-na-ported and I had been looking to get a K40 and get a ported barrel for it, but then I had a chance to buy the ported P40 for a decent price. The K's and P's are just right, size-wise, and the P is better to carry for me... lighter. I never carry the K9. It's one of my pre-positioned home defense pistols.


07-16-2012, 08:07 PM
You can get an NYPD Trade in K9 for about $400 at Aim Surplus (http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F1KAHRK9&name=KAHR+Arms+K9+SS+9mm+Pistol&groupid=3)
They're sold out right now but get them in all the time.

07-17-2012, 05:28 PM
Thanks, guys. "Natural pointer" is what I thought when I sighted down the K40...all part of that just right feel. I'm on the notify list for a K9 at AIM and will poke around the web looking for that standout buy. No rush, but if one pops up locally, I'm there!

07-17-2012, 06:38 PM
After trading a CM9 for a P9 at my LGS yesterday (already have a PM9 and wanted a place for my pinky), I noticed they had a new K40 under the glass. Got this gun in my hot little - actually size large - hands and it felt great! I liked the shape and feel of the rubber grip, the trigger finger reach, the heft, balance and look of the all steel frame. Just had that made-for-my-hand feel...know what I mean?

I'd consider getting one, but I don't shoot .40. just 9mm and .45. So that means a K9, but I've never had one in my hands. I've gone through the specs on the Kahr site and can see that the K9 is understandably slightly smaller than the K40. But the numbers can only tell you so much.

K9's are rare, so it's unlikely I'll be able to fondle or shoot one anytime soon. So here's my question for those that have held, fired or owned both a K9 and a K40: is there a difference in how the guns feel in your hands? I know they will shoot differently, I'd expect that. If a K40 feels natural, would a K9 feel about the same?
enough difference to really matter,util the bang thinghappens. then u will know if u have a 40 cal or a 9mm. Just sayin:behindsofa:

07-19-2012, 07:17 AM
I love how my K40 feels, though I did put the smooth wood grips on it. The grips mean that you get a little more recoil, but since they are a little wider across the rear where it meets your hand it is spread out a little more.