View Full Version : thoughts on this video

07-17-2012, 01:21 PM
While Front Sight makes some points using this video, I think that going against 3 guys with AKs against my me and my P40 is not going to go well for me. IOW you probably are gonna die in this senario. It looks like the guy in the store was seeing it coming but you cannot be sure what he was looking at.


07-17-2012, 02:18 PM
very easy to pick a video apart after the fact. If it is ur time it is ur time. What about the gal that was just acustomer looking in the show case??? I guess she did wrong to. Hindsight is alwaqys 20-20.

07-17-2012, 02:42 PM
Really has to make you wonder if he would have just let it go down as a robbery and not went for the gun things might have turned out completely different for all concerned. Poor girl took one in the middle of her lower back.

07-17-2012, 02:45 PM
I don't know what Color Code that was suppose to be but to me it looked like a truck load of ch!t hitting a turbo prop...The only way to have been ready for that deal was to be behind cover with a pump shotgun and even then with 3 guys shooting AK's it still wouldn't have been an even fight and it's also very hard to shop from behind cover while watching the door...

Sometimes there's nothing you can do when yo time is up but to be ready with the big guy upstairs whom you are about to meet...

07-17-2012, 02:49 PM
I don't know what Color Code that was suppose to be but to me it looked like a truck load of ch!t hitting a turbo prop...The only way to have been ready for that deal was to be behind cover with a pump shotgun and even then with 3 guys shooting AK's it still wouldn't have been an even fight and it's also very hard to shop from behind cover while watching the door...

Sometimes there's nothing you can do when yo time is up but to be ready with the big guy upstairs whom you are about to meet...

my point exactly. Cover? From an AK round? There wasnt any that I could see.

07-17-2012, 02:58 PM
HINDSIGHT!! yup works everytime.

07-17-2012, 07:22 PM
Just my very humble opinion, that isn't the best video to post for a sight wanting to find people to learn how to protect themselves. Pretty much an ambush that was set up from the get go. To hell with collaterall damage from the BG's.

Not alot a person can do there, other than not shop where the BG's knew you were heading. And that opens a whole other can of worms. If you have BG's after you like that guy did, attending a couple of classes to know some color code isn't going to help you in the least.

A full security force will.

07-17-2012, 09:05 PM
Just my very humble opinion, that isn't the best video to post for a sight wanting to find people to learn how to protect themselves. Pretty much an ambush that was set up from the get go. To hell with collaterall damage from the BG's.

Not alot a person can do there, other than not shop where the BG's knew you were heading. And that opens a whole other can of worms. If you have BG's after you like that guy did, attending a couple of classes to know some color code isn't going to help you in the least.

A full security force will.
That's an astute observation, it was indeed an ambush/hit/assassination. Here's the story: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-monterrey7-2008dec07,0,5447755.story
Three different security cameras recorded the murders: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHZGOSxfwgk

07-18-2012, 12:30 AM
This is absolutely a terrible video, tough to watch after it sinks in what happened. Ugh. I'm sick.

But agree, not much you could have done here. Nobody is gonna get enough front-sight training to have done much good there. Yea, aware of your surroundings, ready to act. But that was multiple guys, running, gang...ready to shoot to begin with. Not a single thug trying to rob a jewelry store or mug someone. You'd have to be expecting minutes ahead of time to have done any good.

Love some of the dumb*** comments on the youtube link. Especially the legalize drugs to stop the violence crap. Legalize drugs, don't legalize drugs, I don't really care. But it's not gonna stop violent crime. Violent crime exists to make money. Once you legalize drugs, real companies will produce it, individuals will produce it or grow it. Yes, it'll maybe elliminate the illegal drug trade and drug running. But what do you think those criminals that don't want to work a job (i.e. once you take their market away and they are no longer needed for supply). They are gonna find something else to do to make money, and the violence will continue. Kidnapping for ransom, forced prostitution, child labor. Then what, legalize forced prostitution, child molestation, child labor, holding people for ransom? Legalizing drugs is fine by me (the libertarian in me) but just know that all it's going to do is keep the USERS out of jail.

Sorry...got a little spun up there...back to your regular programming.