View Full Version : Free Cell Phones!
07-19-2012, 01:16 PM
And they will soon be providing your health care -- kind of a scary thought isn't it?
Check your Cell phone bill at the bottom...
Get to the barf bags after watching this little honey!
07-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Another waste of my money. Awesome. Lady in the video should be charged with 30 counts of fraud / theft.
07-19-2012, 01:39 PM
Another waste of my money. Awesome. Lady in the video should be charged with 30 counts of fraud / theft.
She's Entitled being an Afro-American. Who's gonna arrest that poor depraved girl? Are you insensitive?
What a joke! Hoarding those free phones, That was worth a bag of crack!
07-19-2012, 01:40 PM
And she is proud of it.
les strat
07-19-2012, 01:44 PM
07-19-2012, 01:46 PM
Here ya go!
07-19-2012, 03:09 PM
Aren't the progressive democrats on this board going to defend this practice, or will they just blame Bush?
07-19-2012, 04:16 PM
Hope and change. We hope they can count out our change because after paying for the dead weight thats all we have left.
07-19-2012, 04:55 PM
Actually it was enacted during the Reagan administration.*********.asp
Longitude Zero
07-19-2012, 04:57 PM
If you choose to not work and provide for yourself when able to do so you deserve to starve in a box in the gutter. The "G" should provide these scofflaws with nothing.
07-19-2012, 05:26 PM
Oh I see, now it's Reagan's fault that little be-otch is a stone cold thief...:rolleyes:
07-19-2012, 05:29 PM
Get the duct tape out and wrap your heads ,ready? If you sign someone up on this plan you get additional free minutes on a phone you never paid for or never will. It makes the worms in my head wiggle.
07-19-2012, 08:09 PM
Actually it was enacted during the Reagan administration.*********.asp
And Snope's is THE Authority!
07-19-2012, 08:41 PM
And Snope's is THE Authority!
Facts are facts.
Longitude Zero
07-19-2012, 08:55 PM
Anybody who gets all their facts or fact checking from only one source, such as SNOPES, is not really very intelligent or discriminating.
Multiple sources are the way to go. Sole source is the refuge of little/uneducated minds.
07-19-2012, 08:56 PM
OK, I'g going to get flamed here but since it will be the first time I've been flamed on this board, I'll take the risk that some might actually see where it makes sense. All of us who have landline service already have been contributing to the fund that pays for either LifeLine service or the equivalent wireless service. No way around it. If you have a landline, you are paying into the fund.
I personally was involved in setting up a dear friend with the SafeLink service. Here is her story. You make up your own mind if she deserves a little help.
Nancy is a single lady who was involved in a very major car crash about 15 years ago. Among other things, she broke her back. For several months, she wore a full torso cast and had a halo with 4 pins attached to her skull. Doctors told her she might not walk. She said, I will too!" Today she walks with quite a struggle. She could easily qualify for full disability through Social Security - but says, "Not as long as I can work!" She is a fantastic chef at a local cafe, making much less than she should - I believe about $11 an hour. Hours are long and hard - she opens some mornings, getting up at 3:00 AM. She has no health insurance but when she needs doctor or hospital care, she arranges payments and always takes care if the bill herself. She needed dental care so she made an arrangement with a local dentist to do "blocks" of work in her mouth, paying for one block before the dentist started the next. In about a month, she will have a missing front tooth replaced to give her a beautiful smile. She is raising her 12-year old grandson because mom is a flake. The boy is doing wonderfully.
After her accident, she started using pain medication on a regular basis to control the pain. Then she weaned herself off the narcotic painkillers and used pot on a fairly regular basis to relieve chronic pain. Eight years ago she decided she wanted to make a change in her life and joined a recovery program my wife and I lead. She has a stack of 30-day coins that show how many times she tried and failed. We never gave up on her. This very day she is celebrating 5 years of being clean and sober! For the last 4 1/2 years she has been going into the local county jail with us as an associate leader in our recovery program. Many women are encouraged to try again because of her story.
