View Full Version : newbie here lost guide rod nut

07-19-2012, 04:07 PM
Love my cm9 and after 150 rapid fire rounds at 7yds and 10yds today from the hip and noticed that the end cap was missing from the guide rod when I cleaned it. Got on new spring assembly on the way from Kahr. I dont know when it came off so my question is can I still shoot it until the new assembly gets here as I must have shot it with it missing? I have 900 flawless rounds on this little bull puppy. *thanks in advance for any reply*

07-19-2012, 04:30 PM
Not sure I would. I think if u have no desires to ever disassembly the new one you get, buy some of the green locktite. That is tthe type that you canput on and it seeps between the threads and locks FOREVER No need to take the nut off to relock it,. then u know it willbe there forever. Just sayin

The vendor that makies this recoil set up for kiahr sends them to kahr fully assebled and they are supposed to be lociked in with some kind of thread locker. Same thing with kahrs mags, they come fully assebled withthe mag spring in etc, Kahr does not take um apart o check to see if they are together right, as the vendor/maker is supposed to do his job correctly, But we have seen ore than one magazine come to a new owner with the mag springs in backwards, .. It neer huyrts to recheck what is easly "checkable".. assume nuttin.

07-19-2012, 05:23 PM
thanks Jocko-so what your sayin is just put the green locktite on with the nut in place and let it seep inside the nut and it will be good to go?

07-19-2012, 05:57 PM
thats how the green is made to work, it seepsin the threads,but it is one tuff locker to. no need IMO to replace that inner spring, replace the outter if u can buy u separtely or the entire unit if u have to buy it that way..

07-19-2012, 06:06 PM
Jocko probably has a spare recoil assembly, so he would not be tempted to shoot his pistol if the nut fell off the front.

However, the missing nut is not an issue, until it's time to take the gun apart. I ran my PM40 through a couple of range sessions, easily 200 rounds, and even carefully took it apart for cleaning between sessions, while waiting for a replacement assembly. No worries!

Yes, I have since purchased a spare and even ended up making a hardware store replacement nut round with my drill and a Dremel tool . . .
just because I can. ;)

07-20-2012, 03:27 PM
thanks tucson! I lived there for 15 yrs before moving here 4.5yrs ago. I miss everything but the summer heat! Anyway are you the one that put up the pictures of how to make your own here in the forum about a year ago? If so great work! I did a search here on this forum after I ordered the spring kit and have since gotten those 5/16 hexnuts and going to start with a drimmel soon to have some back-up.

07-20-2012, 04:12 PM
Nope! I did not post those instructions, but did do something pretty similar.

I think mine turned out a little smaller than the original but worked just fine.

The nut just has to hold things together and not bang up the opening in the front of the slide, hence my decision to err on the side of greater, rather than less, clearance.

By the way, any Loctite will work to keep your custom made nut tight.

Have fun! :)

07-20-2012, 05:12 PM
Green Permatex is even a tougher bond than the Loctite. Both of them use capillary action to infuse the threads of a screw or nut/bolt already assembled to make the bond pretty much permanent... not something to use on something you might want to separate later.


07-21-2012, 04:44 PM
this is par for kahr. this happened to my cm9 3 times.

07-21-2012, 05:33 PM
I made a post on making my own recoil assembly nut and I put some of that green Permatex Threadlocker on the homemade nut after I put it on the recoil assembly... THEN I decided that I should turn some more down and couldn't get the danged nut back off. It requires more torque or heat to break the bond than does the Loctite Green!

My post:

