View Full Version : Batman movie hysteria
07-20-2012, 05:59 AM
Well, some nut job has run into a movie house showing the new Batman flick, shooting the crowd up.
Pray for the victims and...
...Hang on for the wild ride in the media. :mad:
07-20-2012, 06:18 AM
A shooting at a screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado early today has left at least 14 people dead and at least 50 people injured, authorities confirmed.
Police now have apprehended a suspect who has been described as an adult male and have recovered a gun after the shooting at approximately 12:30 a.m. CT at the Century 16 Movie Theaters at the Aurora Town Center in the Denver suburb.
Witnesses said that the man appeared at the front of the theater with a rifle, handgun and gas mask. Witnesses said that he then threw a canister that released some kind of gas, after which a hissing sound ensued. The gunman then opened fire on the crowd packed into the early morning screening of the film, according to people in the theater at the time.
An explosive device was also found inside the theater. Police are unsure of whether the device, which investigators are calling a bomb, was already in place or whether it was thrown into the crowd.
Ambulances rushed to the scene as audience members fled the theater. Aurora's police chief said that he cannot elaborate on women or children injured or dead in the shooting.
Once apprehended the gunman told authorities that there were explosives in his North Aurora, Colo. residence. Investigators rushed to the apartment complex, which was quickly evacuated and now under lock down.
Though police have said that they believe the shooter was acting alone, they are now taking precautions and checking all cars in the parking lot and clearing near the theater.
There is believed to be no connection to Islamic terrorism, per a senior official monitoring the situation in Washington. Investigators are now interviewing friends and associates of the suspect to get a sense of the man's background.
07-20-2012, 07:48 AM
(CNN) -- The first witness accounts to surface from a deadly shooting in Aurora, Colorado, painted a surreal picture of what happened inside Theater 9 of the Century Aurora movie theater.
Several moviegoers said a man burst into the theater through an exit door near the right side of the movie screen. Dressed in all black, he wore a bulletproof vest and a riot or gas mask.
Trey Freeman, who was inside the theater, said he first thought the man might somehow be part of the show. The man threw a tear gas canister near where he was sitting, but the danger did not register with him until the canister exploded.
Then, without saying a word, the man threw a second gas canister, Freeman said in a YouTube video.
"He looked so calm when he did it. It was so scary," he said.
The man in black waited until both gas canisters exploded, Freeman said. Then he started shooting.
He shot into the air first and then turned his gun on the crowd, said Dante Harris, another witness who appeared in the video.
"I thought there was no way I was going to get out of there without getting shot," Freeman said.
At least 12 people were killed and another 38 were wounded during an early Friday morning screening of the new Batman movie.
Cell phone video taken outside the doors of the theater complex showed panicked moviegoers calling out for help or searching for friends.
One man can be seen walking out with assistance, the back of his shirt covered in blood. A woman examines her body as if checking for wounds.
Alex Milano told CNN affiliate KUSA that he was in the theater near where the shooting took place.
He also was watching "The Dark Knight Rises," and there was a shooting scene happening on screen.
"Loud bangs came from the right of the theater. Smoke took over the entire theater, and it was really thick, and no one could really see anything," he said.
Confused at first, Milano realized the severity of the incident when he witnessed "objects" starting to come through the wall, presumably bullets.
"I saw holes in the wall," he said.
Some people in his theater started moaning in pain, and alarms at the building started sounding.
Outside, Milano spoke with a woman who was inside Theater 9. What she heard "sounded like madness to me," he said.
The woman described a man, about 6 feet tall, who kicked in the door and wore a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and black goggles. The woman told Milano that she saw the shooter slowly making his way up the steps, firing.
One scene stuck in his head -- a police officer carrying a little girl in his arms. The girl wasn't moving.
07-20-2012, 08:16 AM
Are theaters in CO No-Gun Zones?? If so, how could this happen??
07-20-2012, 08:33 AM
I suspect they are. Our local theaters in Missouri are no-gun zones by policy of the parent company. This is likely a chain decision. Had someone (or several someones) been armed, the outcome would likely have been quite different. So very sad.
07-20-2012, 08:42 AM
I suspect they are. Our local theaters in Missouri are no-gun zones by policy of the parent company. This is likely a chain decision. Had someone (or several someones) been armed, the outcome would likely have been quite different. So very sad.
Some theaters here in Tampa FL have no gun policies.
It's just a policy and you all know how I feel about that.
I agree, if some folks were legally armed the amount of carnage would likely have been mitigated.
I'm hearing that even an infant was shot.
les strat
07-20-2012, 09:01 AM
Doesn't matter if it was a gun-free zone or not. Crazy people are gonna do what they are gonna do. Crazy doesn't obey signs.
07-20-2012, 10:09 AM
Doesn't matter if it was a gun-free zone or not. Crazy people are gonna do what they are gonna do. Crazy doesn't obey signs.
...but if this kind of thing is going to happen, I will carry well concealed anyway. I don't think they are going to have metal detectors or be frisking people. Of course, he was wearing a bullet-proof vest, so it would not have been easy to incapacitate him. At least he stood up front where you could shoot at him without endangering others.
07-20-2012, 10:32 AM
I am thinking it was not a vest, just some sort of load bearing gear. Typical reporters and witnesses would not know the difference. Still, a nearby shooter would have put him down either way.
07-20-2012, 10:50 AM
Sure would have been nice if a CCW person could have limited the damage. But we all know that the anti gun fanatics will just use this as one more excuse for gun control. When will these people get it!!!!
07-20-2012, 10:52 AM
I am thinking it was not a vest, just some sort of load bearing gear. Typical reporters and witnesses would not know the difference. Still, a nearby shooter would have put him down either way.
I think there's a common misconception that someone will stand like the Terminator taking gunfire with a vest on.
I don't think so.
Someone dressed like that I'm going to unload at the pelvis.
Chief Joseph
07-20-2012, 11:55 AM
Theaters here post a no firearms sign. I ignore it and carry anyway for this reason, although We'll only go to a movie about once a year, since it's way over priced and the movies are usually liberal crap, with liberal actors who can't keep their mouth shut. I expect the anti gun dems to come out in full force after this.
07-20-2012, 12:55 PM
I'm thinking that with a weeknight midnight premiere of a summer blockbuster action movie the audience may have been mostly students.
Mostly too young to have permits - signs or not.
Chief Joseph
07-20-2012, 02:46 PM
The usual losers. How any 2nd Amendment supporter could side with these scum is beyond me.
07-20-2012, 03:15 PM
I haven't been to a movie theater in years. Nothing that the leftist Hollywood elites produce interests me and I'm not about to contribute to their political causes. If just one person in that theater had returned fire the outcome may been far different. I totally ignore the free kill zones signs that are symbolized by a handgun with a diagonal line drawn through them as those signs are a violation my constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Longitude Zero
07-20-2012, 04:13 PM
In my state those signs are nothing more than "house rules". They can ask you to leave and you better comply or they can arrest you for tresspassing. However they must ask you to leave first.
Fortunatey as a LEO (Current or Retired) we are not covered by those signs.
les strat
07-20-2012, 04:22 PM
Just keep it concealed, and you're good to go.
That particular theater is indeed a "gun free zone".
The shooting was at at Century Aurora 16, located at 14300 E. Alameda Ave in Aurora. Until the web site gets taken down you can find them at: (
or in case they pull that later today you can also try: (
As you can see they are affiliated with the Cinemark Century Theaters chain.
Cinemark has a no firearms policy. A few examples of that can be found below: (
so the policy goes back at least as far as 2008.
Or more recently others today have been commenting on their policy, e.g.: (
Another example: (
Also, in a local Maryland gun forum, one of our participants posted the following very interesting story:
A friend of mine was in the theater and has a CCW. His new girlfriend asked him not to carry last night so he didn't. He is a retired Marine who has been shot at and tear gassed more than once and was willing to return fire but had no weapon. When I spoke to him this morning he stated he would never be unarmed again due to a girlfriend request and also is angry that he was put in a position where all he could do is crawl out of the theater to make his escape while shielding his girlfriend. He wishes he had is side arm with him so he could have at least made the guy react in some way and maybe not just spray the crowd. He figures even in a vest he could have slowed or even stopped the situation by hitting him in the chest with a few rounds of 45. We will never know but it could have turned out different. He and his girlfriend are safe and have completed the police interview at this point.
I hope he gets a new girlfriend...
07-20-2012, 05:00 PM
That particular theater is indeed a "gun free zone".
The shooting was at at Century Aurora 16, located at 14300 E. Alameda Ave in Aurora. Until the web site gets taken down you can find them at: (
or in case they pull that later today you can also try: (
As you can see they are affiliated with the Cinemark Century Theaters chain.
