View Full Version : End Run around 2nd amendment coming soon.

07-17-2012, 02:58 PM
This video sums it up pretty well. The UN small arms treaty will be signed shortly, and will effectively gut the 2nd amendment, until we get a president that will renounce the treaty.

See video HERE (http://www.dickmorris.com/hillarys-end-run-on-gun-control-****-morris-tv-lunch-alert/?utm_source=dmreports&utm_medium=dmreports&utm_campaign=dmreports)

Frak, the stupid word censor is editing out part of the URL.
I'll see if I can download it and put it up under another name.

07-17-2012, 03:22 PM
You can click on the video link at http://kartalk.pccomps.com/morris.htm

07-17-2012, 06:29 PM
I'm not going to enter the twilight zone today.. Nuff said.

07-17-2012, 07:04 PM
That's great CrabbyAzz, wish you'd do that more often.

07-17-2012, 08:06 PM
I knew Obama and his crew would find a way around congress!!!! He's done it for the last
three and a half years.

les strat
07-17-2012, 08:46 PM
I'm not going to enter the twilight zone today.. Nuff said.

Really, what is your reasoning for pretending this UN Treaty does not exist. Please don't constantly denounce other's posts, links and video unless you can do more than just blow it off as fake because that's what you want others to believe. You do this on every RKBA thread, and they get shut down. That sux for those of us who want to explore the topic.

This treaty is real and can have serious implications tied with it concerning the sale and ownership of small arms as well. This is a 2A RKBA related topic and VERY serious. It deserves to be up and stay up. Crabby, it really ends up sounding like you are spewing straight out of the Progressive Bluebook (a real book that encourages libs to repeat their banter repetitiously until all believe they are right.)

Not working on a gun forum. Back it up this time.

07-17-2012, 10:53 PM
+1 les strat
Serious topic deserves some discussion.

07-17-2012, 11:10 PM
+2 les strat

folks that are calling bunk on this are not looking at the bigger picture or they are more interested in furthering their candidates position to the point that they do not, will not, or are denying it's possible that this could turn sour. it's pretty easy to argue that because the treaty doesn't directly indicate private gun ownership is not affected, it must be stupid gun people overreacting. so they argue that point. in the end, it would be very easy to enforce the treaty, as it's worded, to allow the UN to deal a blow to any firearms imported into this country. there goes your XD/XDm, Walthers, maybe some Glocks, maybe some Sigs. Could also be used to deal a financial blow to US companies exporting elsewhere. Want to leave it to the UN to decide that, give up our own laws, sovereignty, and Constitution, more power to you to wage that war I guess...but don't call the rest of us kooks for fighting this tooth and nail.

If you support this treaty, this UN process, you are dealing a blow to the 2A.

Don't forget, the Bill of Rights are only there because some folks didn't trust the government to not step on us. Those rights are not given by the Constitution, we already have them. The listing is there to tell the GOVERNMENT what they cannot do. I think this treaty MORE than fits that definition.

07-18-2012, 12:27 AM
Hey guys, don't give CrabbyAzz a reason to get started, just leave him alone so we don't have to hear his comments.

07-18-2012, 07:41 AM
I don't expect the Senate to ratify the treaty. I believe without doing that, the treaty is DOA as far as the United States is concerned. Of course it could bring an end to all foreign imports if they cannot leave their country of origin. Goodbye Saigas, Veprs, Russian ammo, and a wide range of European sporting arms.

07-18-2012, 10:03 AM
I don't expect the Senate to ratify the treaty. I believe without doing that, the treaty is DOA as far as the United States is concerned. Of course it could bring an end to all foreign imports if they cannot leave their country of origin. Goodbye Saigas, Veprs, Russian ammo, and a wide range of European sporting arms.

I wouldn't put it past Obama and Holder to bypass the legislative branch and do it by presidential decree, though.

Not only so, but it seriously looks like something is getting ready to ignite regarding Iran in the Middle East. Israel, America, NATO, Iran, Syria and Russia are moving ships, troops and weaponry into position as we speak. Not only so, but with war in the Middle East, Obama could use the Homeland Security legislation passed in the last few years to declare martial law and become an outright dictator, cancelling the elections and every right we thought we had. And again, I wouldn't put any of this past him.

07-18-2012, 01:52 PM
The part I don't like is it being in effect until the Senate votes on it. If they delay voting on it, it could be enforce until the Rebublicans gain control of the house or Obama is defeated in the next election. I think that if he declares Martial Law and tries to stop the elections that all hell is going to break loose. I think the majority of the people have had enough of his crap, and maybe the rest will come to their senses and see what monstrosity they voted for. The time may come when the tree of liberty will be replenished with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Does anyone else wonder if this is how it felt to live in Germany in the 1930's?

07-18-2012, 03:09 PM
I fear we are headed in that direction. At some point Patriotic, Constitution loving Americans must draw a line in the sand and declare "ENOUGH!" I'm nearly at that point.

Longitude Zero
07-18-2012, 03:51 PM
I wouldn't put it past Obama and Holder to bypass the legislative branch and do it by presidential decree, though.

They might think about it but it won't happen this way at all.

07-18-2012, 05:47 PM
I fear we are headed in that direction. At some point Patriotic, Constitution loving Americans must draw a line in the sand and declare "ENOUGH!" I'm nearly at that point.

I was there over 3 years ago.

07-18-2012, 07:00 PM
can we just get out of or disband the UN already?

07-18-2012, 07:20 PM
can we just get out of or disband the UN already?

Show me the polititian with the guts to do that and I will vote for him for president! Even Ronald Reagan wasn't that brave. But dang! They just appointed Iran to some human rights oversight position! Why do we keep putting up with this ridiculous organization? You know, I wonder what Ron paul thinks about the U.N.?

Chief Joseph
07-19-2012, 01:36 AM
can we just get out of or disband the UN already?

That will not happen so long as any democrat or progressive R has any power in this country anywhere. Tea Party people, our only saviors.

07-19-2012, 10:39 PM
that's a scary thought

i agree about ron paul's position...