View Full Version : I have a dream

07-19-2012, 04:30 PM
.. of a nation built on hard work, honesty,integrity,and personal responsibility. A nation where if you dont work and are able to we'll find you a job or you dont eat. Where $100,000 houses dont cost $300,000 and come with a waranty from the builder who built it. Where the punishment fits the crime, where you can stand your ground and defend whats yours without loseing all you have because the civil courts said your guilty after the criminal court finds you innocent. Hey that sounds like the nation we where a long time ago, what happened to us?

07-19-2012, 04:39 PM
.. of a nation built on hard work, honesty,integrity,and personal responsibility. A nation where if you dont work and are able to we'll find you a job or you dont eat. Where $100,000 houses dont cost $300,000 and come with a waranty from the builder who built it. Where the punishment fits the crime, where you can stand your ground and defend whats yours without loseing all you have because the civil courts said your guilty after the criminal court finds you innocent. Hey that sounds like the nation we where a long time ago, what happened to us?

It's an Obomanation.
We have been Hornswoggled I tell ya!

07-19-2012, 04:54 PM
Those fargin sneaky bastages!!!...

07-19-2012, 08:29 PM
Did the dream affect NY NJ CA MA MD And IL, too?

07-19-2012, 08:40 PM
I gave up all my sick time, and vacation time at work.

Fugettabouttit. I'm more content working, prospering, being productive, than sitting on my ass during vaction that I never took anyway.

Go figure.

My boss had a REAL HARD time trying to reconcile my personal belief. No sick, no vacation, no personal days... work, get paid. Prosper. Interesting and invaluable idea.

I also told 'em to shove the health plan up their rears. I'll take the money, negotiate with doctors, and pay for "major medical" myself, rather than take their cradle to grave mentality plan.

I am my own individual person - and proud of it.

07-20-2012, 06:35 AM
Oh Please do not get me started on living in upside down land. How anybody could possibly think by distributing wealth and giving people something for nothing is going to build a better and stronger and more productive nation is insanity. Hard to build or keep a productive nation when the people of the nation have no pride in themselves.
Sad to say but we really have lost our way, but it's not to suprising because we live in a time when it's all about me, and what I want and feel I'm intitled to, instead of it being all about us and what is better for the greater good and working hard to meet that goal. May God ( sorry if I'm not allowed to say God) have mercy on us all.
