View Full Version : Hannity Interviews Zimmerman

07-18-2012, 07:24 PM
On Fox News tonight @ 9PM.

07-19-2012, 10:11 PM
I read the script from that show or might have been Hannity. It sure put a different light on the story, if Zimmerman is tellin' the truth!

07-19-2012, 10:20 PM
It was God's will to kill that kid. Why didn't he tell us that
in the first place.

07-19-2012, 11:31 PM
It was God's will to kill that kid. Why didn't he tell us that
in the first place.

You weren't there. You don't know Zimmerman. You don't know Martin. You don't know what happened.

07-19-2012, 11:54 PM
I saw part of the interview. It was apparent his lawyer had coached him. His answers were very precise.

07-20-2012, 12:40 AM
I have a Facebook account that I play some games on, and unfortunatly have ended up with a bunch a libtard "friends" for the games. They sure had their panties in a knot this morning, ready to lynch Z. My only comment was, what about the 100's of black on black murders since then, where is the outrage over that? Many of these "highly educated" libs still thought that Z was 100% white. It was rather comical to watch them fall all over themselves to see who could insult Z, rebublicans, conservatives, white people (were all racist by the way if we aren't democrat) in general, in the most foulest way possible. No cursewords were left unused, and of course they were ready to lynch Z without any trial, just on the word of the usual race baiters, Rev. Al, and Jesse Jr, New Black Panthers, MSNBC, etc. Z using the word God really drove them into a frenzy. I spent a half hour or so reading their trash before I had to stop, I was laughing so hard at their foolishness. You have to have a good sense of humour and consider the source, or else you'll get caught in their trap of trying to talk some sense into them, at which point you will be bombarded with the most ridiculous and foul statements and arguments possible. I think I may have the whole MSNBC audience on that accounts friends list. The sad thing is these people believe their bs and vote accordingly.

07-20-2012, 04:28 AM
I saw part of the interview. It was apparent his lawyer had coached him. His answers were very precise.

was well coached. I don't blame his lawyer one bit. I think they did this interview to at least put out their sidee to, as the news media and the prosecutor just keeps releasing info that has no bearing on the case but makes zimmerman look bad in the eyes of the people. I think the proseuctor knows he has no case to win with 2nd degree murder charges and is trying this in the public eyes instead of the court system which eventually wilfree this man. Just rememer.

Shootngs invovling white on white, IS OK

shootings involving black on blacks.IS OK

Shooting invovling blacks on whites. IT IS OK

Shootings involving whites on blacks. IT IS RACISM.

The top three YOU WILL NEVER SEE Rev.Al or Jesse parading and pandering to the crowd. NEVER.

07-20-2012, 04:50 AM
You weren't there. You don't know Zimmerman. You don't know Martin. You don't know what happened.

Zimmerman said it was Gods will. That makes it OK....

07-20-2012, 05:20 AM
You weren't there. You don't know Zimmerman. You don't know Martin. You don't know what happened.

Zimmerman said it was Gods will. That makes it OK.... Why are we still fussing about this.

07-20-2012, 05:45 AM

07-20-2012, 06:07 AM
A brilliant method to testify without having to go on the stand. His lawyer deserves a bonus.

07-20-2012, 04:40 PM
Interview? I am not a lawyer so I don't know but the way I hear it, the prosecution will use that interview against Zimmerman. We will have to wait and see all that comes out. I just wonder if Zimmerman would have acted the same without the Kel-Tec.

07-20-2012, 06:10 PM
Zimmerman said it was Gods will. That makes it OK....

God's will be done, Crabbyazz. If you don't believe in God call it fate. That's all that Zimmerman was saying. Fate brought them together. If he hadn't been attacked he wouldn't have been forced to shoot. The facts speak for themselves.

07-20-2012, 06:12 PM
Interview? I am not a lawyer so I don't know but the way I hear it, the prosecution will use that interview against Zimmerman. We will have to wait and see all that comes out. I just wonder if Zimmerman would have acted the same without the Kel-Tec.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in court.

07-20-2012, 06:39 PM
Zimmerman had broken nose, lacerations to the back of his head, grass stains on the back of his jacket. Travon had cuts on his knuckles. An eye witness saw Travon on top of Zimmerman and heard Zimmermen screaming for help. In fear for his life Zimmerman fired one shot.

07-20-2012, 07:20 PM
Zimmerman had broken nose, lacerations to the back of his head, grass stains on the back of his jacket. Travon had cuts on his knuckles. An eye witness saw Travon on top of Zimmerman and heard Zimmermen screaming for help. In fear for his life Zimmerman fired one shot.

Not only so, but the boy told him he was going to die there, then went for Z's gun.

07-20-2012, 07:37 PM
God's will be done, Crabbyazz. If you don't believe in God call it fate. That's all that Zimmerman was saying. Fate brought them together. If he hadn't been attacked he wouldn't have been forced to shoot. The facts speak for themselves.

Or if he hadn't hunted the kid down, he wouldn't have gotten attacked. Hmmm. Food for thought.

07-20-2012, 07:39 PM
It amazes me that many people refer to Martin as a little teenage boy. I heard a woman discussing this on TV the other day who couldn't understand how this grown man could claim that this young boy could beat him or threaten his life. I am sure that she based this on the old photos of Martin shown by most of the media. The reality is that Martin was 6ft 2inches tall and Zimmerman is about 5ft 8 inches tall. Martin was far and away bigger and strong enough to overpower Zimmerman. I suspect that a different picture of who Martin was will emerge from the trial.

07-20-2012, 10:19 PM
Or if he hadn't hunted the kid down, he wouldn't have gotten attacked. Hmmm. Food for thought.

Wasn't a kid. Wasn't hunted down. That's not true. If you used facts instead of inflammatory statements, you'd probably get further in your discussions. A civil discussion is always welcome on this forum. But your tone and your choice of words are not even in that ballpark.

07-20-2012, 11:35 PM
how have you guys not caught on yet..... the only reason crabby sticks around is to stir the pot on anything he/she can.... i dont know how you guys havent figured it out, but i learned very quickly after he/she showed up to just ignore any of his/her comments

just my .02

07-21-2012, 02:26 AM
This would have all blown over by now, except that Rev. Al saw dollar signs,and sent a copy of the article to some anti gun rag in England, which made a big deal out of it, and not to be out done, the US press stumbled all overthemselves to pick up the story and sensationalize it and give Rev. Al exactly what he wanted, a circumstance where he could race bait, and stir things up to a fever pitch, and of course his partner in crime Jesse Jr. had to get involved, along with the New Black Panther party and who knows who all else. I respect the several black leaders that have pointed at Rev. Al and Jesse Jr, and pointed them out as a couple of vultures circling the carcass of Martin, in order to gain as much political and monetary advantage as they could from this unfortunate incident. I find it particularly unseemly that that Martin's parents have trademarked some popular phrases used in connection with the incident, making it look as if they too want to profit from it. I also would like to see how much this uproar would have continued if they had started referring to Martin under his Facebook name of No-Limit-N word, ending in "A" instead of "ER" (Martin's words not mine), and shown the photo's there where he's dressed up gangsta syle, and looking much more thuggish, than in the photos we've all seen of him as a young teen. Also, Martin's parents were pressing for an arrest since they couldn't launch civil suits unless an arrest was made, and the policitical opportunist state AG was all too happy to cooperate and have him arrested. I think she is playing both sides of the deck, since she filed 2nd degree murder charges, which will be very hard to prove, instead of manslaughter charges which would have a higher chance of success. This is seeming to me less and less about justice, and more and more about who can gain polictically and monetarily.
As captain of the neighborhood watch, it was Z's duty to keep an eye on any suspicious people he saw in the community, which had suffered a rash of break ins, and he was just doing his duty, and was even heading back to his car after losing track of Martin, when Martin approached him and punched him in the nose, and started the process that ended his life. Of course there is a large segment of society that has already tried Z and found him guilty of murder, based on the biased media reports, and If he's found not guilty at his trial, I expect cities to burn from coast to coast. Already in a couple large cities not too far from me, a white lady was stabbed by a black, and a kid was set on fire by two blacks, who all made statements to the effect that "This is for Trayvon". Of course there was no outrage over these incidents, just small stories in the local newspapers. Also I've read stories of CC permit holders, not using their weapons against black muggers because they were afraid of being demonized the way Z was, and just handing over there wallets and stuff.
I guess I sympathize with Z, since I did armed patrols on the weekends at the apartment complex I lived in, with the managers approval. A bar had opened right next door, and people were reporting cars being broke into and stuff. I was armed, had a good flashlight, and my cell phone handy. Luckily, the only incidents were some younger people outside passed out in the grass border between the buildings, or getting sick. And I offered them what aid I could, which was usually declined. I did make sure I made a little noise, and shined my flashlight beam around as I was making my rounds, so people would have time to stop what they were doing and get back to their cars. I wanted to avoid a confrontation with a thief, and it seems I was successful in that.

07-21-2012, 04:00 AM
how have you guys not caught on yet..... the only reason crabby sticks around is to stir the pot on anything he/she can.... i dont know how you guys havent figured it out, but i learned very quickly after he/she showed up to just ignore any of his/her comments

just my .02


07-21-2012, 07:00 AM
Nobody except the people that were there know what happened for sure. It may have been justified, it may not have been. I'm confident to let due process run its course. What does concern me however is that several militant blank groups were making threats and inciting violence and no one in the government condemned then. If he does get acquitted it will be Rodney King all over again. I dont know if anyone is familiar with this but there were some gruesome black on white murders in Knoxville a few years ago and it got very little national attention (they were eventually convicted and sent to jail BTW). What do you think would have happened if a militant white group made threats or "demanded justice"? It's the double standard that drives me nuts. There are several groups (including the media) that seem to try to encourage racial discord instead of trying to promote unity. Just my 2 cents.

07-21-2012, 09:30 AM
I'm confident to let due process run its course

The problem is, our system is deeply flawed. Politics and gross judicial incompetence, along with Nyfong like prosecutorial excess are at work here. What justice do you expect when the "process" starts from such a miserable beginning? Add to this horrible mix of misconduct, the media driven racial element, and you have what one can only describe as a legal disaster. There will not, nor can there be any form of justice that arises from this heap of stinking excrement you generously called "due process". Zimmerman is screwed no matter what happens in the future. I feel for the man and his family.

07-22-2012, 08:16 PM
Or if he hadn't hunted the kid down, he wouldn't have gotten attacked. Hmmm. Food for thought.

Zimmerman didn't hunt Travon down. Zimmerman did what any concerned member of a neighborhood watch does. He observed someone acting suspiciously and reported his observations to the police. When the police told Zimmerman that it wasn't necessary for him to follow Travon he stopped. If Travon hadn't attacked and assaulted Zimmerman he'd still be alive today.

07-24-2012, 07:35 PM