Cinemark has a no firearms policy. A few examples of that can be found below: (
so the policy goes back at least as far as 2008.
Or more recently others today have been commenting on their policy, e.g.: (
Another example: (
Also, in a local Maryland gun forum, one of our participants posted the following very interesting story:
I hope he gets a new girlfriend...
+1 No one is worth that. Find a new women. Why is she scared of a gun in her protectors control? Foolish fear of guns?
Some women have no idea of what danger they are constantly in. I have to keep reminding my wife and daughter to get out of their bubbles. When I am walking I know who is in front who is behind me and to the side. My wife looks straight ahead and even complains that I am always looking around too much. However, she wants me to be armed at all times and if she did not I would be anyway. I will gladly die to save her and she knows it.
07-20-2012, 05:34 PM
I hope he gets a new girlfriend...
I'm betting after literally being part of sheep for the slaughter
his current girlfriend is in the process of reevaluating her stance.
07-20-2012, 05:56 PM
Just goes to show you, idiots are everywhere. Why is movies a gun free zone?
07-20-2012, 06:00 PM
Just goes to show you, idiots are everywhere. Why is movies a gun free zone?
It's just store / company policy.
Not really a gun free zone legally, like a school or parts of an airport.
Worst case scenario they notice you're armed and ask you to leave.
I can live (literally) with that.
07-20-2012, 07:12 PM
+1 No one is worth that. Find a new women. Why is she scared of a gun in her protectors control? Foolish fear of guns?
Some women have no idea of what danger they are constantly in. I have to keep reminding my wife and daughter to get out of their bubbles. When I am walking I know who is in front who is behind me and to the side. My wife looks straight ahead and even complains that I am always looking around too much. However, she wants me to be armed at all times and if she did not I would be anyway. I will gladly die to save her and she knows it.
My niece and her husband are recent immigrants from Commiefornia. They permit me at times to go to their country estate to shoot my guns. I generally go around the mountain toward the garden and shoot with the mountain as my backdrop. The house is not visible from there. But neither one of them wants to be there at all when I am shooting! :confused:
07-20-2012, 07:51 PM
That particular theater is indeed a "gun free zone".
The shooting was at at Century Aurora 16, located at 14300 E. Alameda Ave in Aurora. Until the web site gets taken down you can find them at: (
or in case they pull that later today you can also try: (
As you can see they are affiliated with the Cinemark Century Theaters chain.
Cinemark has a no firearms policy. A few examples of that can be found below: (
so the policy goes back at least as far as 2008.
Or more recently others today have been commenting on their policy, e.g.: (
Another example: (
Also, in a local Maryland gun forum, one of our participants posted the following very interesting story:
I hope he gets a new girlfriend...
Good to hear from you, aray, it's been too long. Thanks for supplying the information about the theater. I agree with Barth, and would bet the girlfriend has changed her mind a bit after last night. Prayers for the family and friends of the dead and injured.
les strat
07-20-2012, 09:09 PM
CBS was soooo quick to mistakenly call him a Tea Party member. Turns out, he was a registered democrat and Odummy supporter, and a occupy idiot.
I have read and heard so much misinformation about the weapons by the lame stream media AND the LEO's involved. The cheif of police said he didn't know if it was full auto or SA, even though it came from Gander Mt :rolleyes: The media was calling the rifle an AK47 (like they do anything scary looking)
CBS has an article on their website describing the weapons saying the "high powered rifle" was a ".233".
NBC, ABC, CBS = totally worthless.
07-20-2012, 10:44 PM
i can't beleive that no one did anything to fight back.
even without a weapon confronting him may have "thrown him off his game".
if you act it's more likely others will join in. you may or may not die.
don't act and you may or may not die. and your just another person resigning to defeat.
07-20-2012, 11:46 PM
Fortunatey as a LEO (Current or Retired) we are not covered by those signs.
And don't you love that aspect of being a LEO. All the LEOs we know carry off duty anyway and have their badge on them.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2
Good to hear from you, aray, it's been too long. Thanks for supplying the information about the theater. I agree with Barth, and would bet the girlfriend has changed her mind a bit after last night. Prayers for the family and friends of the dead and injured.
Hey, thanks for the kind words. Nice to know someone here still remembers me. ;) It's been sorta busy in my personal life for the last several months (long story) so I haven't had the time I'd like to wander by kahrtalk too much recently.
Agree too on the prayers for the family & friends. I can't imagine what it would be like to send your kid off to a movie and then something like this happen. So very sad.
