View Full Version : laser grips

07-21-2012, 01:02 PM
If anyone has laser grips on their k9 please tell me the best way to sight the laser in @ 10 yds. I'm told to dot the i while shooting but the instructions says to level the sights up ( top of rear sight to the top of the front sight ) or dot to dot level. So which do I line up to. :confused:

sas PM9
07-21-2012, 02:13 PM
If anyone has laser grips on their k9 please tell me the best way to sight the laser in @ 10 yds. I'm told to dot the i while shooting but the instructions says to level the sights up ( top of rear sight to the top of the front sight ) or dot to dot level. So which do I line up to. :confused:


I have adjusted my LG-437 laserguard to put the dot exactly where my rounds are hitting at +/- 50 feet. Honestly, I'm not even using my sights; I'm looking just over my sights focusing on the red dot with both eyes. Two handed grip with both thumbs pointing towards the target. Seems to work for me.


07-21-2012, 02:51 PM
Watch the dot sights are irrelevant with a laser to sight use the sights and adjust the laser to where your bullet is hitting.