So, working hard to make a good life for her grandson and herself and with no disposable income and lots of legitimate expenses, I thought she would be an ideal candidate for a free cell phone to keep her safe on those 3 AM trips to the cafe. What do you think?
Longitude Zero
07-19-2012, 09:05 PM
southsound I could possibly be persuaded if and only if the cell phone could dial only one number 911. Regardless of her circumstances/suffering she is NOT entitled due to her past to have a phone at taxpayer expense with which she can call anybody except emergency services.
Longitude Zero
07-19-2012, 09:16 PM
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison
07-19-2012, 10:52 PM
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison
Pretty sure you have something there that we both agree with. But since our wonderful and benevolent government is already collecting the funds - and since no member of either party has proposed a bill to end the "contributions" would you rather have the money go to some pimp or crack 'ho so he/she can have a free iPhone or should it go to someone who is really trying to do the right thing and give her grandson (and a lot of folks who have made some mistakes and are now in lockup) a chance at a better life. My vote goes to the people like Nancy. In the famous words of another, Just Sayin...
07-20-2012, 12:09 AM
Southbound, I admire your friends desire to remain working and not accept disability. If free phones are going to be passed out, I'd rather see your friend get one, than someone crack ho or pimp or other lowlife abusing the system. I also admire her being substance free for 5 years, even though it took her quite few attempts.
There are so many people abusing the system, that I'm not going to be upset over a woman in her situation getting and using a free phone. After we get all the baby mamas and daddys off welfare, and working and paying taxes, and all the frauds off the disability programs, then maybe we'll revisit her phone situation. Otherwise, it seems kind of petty to be upset with her over a phone, particularly when she could be living off the government, collecting disablity, which even though she should probably qualify for, all the frauds have made it very hard for those that actually need it to receive until you're denied twice and hire a lawyer. I watched a friend who had a broken back and neck, and had so many restrictions placed on him by doctors that we couldn't find a job he was actually able to perform. He ended up applying for disability, which really was his only option, and it took him over 4 years, and hiring a lawyer to be awarded benefits, that he had paid into his entire working life. There are so many frauds applying for disability that it makes those who actually need it almost impossible to get it. I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard something on the radio that more people applied for disability, the last month they had figures for, than applied for jobs, and unemployment. Times are tough and jobs are scarce, and people are doing whatever they can to make ends meet. I've seen people too sick to work, lose their homes, and everything they own, because of the frauds clogging up the disability programs. Like this one jerk I know of that collects disability for a bad back. His pain is so severe, that he occasionaly has to take a loratab to control it. Meanwhile, he re-does interiors, pulls engines and rebuilds them, and otherwise gets cars ready to enter into car shows. When we get frauds like that off the system, then I'll worry about your friends phone.
07-20-2012, 12:31 AM
FYI: Any "old" cell phone (without any calling plan) can call 911.
Hey, as long as the program is there, I am glad GOOD and needy people are benefitting, BUT we really need to get rid of programs like this. They are a low priority at a time when we don't have the money to spend. We need to tighten our purse strings as a nation and be WISE with our spending. MAYBE the nations leaders felt we had the funds when this was started Craby... BUT it doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't stop it when we can't afford it!
I would prefer (whenever possible) non-government help for people in need. I'm sure a family member or friend or other NON-government organization could fulfill needs like these. The government by nature is NOT efficient at spending our money.
I am actually more right wing than that sounds above. What I wrote above was so the liberals can see a small ray of light in terms of sensibility and government fiscal responsibility with yours and my money!
07-20-2012, 07:06 AM
So typical. If it's for free and at someone elses expense it must be worth abusing...Right? God forbid we act like responsible and honest people.
07-20-2012, 08:12 AM
This one does not meet the RKBA test, so closing before tempers flare too much.
07-20-2012, 08:18 AM
Obama phone!!
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