Also, I just saw this in another gun forum. I thought y'all would like to see it too.
07-21-2012, 07:46 AM
I haven't been to a movie theater in years. Nothing that the leftist Hollywood elites produce interests me and I'm not about to contribute to their political causes.
Ditto. And among the other reasons I don't go is that most movies made over the past 20 years are nothing more than showcases for spectacular but unrealistic special effects. I don't want to live in a comic book.
Doesn't matter if it was a gun-free zone or not. Crazy people are gonna do what they are gonna do. Crazy doesn't obey signs.
Yup. I'm trying to imagine a scenario where a crazed killer heads to an establishment intent on opening fire there, but then encounters a "No Guns" sign, so then says "Drat!" and goes elsewhere.
Or to put it another way, nobody from the tiny minority who read and obey signs is likely to be a public threat.
07-21-2012, 08:51 AM
i can't beleive that no one did anything to fight back.
even without a weapon confronting him may have "thrown him off his game".
if you act it's more likely others will join in. you may or may not die.
don't act and you may or may not die. and your just another person resigning to defeat.
He was shooting rapid fire. Flight was the immediate response.
les strat
07-22-2012, 12:16 PM
This whoile thing has a stink about it to me. He didn't kill himself. He didn't fight with LEO's till he was killed. He did not escape as he could have, since he was sitting in the parking lot waiting for the cops. I know he is "crazy", but aren't all these mass murderers? He is escorted to the police office unharmed. Something just doesn't add up.
Where did the money come from for all the gear? Mom & dad? Student loans? I think this needs to be revealed. That's a lot of money for a college student flipping burgers. Credit card records and bank statements will show a paper trail of where this thing was funded. Curious minds want to know.
My money says he ends up dead within 6 months or less.
07-22-2012, 01:02 PM
Hers's another sad theory...they'll probably find this dumb ass crazy and incarcerate him for life with the people of Colorado having to pay. Gezzzz....
07-23-2012, 08:07 AM
Yeah the money issue is the big question. Thru legal channels this "joker" spent 8 to 10K for all the stuff he bought. Thats alot of cash.
If they outlawed guns tommrow, does anyone here belive, for even a moment, that someone with that kind of money to spend would not find his "tools" on a blackmarket?
It is time for the USA to do something about the crazy issue. Comming down on guns will only make a few "feel good" till the next mass shooting.:crazy:
Fat lot of good that'll do.
Longitude Zero
07-23-2012, 12:08 PM
There is a huge world of difference between being psychotic and psychopathic. Sadly most members of the and many on this an other gunboards or not aware of the diffenece and wrnly use them interhcnageably. Trust me they are VERY DIFFERETN circumstances.
At least the Governor of Colorado got it right when he said it is the man not the instruments he used.
07-23-2012, 01:27 PM
I have to wonder if he like many college kids was abusing precription drugs like Ritalin which is just as addictive as Meth and in high enough doses will cause psychotic delusional behavior....
He already admitted to taking oxycodone before driving to the theater to do his evil deed....Many college kids that abuse Ritalin and stay up for 2-3 days at a time also abuse Oxycodone and like drugs to be able to sleep...
He was very internet savy and both of these drugs can be purchased from pill mill sites very easily and when either or both are abused in high enough doses will cause anyone to go bat chit crazy...
Look at the newest pictures of him during his court appearance this morning with his shaggy red painted hair and tell me if he looks normal to you...He looks like a totally different person from the only picture shown so far where he looks pretty normal...The news said that in court he would open his eyes real wide for a while then look to almost dose off then sit up and rapidly blink his eyes and do it over again which seems to me to be a symptom of someone coming down off of drugs...
I may be wrong but my money is on him being an addict of prescription drugs of some kind which caused him to go over the edge...:confused:
07-23-2012, 03:03 PM
If they outlawed guns tommrow, does anyone here belive, for even a moment, that someone with that kind of money to spend would not find his "tools" on a blackmarket?
Point that is made frequently, but somehow people just don't get it or dont' believe it.
McVey didn't use a gun. Outlaw any and all products that can make a bomb?
Car bombers in Israel don't use a gun. Outlaw any and all products that can make a bomb, and cars while your at it?
Serial killers don't use a gun. Outlaw any and all products used to kill one person at a time (knives, blunt objects, etc), and cars while you are at it (serial killers frequently use them to transport there victims)?
Arsonists don't use a gun. Outlaw any and all products used to start a fire?
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