View Full Version : MK 9 range report

07-22-2012, 03:37 PM
Got my used MK cleaned up and out to the range. Went thru 100 rounds or so without issues. The MK shoots just a little different than my PM 9. A softer recoil and a different feel too. One thing I did notice that my brass was getting dented and the primers were very deeply depressed.

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07-22-2012, 03:40 PM
dented brass is the norm, and deep primer strikes are a good thing. Kahr owners manual addresses both of those things are being normal. Nice report, nice gun.

07-22-2012, 07:45 PM
Yep I found it in the manual. The MK just makes a more noticeable dent. I was a little disappointed, I cant shoot the MK as well as my other one. More practise is definitely in order ;)

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07-22-2012, 07:58 PM
most seem to report the exact opposite. heavier gun should handle and shoot better. I shoot my PM9 horrible but my K9 great. course I know this is apples and oranges,or maybe grapes and cherries, or mabye rasberrys or blueberrys

07-22-2012, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the report. I am currently looking for a good deal on an MK9.

07-23-2012, 06:45 AM
Thanks for the report. I am currently looking for a good deal on an MK9.

I found one locally awhile back, hesitated a day or so and lost out! :mad:

07-24-2012, 09:48 AM
I got a good deal on a used one, but it needed a good cleaning. There was a lot of pitting and discoloration under the grips and around the mag release. Also it had some brown (rust) spots on the inside of the slide. A good stainless steel brush took care of all the spots and shined it up like new. After installing the wood grips, it looks brand new ;)

07-24-2012, 01:24 PM
Picked up a lightly used MK9 last Dec. with a GA12xx serial number. Little leery because the price was so low. After giving it the once over and some oil, I took it to the range. Sure enough, it kept locking the slide back before the mag was empty. Think he sold it for $350 because it was malfunctioning. A new slide stop lever from Kahr seems to have corrected the situation. Now I'm going to shoot it like I stole it.

07-24-2012, 01:33 PM
Possably a bad or bent slide stop spri9ng to. Hope the lever solves the issues. U might visit the kahr tech section ahd hit on two good sticky's
31 kahr lube chart

#2 propper prepping of ur kahr, kindagives u some areas to check over for what ur issues are to. rounds hittinginside the slide stop lever,causing premature slide stopping. Bent slide stop spring. .. Shooter thumb possable to. One of those 3 is the culprit. Nice gun...